86 research outputs found

    Mass in Right Iliac Fossa- Clinicopathogical Evaluation

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    To identify clinico-pathologicalentities presenting as mass in right iliac fossa.Methods: In this observational study patients ofmass in right iliac fossa were recruited. All patientswho presented with sign and symptoms of mass inright iliac fossa were investigated and subjected toconservative or operative managements dependingupon the cause and response to conservativemanagement.Results: Appendicular mass (33.7%) was thecommonest finding, followed by cecalcarcinoma(9.8%), ileocecal tuberculosis(9.8%), psoasabcess (7.6%), retroperitoneal dermoid(3.3%), worminfestation (3.3%) and lymphoma (3.3%).Conclusion: Appendicular mass is the main causeof mass in right iliac fossa, with a wide range ofother causes

    Meanings of blood, bleeding and blood donations in Pakistan: implications for national vs global safe blood supply policies

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    Contemporary public policy, supported by international arbitrators of blood policy such as the World Health Organization and the International Federation of the Red Cross, asserts that the safest blood is that donated by voluntary, non-remunerated donors from low-risk groups of the population. These policies promote anonymous donation and discourage kin-based or replacement donation. However, there is reason to question whether these policies, based largely on Western research and beliefs, are the most appropriate for ensuring an adequate safe blood supply in many other parts of the world

    Earthquake Hazard in District Ziarat, Baluchistan: Mitigation Measures

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    The individual citizen’s preparedness for the impact and mitigation of potentially catastrophic future earthquakes in Ziarat district will depend on their level of understanding of seismic hazards in the region and the collateral damages. It is based on an adequate program of civil defence which includes the measures that must be taken for the protection of people. Present study aims at suggesting mitigation measures to suggest that the respondents’ age, education and occupation are statistically significant with the vulnerability reduction, that is tested on Pearson’s Chi-Square test. For this purpose, a sample of 193 households was surveyed from the four union councils of district Ziarat, with a semi-structured questionnaire using the proportional allocation method. It was found that earthquake hazard mitigation measures were significantly affected by people’s education level and occupation. A number of measures include the need of taking necessary measures in the study area for all age groups of population. Apart from launching essential education and training, awareness dissemination regarding highly hazardous and vulnerable areas/conditions of households at risk is indispensable

    Gastric MALT lymphoma: a rarity

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    Association of Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) infection with gastric \u27Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue\u27 (MALT) lymphomas (MALTomas) is well established. In this study the frequency and characteristics of gastric MALToma over a period of 18 years was evaluated. During this period 24 patients with gastric MALToma were diagnosed; out of them, 13 (54.2%) had active H. Pylori infection. The mean and median age was 49.7 and 53.5 years. The male: female ratio was 17:7. The common presenting complaints were epigastric pain (n=10) and dyspepsia (n=9). Endoscopic findings revealed mild gastric hyperemia (n=16), superficial erosions (n=4) and superficial ulcers (n=4). It was concluded that the prevalence of gastric MALToma was very low in contrast to a high H. pylori gastritis in the Pakistani population

    Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (IPSID)

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    This study describes the frequency, demographics, clinical presentation, endoscopic findings, histopathological features, treatment and outcome of \u27Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease\u27 (IPSID). Archives contained a total of 27 cases of IPSID diagnosed and treated over an 18-year period. A M: F ratio of 2.4:1 was seen with a mean and median ages of 28.7 and 25 years. Most patients (68.8%) presented with abdominal pain and diarrhoea. In the majority (62.5%), duodenum was the primary site of involvement. Endoscopy showed polypoidal, raised or flat lesions. Biopsy findings included blunting or flattening of villi with dense plasma cell infiltrate and lymphoepithelial lesions. Twenty-four cases were categorized as stage A and B (benign and intermediate) and three were categorized as stage C (malignant, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with plasmacytoid features). Stage A and B patients responded well to antibiotic treatment (tetracycline) with regression of the lesions while for stage C patients standard CHOP chemotherapy was administered

    Sewing Needle as Foreign Body in Urethra of an Adolescent Boy: Case Report

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    Self-insertion of a foreign body in the urethra is an uncommon presentation clinically. The cases usually arise due to fulfillment of sexual desire, for recreation, play, or exploration, or the foreign body insertion may take place accidentally. We present a case of an adolescent boy with a foreign body urethra presenting to the emergency room with urinary retention, pain, and dysuria. Attending urologist suspected urethral stricture and ordered ultrasonography to investigate which turned out to be a sewing needle in his urethra. The patient was then enquired about the foreign body. He tried to self-dilate his urethra as he was experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms. The sewing needle was removed by endoscopy and he was administered with antibiotics and painkillers. The urethral foreign bodies may present with pain, dysuria, or urinary incontinence and these foreign bodies are mostly seen in the male population in the adolescent age group

