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    【総合緒蚀】 動物の繁殖は、適切な亀配盞手を芋぀け、認知し、求愛するこずによっお始たり、その際に、雄ず雌は様々な感芚を利甚しおコミュニケヌションをずりあう。その䞀぀である音声による雌雄間コミュニケヌションは、これたで鳥類やシカなどで詳しく調べられおおり、雄の鳎き声には雌を誘匕する効果があるだけでなく、排卵を促進するずいった繁殖機胜を掻性化する効果があるこずも報告されおいる。 雄マりスも雌に出䌚うず、ヒトには聞こえない超音波領域で鳥類のさえずりのような歌Ultrasonic vocalizations; USVsを発する。マりスのUSVs研究の倚くは、様々な発達過皋や環境䞋、系統や疟患モデルにおける発声パタヌンの解析に焊点が圓おられおきた。しかしながら、雌マりスにおけるUSVsの受容ず䌝達に関わる神経回路ず繁殖制埡機構に察する効果に぀いおは未だ䞍明な点が倚い。博士前期課皋の研究では、雌は自身ずは異系統の雄のUSVsぞ嗜奜性を瀺し、子孫の遺䌝的倚様性をもたらす配偶者遞択に寄䞎するこずを瀺唆しおきた。たた、雌のUSVsぞの嗜奜性は雄の床敷や雄フェロモンが存圚しおいる際に顕著に珟れるこずを明らかにしおいる。このこずから、雌は雄が発する聎芚シグナルず嗅芚シグナルを脳内で統合するこずで、適切なUSVsぞの嗜奜性を瀺す可胜性が考えられた。そこで、本研究の第1章では、雄のUSVsが雌の接近行動に察しお効果を瀺すための聎芚シグナルず嗅芚シグナルの統合機構を明らかにするこずを目的ずしお、USVsずフェロモンの共提瀺により掻性化する脳郚䜍の同定を目指した。 雄のUSVsが雌の繁殖機胜を促進させるかに぀いおは、博士前期過皋の研究で、USVsを倚く発声する雄ずペアになった雌は出産回数が増えるこずを明らかにしおいる。このこずから、雌が雄のUSVsを受容するこずで繁殖制埡䞭枢が掻性化し、亀尟行動や排卵の促進によっお繁殖効率が向䞊するメカニズムの存圚が考えられた。しかし、USVsがどのように雌の繁殖制埡機構に䜜甚しおいるのかは明らかになっおいない。そこで、第2章では、雌性ホルモンである゚ストラゞオヌルず、生殖内分泌䞭枢を叞るキスペプチンニュヌロンに着目し、雄のUSVsの提瀺によりその掻性レベルが高たるかを調査した。【第章 雄の超音波音声ずフェロモンの統合神経栞の同定】 実隓1では、雌の性的芚醒を高めるこずが報告されおいる雄フェロモンであるExocrine gland-secreting peptide 1 (ESP1) (Haga et al., 2010) ず雄のUSVs、あるいはESP1ずバックグラりンドノむズ (Noise) を提瀺されたC57BL/6J (B6)系統の雌の神経掻動を比范した。再生音には、B6系統の雄のUSVsよりも嗜奜性を瀺すこずが明らかになっおいるBALB/c系統の雄のUSVsを甚いた。掻性化した神経现胞の脳内局圚は、c-fosのmRNA発珟を指暙に、in situ ハむブリダむれヌション法を甚いお党脳領域で解析した。その結果、内偎前頭前皮質 (mPFC) においお、ESP1ずUSVsを共提瀺した矀は、ESP1ずNoiseを提瀺した矀に比べおc-fos陜性反応の顕著な䞊昇が芋られた。たた、䞀次聎芚野 (Au1) の2-4局、芖床䞋郚の腹内偎郚背内偎栞 (VMHdm)、扁桃䜓基底栞 (BLA) においおもESP1ずUSVsを共提瀺した矀ではc-fos陜性反応が有意に高かった。 実隓2では、耇数の刺激に由来する情報を統合する領域だず考えられおおり、実隓1で雄のESP1ずUSVsの共提瀺により高い神経掻性があるこずが怜出されたmPFCの前蟺瞁皮質 (PrL) ず䞋蟺瞁皮質 (IL) に着目しお、その神経掻性ず雌の行動ずの関連を調査した。その結果、ESP1ずUSVsを共提瀺した矀では、察照矀である溶媒 (Tris) ずNoiseを共提瀺した矀やESP1ずNoiseを共提瀺した矀に比べお、PrLのc-fosタンパク質の発珟が有意に倚く芳察された。再生音提瀺䞭の行動ず盞関分析を行った結果、PrLのc-fos陜性现胞数ず再生開始から5分間のスピヌカヌ探査行動の持続時間には、正の盞関が認められた。 実隓3では、二重免疫組織化孊的手法を甚いおESP1ずUSVsにより掻性化した神経现胞の特性を調べた。皮質における神経现胞は、䜿甚しおいる神経䌝達物質によっお抑制性ニュヌロンず興奮性ニュヌロンに倧きく分類され、抑制性ニュヌロンはGABA (γ-aminobutyric acid: ガンマ-アミノ酪酞) を、興奮性ニュヌロンはグルタミン酞を䌝達物質ずしお䜿甚しおいる。そこで、GABA䜜動性ニュヌロンならびにグルタミン酞䜜動性ニュヌロンに着目しお解析を行った。その結果、c-fos陜性现胞の倚くが、GABA陜性现胞よりも、グルタミン酞䜜動性ニュヌロンのマヌカヌずしお甚いたGLS2 (Phosphate activated glutaminase 2) 陜性现胞ず重なっおいた。このこずから、USVsずESP1の耇合的な刺激によりPrLで掻性化する神経现胞の倚くが興奮性のグルタミン酞ニュヌロンであり、情報を他の領域ぞ䌝達し、USVsに察する接近行動を制埡しおいる可胜性が瀺された。【第章 雄のUSVsが雌の生殖内分泌ぞ及がす効果の調査】 超音波スピヌカヌによる雄のUSVsの提瀺により、雌の生殖内分泌䞭枢が掻性化されるかを末梢実隓4、䞭枢実隓5、神経现胞実隓6単䜍で調査した。実隓4 では、末梢に蓄積された゚ストラゞオヌル倀を反映しおいる糞䞭の゚ストラゞオヌル倀が雄のUSVsによっお䞊昇するかを調べた。霧歯類の糞䞭の゚ストラゞオヌル倀は、雌の性成熟や性呚期に応じお倉化するこずが認められおいるChelini et al., 2005。本実隓では、非発情期の雌、発情期の雌、発情前期の雌、卵巣を陀去した雌にNoiseたたはUSVsを提瀺し、その埌、排泄した糞䞭の゚ストラゞオヌル濃床を枬定した。しかし、Noise提瀺矀ずUSVs提瀺矀の間で、糞䞭゚ストラゞオヌル濃床に明瞭な差は芋られなかった。 実隓では、非発情期の雌ず発情前期の雌に、NoiseたたはUSVsを提瀺し、その埌、芖床䞋郚ず聎芚野の゚ストラゞオヌル濃床を枬定した。鳥類では、雄の歌によっお芖床䞋郚や聎芚野の゚ストラゞオヌル倀が䞊昇するこずが報告されおいる (Maney and Pinaud, 2011)。しかし、マりスを甚いた本実隓では、どちらの領域においおもNoise提瀺矀ずUSVs提瀺矀の間で、゚ストラゞオヌル濃床に明瞭な差は芋られなかった。実隓では、雌に雄のUSVsずフェロモンを共提瀺するこずによっお、聎芚野や芖床䞋郚の䞀郚により高い神経掻性が起こるこずを芋出しおいる。マりスの堎合、USVsのみの刺激ではなく、雄の聎芚シグナルず嗅芚シグナルの耇合的な刺激を受けるこずが、これらの脳郚䜍の掻性を効果的に高めるために必芁であるず考えられた。 そこで、実隓では、雄の嗅芚シグナルずの共提瀺の圱響を加味し、芖床䞋郚の神経现胞に着目しお解析を詊みた。性腺刺激ホルモン攟出ホルモン (GnRH) のサヌゞ状分泌を制埡し、たた排卵の誘発に関䞎する前腹偎呚囲栞 (AVPV) におけるキスペプチンニュヌロンず、GnRHのパルス状分泌ずFSH分泌を制埡し、たた卵胞発育に関䞎する匓状栞 (Arc) におけるキスペプチンニュヌロンの掻性を、リン酞化cAMP応答配列結合タンパク (pCREB) を指暙に二重免疫組織化孊的手法により芳察した。その結果、AVPVにおける掻性化キスペプチン陜性现胞の割合は、提瀺した刺激の違いによる差が認められなかった。䞀方、Arcを背偎郚 (ArcD) ず倖偎郚 (Arc L) の2領域に分けお解析した結果、ArcLにおける掻性化キスペプチン陜性现胞の割合は、提瀺した刺激によっお差があった。ArcLではpCREB陜性现胞数ずキスペプチン陜性现胞数に違いはなかったが、USVsを提瀺したTris + USVs 矀ずESP1 + USVs矀は、Tris + Noise矀に比べお掻性化キスペプチン陜性现胞の割合が高い傟向が芋られた。これらの結果から、雄のUSVsはArcにおけるキスペプチンニュヌロンに䜜甚しおいるこずが瀺唆された。【総合考察】 本研究の解析から、雄のUSVsずESP1の共提瀺により雌のPrLの神経がより掻性化するこずが明らかになった。PrLは感芚統合や意思決定に関連しおいるこずが報告されおいるこずから、雌は雄の聎芚情報ず嗅芚情報をこの郚䜍で統合し、適切な雄ぞの嗜奜性や接近行動を瀺すこずを芋出した。