869 research outputs found

    Effect of Sun, Oven and Freeze-Drying on Anthocyanins, Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Black Grape (Ekşikara) (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether a change occurs in the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of grapes after drying. Grapes pre-treated with potassium hydroxide solution were dried using three different drying methods, namely freeze drying, oven drying and sun drying. The effectiveness of the drying methods was evaluated in terms of total phenolic content, antioxidant activity (ABTS, FRAP and DPPH), individual phenolics and anthocyanins. Losses in total phenolic content of the grapes were found to be 1.89, 20.26 and 46.79% for freeze-, oven- and sun-dried grapes respectively. The DPPH and ABTS antioxidant activities of the grapes decreased after drying by all three methods, while an increase was observed in the FRAP value of freeze-dried grapes compared to the fresh sample. No significant effect of drying methods was observed on the gallic acid, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate contents of the grapes. The highest levels of procyanidin B1, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-epicatechin gallate, chlorogenic acid, trans-resveratrol and rutin were determined in freeze-dried grapes. Sun and oven drying caused drastic decreases in all anthocyanins, while no loss of anthocyanin was observed in freeze-dried grapes. Sun drying was found as the most detrimental drying method for grapes in terms of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity when compared to the other drying methods.

    Universal manifold pairings and positivity

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    Gluing two manifolds M_1 and M_2 with a common boundary S yields a closed manifold M. Extending to formal linear combinations x=Sum_i(a_i M_i) yields a sesquilinear pairing p= with values in (formal linear combinations of) closed manifolds. Topological quantum field theory (TQFT) represents this universal pairing p onto a finite dimensional quotient pairing q with values in C which in physically motivated cases is positive definite. To see if such a "unitary" TQFT can potentially detect any nontrivial x, we ask if is non-zero whenever x is non-zero. If this is the case, we call the pairing p positive. The question arises for each dimension d=0,1,2,.... We find p(d) positive for d=0,1, and 2 and not positive for d=4. We conjecture that p(3) is also positive. Similar questions may be phrased for (manifold, submanifold) pairs and manifolds with other additional structure. The results in dimension 4 imply that unitary TQFTs cannot distinguish homotopy equivalent simply connected 4-manifolds, nor can they distinguish smoothly s-cobordant 4-manifolds. This may illuminate the difficulties that have been met by several authors in their attempts to formulate unitary TQFTs for d=3+1. There is a further physical implication of this paper. Whereas 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory appears to be well-encoded within 2-dimensional quantum physics, eg in the fractional quantum Hall effect, Donaldson-Seiberg-Witten theory cannot be captured by a 3-dimensional quantum system. The positivity of the physical Hilbert spaces means they cannot see null vectors of the universal pairing; such vectors must map to zero.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol9/paper53.abs.htm

    Breast cancer with diabetes insipidus

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    Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare clinical condition, which is usually caused by neurohypophyseal or pituitary stalk infiltration in cancer patients. Case report: we present a 62-year old metastatic breast cancer woman with DI. She admitted to the hospital because of nausea, vomiting, polyuria and polydipsia, while she was on no cytotoxic medication. She had no electrolyte imbalance except mild hypernatremia. The CT scan of the brain yielded a suspicious area in pituitary gland. A pituitary stalk metastasis was found on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pituitary. Water deprivation test was compatible with DI. A clinical response to nasal vasopressin was achieved. Conclusions: Cancer patients who have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, polyuria and polydipsia while they are not on chemotherapy should be evaluated for not only metabolic complications like hypercalcemia but also posterior pituitary or stalk metastasis MRI could be the choice of imaging for pituitary metastasis.Несахарный диабет (DI) — редкое клиническое состояние, вызываемое инфильтрацией нейрогипофизарной ножки или ножки гипофиза у онкологических больных. Описание случая: в исследовании рассмотрен случай выявления DI у 62-летней женщины, у которой был выявлен рак молочной железы с наличием метастазов. Она поступила в больницу с симптомами тошноты, рвоты, полиурии и полидипсии, хотя не проходила курса химиотерапии. У больной не выявлено дисбаланса электролитов, кроме небольшой гипернатриемии. Компьютерная томография мозга показала подозрительную область в мозговом придатке. На магнитно-резонансном изображении выявлен метастаз в ножке гипофиза. Обезвоживание также соответствовало диагнозу DI. Получен клинический ответ на назальный вазопрессин. Выводы: онкологические больные с симптомами тошноты, рвоты, полиурии и полидипсии, не проходящие курса химиотерапии, должны быть обследованы не только на предмет метаболических осложнений, таких как гиперкальциемия, но и на возможное наличие метастазов в ножке и задней части гипофиза с помощью магнитно-резонансного изображения. Ключевые слова: рак, несахарный диабет, метастаз в гипофизе

