1,210 research outputs found

    Politics in process of converting to multipolitical party system in Aydin between 1946 and 1950

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    Bu çalısmamızda 1946- 1950 yılları arasında Türkiye'de çok partili yasama geçis sürecinde Aydın ilinde siyaset konusu incelenmis ve söz konusu dönemle ilgili yapılan tartısmaların bilimsel çerçeveye alınması için çaba gösterilmistir. Tez Giris, Sonuç ve Özet bölümleri dısında 4 ana bölümden olusmustur. I. Bölümde çok partili yasama geçis nedenleri ve Tanzimat'tan 1946 yılına kadar Türkiye'de siyasi yasam üzerinde durulmus ve Milli Kalkınma Partisi ile Demokrat Parti'nin kurulus çalısmaları gözden geçirilmistir. II. Bölümde çok partili yasama geçis sürecinde Aydın ilinin sosyal ve ekonomik ve nüfus yapısı açıga çıkartılmaya çalısılmıs ve Cumhuriyet'in ilanından 1946 yılına kadar Aydın ilinde kısaca siyasal yasam ortaya konmustur. Bu bölümde ayrıca çok partili yasama geçerken iktidar partisi CHP'nin Aydın il teskilatının yapısı ve kimler tarafından olusturuldugu tespitlerine yer verilmis ve Demokrat Parti'nin Aydın ilinde kurulması ve teskilatlanması arastırılmıstır. Aynı zamanda iktidar ve muhalefet arasındaki iliskiler ele alınmıs ve bu iliskilerde halkın, bürokrasinin ve Halkevlerinin konumu belirlenmistir. Demokrat Parti'nin parçalanması ve Aydın'da Millet Partisi'nin kurulması bu bölümde incelenen diger konulardır. III. Bölümde çok partili yasama geçis asamasında partilerin Aydın ilinde yaptıkları ilk kongreler nasıl ve ne sekilde gerçeklestigi sorularına cevap aranmıstır. 1947 ve 1949 yılları arasında partilerin Aydın kongreleri, aynı bölüm içerisinde ele alınmıstır. IV. Bölümde, 1946-1950 yılları arasında yapılan ilk seçimler ve bu seçimlerin Aydın ilinde nasıl cereyan ettigi, nasıl sonuçlar dogurdugu incelenen konu baslıklarıdır. Bu baglamda Aydın ilinde 1946 yılı Mayıs ayı içerisinde yapılan belediye seçimleri ve 21 Temmuz 1946 genel seçimleri ile l Genel Meclisi seçimleri analiz edilmis ve seçimlerin hangi siyasi atmosferde yapıldıgı ortaya konmustur. 1948 yılında Aydın ilinde yapılan araseçimler ve bu seçimlerin Demokrat Parti tarafından boykot edilmesi bu bölümde irdelenmistir. Yine 1950 genel seçimleri öncesi Aydın ilinde yapılan son seçim olan Ortaklar Belediye seçimi incelenmistir. 14 Mayıs 1950 genel seçimleri, bu seçimlere partilerce yapılan hazırlıklar ve yeni seçim kanunu ele alınmıstır. 1950 genel seçimlerinin sonuçlarıyla çalısmamız bitirilmistir. In this study, the issue of politics in process of converting to multipolitical party system in Aydın was stuied. Therefore, this period was tried to base on scientific basis. The thesis consisted of 4 main parts besides intro, conclusion and summary parts. In part I, the reasons for convertion to multipoltical party system and the issue of politics in Türkiye by 1946 were studied. In this part, the foundations of National Development Party(Milli Kalkınma Partisi) and Democratic Party(Demokrat Parti) were investigated. In part II, Aydın in process of convertion to multipolitical party system was studied in all aspects. The social and econimical structures of Aydın in 1946 were tried to be exposed. And the issue of politics in Aydın by 1946 was studied. In addition, by whom CHP, the party in power, was established and its structure were studied.The foundation and organization of Democratic Party(Demokrat Parti) in Aydın were studied. Meanwhile the relationships between the party in power and opponents were studied. The importance of public, bureucracy and Public Room(Public House) in those relationships was tried to be defined. In this part, The influence of separation in Democratic Party and foundation of the Nation Party in Aydın were studied. In part III, in addition, in what way the first congresses that were organized by the parties in Aydın realized in the process of convertion to multipolitical party system was studied. The Congreses in Aydın of parties between 1947 and 1949 were the other issues of this part. In part IV, the first election that was held between 1946 and 1950 and its results were explained. In this context, the municipality election(local election) in May, 1946, the general election that was held on 21th july, 1946 and the election of city assembly of Aydın were studied. The atmosphere of election was exposed. The interval elections that was held in Aydın in 1948 and the elections that were boycotted by Democratic Party were the other issues of this part. The Ortaklar Municipality election before the general election was investigated, as well. The general election in the 14?th may, 1950, preparations of the parties and new election law were researched. Our study ended(finished) with the results of the general election

