26 research outputs found

    Superstatistical generalisations of Wishart-Laguerre ensembles of random matrices

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    Using Beck and Cohen's superstatistics, we introduce in a systematic way a family of generalized Wishart–Laguerre ensembles of random matrices with Dyson index β = 1, 2 and 4. The entries of the data matrix are Gaussian random variables whose variances η fluctuate from one sample to another according to a certain probability density f(η) and a single deformation parameter γ. Three superstatistical classes for f(η) are usually considered: χ2-, inverse χ2- and log-normal distributions. While the first class, already considered by two of the authors, leads to a power-law decay of the spectral density, we here introduce and solve exactly a superposition of Wishart–Laguerre ensembles with inverse χ2-distribution. The corresponding macroscopic spectral density is given by a γ-deformation of the semi-circle and Marčenko–Pastur laws, on a non-compact support with exponential tails. After discussing in detail the validity of Wigner's surmise in the Wishart–Laguerre class, we introduce a generalized γ-dependent surmise with stretched-exponential tails, which well approximates the individual level spacing distribution in the bulk. The analytical results are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. To illustrate our findings we compare the χ2- and inverse χ2-classes to empirical data from financial covariance matrices

    Universal correlations and power-law tails in financial covariance matrices

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    Signatures of universality are detected by comparing individual eigenvalue distributions and level spacings from financial covariance matrices to random matrix predictions. A chopping procedure is devised in order to produce a statistical ensemble of asset-price covariances from a single instance of financial data sets. Local results for the smallest eigenvalue and individual spacings are very stable upon reshuffling the time windows and assets. They are in good agreement with the universal Tracy-Widom distribution and Wigner surmise, respectively. This suggests a strong degree of robustness especially in the low-lying sector of the spectra, most relevant for portfolio selections. Conversely, the global spectral density of a single covariance matrix as well as the average over all unfolded nearest-neighbour spacing distributions deviate from standard Gaussian random matrix predictions. The data are in fair agreement with a recently introduced generalised random matrix model, with correlations showing a power-law decay

    Spectra of Empirical Auto-Covariance Matrices

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    We compute spectra of sample auto-covariance matrices of second order stationary stochastic processes. We look at a limit in which both the matrix dimension NN and the sample size MM used to define empirical averages diverge, with their ratio α=N/M\alpha=N/M kept fixed. We find a remarkable scaling relation which expresses the spectral density ρ(λ)\rho(\lambda) of sample auto-covariance matrices for processes with dynamical correlations as a continuous superposition of appropriately rescaled copies of the spectral density ρα(0)(λ)\rho^{(0)}_\alpha(\lambda) for a sequence of uncorrelated random variables. The rescaling factors are given by the Fourier transform C^(q)\hat C(q) of the auto-covariance function of the stochastic process. We also obtain a closed-form approximation for the scaling function ρα(0)(λ)\rho^{(0)}_\alpha(\lambda). This depends on the shape parameter α\alpha, but is otherwise universal: it is independent of the details of the underlying random variables, provided only they have finite variance. Our results are corroborated by numerical simulations using auto-regressive processes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A unified fluctuation formula for one-cut β\beta-ensembles of random matrices

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    Using a Coulomb gas approach, we compute the generating function of the covariances of power traces for one-cut β\beta-ensembles of random matrices in the limit of large matrix size. This formula depends only on the support of the spectral density, and is therefore universal for a large class of models. This allows us to derive a closed-form expression for the limiting covariances of an arbitrary one-cut β\beta-ensemble. As particular cases of the main result we consider the classical β\beta-Gaussian, β\beta-Wishart and β\beta-Jacobi ensembles, for which we derive previously available results as well as new ones within a unified simple framework. We also discuss the connections between the problem of trace fluctuations for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble and the enumeration of planar maps.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Revised version where references have been added and typos correcte

    Statistical distribution of quantum entanglement for a random bipartite state

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    We compute analytically the statistics of the Renyi and von Neumann entropies (standard measures of entanglement), for a random pure state in a large bipartite quantum system. The full probability distribution is computed by first mapping the problem to a random matrix model and then using a Coulomb gas method. We identify three different regimes in the entropy distribution, which correspond to two phase transitions in the associated Coulomb gas. The two critical points correspond to sudden changes in the shape of the Coulomb charge density: the appearance of an integrable singularity at the origin for the first critical point, and the detachement of the rightmost charge (largest eigenvalue) from the sea of the other charges at the second critical point. Analytical results are verified by Monte Carlo numerical simulations. A short account of some of these results appeared recently in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 104}, 110501 (2010).Comment: 7 figure

    Compact smallest eigenvalue expressions in Wishart-Laguerre ensembles with or without fixed-trace

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    The degree of entanglement of random pure states in bipartite quantum systems can be estimated from the distribution of the extreme Schmidt eigenvalues. For a bipartition of size M\geq N, these are distributed according to a Wishart-Laguerre ensemble (WL) of random matrices of size N x M, with a fixed-trace constraint. We first compute the distribution and moments of the smallest eigenvalue in the fixed trace orthogonal WL ensemble for arbitrary M\geq N. Our method is based on a Laplace inversion of the recursive results for the corresponding orthogonal WL ensemble by Edelman. Explicit examples are given for fixed N and M, generalizing and simplifying earlier results. In the microscopic large-N limit with M-N fixed, the orthogonal and unitary WL distributions exhibit universality after a suitable rescaling and are therefore independent of the constraint. We prove that very recent results given in terms of hypergeometric functions of matrix argument are equivalent to more explicit expressions in terms of a Pfaffian or determinant of Bessel functions. While the latter were mostly known from the random matrix literature on the QCD Dirac operator spectrum, we also derive some new results in the orthogonal symmetry class.Comment: 25 pag., 4 fig - minor changes, typos fixed. To appear in JSTA