107 research outputs found

    Shoulder dynamic stability and shoulder range of motion in volleyball athletes.

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    Shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries in athletics, especially the athletes who use overhead motions like volleyball hitters, quarterbacks in football, and baseball pitchers. Approximately 20% of all game and practice injuries were sustained in the shoulder; shoulder muscle strains (11%), shoulder tendinitis (7%), and shoulder subluxation (4%). Those shoulder muscle strain, tendinitis, and subluxation are caused by the glenohumeral joint multidirectional instability; the humeral head moves on the glenoid fossa excessively during the overhead motion due to the weakness of the shoulder and scapular muscles. The purpose of the study was to determine the shoulder internal rotation peak torque (PT) difference between the normal shoulder range of motion (ROM) and hyper-ROM group with 90° of shoulder abduction and 90° of elbow flexion. Twenty-one highly trained women volleyball athletes who were around Edmond and Oklahoma City area voluntary participated in the study and measured their active shoulder external rotation using the goniometer, as well as their shoulder internal concentric rotation peak torque by using the Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. There was no significant difference in shoulder internal rotation peak torque between the normal ROM and hyper-ROM with 90° of shoulder abduction and 90° of elbow flexion in this thesis study that indicated there was no shoulder dynamic stability difference in the both groups (F = 2.763, t (15) = .741, p = .115). Keywords: shoulder, stability, peak torque, range of motion, volleybal

    Rapid Muscle Activation Changes Across a Competitive Collegiate Female Soccer Season

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a competitive soccer season on rapid activation properties of the knee extensors and flexors in Division II female soccer players. Methods: Eighteen collegiate female soccer players participated in the present study, however, due to injuries during the season a final sample of 16 players were included for study analysis. Participants performed two maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) of the knee extensors and flexors before, during, and at the end of a competitive college soccer season. Electromyography root mean square (EMG RMS; μV), rate of EMG rise (RER; %Peak EMG•s-1), and electromechanical delay (EMD; ms) were examined on both legs for the knee extensors and flexors. Results: EMG RMS at early time intervals (0-50, 0-100, and 50-100 ms) and RER at 0-75 ms for the knee extensors and flexors significantly increased from the pre-season to the end of the season (P ≤ 0.010-0.026, η2=0.36-0.81). EMD of the knee flexors significantly decreased at the mid-season and the end of the season compared to the pre-season (P \u3c 0.001, η2=0.95). Conclusions: These findings may have important implications for monitoring improvements on thigh neuromuscular activation and developing lower extremity injury prevention strategies during a competitive collegiate female soccer season

    Motivation of Shoulder Surgery Patients for Rehabilitation

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 10(2): 234-245, 2017 Motivation can be a valuable construct during physical rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can be uncomfortable and painful, testing patients’ rehabilitation motivation and continued participation. Maintaining motivation throughout rehabilitation is important for patients to return to optimal joint motion and daily functioning. The purpose of this research project was to examine rehabilitation motivation after shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repairs, slap repairs, biceps tenodesis, acromioplasty, distal clavicle excision or combination). Persons who underwent shoulder surgery (December 2014 – April 2015) voluntarily participated in the study. The Self Regulation Questionnaire was used to assess patients’ self-regulation and motivation. Surveys were administered to participants during rehabilitation at appointments with the physician. This study revealed significant changes to participants’ self-regulation throughout the 16-week post shoulder surgical rehabilitation process. Significant increases were discovered when looking at patients’ attention to goals and employing strategies to meet those goals. Other main areas of increase included problem solving, planning rehabilitation outside of therapy and coping with challenging times in rehabilitation. Data allows researchers and health care professionals to evaluate the dynamics of motivation fluctuation during rehabilitation. In addition, data will allow researchers to identify areas of motivational concern to implement motivation techniques in order to aid patients through rehabilitation

    An Examination of Estimated BMI and Perceived Wellness among Students at a Midsized Midwest University

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    Health is complex and the perception of individual wellness can be influenced by various factors. Students at a Midwestern university estimated their BMI, completed the Perceived Wellness Survey, and had their BMI calculated. Measured BMI was significantly higher than estimated [F(2,155) = 62.03, p = 0.001]. Associations existed between the measured constructs of psychological (r = -0.231; p = 0.004), spiritual (r = 0.248; p = 0.002), and estimated BMI. Data indicates that perceived body composition is related to wellness. False perception of body composition could lead to wellness deficiencies

