13 research outputs found

    A computer-based selective visual attention test for first-grade school children: Design, development and psychometric properties

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    Background: Visual attention is known as a critical base for learning. The purpose of the present study was to design, develop and evaluate the test-retest and internal consistency reliability as well as face, content and convergent validity of the computer- based selective visual attention test (SeVAT) for healthy first-grade school children. Methods: In the first phase of this study, the computer-based SeVAT was developed in two versions of original and parallel. Ten experts in occupational therapy helped to measure the content validity using the CVR and CVI methods. Face validity was measured through opinions collected from 10 first-grade children. The convergent validity of the test was examined using the Spearman correlation between the SeVAT and Stroop test. In addition, test-retest reliability was determined by measuring the intra-class correlation (ICC) between the original and parallel versions of the SeVAT in a single session. The internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Sixty first grade children (30 girls/30boys) participated in this study. Results: The developed test was found to have good content and face validity. The SeVAT showed an excellent test-retest reliability (ICC= 0.778, p<0.001) and internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha of original and parallel tests were 0.857 and 0.831, respectively). SeVAT and Stroop test demonstrated a positive correlation upon the convergent validity testing. Conclusion: Our results suggested an acceptable reliability and validity for the computer-based SeVAT in the assessment of selective attention in children. Further research may warrant the differential validity of such a test in other age groups and neuro-cognitively disordered populations

    Emotional Face Perception in Patients with Schizophrenia: an Event-Related Potential Study

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    Emotional face recognition has been shown to be drastically impaired among patients with schizophrenia. Since the underlying processes of this deficit have not been widely addressed, we attempted to investigate the relationship between facial expression perception and clinical symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. We enrolled 28 patients with schizophrenia and 28 healthy adults matched by their sex and age. The amplitude and latency of component N170 in event-related EEG potentials (ERPs) induced by presentations of happy, fearful, and neutral face images were comparatively evaluated in these two groups. Furthermore, the relationship between the N170 measures and clinical symptoms of schizophrenia were assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). The N170 responses to facial expressions in patients with schizophrenia were significantly delayed, as compared to healthy control participants [F (1, 54) = 4.25, P = 0.044]. The N170 response to fearful faces (as compared to happy and neutral faces) was elicited with the minimum latency in the control group, while this component was most delayed among schizophrenics. Positive schizophrenia symptoms correlated with the amplitudes of the left-hemisphere N170 component in response to happy, fearful, and neutral faces. Our findings suggest that the facial expression deficit in schizophrenia is related to delayed responses in face perception and is influenced by the severity of positive symptoms. The evident delay in fearful face perception among patients with schizophrenia may partly explain their inappropriate reactions to threatening conditions.У пацієнтів, котрі страждають на шизофренію, розпізнавання виразів обличчя є серйозно порушеним. Оскільки процеси, що зумовлюють подібний дефіцит, вивчені недостатньо, ми намагалися дослідити співвідношення сприйняття виразів обличчя та клінічних симптомів у пацієнтів із цим захворюванням. В обстежувану групу ввійшли 28 пацієнтів із діагнозом шизофренія та 28 дорослих суб’єктів; групи були узгоджені в статевому та віковому аспектах. У представників цих двох груп вимірювали та порівнювали амплітуду й латентний період компонента N170 у складі пов’язаних з подією потенціалів, викликаних пред’явленням зображень облич зі щасливим, переляканим і нейтральним виразом. Потім оцінювали взаємозв’язок параметрів N170 з оцінками клінічних симптомів шизофренії згідно зі шкалою позитивних і негативних синдромів (PANSS). Розвиток компонента N170 після пред’явлення зображень облич з різними виразами відбувався у пацієнтів із шизофренією істотно пізніше, ніж у здорових контрольних суб’єктів [F (1, 54) = = 4.25, P = 0.044]. N170 після пред’явлення переляканих облич (порівняно зі щасливими та нейтральними) розвивався у суб’єктів контрольної групи з мінімальною затримкою, а у шизофреників він виникав значно пізніше. Інтенсивність позитивних симптомів у шизофреників корелювала з амплітудами N170 у лівій півкулі після пред’явлення як щасливих, так і переляканих і нейтральних облич. Наші спостереження показують, що дефектність сприйняття виразу обличчя у пацієнтів, хворих на шизофренію, пов’язана із затримкою відповідей ЦНС, і на таку дефектність впливає тяжкість позитивних симптомів. Очевидна затримка сприйняття облич з переляканим виразом у пацієнтів із шизофренією може частково пояснювати неадекватність їх реакцій на загрозливі ситуації

