85 research outputs found

    Civil Society Index for Morocco: Analytical Country Report

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    This is a report of the CIVICUS CSI project in Morocc

    Music Augmentation and Denoising For Peak-Based Audio Fingerprinting

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    Audio fingerprinting is a well-established solution for song identification from short recording excerpts. Popular methods rely on the extraction of sparse representations, generally spectral peaks, and have proven to be accurate, fast, and scalable to large collections. However, real-world applications of audio identification often happen in noisy environments, which can cause these systems to fail. In this work, we tackle this problem by introducing and releasing a new audio augmentation pipeline that adds noise to music snippets in a realistic way, by stochastically mimicking real-world scenarios. We then propose and release a deep learning model that removes noisy components from spectrograms in order to improve peak-based fingerprinting systems' accuracy. We show that the addition of our model improves the identification performance of commonly used audio fingerprinting systems, even under noisy conditions

    HR Marketing - Employer Brand Capturing, retaining and captivating talent

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    Today, companies are facing a wide range of changes, whether economic, technological, environmental or sociological. As a result, they are about to enter a period of radical transition, which will result in a serious decline in the labour force and, by the same token, in the available workforce (LƩgarƩ, 2004). This will have a radical impact on the labour market. Not only will the workforce be scarcer, older and more diversified, but it will also be more demanding and more difficult to retain (Fabi et al., 2009). In recent years, many employers in the private and parapublic sectors have begun to reflect on the strategies to be implemented in order to mobilize and retain their human resources (HR). In this article, we mobilize the literature on HR practices, from human resources retention to the concept of employer branding, while taking into account the constantly changing socio-economic context. The objective is thus to arrive at a conceptual model of employer branding practices. &nbsp

    Contextualisation de la marque employeur dans lā€™eĢvolution de la theĢorie des organisations

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    Lā€™entreprise est un lieu de creĢation de valeur. Lā€™objectif des chercheurs et praticiens a depuis toujours eĢteĢ de remettre en question les routines organisationnelles adopteĢes par les entreprises pour reĢpondre aĢ€ des probleĢmatiques sociales, organisationnelles, conjoncturelles et enfin dā€™innovation. Lā€™eĢvolution des theĢories des organisations montre que les entreprises cherchent de plus en plus aĢ€ se deĢmarquer des concurrents aĢ€ travers lā€™innovation. Les conditions de cette agiliteĢ sont les compeĢtences des collaborateurs, leur responsabilisation et leur autonomie.Ainsi les entreprises sont confronteĢes aux difficulteĢs dā€™acceĢ€s et de maintien des compeĢtences en leur sein, sachant que les collaborateurs exigeants et difficiles aĢ€ fideĢliser. Forger sa marque employeur sā€™est imposeĢ comme une eĢvidence. Pour saisir lā€™origine de lā€™apparition de ce concept Ā« marque employeur Ā» il nous semble important de contextualiser la marque employeur par rapport aĢ€ lā€™eĢvolution de la theĢorie des organisations. Pour cela, dans cet article, nous montrons que la marque employeur est une reĢsultante de lā€™eĢvolution des theĢories des organisations


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the visual acuity (VA) gain profiles between patients with drug-naive diabetic macular edema (DME) treated by dexamethasone implant (DEX-implant) and assess the baseline anatomical and functional factors that could influence the response to the treatment in real-life conditions. A retrospective, multi-center observational study included 129 eyes with drug-naive DME treated by DEX-implant. The Median follow-up was 13 months. Two groups of VA gain trajectories were identified-Group A, with 71% (n = 96) of patients whose average VA gain was less than five letters and Group B, with 29% (n = 33) of patients with an average gain of 20 letters. The probability of belonging to Group B was significantly higher in patients with baseline VA \textbackslashtextless 37 letters (p = 0.001). Ellipsoid zone alterations (EZAs) or disorganization of retinal inner layers (DRILs) were associated with a lower final VA (53.0 letters versus 66.4, p = 0.002) but without a significant difference in VA gain (4.9 letters versus 6.8, p = 0.582). Despite a low baseline VA, this subgroup of patients tends to have greater visual gain, encouraging treatment with DEX-implant in such advanced-stage disease. However, some baseline anatomic parameters, such as the presence of EZAs or DRILs, negatively influenced final vision
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