    Historical and theoretical examination of ''Survellance Society'' theories.

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    Surveillance, a concept as old as humanities, has become the reality of our age with the developing communication and information technologies since the twentieth century. When observed historically, from the beginning of social relations onwards, the surveillance has been a means of holding the individual under control with different surveillance techniques and a prerogative way of being dominant. The metaphor of panopticon with Michel Foucault who has an important share in surveillance studies started to be questioned with the developing technologies. In this study, the studies relating to surveillance society will be classified in two groups titled panopticon-centred and non-panopticon centred, and the changing nature of the surveillance will be explained. Most of theorists emphasise the fact that the nature of surveillance society has altered with the technological changes. David Lyon with his “Electronic Panopticon”, Mark Poster with his “Superpanopticon”, Thomas Mathiesen with his “Synopticon Society”, Emmanuel Pimenta with his “Omnipanopticon”, Didier Bigo with his “Banopticon”, Mark Anderejeviç with his “Lateral Surveillance”, Steve Mann with his “Sousveillance” have tried to explain this area. Panopticon-centred surveillance studies have made the analysis of surveillance, by considering it with the negative, oppressive, control and survey mechanisms and by referring to a power mechanism, which holds the force in social stratification. Non-panopticon centred surveillance studies have tried to explain that it is present in multiple areas in social stratification and it provides participation, consent and mutual trust. This study emphasises on the historical transformation of the surveillance society and tries to classify the surveillance studies systematically.İnsanlık tarihi kadar eski bir kavram olan gözetim olgusu, 20. yüzyıldan itibaren gelişen iletişim ve enformasyon teknolojileriyle birlikte yaşadığımız çağın bir realitesi olmuştur. Tarihsel olarak incelendiğinde gözetim, toplumsal ilişkilerin başlangıcından bu yana, egemen olabilmenin ayrıcalıklı bir yolu ve bireyleri farklı gözetim teknikleriyle kontrol altında tutmanın bir aracıdır. Gözetim araştırmalarında önemli bir yeri olan Michel Foucault ile birlikte panoptikon metaforu gelişen teknolojilerle birlikte sorgulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada gözetim toplumuyla ilgili yapılan çalışmalar panoptikon merkezli ve panoptikon merkezli olmayan şeklinde sınıflandırılarak gözetimin değişen içeriği açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Birçok kuramcı teknolojik değişimlerle birlikte gözetim toplumunun doğasının da değiştiğini vurgulamaktadır. Bu dönemi David Lyon ‘‘Elektronik Panoptikon’’, Mark Poster ‘‘Süperpanoptikon’’, Thomas Mathiesen ‘‘Sinoptikon Toplum’’, Emanuel Pimenta ‘‘Omnioptikon’’, Didier Bigo ‘‘Banoptikon’’, Mark Anderejeviç ‘‘Yatay Gözetim’’, Steve Mann ‘‘Sousveillance’’ kuramlarıyla açıklamaya çalışmışlardır. Panoptikon merkezli gözetim araştırmaları gözetim kavramını olumsuz, baskıcı, kontrol ve denetim mekanizmalarıyla birlikte ele alarak, sosyal tabakalaşmada ‘gücü’ elinde bulunduran bir iktidar mekanizmasına gönderme yaparak analiz etmişlerdir. Panoptikon merkezli olmayan gözetim araştırmaları ise gözetimin katılımcılık, rıza, karşılıklı güven ve sosyal tabakalaşmada birden çok kesim tarafından yapıldığını belirtmişlerdir. Bu çalışma, gözetim toplumunun tarihsel dönüşümü üzerinde durarak gözetim araştırmalarını sistematik bir biçimde sınıflandırmayı amaçlamaktadır