    Can hand dexterity predict the disability status of patients with multiple sclerosis?

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    Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological disease. Hand dysfunction is one of the main complaints of patients with MS. The present study aimed to compare hand dexterity of MS patients with low Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores and healthy adults. It also sought to identify the predictors of disability status of patients with MS based on their manual dexterity and demographic characteristics. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 60 (16 male/44 female) patients with MS and 60 (19 male/41 female) healthy people, who matched in terms of age and sex, were recruited. Their hand dexterity was evaluated by the Purdue Pegboard Test. The disability status of the MS group was determined by the Expanded Disability Status Scale. The data were analyzed using SPSS15. Results: The hand dexterity in MS group even with low EDSS score (1.5 ± 1.07) was weaker than control group. Moreover, the dexterity of dominant hand and alternating two hands coordination subtests of the PPT was a good discriminator between two groups (p<0.001). The results of linear regression analysis suggested dominant hand dexterity and disease duration as predictors of disability status that predict 60.5 per cent of the variation in EDSS scores in patients with MS (p<0.001). Conclusion: Reduced dominant hand dexterity in patients with MS is a disabling factor. Further research is recommended to determine if early hand rehabilitation can reduce the severity of disability in Patients with MS

    Research paper: Psychometric properties of the Persian version of self-determination parent perception scale

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    Objectives: Self-determination is a significant skill in the proper transition from adolescence to adulthood. Parents play an important role in assessing the self-determination of their children. Currently, there is no valid instrument in Iran to assess parents' views about the self-determination of their adolescents. The present study was conducted to determine the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Self-determination Parent Perception Scale (SDPPS) in an Iranian population. Methods: In this descriptive psychometric study, the original version of SDPPS was translated using the forward-backward method. The content validity index and content validity ratio of the questionnaire were confirmed by a panel of 15 experts, and its face validity was evaluated among 10 parents of the adolescents. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on 125 parents of adolescents (aged 14-18 years) who were selected by convenience sampling with maximum variation. Its reliability and internal consistency were also assessed using test-retest and in a group of 17 parents, respectively. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS V. 18. Results: The items were modified at the face validity stage and approved at the content validity stage. Five factors by explaining 54.14 of the variance and deleting four items were confirmed at the construct validity stage using exploratory factor analysis. A Cronbach's alpha of 0.93 was obtained for the total scale and 0.79 to 0.85 for the five subscales of the SDPPS. The intra-class correlation coefficient with 95 CI (0.82-0.98) was 0.83 indicating good reliability of the questionnaire. Discussion: The Persian version of SDPPS showed acceptable validity and reliability in explaining the self-determination of adolescents with and without disabilities based on the parents' perspectives and can be applied by professionals in rehabilitation centers and those studying on human behavior. © 2020 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

    Assessment of the Saccular Function in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy

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    Our investigation was designed to assess the saccular function of the vestibular system upon postural control dysfunction amongst children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) using recording of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMPs), as well as to compare such findings with those in healthy subjects. Sixty two children (aged 7-12 years) were enrolled and assigned into two groups. There were 31 cases of spastic CP with the functional levels of I or II according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System in the patient group and 31 aged-matched healthy children as controls. The examined parameters were the latencies of the P₁₃ and N₂₃ waves, P₁₃–N₂₃ peak-to-peak amplitude, amplitude asymmetry ratio (AAR) and the cVEMP threshold. The cVEMP responses were recorded in 93.5 % of cases in the CP group and in all healthy subjects. Only 51.6% of the CP-group cases were within the normal AAR spectrum range. There were significant differences between the two groups with regard to the N₂₃ wave latency (P < 0.001), P₁₃–N₂₃ wave amplitude (P < 0.001) and cVEMP threshold (P<0.05). The significant difference in the cVEMP measured values between the CP cases and healthy controls may be attributed to a motor development delay and deficits in the vestibulo-collic reflex pathway. Our findings suggest that cVEMP recording may be considered an auxiliary tool for the assessment of the vestibular system in children with spastic CP. Such a test is expected to help more adequate planning for interventions.Метою нашого дослідження були оцінка сакулярної функції вестибулярної системи при постуральній дисфункції у дітей, що страждають на дитячий церебральний параліч (ЦП), з використанням відведення шийних вестибулярних викликаних міогенних потенціалів (cVEMP) та порівняння відповідних результатів із такими у здорових обстежених дітей. 62 дитини (вік сім–12 років) були розділені на дві групи (31 дитина зі спастичною формою ЦП при функціональних рівнях I та II відповідно до системи класифікації загальних моторних функцій та 31 здорова дитина відповідного віку, що складали групу контролю). Визначали наступні параметри: латентні періоди хвиль P₁₃ та N₂₃, амплітуди цих хвиль, амплітуду від піку до піку коливань P₁₃–N₂₃, коефіцієнт асиметрії хвиль (AAR) та поріг cVEMP. Істотні cVEMP були зареєстровані в 93.5 % випадків групи ЦП та в усіх здорових дітей. Тільки у 51.6 % дітей групи ЦП значення AAR відповідали нормальному діапазону цього індексу. Середні величини латентного періоду N₂₃-хвилі, міжпікової амплітуди P₁₃–N₂₃ і порогу виникнення cVEMP у групах ЦП і контролю вірогідно розрізнялися (P < 0.001, Р < 0.001 та P < 0.05 відповідно). Істотна відмінність виміряних параметрів cVEMP у групах ЦП та здорових дітей може бути пов’язана із затримкою моторного розвитку та дефектністю вестибуло-двогорбикового рефлексу. Наші дані свідчать про те, що відведення cVEMP може бути цінним допоміжним прийомом при функціональній оцінці вестибулярної системи у дітей зі спастичним ЦП. Вірогідно, даний тест може допомогти адекватніше планувати відповідні реабілітаційні заходи

    National guidelines for cognitive assessment and rehabilitation of Iranian traumatic brain injury patients

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    Background: Individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) often have prolonged cognitive impairments, resulting in long-term problems with their real-life activities. Given the urgent need for evidence-based recommendations for neuropsychological management of Iranian TBI patients, the current work aimed to adapt eligible international guidelines for cognitive assessment and rehabilitation of the TBI patients in Iran. Methods: The project was led by an executive committee, under the supervision of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME). Following a systematic literature search and selection process, four guidelines were included for adaptation. Clinical recommendations of the source guidelines were tabulated as possible clinical scenarios for 90 PICO clinical questions covering all relevant phases of care. After summing up the scenarios, our initial list of recommendations was drafted according to the Iranian patients� conditions. The final decision-making, with the contribution of a national interdisciplinary panel of 37 experts from across the country, was conducted in two rounds using online and offline survey forms (Round 1), and face-to-face and telephone meetings (Round 2). Results: A total of 63 recommendations in six sections were included in the final list of recommendations, among which 24 were considered as key recommendations. In addition, some of the recommendations were identified as fundamental, meaning that proper implementation of the other recommendations is largely dependent on their implementation. Conclusion: Iranian health policy makers and rehabilitation program managers are recommended to address some fundamental issues to provide the necessary infrastructure to set up an efficient cognitive rehabilitation service system. © 2020 Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran. All rights reserved

