558 research outputs found

    Deep Learning-Based Point Upsampling for Edge Enhancement of 3D-Scanned Data and Its Application to Transparent Visualization

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    Large-scale 3D-scanned point clouds enable the accurate and easy recording of complex 3D objects in the real world. The acquired point clouds often describe both the surficial and internal 3D structure of the scanned objects. The recently proposed edge-highlighted transparent visualization method is effective for recognizing the whole 3D structure of such point clouds. This visualization utilizes the degree of opacity for highlighting edges of the 3D-scanned objects, and it realizes clear transparent viewing of the entire 3D structures. However, for 3D-scanned point clouds, the quality of any edge-highlighting visualization depends on the distribution of the extracted edge points. Insufficient density, sparseness, or partial defects in the edge points can lead to unclear edge visualization. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a deep learning-based upsampling method focusing on the edge regions of 3D-scanned point clouds to generate more edge points during the 3D-edge upsampling task. The proposed upsampling network dramatically improves the point-distributional density, uniformity, and connectivity in the edge regions. The results on synthetic and scanned edge data show that our method can improve the percentage of edge points more than 15% compared to the existing point cloud upsampling network. Our upsampling network works well for both sharp and soft edges. A combined use with a noise-eliminating filter also works well. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our upsampling network by applying it to various real 3D-scanned point clouds. We also prove that the improved edge point distribution can improve the visibility of the edge-highlighted transparent visualization of complex 3D-scanned objects

    Possible spin triplet superconductivity in Nax_xCoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}0

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    Combining symmetry based considerations with inputs from available experimental results, we make the case that a novel spin-triplet superconductivity triggered by antiferromagnetic fluctuations may be realized in the newly discovered layered cobaltide Nax_xCoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_2O. In the proposed picture, unaccessable via resonating-valence-bond physics extrapolated from half-filling, the pairing process is similar to that advanced for Sr2_{2}RuO4_4, but enjoys a further advantage coming from the hexagonal structure of the Fermi-surface which gives a stronger pairing tendency.Comment: 4 page

    Failure analysis of sandwich-type ceramic-on-ceramic hip joints: A spectroscopic investigation into the role of the polyethylene shell component

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    The mechanisms leading to systematic failure in modular acetabular components with a sandwich insertion (alumina/polyethylene/titanium) have been reconsidered in light of the newly collected Raman spectroscopic results. Raman assessments were conducted on the polyethylene shells, which belonged to a series of six failed sandwich implants with in vivo lifetimes ranging between 2 and 9 yr. With only one exception, all implants commonly showed dislodgment of the polyethylene shell during radiographic analyses prior to revision surgery. The polyethylene shell slipped out of the backing titanium shell, while always remaining integer to the ceramic liner. Four implants fractured at the ceramic liners, but their fractures occurred according to distinctly different patterns, which could be rationalized and classified. The insertion of the polyethylene layer, originally conceived to reduce the rigidity of the ceramic-on-ceramic bearing and to prevent impingement between the ceramic liner rim and the femoral neck, played a role in implant failure with its initial (asymmetric) thickness reduction due to creep deformation (eventually followed by cup rotation and backside wear). The results of the present spectroscopic investigation suggest that a simplistic failure classification of the sandwich-type implant as a "ceramic fracture failure" could be misleading and might represent a confounding factor in judging about the reliability of modern ceramic implants. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Thioredoxin interacting protein protects mice from fasting induced liver steatosis by activating ER stress and its downstream signaling pathways

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    Under normal conditions, fasting results in decreased protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) activity and accumulation of unfolded proteins, leading to the subsequent activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR)/autophagy signaling pathway to eliminate damaged mitochondria. Fasting also induces upregulation of thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP) expression and mice deficient of this protein (TXNIP-KO mice) was shown to develop severe hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia and liver steatosis (LS). In the present study, we aimed to determine the role of TXNIP in fasting-induced LS by using male TXNIP-KO mice that developed LS without severe hypoglycemia. In TXNIP-KO mice, fasting induced severe microvesicular LS. Examinations by transmission electron microscopy revealed mitochondria with smaller size and deformities and the presence of few autophagosomes. The expression of beta-oxidation-associated genes remained at the same level and the level of LC3-II was low. PDI activity level stayed at the original level and the levels of p-IRE1 and X-box binding protein 1 spliced form (sXBP1) were lower. Interestingly, treatment of TXNIP-KO mice with bacitracin, a PDI inhibitor, restored the level of LC3-II after fasting. These results suggest that TXNIP regulates PDI activity and subsequent activation of the UPR/autophagy pathway and plays a protective role in fasting-induced LS