    What type of leadership is more effective for managing change during force majeure? Achieving organizational effectiveness during the pandemic

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    Purpose – Leaders have been facing serious challenges in managing organizations during COVID-19, which has brought the need for implementing sudden technological change across the globe. Hence, it was important to identify effective leadership styles to successfully manage the transformational process during the period. Therefore, the current study aims to explore and compare the effectiveness of transformational and ethical leadership (EL) in terms of achieving organizational goals during COVID-19 in public and private sector organizations in Pakistan. Design/methodology/approach – Comparative research was carried out to find out the effectiveness of transformational and EL during and pre-COVID-19 in public and private sector organizations using the lens of social exchange theory. Data was collected from 214 respondents representing 67.6% of public and 32.4% of private sector organizations of Pakistan at two different points in time. Detailed comparative analyses were conducted in AMOS version 24 to assess the effectiveness of leadership styles before and during COVID-19 times. Findings – On the whole, transformational leadership (TL) was found to have a greater impact on organizational effectiveness (OE) in comparison with EL in both pre-and during COVID-19 situations. Moreover, the effectiveness of TL significantly increased and the same decreased for EL during COVID-19. Additional analyses indicated that TL was effective for the private sector and EL for public sector organizations during COVID-19. Research limitations/implications – The study has not considered the mediating mechanisms of employee motivation, engagement and performance in the relationship between transformational and EL styles and OE, which can be explored in the future. Practical implications – These results have important implications for private and public sector organizations and suggest that the adoption of a TL style will generate better results in the private sector and an EL style in public sector organizations to achieve OE in uncertain situations such as COVID-19. Social implications – The study shows that leadership with more care and concern for humanity tends to perform better in terms of generating results for OE. Therefore, both transformational and EL are based on individualized consideration for employees and are effective during COVID-19 in private and public sector organizations in Pakistan. Originality/value – The study has carried out the comparative analyses in three different ways, including leadership styles (transformational and ethical), type of organization (private and public) and time frames (pre and during COVID-19), which is a true contribution of the research in the Pakistani context

    Building, Dwelling, Dying: Architecture and History in Pakistan

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    There is a long history of scholars finding in architecture tools for thinking, whether this is the relationship between nature and culture in Simmel’s ruins, industrial capitalism in Benjamin’s Parisian arcades, or the rhythms of the primordial in Heidegger’s Black Forest farmhouse. But what does it mean to take seriously the concepts and dispositions articulated by architects themselves? How might processes of designing and making constitute particular forms of thinking? This article considers the words and buildings of Lahore-based architect Kamil Khan Mumtaz (b.1939) as an entry-point to such questions. It outlines how professional architecture in Pakistan has grappled with the unsettled status of the past in a country forged out of two partitions (1947 and 1971). Mumtaz’s work and thought – engaging questions of tradition, authority, craft and the sacred – demonstrates how these predicaments have been productive for conceptualising time, labour and the nature of dwelling in a postcolonial world

    Assessment of Available Manganese in Milk by Using fodders Grown in Long-Term Wastewater Irrigated Soil

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    Heavy metals are considered as most important contaminations due to industrialization of countries and an influence on its existence in soil, plant and milk. A study was carried out to check manganese content in soil, forage and milk at three sites of city Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan. All samples (milk, soil, water, fodder plants and ground water) were analyzed for manganese by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Different health indices were also studied to check Mn flow in food chain. Level of Mn in samples was found within acceptable limits. Manganese level was higher in soil samples collected from Site-III than other sites. Manganese showed higher value (2.595 to 10.402 mg/kg) in soil than other samples. Fodders were found to accumulate manganese from 0.008 to 0.022 mg/kg. Manganese concentration was found to be 0.1482 to 1.241 mg/L, 0.164 to 0.9708 mg/L in water and milk, respectively. BCF and PLI values for manganese were also found to be less than 1. Estimated daily intake (EDI) and THQ of manganese are found within permissible limits in milk of cows feeding on fodders irrigated with wastewater and ground water. So, use of wastewater for irrigation purpose should be properly checked due to possible toxic effects
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