568 research outputs found

    Topological quantum computation away from the ground state with Majorana fermions

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    We relax one of the requirements for topological quantum computation with Majorana fermions. Topological quantum computation was discussed so far as manipulation of the wave function within degenerate many body ground state. The simplest particles providing degenerate ground state, Majorana fermions, often coexist with extremely low energy excitations, so keeping the system in the ground state may be hard. We show that the topological protection extends to the excited states, as long as the Majorana fermions do not interact neither directly, nor via the excited states. This protection relies on the fermion parity conservation, and so it is generic to any implementation of Majorana fermions.Comment: 3 pages, published versio

    An attractive critical point from weak antilocalization on fractals

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    We report a new attractive critical point occurring in the Anderson localization scaling flow of symplectic models on fractals. The scaling theory of Anderson localization predicts that in disordered symplectic two-dimensional systems weak antilocalization effects lead to a metal-insulator transition. This transition is characterized by a repulsive critical point above which the system becomes metallic. Fractals possess a non-integer scaling of conductance in the classical limit which can be continuously tuned by changing the fractal structure. We demonstrate that in disordered symplectic Hamiltonians defined on fractals with classical conductance scaling g∼L−εg \sim L^{-\varepsilon}, for 0<ε<βmax≈0.150 < \varepsilon < \beta_\mathrm{max} \approx 0.15, the metallic phase is replaced by a critical phase with a scale invariant conductance dependent on the fractal dimensionality. Our results show that disordered fractals allow an explicit construction and verification of the ε\varepsilon expansion

    Orbital effect of magnetic field on the Majorana phase diagram

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    Studies of Majorana bound states in semiconducting nanowires frequently neglect the orbital effect of magnetic field. Systematically studying its role leads us to several conclusions for designing Majoranas in this system. Specifically, we show that for experimentally relevant parameter values orbital effect of magnetic field has a stronger impact on the dispersion relation than the Zeeman effect. While Majoranas do not require a presence of only one dispersion subband, we observe that the size of the Majoranas becomes unpractically large, and the band gap unpractically small when more than one subband is filled. Since the orbital effect of magnetic field breaks several symmetries of the Hamiltonian, it leads to the appearance of large regions in parameter space with no band gap whenever the magnetic field is not aligned with the wire axis. The reflection symmetry of the Hamiltonian with respect to the plane perpendicular to the wire axis guarantees that the wire stays gapped in the topologically nontrivial region as long as the field is aligned with the wire.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, data available at http://dx.doi.org/10.4121/uuid:20f1c784-1143-4c61-a03d-7a3454914ab

    Robustness of edge states in graphene quantum dots

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    We analyze the single particle states at the edges of disordered graphene quantum dots. We show that generic graphene quantum dots support a number of edge states proportional to circumference of the dot over the lattice constant. Our analytical theory agrees well with numerical simulations. Perturbations breaking electron-hole symmetry like next-nearest neighbor hopping or edge impurities shift the edge states away from zero energy but do not change their total amount. We discuss the possibility of detecting the edge states in an antidot array and provide an upper bound on the magnetic moment of a graphene dot.Comment: Added figure 6, extended discussion (version as accepted by Physical Review B

    Detection of valley polarization in graphene by a superconducting contact

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    Because the valleys in the band structure of graphene are related by time-reversal symmetry, electrons from one valley are reflected as holes from the other valley at the junction with a superconductor. We show how this Andreev reflection can be used to detect the valley polarization of edge states produced by a magnetic field. In the absence of intervalley relaxation, the conductance G_NS=2(e^2/h)(1-cos(Theta)) of the junction on the lowest quantum Hall plateau is entirely determined by the angle Theta between the valley isospins of the edge states approaching and leaving the superconductor. If the superconductor covers a single edge, Theta=0 and no current can enter the superconductor. A measurement of G_NS then determines the intervalley relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Single fermion manipulation via superconducting phase differences in multiterminal Josephson junctions

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    We show how the superconducting phase difference in a Josephson junction may be used to split the Kramers degeneracy of its energy levels and to remove all the properties associated with time reversal symmetry. The superconducting phase difference is known to be ineffective in two-terminal short Josephson junctions, where irrespective of the junction structure the induced Kramers degeneracy splitting is suppressed and the ground state fermion parity must stay even, so that a protected zero-energy Andreev level crossing may never appear. Our main result is that these limitations can be completely avoided by using multi-terminal Josephson junctions. There the Kramers degeneracy breaking becomes comparable to the superconducting gap, and applying phase differences may cause the change of the ground state fermion parity from even to odd. We prove that the necessary condition for the appearance of a fermion parity switch is the presence of a "discrete vortex" in the junction: the situation when the phases of the superconducting leads wind by 2Ï€2\pi. Our approach offers new strategies for creation of Majorana bound states as well as spin manipulation. Our proposal can be implemented using any low density, high spin-orbit material such as InAs quantum wells, and can be detected using standard tools.Comment: Source code available as ancillary files. 10 pages, 7 figures. v2: minor changes, published versio

    Majorana-based fermionic quantum computation

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    Because Majorana zero modes store quantum information non-locally, they are protected from noise, and have been proposed as a building block for a quantum computer. We show how to use the same protection from noise to implement universal fermionic quantum computation. Our architecture requires only two Majoranas to encode a fermionic quantum degree of freedom, compared to alternative implementations which require a minimum of four Majoranas for a spin quantum degree of freedom. The fermionic degrees of freedom support both unitary coupled cluster variational quantum eigensolver and quantum phase estimation algorithms, proposed for quantum chemistry simulations. Because we avoid the Jordan-Wigner transformation, our scheme has a lower overhead for implementing both of these algorithms, and the simulation of Trotterized Hubbard Hamiltonian in O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) time per unitary step. We finally demonstrate magic state distillation in our fermionic architecture, giving a universal set of topologically protected fermionic quantum gates.Comment: 4 pages + 4 page appendix, 4 figures, 2 table

    Probing Neutral Majorana Fermion Edge Modes with Charge Transport

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    We propose two experiments to probe the Majorana fermion edge states that occur at a junction between a superconductor and a magnet deposited on the surface of a topological insulator. Combining two Majorana fermions into a single Dirac fermion on a magnetic domain wall allows the neutral Majorana fermions to be probed with charge transport. We will discuss a novel interferometer for Majorana fermions, which probes their Z_2 phase. This setup also allows the transmission of neutral Majorana fermions through a point contact to be measured. We introduce a point contact formed by a superconducting junction and show that its transmission can be controlled by the phase difference across the junction. We discuss the feasibility of these experiments using the recently discovered topological insulator Bi_2 Se_3.Comment: 4 page
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