83 research outputs found

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoone−thirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnon−oilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,Slaughter−Housesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market.Poultry meat,export,Revealed comparative advantage,iran,middle east

    A Study on the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies in English

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    This article is concerned with ''learning strategies of English in English Foreign Language setting in Iran. The role of language strategy is to reach or complete a language learning process or language teaching process in target language. It is worth mentioning strategies of learning can be considered as the important factor in learning and teaching target language in order to help determine how language learners learn their target language in EFL or ESL settings. Subjects for this research project were eighty EFL students in the age range of 18 to 24 at under-graduate level in Bushehr Persian Gulf University. The two types of questionnaires were designed to reach the purpose of this study: the first test included age, gender, language attitude and subjects etc. and a learning strategies questionnaire has included a twenty-nine-test adapted from the original willing (1994) survey. However, the Effectiveness of Learning Strategies was revealed in this study

    Investigation of the role of information systems in tourism marketing as one of the strategies of tourism development

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    Nowadays tourism is considered as one of the main sources of income in the world, and also an effective factor in cultural exchanges between countries that is why it has a very special position as the largest service industry in the world. Therefore there is a close and intense competition in many countries to increase their revenues and interests by means of such an international activity. Obviously, a little negligence can lead to lost opportunities. Therefore, the most successful one among the competing countries is the one that moves forward based on a strategic plan; and one way of achieving the strategic plan is tourism marketing which aims at gaining customer satisfaction in a profitable manner. In order to succeed in tourism marketing, we must fit well to present the future orientations of the market. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of marketing information systems in tourism-as a way of attracting tourists- by descriptive approach. This paper shows that major changes have taken place in the business world; as a result, various economic sectors have been forced to manipulate information systems to gain overwhelming profits

    Investigation of the role of information systems in tourism marketing as one of the strategies of tourism development

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    Nowadays tourism is considered as one of the main sources of income in the world, and also an effective factor in cultural exchanges between countries that is why it has a very special position as the largest service industry in the world. Therefore there is a close and intense competition in many countries to increase their revenues and interests by means of such an international activity. Obviously, a little negligence can lead to lost opportunities. Therefore, the most successful one among the competing countries is the one that moves forward based on a strategic plan; and one way of achieving the strategic plan is tourism marketing which aims at gaining customer satisfaction in a profitable manner. In order to succeed in tourism marketing, we must fit well to present the future orientations of the market. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of marketing information systems in tourism-as a way of attracting tourists- by descriptive approach. This paper shows that major changes have taken place in the business world; as a result, various economic sectors have been forced to manipulate information systems to gain overwhelming profits

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoone−thirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnon−oilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,Slaughter−Housesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoone−thirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnon−oilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,Slaughter−Housesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market

    Propane-1,2-diaminium bis­(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ato-κ3 O 2,N,O 6)cuprate(II) tetra­hydrate

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    In the title compound, (C3H12N2)[Cu(C7H3NO4)2]·4H2O, the CuII atom is six-coordinated in a distorted octa­hedral geometry by two tridentate pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ate (pydc) ligands. In the crystal, inter­molecular O—H⋯O, N—H⋯O and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, as well as π–π stacking inter­actions between the pyridine rings of the pydc ligands [centroid–centroid distance = 3.4714 (14) Å] are present. C=O⋯π inter­actions between the carbonyl groups and pyridine rings [O⋯centroid distances = 3.150 (2) and 3.2233 (19) Å] are also observed

    Feasibility study on the use of MIL-53(Al) as a support for iron catalysts in the CO hydrogenation reaction

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    The study examined the potential use of MIL-53(Al), a metal-organic compound created through solvothermal synthesis, as a support for iron catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (FTS). Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is a crucial aspect of Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) technology used in the petrochemical industry to produce light olefins. The catalyst's activity was assessed under specific conditions, including a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 2700 h-1, a hydrogen to carbon monoxide (H2/CO) feed ratio of 2:1, temperatures ranging from 310 to 330 ℃, and pressures ranging from 5 to 9 bar. The feasibility study indicated that MIL-53(Al) has the potential to be a suitable support for iron catalysts in FTS, resulting in the production of light olefins (24%) at high temperatures and low pressure

    Bis(2,3-diamino­pyridinium) bis­(μ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ato)-κ4 O 2,N,O 6:O 6;κ4 O 2:O 2,N,O 6-bis­[aqua­(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ato-κ3 O 2,N,O 6)bis­muthate(III)] tetra­hydrate

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    In the centrosymmetric dinuclear complex anion of the title compound, (C5H8N3)2[Bi2(C7H3NO4)4(H2O)2]·4H2O, the BiIII atom is eight-coordinated in an N2O6 environment and has a distorted bicapped trigonal–prismatic coordination environment. Extensive inter­molecular O—H⋯O, N—H⋯O and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds lead to the stability of the crystal structure. Inter­actions between one C—H group of the 2,3-diamino­pyridinium [(2,3-dapyH)+] cation and the aromatic ring of the pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ate (pydc) ligand (C—H⋯centroid distance = 2.78 Å) and π–π inter­actions between the (2,3-dapyH)+ cations and between the (2,3-dapyH)+ cation and the pydc ligand [centroid–centroid distances = 3.489 (5) and 3.694 (5) Å] are observed

    In Silico Analysis of Six Known Leishmania major Antigens and In Vitro Evaluation of Specific Epitopes Eliciting HLA-A2 Restricted CD8 T Cell Response

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    Leishmaniasis is currently a serious health as well as economic problem in underdeveloped and developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Near and Middle East, Central and South America and the Mediterranean region. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is highly endemic in Iran, remarkably in Isfahan, Fars, Khorasan, Khozestan and Kerman provinces. Since effective prevention is not available and current curative therapy is expensive, often poorly tolerated and not always effective, alternative therapies including vaccination against leishmaniasis are of priority to overcome the problem. Although Th1 dominant response is so far considered as a pre-requisite for the immune system to overcome the infection, CD8+ T cell response could also be considered as a potent arm of immune system fighting against intracellular Leishmania. Polytope vaccine strategy may open up a new way in vaccine design against leishmaniasis, since they act as a potent tool to stimulate multi-CD8 T cell responses. Clearly there is a substantial need to evaluate the promising epitopes from different proteins of Leishmania parasite species. Some new immunoinformatic tools are now available to speed up this process, and we have shown here that in silico prediction can effectively evaluate HLA class I-restricted epitopes out of Leishmania proteins
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