    Effects of combined pretreatments on germination and emergence of wild Eremurus spectabilis M.Bieb. seeds

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    Eremurus spectabilis is a perennial herbaceous species that grows in the wild. Commonly consumed as a vegetable, it is also classified among medicinal plants and popular ornamental geophytes. Germination is not achieved under normal conditions because of seed dormancy. In this study, various combined treatments were experimented with to improve the germination and emergence performance of E. spectabilis seeds. The seeds were immersed in solutions of potassium nitrate (KNO3: 5 mM for 24 and 48 hours), calcium chloride (CaCl2: 5 mM for 24 and 48 hours) and subjected to tip cutting. Pre-treated seeds were then subjected to moist-cold stratification periods treatments for different durations (30, 50, 80 and 100 days). In the 5 mM KNO3 treatments, 48-hour KNO3 and 100 days of stratification treatments had better germination (11.1%) and emergence values (9.7%). In the 5 mM CaCl2 treatments, 24-hour CaCl2 yielded better germination (10.2%) and emergence (8.4%) values. Seed tip-cutting treatments were the most successful among all the treatments for the germination and emergence parameters

    Trading Volume Trend As the Investor’s Sentiment Indicator in Istanbul Stock Exchange

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    Bu çalışmada işlem hacmi değişimlerinin ilgili hisse senedinin fiyatına etkileri ve hisse senedinin getirisini tahmin etmedeki etkinliği incelenmektedir. Yatırımcı duyarlılığı belirli bir finansal varlığa rasyonel olmayan yatırımcılar tarafından gösterilen ilginin rasyonel yatırımcılar tarafından rasyonel yatırımcı tarafından gösterilen ilgiliye oranıdır. Baker ve Stein’ın da çalışmalarında belirttiği gibi bir hisse senedi üzerinde yatırımcı duyarlılığının etkinliğini gösteren, birim zamandaki işlem hacmi değişimini gösteren ve işlem hacmi trendi olarak tanımlanan bu değişkendeki artışlar aynı zamanda yatırımcı duyarlılığının artışını temsil etmektedir.Bu çalışmada IMKB’deki tüm hisse senetlerinin işlem hacmi trendi karakteristiklerinin gözlemlenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Sonuçta işlem hacmi trendine ilişkin neredeyse tüm beta katsayıları pozitif bulunmuştur. Bu işlem hacmi trendi ile hisse senedi getirilerindeki doğrusal ilişkiyi yansıtmaktadır.This study relates the changes of trading volume to investor sentiment, and investigates its ability in predicting stock returns. Investor sentiment is the enthusiasm of irrational investors on an asset, relative to that of rational investors. Having investigated the effects of Investor Sentiment on Stock Prices, Baker and Stein argued that an increase in trading volume reflects a rise in investor sentiment, which can be defined as the change in trading volume per unit of time; called the trading volume trend, it can be used as a measure of investor sentiment on individual stocks. This work aims to find out the volume trend characteristics of all listed equities in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Results suggest that almost all beta coefficients of volume trend values have positive signs, which reflects the positive contribution of volume changes on the corresponding stock returns

    Trading Volume Trend As the Investor’s Sentiment Indicator in Istanbul Stock Exchange