    Vertical Jump Performance as a Discriminator of Playing Ability in Collegiate Female Soccer Players

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    Previous studies have assessed the importance of physical characteristics to soccer playing ability by comparing performance-based outcomes between starters and non-starters. Starters are often considered the most skilled players on the team. These players get more playing time than non-starters and have been shown to achieve higher performance outcomes on intermittent fitness tests. However, it remains unclear whether starters can achieve higher performance outcomes on a countermovement vertical jump. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of countermovement vertical jump height and peak power to discriminate between starters and non-starters in collegiate female soccer. METHODS: Twenty-seven collegiate female soccer players (age = 19.56 ± 1.28 years; height = 164.26 ± 5.74 cm; body mass = 66.65 ± 8.43 kg) were recruited to participate in the present study. All testing was completed during the 2021 preseason training period. The players were classified as starters (n = 12) or non-starters (n = 15) according to their average number of minutes played per game during the subsequent exhibition season. Each participant reported to the laboratory for a single visit where they performed three countermovement vertical jump tests on a jump mat. For each jump, participants stood on the mat with feet shoulder width apart and hands positioned on the hips. Participants were not allowed to take any steps prior to performing the vertical jump and a quick descending quarter-squat countermovement was allowed before the ascending takeoff phase. The participants were instructed to jump as explosively as possible with both feet at the same time and land on the jump mat in the starting position. Vertical jump height (cm) was estimated from the flight time recorded by the jump mat. Peak power output was estimated using a previously validated regression equation: peak power (W) = 51.9 × vertical jump height (cm) + 48.9 × body mass (kg) - 2007. Independent samples t-tests were used to compare vertical jump height and peak power between the starting and non-starting groups. RESULTS: Vertical jump height was significantly greater (P = 0.039) for the starters (38.60 ± 6.11 cm) compared to the non-starters (34.43 ± 3.75 cm). There was no significant difference (P = 0.448) between the starters (3076.72 ± 331.98 W) and non-starters (3182.23 ± 369.67 W) for peak power. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that vertical jump height is an effective measure for discriminating between starters and non-starters in collegiate female soccer. Vertical jump characteristics are critical to a player’s performance on the field. Because the starters in this study were able to jump higher than the non-starters, vertical jump height may be an important parameter for identifying players with a high degree of soccer playing ability

    Novel Self-Forming Nanosized DDS Particles for BNCT: Utilizing A Hydrophobic Boron Cluster and Its Molecular Glue Effect

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    BNCT is a non-invasive cancer therapy that allows for cancer cell death without harming adjacent cells. However, the application is limited, owing to the challenges of working with clinically approved boron (B) compounds and drug delivery systems (DDS). To address the issues, we developed self-forming nanoparticles consisting of a biodegradable polymer, namely, "AB-type Lactosome (AB-Lac)" loaded with B compounds. Three carborane isomers (o-, m-, and p-carborane) and three related alkylated derivatives, i.e., 1,2-dimethy-o-carborane (diC1-Carb), 1,2-dihexyl-o-carborane (diC6-Carb), and 1,2-didodecyl-o-carborane (diC12-Carb), were separately loaded. diC6-Carb was highly loaded with AB-Lac particles, and their stability indicated the "molecular glue" effect. The efficiency of in vitro B uptake of diC6-Carb for BNCT was confirmed at non-cytotoxic concentration in several cancer cell lines. In vivo/ex vivo biodistribution studies indicated that the AB-Lac particles were remarkably accumulated within 72 h post-injection in the tumor lesions of mice bearing syngeneic breast cancer (4T1) cells, but the maximum accumulation was reached at 12 h. In ex vivo B biodistribution, the ratios of tumor/normal tissue (T/N) and tumor/blood (T/Bl) of the diC6-Carb-loaded particles remained stably high up to 72 h. Therefore, we propose the diC6-Carb-loaded AB-Lac particles as a promising candidate medicine for BNCT

    Accuracy and Time Delay of Glucose Measurements of Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Bedside Artificial Pancreas During Hyperglycemic and Euglycemic Hyperinsulinemic Glucose Clamp Study

