16 research outputs found

    NPH3- and PGP-like genes are exclusively expressed in the apical tip region essential for blue-light perception and lateral auxin transport in maize coleoptiles

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    Phototropic curvature results from differential growth on two sides of the elongating shoot, which is explained by asymmetrical indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) distribution. Using 2 cm maize coleoptile segments, 1st positive phototropic curvature was confirmed here after 8 s irradiation with unilateral blue light (0.33 μmol m−2 s−1). IAA was redistributed asymmetrically by approximately 20 min after photo-stimulation. This asymmetric distribution was initiated in the top 0–3 mm region and was then transmitted to lower regions. Application of the IAA transport inhibitor, 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), to the top 2 mm region completely inhibited phototropic curvature, even when auxin was simultaneously applied below the NPA-treated zone. Thus, lateral IAA movement occurred only within the top 0–3 mm region after photo-stimulation. Localized irradiation experiments indicated that the photo-stimulus was perceived in the apical 2 mm region. The results suggest that this region harbours key components responsible for photo-sensing and lateral IAA transport. In the present study, it was found that the NPH3- and PGP-like genes were exclusively expressed in the 0–2 mm region of the tip, whereas PHOT1 and ZmPIN1a, b, and c were expressed relatively evenly along the coleoptile, and ZmAUX1, ZMK1, and ZmSAURE2 were strongly expressed in the elongation zone. These results suggest that the NPH3-like and PGP-like gene products have a key role in photo-signal transduction and regulation of the direction of auxin transport after blue light perception by phot1 at the very tip region of maize coleoptiles

    Photosynthesis-Dependent But Neochrome1-Independent Light Positioning of Chloroplasts and Nuclei in the Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris1[W][OA]

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    Chloroplasts change their positions in the cell depending on the light conditions. In the dark, chloroplasts in fern prothallia locate along the anticlinal wall (dark position). However, chloroplasts become relocated to the periclinal wall (light position) when the light shines perpendicularly to the prothallia. Red light is effective in inducing this relocation in Adiantum capillus-veneris, and neochrome1 (neo1) has been identified as the red light receptor regulating this movement. Nevertheless, we found here that chloroplasts in neo1 mutants still become relocated from the dark position to the light position under red light. We tested four neo1 mutant alleles (neo1-1, neo1-2, neo1-3, and neo1-4), and all of them showed the red-light-induced chloroplast relocation. Furthermore, chloroplast light positioning under red light occurred also in Pteris vittata, another fern species naturally lacking the neo1-dependent phenomenon. The light positioning of chloroplasts occurred independently of the direction of red light, a response different to that of the neo1-dependent movement. Photosynthesis inhibitors 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or 2,5-dibromo-3-isopropyl-6-methyl-p-benzoquinone blocked this movement. Addition of sucrose (Suc) or glucose to the culture medium induced migration of the chloroplasts to the periclinal wall in darkness. Furthermore, Suc could override the effects of 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. Interestingly, the same light positioning was evident for nuclei under red light in the neo1 mutant. The nuclear light positioning was also induced in darkness with the addition of Suc or glucose. These results indicate that photosynthesis-dependent nondirectional movement contributes to the light positioning of these organelles in addition to the neo1-dependent directional movement toward light

    Cryptochrome Light Signals Control Development to Suppress Auxin Sensitivity in the Moss Physcomitrella patens

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    The blue light receptors termed cryptochromes mediate photomorphological responses in seed plants. However, the mechanisms by which cryptochrome signals regulate plant development remain obscure. In this study, cryptochrome functions were analyzed using the moss Physcomitrella patens. This moss has recently become known as the only plant species in which gene replacement occurs at a high frequency by homologous recombination. Two cryptochrome genes were identified in Physcomitrella, and single and double disruptants of these genes were generated. Using these disruptants, it was revealed that cryptochrome signals regulate many steps in moss development, including induction of side branching on protonema and gametophore induction and development. In addition, the disruption of cryptochromes altered auxin responses, including the expression of auxin-inducible genes. Cryptochrome disruptants were more sensitive to external auxin than wild type in a blue light–specific manner, suggesting that cryptochrome light signals repress auxin signals to control plant development

    Photomovement in Dunaliella salina: Fluence rate-response curves and action spectra

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    We determined the action spectra of the photophobic responses as well as the phototactic response in Dunaliella salina (Volvocales) using both single cells and populations. The action spectra of the photophobic responses have maxima at 510 nm, the spectrum for phototaxis has a maximum at 450-460 nm. These action spectra are not compatible with the hypothesis that flavoproteins are the photoreceptor pigments, and we suggest that carotenoproteins or rhodopsins act as the photoreceptor pigments. We also conclude that the phototactic response in Dunaliella is an elementary response, quite independent of the step-up and step-down photophobic responses. We also determined the action spectra of the photoaccumulation response in populations of cells adapted to two different salt conditions. Both action spectra have a peak a 490 nm. The photoaccumulation response may be a complex response composed of the phototactic and photophobic responses. Blue or blue-green light does not elicit a photokinetic response in Dunaliella

    Phototropin-dependent biased relocalization of cp-actin filaments can be induced even when chloroplast movement is inhibited

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    In a recent publication using an actin-visualized line of Arabidopsis (Ichikawa et al. 2011, ref. 11), we reported a detailed analysis with higher time resolution on the dynamics of chloroplast actin filaments (cp-actin filaments) during chloroplast avoidance movement and demonstrated a good correlation between the biased configuration of cp-actin filaments and chloroplast movement. However, we could not conclusively determine whether the reorganization of cp-actin filaments into a biased configuration preceded actual chloroplast movement (and, thus, whether it could be a cause of the movement). In this report, we present clear evidence that the reorganization of cp-actin filaments into a biased distribution is induced even in the absence of the actual movement of chloroplasts. When the cells were treated with 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM), a potent inhibitor of myosin ATPase, chloroplast motility was completely suppressed. Nevertheless, the disappearance and biased relocalization of cp-actin filaments toward the side of the prospective movement direction were induced by irradiation with a strong blue light microbeam. The results definitively indicate that the reorganization of cp-actin filaments is not an effect of chloroplast movement; however, it is feasible that the biased localization of cp-actin filaments is an event leading to chloroplast movement

    CHLOROPLAST UNUSUAL POSITIONING1 Is Essential for Proper Chloroplast Positioning

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    The intracellular distribution of organelles is a crucial aspect of effective cell function. Chloroplasts change their intracellular positions to optimize photosynthetic activity in response to ambient light conditions. Through screening of mutants of Arabidopsis defective in chloroplast photorelocation movement, we isolated six mutant clones in which chloroplasts gathered at the bottom of the cells and did not distribute throughout cells. These mutants, termed chloroplast unusual positioning (chup), were shown to belong to a single genetic locus by complementation tests. Observation of the positioning of other organelles, such as mitochondria, peroxisomes, and nuclei, revealed that chloroplast positioning and movement are impaired specifically in this mutant, although peroxisomes are distributed along with chloroplasts. The CHUP1 gene encodes a novel protein containing multiple domains, including a coiled-coil domain, an actin binding domain, a Pro-rich region, and two Leu zipper domains. The N-terminal hydrophobic segment of CHUP1 was expressed transiently in leaf cells of Arabidopsis as a fusion protein with the green fluorescent protein. The fusion protein was targeted to envelope membranes of chloroplasts in mesophyll cells, suggesting that CHUP1 may localize in chloroplasts. A glutathione S-transferase fusion protein containing the actin binding domain of CHUP1 was found to bind F-actin in vitro. CHUP1 is a unique gene identified that encodes a protein required for organellar positioning and movement in plant cells