    Crucial Role of MLL for the Maintenance of Memory T Helper Type 2 Cell Responses

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    SummaryThe Mixed-Lineage Leukemia (MLL) gene, a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila trithorax, is implicated in regulating the maintenance of Hox gene expression and hematopoiesis. The physiological functions of MLL in the immune system remain largely unknown. Although MLL+/− CD4 T cells differentiate normally into antigen-specific effector Th1/Th2 cells in vitro, the ability of memory Th2 cells to produce Th2 cytokines was selectively reduced. Furthermore, histone modifications at the Th2 cytokine gene loci were not properly maintained in MLL+/− memory Th2 cells. The reduced expression of MLL in memory Th2 cells resulted in decreased GATA3 expression accompanied with impaired GATA3 locus histone modifications. The direct association of MLL with the GATA3 locus and the Th2 cytokine gene loci was demonstrated. Memory Th2 cell-dependent allergic airway inflammation was decreased in MLL+/− Th2 cell-transferred mice. Thus, a crucial role for MLL in the maintenance of memory Th2 cell function is indicated

    Disorder-Enhanced Dimensionless Thermoelectric Figure of Merit zT of Non-stoichiometric Organic Conductor (TTT)2I3+δ (δ ≤ 0.1)

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    Sample dependence of dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) and power factor (PF) were determined for the non-stoichiometric organic conductor (TTT)2I3+δ (TTT = tetrathiatetracene, δ ≤ 0.1) with the simultaneous measurement of the electrical resistivity (ρ), thermopower (S) and thermal conductivity on small single crystals. Both the zT and PF show large sample dependence between 10 and 310 K, even though all the samples have nearly stoichiometric composition of TTT : I3- ~ 2 : 1 (δ ∼ 0). It was found that both the electrical conductivity (σ = 1/ρ) and S increase at room temperature as disorder — that is phase mismatch among the iodine chains — becomes more pronounced. This behavior contrasts the usual tendency that the S decreases as the σ increases in conventional conductors; and suggests a new strategy to improve the zT and PF by introducing an appropriate type of disorder

    Precise Three-Dimensional Morphology of the Male Anterior Anorectum Reconstructed From Large Serial Histologic Sections: A Cadaveric Study