    Discriminative factors for post-stroke depression

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    Background: Depression is the most common mood disorder following stroke. It can negatively affects different domains of patient's life. The present study aimed to explore demographic and clinical predictors of post stroke depression and determine discriminative cognitive, motor, and functional factors in stroke patients with and without depression. Methods: In a cross sectional study, 100 patients with stroke were investigated. Measurements consisted of Beck Depression Inventory-II, Trail Making Test A & B, Digit Span Subtest of Wechsler Memory Scale, Motricity Index (arm and leg motor), Trunk Control Test, Barthel Index, and Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. Demographics and clinical data including educational level, marital status, limb affected, cigarette smoking habits, diabetes mellitus, cardiac diseases, and blood pressure were also collected. Results: Multivariate logistic regression revealed that college level of education (OR = 8.78, 95 CI: 2.65�29.11, P < 0.001) and cardiac diseases (OR = 3.11, 95 CI: 1.19�8.13, P < 0.001) were significant demographic and clinical predictors of post stroke depression. Using stepwise discriminant function analysis, basic activities of daily living and trunk control with 88.0 classification accuracy, 81.1 sensitivity, and 95.7 specificity were as the best discriminators of post stroke depression. Conclusions: Rehabilitation experts working with patients with stroke should pay special attention to trunk control and basic activities of daily living for preventing consequences of PSD particularly in those with higher educational level and cardiac diseases. © 201

    A study on the factor structure, construct validity and reliability of the activities of daily living of iranian children (Adlic) scale

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    Background: The first and most basic area of occupational performance is the activities of daily living. These activities of life highly depend on the contextual and ecological (environmental) factors. Cultural values, parental expectations, social routines, and physical environment influence acquisition time of a child�s daily activities. At present, there is no comprehensive and adapted-culturally tool to evaluate the daily life activities of Iranian children aged 3-6 years. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the factor structure, construct validity, and reliability of the Activities of Daily Living in Iranian Children (ADLIC) scale. Methods: The participants were 470 Iranian parents of children among the ages from 3 to 6. Exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability were conducted for data analysis. Convergent validity was measured by correlation to the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Results: The results indicated that ADLIC has excellent reliability due to internal consistency (Cronbach�s alpha 0.96). Furthermore, the temporal stability of ADLIC was supported using the Intra-class correlations coefficient, which ranged between 0.95 and 0.98. Convergent validity between the ADLIC and two subscales of PEDI, including self-care (0.88) and mobility (0.80), was good. The ADLIC scale showed a clear factor structure with five main components and ten factors based on the findings. Conclusions: ADLIC has excellent psychometric properties, including internal consistency and temporal stability, and can be used as a reliable and valid measure to assess the daily living activities of children aged 3-6 years. © 2021, Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Studies

    速報31 : 流體の粘性が温度により變化することを考慮した熱傳逹の實驗式

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    Purpose: To investigate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS) in caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. After a forward�backward translation, the CBS was administered to 110 caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury (men = 60, women = 50). Factor structure was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis. The Internal consistency and test�retest reliability of the CBS were examined using Cronbach�s α and the intraclass correlation coefficient, respectively. Construct validity was assessed by examining the relationship among CBS and the World Health Organization Quality of Life, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis provided support for a five-factor model of CBS. All subscales of CBS revealed acceptable internal consistency (0.698�0.755), except for environment subscale (0.559). The CBS showed adequate test�retest reliability for its subscales (0.745�0.900). All subscales of CBS significantly correlated with both Beck Depression Inventory and World Health Organization Quality of Life, confirming construct validity. Conclusions: The Persian version of the CBS is a valid and reliable measure for assessing burden of care in caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury.Implications for Rehabilitation Spinal cord injury leads to depression, high levels of stress and diminished quality of life due to the high physical, emotional, and social burdens in caregivers. Persian version of the Caregiver Burden Scale is a valid and reliable tool for assessing burden in Iranian caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group