92 research outputs found

    Beiträge zur Wirkung des Adrenalins, Ephedrins, und Adrenalons auf den Blutdruck, im Vergleich zu andren Giften

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    Durch Cocain (0.005-0.03g/kg subkutan) wird die Blutdruckwirkung dieser 3 Sympathicusgifte beträchtlich beeinflusst, die Blutdrucksteigernde Wirkung des Adrenalins wird, wie bekannt, verstärkt und die minimal wirksame Dosis wird bis auf 1/2-1/5 verkleinert. Die blutdrucksenkende Wirkung, die bei kleinen Dosen von Ephedrin oft auftritt, wird verstärkt. Die blutdrucksteigernde Wirkung von grösseren Dosen von Ephedrin wird dagegen aufgehoben oder in eine leichte blutdrucksenkende Wirkung umgewandelt. Die Wirkung des Adrenalons, sei es eine blutdrucksenkende (in kleinen Dosen) oder eine steigernde (in grösseren Dosen) wird verstärkt. Alle diese Erscheinungen können durch die verstärkende Einwirkung erklärt werden, die das Cocain auf die Wirkung dieser Gifte ausübt. Die antagonistische Einwirkung des Cocains auf die blutdrucksteigernde Wirkung des Ephedrins ist schon von Pak und Read, Tainter, Eds und Hamet gefunden, und wird von Hamet auf die Verschiedenheit der Angriffspunkte des Ephedrins und des Adrenalins zuzückgeführt. Verf. führt dies hingegen auf die Verstärkung des Wirkung des Ephedrins auf die Vasodilatoren durch Cocain zurück. Nach Vorbehandlung mit Cinchonin (0.01-0.03g/kg) wird die blutdrucksteigernde Wirkung des Adrenalins, Ephedrins und Adrenalons, wie bekannt, vollständig gehemmt oder sogar umgekehrt. Die blutdrucksenkende Wirkung des Ephedrins und Adrenalons wird dagegen durch Cinchonin verstärkt. Diese Erscheinungen werden durch die Lähmung der vasokonstriktorischen Sympathicusfasern durch Cinconin erklärt. Nach dem Erlöschen der Blutdrucksteigerung, die nach grösseren Adrenalindosen ausgelöst wird, tritt die Wirkung des Adrenalins bei nochmaliger Anwendung stärker auf, sodass die wirksame Minimaldosis verkleinert wird. In demselben Verhältnis wird die blutdrucksteigernde Wirkung des Ephedrins in eine blutdrucksenkende umgekehrt, Ferner, wird die blutdrucksenkende Wirkung des Adrenalons dabei in eine blutdruck. steigernde umgekehrt. Die wirksame Minimaldosis des Adrenalons wird verkleinertwobei die Wirkung in einer Blutdrucksenkung besteht. Diese Veränderungen in der Wirkung dieser 3 Stoffe können alle mit der Steigerung der Empfindlichkeit der vasokonstriktorischen resp. dilatatorischen Fasern des Sympathicus erklärt werden. Durch diese Befunde ist die Verschiedenheit der Wirkungsweise der 3 Sympathicusgifte demonstriert worden

    Exploring optimal topology of thermal cloaks by CMA-ES

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    ArticleApplied Physics Letters. 112(17): 061108 (2018)journal articl

    A qualitative comparative survey of first cycle radiography programmes in Europe and Japan

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    Purpose: To qualitatively compare First Cycle Radiography programmes in Europe and Japan. Methods: This qualitative survey was conducted via a series of case-studies of university-based radiography curricula in Europe and Japan. Findings and conclusions: The main themes arising from the survey were that: (a) in Europe the freedom that most universities have in setting their own curricula and examinations means that in practice there is still a wide variability in curricula between and within states. On the other hand in Japan curricula are more uniform owing to central government guidelines regarding radiography education and a centrally administered national radiography examina- tion. This means that student and worker mobility is much easier for Japanese radiographers. (b) in some countries in Europe principles of reporting and healthcare management are being expanded at the expense of the more technological aspects of radiography. Physical science competences on the other hand are considered highly in Japanese culture and form a major part of the curriculum. This may indicate that Japanese students would be in a much better position to cope with role developments linked to changes in imaging technology. Pragmati- cally oriented studies need to be carried out to determine ways in which radiographers can enhance their role without sacrificing their technological competences. The profession cannot afford to lose its technological expertise e it is neither in the interest of the profession itself and even less of the patient.peer-reviewe