    Solutions of the Einstein-Dirac and Seiberg-Witten Monopole Equations

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    We present unique solutions of the Seiberg-Witten Monopole Equations in which the U(1) curvature is covariantly constant, the monopole Weyl spinor consists of a single constant component, and the 4-manifold is a product of two Riemann surfaces of genuses p_1 and p_2. There are p_1 -1 magnetic vortices on one surface and p_2 - 1 electric ones on the other, with p_1 + p_2 \geq 2 p_1 = p_2= 1 being excluded). When p_1 = p_2, the electromagnetic fields are self-dual and one also has a solution of the coupled euclidean Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac equations, with the monopole condensate serving as cosmological constant. The metric is decomposable and the electromagnetic fields are covariantly constant as in the Bertotti-Robinson solution. The Einstein metric can also be derived from a K\"{a}hler potential satisfying the Monge-Amp\`{e}re equations.Comment: 22 pages. Rep. no: FGI-99-

    The role of theory of mind, emotion knowledge and empathy in preschoolers’ disruptive behavior

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    Objectives : Research examining disruptive behaviors in clinical groups of preschool and school-aged children has consistently revealed significant difficulties in their emotion knowledge and empathy but intact performance in their theory-of-mind (ToM). However, it is largely not known if these difficulties in emotion knowledge and empathy as opposed to ToM are specific to extreme forms of disruption in clinical groups or rather represent broad deficiencies related to disruptive behaviors in general, including the milder levels exhibited by typically developing children. Milder disruptive behaviors (e.g., whining, arguing, rule-breaking and fighting) in peer contexts might relate to normative variations in socio-cognitive and emotional skills like ToM, emotion knowledge and empathy. To illuminate whether the same pattern of relations observed in clinical samples would arise in typical development, this study aims to examine the role of ToM, emotion knowledge and empathy in typically developing preschoolers’ disruptive behaviors.WOS:000510437900014Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Social Sciences Citation IndexQ3 - Q4ArticleOcak2020YÖK - 2019-2

    Primary extranodal Non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma presenting as painful gingval swelling

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    Primary extra-nodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) constitute 25–40% of NHL but less than 1% arises in oral cavity. Here in 53-year-old man with stage IE gingival diffuse large B cell lymphoma who was treated successfully with chemotherapy and radiotherapy was presented

    Brieskorn manifolds as contact branched covers of spheres

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    We show that Brieskorn manifolds with their standard contact structures are contact branched coverings of spheres. This covering maps a contact open book decomposition of the Brieskorn manifold onto a Milnor open book of the sphere.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is based on cell-mediated immunity, most importantly involving CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell subsets. The aim of this study was to evaluate CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell profiles and CD19(+) and CD3(−)CD(16+56)(+) populations in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, B-lymphocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells were evaluated in 75 active (APTB) and 25 inactive (IPTB) pulmonary tuberculosis cases and 20 healthy subjects (HCs). The results were compared at different stages of antituberculosis treatment in the APTB patients and also according to X-ray findings in the newly diagnosed APTB patients. The percentages of CD4(+) T cells were significantly lower (P < .01) and those of CD3(−)CD(16 + 56)(+) cells were significantly higher (P < .01) in APTB patients than in HCs. CD8(+) T cells were significantly decreased (P < .05), and CD3(−)CD(16+56)(+) cells were significantly increased (P < .01), in IPTB patients compared to HCs. The percentages of CD4(+), CD8(+), CD3(−)CD19(+), and CD3(−)CD(16+56)(+) cells showed no differences at different times of the antituberculosis regimen, and different stages of newly diagnosed APTB patients. APTB patients have a reduced percentage of circulating CD4(+) T cells and an increased percentage of NK cells compared with healthy individuals. These cells could play important roles in the immune response to M tuberculosis infection