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    BACKGROUND: Deep anatomic knowledge of the male anterior anorectum is important to avoid urethral injury and rectal perforation in intersphincteric resection or abdominoperineal resection for very low rectal cancer. However, its structure is difficult to understand, because the anorectum, muscles, and urogenital organs are complicatedly and 3-dimensionally arranged. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to revisit the anatomic information of the male anterior anorectum for intersphincteric resection and abdominoperineal resection with a focus on the spatial muscular morphology. DESIGN: This was a descriptive cadaveric study. SETTINGS: The study was conducted at Ehime and Kyoto universities. PATIENTS: Tissue specimens from 9 male cadavers were included. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Specimens around the anterior anorectum were serially sectioned in the horizontal, sagittal, or frontal plane; large semiserial histologic sections were created at 250-μm intervals. The series were stained with Elastica van Gieson, and some sections from the series were studied by immunohistochemistry to detect smooth and striated muscles. Two series were digitalized and reconstructed 3-dimensionally. RESULTS: Two regions without a clear anatomic border were elucidated: 1) the anterior region of the external anal sphincter, where the external anal sphincter, bulbospongiosus muscle, and superficial transverse perineal muscle were intertwined; and 2) the rectourethralis muscle, where the smooth muscle of the longitudinal muscle continuously extended to the posteroinferior area of the urethra, which became closest to the anorectum at the prostatic apex level. A tight connection between the striated and smooth muscles was identified at the anterior part of the upper external anal sphincter and anterolateral part of the puborectalis muscle level. LIMITATIONS: This study involved a small sample size of elderly cadavers. CONCLUSIONS: This study clarified the precise spatial relationship between smooth and striated muscles. The detailed anatomic findings will contribute more accurate step-by-step anterior dissection in intersphincteric resection and abdominoperineal resection, especially with the transanal approach, which can magnify the muscle fiber direction and contraction of striated muscle by electrostimulation. MORFOLOGÍA TRIDIMENSIONAL PRECISA DEL ANORRECTO ANTERIOR MASCULINO RECONSTRUIDO A TRAVÉS DE SECCIONES MAYORES HISTOLÓGICAS EN SERIE: UN ESTUDIO CADAVÉRICO: El conocimiento anatómico amplio del anorrecto anterior masculino es importante para evitar lesiones de uretra y perforación de recto en la resección interesfinterica o la resección abdominoperineal para cáncer de recto bajo. Sin embargo, su estructura es difícil de entender porque el anorrecto, los músculos y los órganos urogenitales están aliñados en forma complexa tridimensional. OBJETIVO: Revisar de nuevo el conocimiento anatómico del anorrecto anterior masculino relevante a la resección interesfinterica y la resección abdominoperineal con un enfoque en la morfología muscular espacial. DISEÑO:: Estudio descriptivo cadavérico. ENTORNO: Ehime y la Universidad de Kyoto. SUJETOS: Tejido especímenes de nueve cadáveres masculinos. PUNTOS FINALES DE VALORACIÓN:: Las muestras alrededor del anorrecto anterior se seccionaron en serie en planos horizontal, sagital y coronal. Se crearon mayores secciones histológicas en serie a intervalos de 250 μm. Los especímenes fueron teñidos con Elástica van Gieson, y algunas secciones de la serie se estudiaron mediante inmunohistoquímica para detectar músculos lisos y estriados. Dos series fueron digitalizadas y reconstruidas tridimensionalmente. RESULTADOS: Se demostraron dos regiones sin un borde anatómico definido: (i) la región anterior del esfínter anal externo, donde se entrelazaron el esfínter anal externo, el músculo bulbospongoso y el músculo perineal transverso superficial; y (ii) músculo rectouretral, donde el músculo liso del músculo longitudinal se extiende continuamente a la zona posteroinferior de la uretra, que se acerca más al anorrecto a nivel del ápice prostático. La conexión estrecha entre los músculos estriados y lisos se identificó en la parte anterior del esfínter anal externo superior y la parte anterolateral del nivel del músculo puborrectal. LIMITACIÓN:: Este estudio incluyó una muestra pequeña de cadáveres ancianos. CONCLUSIÓN:: Este estudio aclaró la relación espacial precisa entre los músculos lisos y estriados. Los hallazgos anatómicos detallados ayudarán para una disección anterior paso a paso más precisa en la resección interesfintérica y la resección abdominoperineal, especialmente con el abordaje transanal, que puede magnificar la dirección de las fibras musculares y la contracción del músculo estriado utilizando electroestimulación

    Bmi1 regulates memory CD4 T cell survival via repression of the Noxa gene

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    The maintenance of memory T cells is central to the establishment of immunological memory, although molecular details of the process are poorly understood. In the absence of the polycomb group (PcG) gene Bmi1, the number of memory CD4+ T helper (Th)1/Th2 cells was reduced significantly. Enhanced cell death of Bmi1−/− memory Th2 cells was observed both in vivo and in vitro. Among various proapoptotic genes that are regulated by Bmi1, the expression of proapoptotic BH3-only protein Noxa was increased in Bmi1−/− effector Th1/Th2 cells. The generation of memory Th2 cells was restored by the deletion of Noxa, but not by Ink4a and Arf. Direct binding of Bmi1 to the Noxa gene locus was accompanied by histone H3-K27 methylation. The recruitment of other PcG gene products and Dnmt1 to the Noxa gene was highly dependent on the expression of Bmi1. In addition, Bmi1 was required for DNA CpG methylation of the Noxa gene. Moreover, memory Th2-dependent airway inflammation was attenuated substantially in the absence of Bmi1. Thus, Bmi1 controls memory CD4+ Th1/Th2 cell survival and function through the direct repression of the Noxa gene

    High Levels of Copper, Zinc, Iron and Magnesium, but not Calcium, in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Fahr's Disease

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    Patients with marked calcification of the basal ganglia and cerebellum have traditionally been referred to as having Fahr's disease, but the nomenclature has been criticized for including heterogeneous etiology. We describe 3 patients with idiopathic bilateral striatopallidodentate calcinosis (IBSPDC). The patients were a 24-year-old man with mental deterioration, a 57-year-old man with parkinsonism and dementia, and a 76-year-old woman with dementia and mild parkinsonism. The former 2 patients showed severe calcification of the basal ganglia and cerebellum, and the latter patient showed severe calcification of the cerebellum. We found significantly increased levels of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg), using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the CSF of all these 3 patients. The increased levels of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mg reflect the involvement of metabolism of several metals and/or metal-binding proteins during the progression of IBSPDC. More numerous patients with IBSPDC should be examined in other races to clarify the common mechanism of the disease and to investigate the specific treatment