    Recurrent Macular Detachment and Retinoschisis Associated with Intrachoroidal Cavitation in a Normal Eye

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    Purpose: To describe a patient with intrachoroidal cavitation in the normal eye that caused self-limiting recurrent macular detachment and retinoschisis. Case Report: An 80-year-old female patient with intrachoroidal cavitation in the normal eye presented with macular detachment and retinoschisis after cataract surgery. These were treated with intravitreal bevacizumab and then absorbed within 9 months. One year after cataract surgery, the patient presented with macular detachment and retinoschisis in the same eye again. These were absorbed within 4 months without treatment. Conclusion: This case suggests that similar cases of cystoid macular edema after cataract surgery can occur, and that intrachoroidal cavitation is observed not only in eyes with pathologic myopia but also in normal eyes with peripapillary atrophy; intrachoroidal cavitation can cause macular detachment and retinoschisis

    Enucleation assisted with filler for open-globe injury

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    In cases of severe open-globe injury, it is often difficult to reconstruct the globe and maintain visual acuity. Ocular globe enucleation may decrease the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia in the fellow eye. However, the surgical procedure is difficult to perform with an open globe, because the injured globe is inclined to collapse. We report the case of an enucleation for an open-globe injury in which we used alginate, which is often used for dental impressions, as filler for the collapsed globe. We were able to maintain the resistance of the globe sufficiently well enough to perform the procedure easily and without complication. Thus, alginate may be a novel aid to assist in enucleation by preserving globe resistance

    Intrascleral Fixation of an Intraocular Lens through the Pars Plana Prevents Corneal Endothelial Damage

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    We report two cases of aphakia in whom an intraocular lens (IOL) was intrasclerally fixated through the pars plana to minimize further corneal endothelial damage. A modified lock-and-lead technique was used. A sclerotomy and scleral incision were made 2.5 mm from the limbus. A 24-G catheter needle was used for penetration of the leading haptic, and two ultrathin 30-G needles were used to bury the ends of the haptics. The scleral incision was sutured with 8-0 nylon. Corneal endothelial cells were preserved after surgery. Neither intra- nor postoperative complications were observed. Intrascleral fixation of an IOL through the pars plana effectively minimizes further damage to corneal endothelial cells in select cases

    The Inhibitory Effect of Kakkonto, Japanese Traditional (Kampo) Medicine, on Brain Penetration of Oseltamivir Carboxylate in Mice with Reduced Blood-Brain Barrier Function

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    Oseltamivir phosphate (OP) is used to treat influenza virus infections. However, its use may result in central nervous system (CNS) adverse effects. In Japan, OP is used with Kampo formulations to improve clinical effectiveness. We evaluated the potential for using Kampo formulations to reduce CNS adverse effects by quantifying the CNS distribution of oseltamivir and its active metabolite oseltamivir carboxylate (OC) when administered with maoto and kakkonto. We administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by intraperitoneal injection to C57BL/6 mice to reduce blood-brain barrier function. Saline, maoto, and kakkonto were administered orally at the same time as LPS. OP was orally administered 4 hours after the last LPS injection and the migration of oseltamivir and OC was examined. Additionally, we examined the brain distribution of OC following intravenous administration. Changes in OC concentrations in the brain suggest that, in comparison to LPS-treated control mice, both Kampo formulations increased plasma levels of OC, thereby enhancing its therapeutic effect. Additionally, our findings suggest kakkonto may not only improve the therapeutic effect of oseltamivir but also reduce the risk of CNS-based adverse effects. Considering these findings, it should be noted that administration of kakkonto during periods of inflammation has led to increased OAT3 expression
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