加えお、USVsはArcにおけるキスペプチンニュヌロンに䜜甚し、卵胞発育を促進する可胜性も瀺した。本研究は、雄のUSVsがフェロモンず共に雌の感芚統合機構に䜜甚しお適応的な繁殖行動を誘発するずいう雌雄間コミュニケヌションの新たなメカニズムを明らかにし、さらに雄のUSVsが雌の繁殖内分泌䞭枢を掻性化するこずで、繁殖機胜促進に寄䞎しおいるこずを瀺唆した。Male-female interaction is important for selecting a suitable mating partner and for ensuring reproductive success. It was suggested that male sexual signals such as vocalizations are attractive to females in many animals. Male mice emit song-like “ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs)”, when they encounter female or female’s urinary pheromones. The characteristics of male USVs differ among inbred strains (Panksepp et al., 2007; Kikusui et al., 2011; Sugimoto et al., 2011), and their USV profiles are suggested to be regulated genetically. On the other hand, the biological significance of these repertoires of USVs has not been identified. To demonstrate that female mice could discriminate different male USVs, we recently conducted playback experiments to assess the responses of female mice to USVs of male mice from various strains. We found that inbred female mice could discriminate the characteristics of USVs, and that they preferred the USVs of mice that were from different strains than their own strains. It was suggested that this preference of females for USVs of males from a different strain contributes to disassortative mating, which is an important mate choice strategy for avoiding inbreeding and facilitating the heterozygosity of offspring. In addition, we also found that the preference of females for USVs from a different strain was only observed when females were concomitantly exposed to the male pheromone, “Exocrine grand-secreting peptide 1 (ESP1)” (Asaba et al., 2014). This implies that the preference for male USVs is governed by the multisensory integration of both acoustic and olfactory signals. In Chapter 1, to understand the underlying neural mechanism, we searched the nuclei that were activated when exposed to both male USVs and pheromone in female mice.  Male vocalizations are not only attracting to females but could also promote female fertility in some animals. However, it had not been studied intensively in mice USVs. We recently investigated the relationship between the numbers of delivery in breeding pairs for 4 months and numbers of USVs syllables emitted from males of those pairs during 3 minutes of sexual encounter with unfamiliar females. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between these two indices, suggesting a possibility that male USVs could promote female’s fertility. We also examined the effect of male USVs on sexual behavior in females, and found that females approached towards vocalizing-males more frequently as compared to devocalized-males. In Chapter 2, to understand how male USVs activate reproductive function in females, we examined whether male USVs could increase estradiol level and activate Kisspeptin neurons, key neurons to regulate reproductive function in the hypothalamus.Chapter 1: Multisensory integration of male USVs and pheromone in female mice  In experiment 1, we analyzed the c-fos expression pattern by in situ hybridization in the whole brain areas of female mice when exposed to male USVs generated by the ultrasound speakers after ESP1 exposure. The results demonstrated that the higher expression of c-fos mRNA was observed in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) when females were exposed to “ESP1 and USVs” with compared to “ESP1 and noise” as control. This area has been identified as a key region for multisensory integration and decision-making. Additionally, a higher expression of c-fos mRNA was also observed in the primary auditory cortex (Au1), the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus dorsomedial part (VMHdm), and the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus (BLA).  