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    Background: Glucose values of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) have time delays compared with plasma glucose (PG) values. Artificial pancreas (STG-55, Nikkiso, Japan) (AP), which measures venous blood glucose directly, also has a time delay because of the long tubing lines from sampling vessel to the glucose sensor. We investigate accuracy and time delay of CGM and AP in comparison with PG values during 2-step glucose clamp study. Methods: Seven patients with type 2 diabetes and 2 healthy volunteers were included in this study. CGM (Enlite sensor, Medtronic, CA) was attached on the day before the experiment. Hyperglycemic (200 mg/dL) clamp was performed for 90 minutes, followed by euglycemic (100 mg/dL) hyperinsulinemic (100 μU/mL) clamp for 90-120 minutes using AP. CGM sensor glucose was calibrated just before and after the clamp study. AP and CGM values were compared with PG values. Results: AP values were significantly lower than PG values at 5, 30 minute during hyperglycemic clamp. In comparison, CGM value at 0 minute was significantly higher, and its following values were almost significantly lower than PG values. The time delay of AP and CGM values to reach maximum glucose levels were 5.0 ± 22.3 (NS) and 28.6 ± 32.5 (p<0.05) min, respectively. Mean absolute rate difference of CGM was significantly higher than AP (24.0 ± 7.6 vs. 15.3 ± 4.6, p < 0.05) during glucose rising period (0-45 min), however, there are no significant difference during other periods. Conclusions: Both CGM and AP failed to follow plasma glucose values during non-physiologically rapid glucose rising, however, indicated accurate values during physiological glucose change

    The Function of β2-glycoprotein I in Angiogenesis and Its in Vivo Distribution in Tumor Xenografts

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    Intact β2-glycoprotein I (iβ2GPI) is a glycoprotein that regulates coagulation and fibrinolysis. Nicked β2GPI (nβ2GPI) possesses an angiogenic property at a relatively low concentration, and an antiangiogenic property at a high concentration. Here we investigated the functions of βi 2GPI and nβ2GPI in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A-induced endothelial cell proliferation and tube formation. We used noninvasive PET imaging to analyze the in vivo distribution of intravenously injected β2GPI variants in tumor lesions in mice. iβ2GPI was incubated with plasmin to obtain nβ2GPI, and its N-terminal sequence was analyzed. nβ2GPI had at least one other cleavage site upstream of the β2GPIʼs domain V, whereas the former plasmin-cleavage site locates between K317 and T318. Both of intact and nicked β2GPI significantly inhibited the VEGF-A-induced cell proliferation and the tube formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). PET imaging visualized considerably distributed intensities of all tested β2GPI variants in tumor lesions of pancreatic tumor cell-xenografts. These results indicate that β2GPI may be physiologically and pathophysiologically important in the regulation of not only coagulation and fibrinolysis, but also angiogenesis

    A Novel 89Zr-labeled DDS Device Utilizing Human IgG Variant (scFv): “Lactosome” Nanoparticle-Based Theranostics for PET Imaging and Targeted Therapy

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    “Theranostics,” a new concept of medical advances featuring a fusion of therapeutic and diagnostic systems, provides promising prospects in personalized medicine, especially cancer. The theranostics system comprises a novel 89Zr-labeled drug delivery system (DDS), derived from the novel biodegradable polymeric micelle, “Lactosome” nanoparticles conjugated with specific shortened IgG variant, and aims to successfully deliver therapeutically effective molecules, such as the apoptosis-inducing small interfering RNA (siRNA) intracellularly while offering simultaneous tumor visualization via PET imaging. A 27 kDa-human single chain variable fragment (scFv) of IgG to establish clinically applicable PET imaging and theranostics in cancer medicine was fabricated to target mesothelin (MSLN), a 40 kDa-differentiation-related cell surface glycoprotein antigen, which is frequently and highly expressed by malignant tumors. This system coupled with the cell penetrating peptide (CPP)-modified and photosensitizer (e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20-tetrakis (4-aminophenyl) porphyrin (TPP))-loaded Lactosome particles for photochemical internalized (PCI) driven intracellular siRNA delivery and the combination of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) photodynamic therapy (PDT) offers a promising nano-theranostic-based cancer therapy via its targeted apoptosis-inducing feature. This review focuses on the combined advances in nanotechnology and material sciences utilizing the “89Zr-labeled CPP and TPP-loaded Lactosome particles” and future directions based on important milestones and recent developments in this platform