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    Bu çalışmada işlem hacmi değişimlerinin ilgili hisse senedinin fiyatına etkileri ve hisse senedinin getirisini tahmin etmedeki etkinliği incelenmektedir. Yatırımcı duyarlılığı belirli bir finansal varlığa rasyonel olmayan yatırımcılar tarafından gösterilen ilginin rasyonel yatırımcılar tarafından rasyonel yatırımcı tarafından gösterilen ilgiliye oranıdır. Baker ve Stein’ın da çalışmalarında belirttiği gibi bir hisse senedi üzerinde yatırımcı duyarlılığının etkinliğini gösteren, birim zamandaki işlem hacmi değişimini gösteren ve işlem hacmi trendi olarak tanımlanan bu değişkendeki artışlar aynı zamanda yatırımcı duyarlılığının artışını temsil etmektedir.Bu çalışmada IMKB’deki tüm hisse senetlerinin işlem hacmi trendi karakteristiklerinin gözlemlenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Sonuçta işlem hacmi trendine ilişkin neredeyse tüm beta katsayıları pozitif bulunmuştur. Bu işlem hacmi trendi ile hisse senedi getirilerindeki doğrusal ilişkiyi yansıtmaktadır.This study relates the changes of trading volume to investor sentiment, and investigates its ability in predicting stock returns. Investor sentiment is the enthusiasm of irrational investors on an asset, relative to that of rational investors. Having investigated the effects of Investor Sentiment on Stock Prices, Baker and Stein argued that an increase in trading volume reflects a rise in investor sentiment, which can be defined as the change in trading volume per unit of time; called the trading volume trend, it can be used as a measure of investor sentiment on individual stocks. This work aims to find out the volume trend characteristics of all listed equities in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Results suggest that almost all beta coefficients of volume trend values have positive signs, which reflects the positive contribution of volume changes on the corresponding stock returns

    The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies on Prospective Teachers’ Metacognitive Awareness and Self Efficacy Belief

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    The purpose of the research study was to investigate the effects of the metacognitive strategies used in the course Science and Technology Instruction-II on prospective teachers’ metacognitive awareness, science teaching self efficacy belief and teacher self efficacy belief. The research group was composed of 87 third grade students from the Primary Education Department at the Faculty of Education at Cumhuriyet University in Sivas, Turkey. Experimental method with pre-test and post-test control group was used in the study. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Inventory-B (STEBI-B) and Teacher Self Efficacy Beliefs Inventory were utilized as pre-test and post-test. Journals and metacognitive questions were used in experimental group training. The research findings indicated that metacognitive strategies increased the prospective teachers’ metacognitive awareness and teacher self efficacy belief but they did not increase students’ science teaching self efficacy belief so much as to constitute a significant difference between the pre-test

    EFL Students’ Perceptions towards Blogging in EFL Writing Courses: A Turkish University Context

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    The aim of the study was to reveal student perceptions regarding the integration of blogs into writing courses. Of the 25 students that were present at the courses, 9 were interviewed one-on-one before and after the implementation of blogging. The first set of interviews provided insight into the students’ perceptions about blogs and how blogs could benefit their learning process. The second set of interviews, on the other hand, shed light on the participants’ beliefs and feelings about blogs after their 6-week blogging experience. The analyses of the first set of interviews revealed that almost all of the participants were new to blogging, particularly for educational purposes. However, they were convinced that blogging could improve their proficiency in English from various aspects. The second set of interviews, on the other hand, confirmed the participants’ beliefs regarding the potential benefits of blogging. They expressed that blogs helped them keep calm when writing in the target language by providing a real audience without the pressure of having teachers and friends around. Their comments pointed to an increase in their social relationships in their face-to-face courses, as well. In addition, all of the participants reported positive feelings about their blogging experience. These results of the study indicate that writing courses can be turned into an enjoyable experience with the help of blogging. Keywords: blogging, web 2.0 tools, ELT, technology in ELT, L2 writin

    Revitalization and Adaptive Re-use in Cappadocia: A Taxonomy of Creative Design Solutions for Uchisar Boutique Hotels

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    The "architecture without an architect" in Cappadocia has always been fairy due to its volcanic stone formations and transforming silhouettes. In 1973, French architect Jack Avizou highlighted the essence of cave houses as vernacular building types and their potentials for local tourism beyond conventional notions of architectural heritage. Upon completing the restoration of cave houses in Uçhisar and transforming them to boutique hotels, he was nominated for Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2010. On the other hand, Aga Khan Award winner Turkish architect Turgut Cansever had also been advising for Argos Hotel project in Uçhisar since 1996. He gave importance to the concept of "protection" and preserved vernacular identity and characteristics despite the demands of the tourism sector. This paper aims to explore Avizou and Cansever’s design solutions in Uçhisar’s local context. Building / interior design elements and spatial relations in interiors will be analyzed with cluster analysis and ranked according to levels of novelty. Hence, achievement of creativity through transformation, combination and variation of original designs, will be displayed. Understanding Avizou’s and Cansever’s visions on revitalization and adaptive reuse are substantial since their creativity shall be a source of inspiration for future sustainable tourism and building practices in the local and global context