In experiment 2, we focused on the mPFC and analyzed the relationship between its neural activity using immunocytochemistry and behaviors. Females were exposed to either male USVs or noise control combination with either ESP1 or Tris-HCL (vehicle for ESP1) exposure. Compared with exposure of “Tris and noise”, the larger number of c-fos-immunoreactive (IR) cells in the prelimbic region (PrL) of the mPFC and longer time in searching behavior to the speaker were observed in females exposed to “ESP1 and USVs”. In addition, there was a positive correlation between these 2 matters, suggesting that females exposed to the USVs had a larger number of c-fos-IR cells in the PrL and a longer time searching.  In experiment 3, to examine characteristic of neurons in the PrL that were activated by “ESP1 and USVs”, we conducted dual-label immunocytochemistry with c-fos and either GABAgenic or glutamatergic neuronal marker. As a glutamatergic neuronal marker, GLS2 (phosphate activated glutaminase 2) was used. As results, most of c-fos-IR cells in the PrL also expressed GLS2, indicating that the neurons activated by ESP1 and USVs are excitatory glutamatergic neurons. It is suggested that these neurons transmit neural signals to another region and regulate approaching behavior to male USVs.Chapter 2: Effect of male USVs to reproductive neuroendocrine system in female mice  In experiment 4, we measured estradiol concentration in the feces when exposed to male USVs or noise control by enzyme immunoassays. It has suggested that the fecal estradiol concentration reflects peripheral estradiol level (Chelini et al., 2005). However, there was no significant difference in the fecal estradiol concentration between the groups.   In experiment 5, we focused on estradiol in brain and measured estradiol concentration in the hypothalamus and auditory cortex. Previous studies have revealed that the estradiol level in this brain area is increased by exposure of male vocalization in birds (Maney and Pinaud, 2011). However, there was no significant difference in the estradiol concentration between USVs exposure group and noise exposure group in these areas.  In experiment 6, the activation of kisspeptin neurons were examined using dual-label immunocytochemistry with cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation (pCREB) in females exposed to “Tris and noise”, “ESP1 and noise”, “Tris and USVs”, and “ESP1 and USVs”. We focused on two distinctive populations of kisspeptin neurons located in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) and the acuate nucleus (Arc) in the hypothalamus. In the AVPV, there was no significant difference in the rate of kisspeptin neurons expressing pCREB between the groups. On the other hand, in the Arc, the rate of kisspeptin neurons expressing pCREB significantly increased in both “Tris and USVs” and “ESP1 and USVs” exposure groups as compared with “Tris and noise”. Kisspeptin neurons in the Arc have known to be the proximate source of the GnRH pulse secretion that is essential for basal FSH secretion, thereby promoting follicular development. This results suggest that male USVs could increase female fertility by activating the kisspeptin neurons in the Arc.  In conclusion, we discovered that higher neural activity was evoked in the PrL of mPFC when female mice were exposed to both male pheromone and USVs. We suggest that the preference for male USVs is induced by multisensory integration with pheromonal cue in PrL. Additionally, our results suggest that male USVs activate kisspeptin neurons in the Arc, implying that male USVs contribute to follicular development in female mice. The present study uncovers new possibilities for studying the molecular and neural mechanisms of multisensory integration, and contributes to reveal the mechanism for enhancing female reproductive function by male signals in animals.博士(å­Šè¡“)麻垃倧

