6 research outputs found

    The Strategic Partnership between Russia and the United States: Historical Experience and Prospects

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    General features characterize all six components of the genotype of the Eurasian and North American civilization — naturalecological, sociodemographic, technological, economic, socio-cultural, public-political and geopolitical. Overcoming the current confrontation and move towards the strategic partnership of Russia and the United States is dictated by the objective laws of the development of society and its interaction with nature in a new historical stage dynamics of civilizations. Civilizational approach provides an opportunity to define a system of long-term priorities the strategic partnership of Russia and the United States based on genotype structure of civilization and indigenous interests of the peoples of the two countries

    Neologisms in Czech arising during the coronavirus epidemic 2020-2021

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    The undergraduate research considers neologisms taken from the Internet dictionary Čeština 2.0 which is available online. The topic of neologisms has been and will be relevant as development of technology, science, society, culture and in connection with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in our case. In two years the Czech lexicon has been replenished with new lexemes related to the coronavirus and here we can note the creative approach to their formation. The purpose of this research is to confirm the independence of the korona lexeme and to find the most commonly used word-formation technique in the classification of lexemes. We also would like to show that the lexical part (morpheme) koro can potentially behave as a prefixoid. The theoretical part of the undergraduate research includes the definition of lexical terms used in this study, the establishment of their criteria and the definition of stylistic factors. The practical part examines the evolution of the meaning of the lexeme coronavirus and the word-formation classification of lexemes describing the coronavirus epidemic. We will return to this study of neologisms in the future because in a few years this research will allow us to conclude which of the observed lexemes survived and became neologisms and which on the contrary were..

    Neologisms in Czech arising during the coronavirus epidemic 2020-2021

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    The undergraduate research considers neologisms taken from the Internet dictionary Čeština 2.0 which is available online. The topic of neologisms has been and will be relevant as development of technology, science, society, culture and in connection with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in our case. In two years the Czech lexicon has been replenished with new lexemes related to the coronavirus and here we can note the creative approach to their formation. The purpose of this research is to confirm the independence of the korona lexeme and to find the most commonly used word-formation technique in the classification of lexemes. We also would like to show that the lexical part (morpheme) koro can potentially behave as a prefixoid. The theoretical part of the undergraduate research includes the definition of lexical terms used in this study, the establishment of their criteria and the definition of stylistic factors. The practical part examines the evolution of the meaning of the lexeme coronavirus and the word-formation classification of lexemes describing the coronavirus epidemic. We will return to this study of neologisms in the future because in a few years this research will allow us to conclude which of the observed lexemes survived and became neologisms and which on the contrary were...Bakalářská práce se zabývá neologismy pocházejícími z internetového slovníku Čeština 2.0, který je dostupný on-line.1 Téma neologismů bylo a bude aktuální, jelikož se rozvijí technologie, věda, společnost, kultura a v našem případě napomohlo šíření koronavirové pandemie. Během dvou let se český lexikon rozšířil o nové lexémy vztahující se ke koronaviru, zde můžeme zaznamenat lidskou kreativitu při tvoření těchto lexémů. Práce si klade za cíl ukázat samostatnost lexému korona, najít nejfrekventovanější slovotvorný postup při tvoření lexémů, chceme ukázat, že lexikální část koro se potenciálně může chovat jako prefixoid. Teoretická část práce zahrnuje vymezení lexikálních termínů použitých v bakalářské práci, určování jejich kritérií a stanovení jejich stylistických faktorů. V praktické části jsou sledován vývoj významu lexému koronavirus a slovotvorná klasifikace lexémů popisujících koronavirovou epidemii. Naším cílem je se k tomuto zkoumání neologismů vrátit, jelikož nám za několik let tato bakalářská práce umožní rozhodnout, které ze sledovaných lexémů vydržely a staly se z nich neologismy, a které naopak byly okazionalismy. Závěry bakalářská práce jsou shrnuty na konci. Příloha obsahuje námi vytvořený koronavirový slovník. Klíčová slova: čeština, koronavir, neologismus, tvoření neologismů,...Institute of Czech StudiesÚstav bohemistických studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    The Post-Socialist Transformation of Central and Eastern European Countries at the Turn of the Century: Regional Development and Economic Inequality

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    The evolution of the socio-economic systems is a non-linear process and it contains periods with smooth changes and subsequent periods of sharp jump transformation. The general design of new prospects opens at a stage of the birth of evolutionary processes, their forecasting requires the analysis of the historical prerequisites and risks, which are closely integrated to the change of moods in society. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the newly independent states have passed the transformational and evolutional stage of development from the regional economy (they actually were the regions) to the economy of the state; the Central and Eastern European countries have experienced a dramatic “drift” to the European Union. In the article, the results of almost 25 years’ transformation of these states are considered. New states, formed as a result of the collapse of the USSR, passed throughout three types of transformation. Firstly, it is the transformation at the ideological level. The transformation of the second type was purely economic. The third type can be characterized as the institutional (including structural and financial) transformation. It is shown that one of the important reasons for the modest economic performance in the post-Soviet space is that newly independent states ignore and do not use in the practice the principles of regional policy and regional modernization. One of the important characteristic of the social and economic evolution of the countries of Eastern Europe after 1990 became the process of stratification and social differentiation of society with an insufficiently strong middle class and the polarization in income levels between the different regions. The increasing polarization in the income levels of the various regions acts as the dominating trend of the growing economic inequalit

    Security policy in post‐Soviet central Asia

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