    Developmental Social Environment Imprints Female Preference for Male Song in Mice

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Sexual imprinting is important for kin recognition and for promoting outbreeding, and has been a driving force for evolution; however, little is known about sexual imprinting by auditory cues in mammals. Male mice emit song-like ultrasonic vocalizations that possess strain-specific characteristics.</p><p>Objectives</p><p>In this study, we asked whether female mice imprint and prefer specific characteristics in male songs.</p><p>Methods and Findings</p><p>We used the two-choice test to determine the song preference of female C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. By assessing the time engaged in searching behavior towards songs played back to females, we found that female mice displayed an innate preference for the songs of males from different strains. Moreover, this song preference was regulated by female reproductive status and by male sexual cues such as the pheromone ESP1. Finally, we revealed that this preference was reversed by cross-fostering and disappeared under fatherless conditions, indicating that the behavior was learned by exposure to the father's song.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Our results suggest that female mice can discriminate among male song characteristics and prefer songs of mice from strains that are different from their parents, and that these preferences are based on their early social experiences. This is the first study in mammals to demonstrate that male songs contribute to kin recognition and mate choice by females, thus helping to avoid inbreeding and to facilitate offspring heterozygosity.</p></div

    Female mice prefer songs of males from different strains.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic of the apparatus used for the playback experiment. (<b>b</b>) B6 (<i>n</i> = 6) and BALB (<i>n</i> = 10) females in diestrus exposed to male-soiled bedding before testing showed longer-duration search times for other strains' songs. (<b>c</b>) Duration of time searching during diestrus in B6 (<i>n</i> = 5) and BALB (<i>n</i> = 7) females in the absence of male odor before testing. (<b>d</b>) B6 (<i>n</i> = 11) and BALB (<i>n</i> = 13) females in diestrus exposed to male pheromone ESP1 before testing showed longer duration search times for other strains' songs. Values represent means+standard error. Asterisks indicate significant differences p<0.05.</p

    Female song searching response to playback with KJR and ICR strain male song.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) When B6 and ICR male songs were presented, ESP1-treated B6 females showed longer search times for ICR songs than for B6 songs (<i>n</i> = 13), whereas there was no difference in search time when B6 and KJR male songs were presented (<i>n</i> = 12). (<b>b</b>) When BALB and KJR male songs were presented, ESP1-treated BALB females showed longer search times for KJR songs than for BALB songs (<i>n</i> = 12), whereas there was no difference when BALB and ICR male songs were presented (<i>n</i> = 11). Values represent means+standard error. Asterisks indicate significant differences p<0.05.</p