79 research outputs found

    Identification of Durum Wheat Cultivars and Their Tetraploid Relatives with Low Cadmium Content

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    U ovom su radu okarakterizirani genotipovi 71 kultivara tvrde pšenice (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 kultivara dvozrnca (Triticum dicoccum L.) i 11 kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice (Triticum dicoccoides L.) u svrhu pronalaska alela povezanih s većim udjelom kadmija. Nakon toga je uzgojem u posudi ispitan fenotip 14 odabranih kultivara s malim i velikim udjelom kadmija, radi potvrde genotipskih podataka. Identificirana su 32 genotipa tvrde (durum) pšenice, jedan kultivar dvozrnca i četiri kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice koji sadržavaju alele povezane s velikim udjelom kadmija, te 68 genotipova koji sadržavaju alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija, i to 39 kultivara durum pšenice, 21 dvozrnca i 7 divlje dvozrne pšenice. Povrh toga, fenotipske karakteristike uočene nakon uzgoja u posudama potvrdile su rezultate molekularne analize. Marker je uspješno upotrijebljen za klasifikaciju kultivara durum pšenice u one s velikim ili malim udjelom kadmija, pa je zaključeno da se može upotrijebiti u programu uzgoja novih kultivara durum pšenice koja sadržava alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija. Zbog rutinske primjene fosfornih gnojiva na poljoprivrednim površinama i utjecaja ostalih antropogenih čimbenika što dovode do akumulacije toksičnog kadmija, treba čim prije razviti nove kultivare durum pšenice s malim udjelom kadmija za sigurnu proizvodnju makarona i ostalih tipova pšeničnih proizvoda za prehranu ljudi i ishranu stoke.In this study, 71 durum wheat cultivars (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum L.) and 11 wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides L.) genotypes were genetically characterized to determine the alleles associated with high cadmium (Cd) content. After genotypic characterization, 14 cultivars selected among all genotypes with low and high Cd content were phenotyped by a pot experiment to verify the genotypic data. Identification of 32 durum wheat, one emmer wheat and four wild emmer genotypes showed that they have alleles associated with high Cd content, while 68 genotypes of which 39 durum wheat, 21 emmer wheat and 7 wild emmer cultivars had alleles associated with low Cd content. Moreover, phenotypic data obtained from pot experiment were similar to the molecular data. To sum up, the marker successfully classified durum wheat cultivars into either high or low accumulators and these results can be safely used in breeding programs to improve new durum wheat cultivars with alleles associated with low Cd content. Due to routine use of phosphorus fertilizers in agricultural areas and other anthropogenic factors related to Cd toxicity, new durum wheat cultivars with low Cd content should be urgently developed for safe production of macaroni or other types of wheat products for human and animal consumption

    Evaluation of resistance of Turkish bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties to recently emerged Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici races

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    Using genetic diversity has made significant contribution to stripe rust resistance to improve wheat production. However, rapid evolution of the Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), and emergence of virulent races can negatively affect the wheat genotypes with race-specific resistance gene(s). In this study, reactions of 130 bread wheat varieties, released from 1931 to 2014, were evaluated to recently emerged Pst races in Turkey, PSTr-6 and PSTr-23, at seedling and adult-plant stages. 65.4% and 67.7% of wheat varieties showed susceptible reaction to PSTr-6 and PSTr-23 at seedling stage, respectively. Moreover, coefficient of infection (CI) values generated by infection type (IT) and disease severity (DS) data demonstrated that PSTr-23 (59.78) was more virulent than PSTr-6 (57.93) at adult-plant stage. In addition to these, the presence of important yellow rust (Yr) genes in these varieties was investigated at molecular level. It was determined that the frequencies of three Yr genes, Yr5, Yr10 and Yr15, among these varieties were 1.5, 6.2 and 3.8%, respectively. However, none of them had Yr36 and only one variety had Yr5+Yr10 combination with frequency of 0.7%. In conclusion, most varieties have not these Yr genes and possess a moderately resistance/susceptible reaction to both races in general. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici identified from the coastal areas of Turkey

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    Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating disease of wheat in Turkey and worldwide. This pathogen can overcome known resistance genes and negatively affect the wheat production. The objectives of this study were to determine the virulence patterns of wheat stripe rust isolates collected from the coastal areas (Aegean and Mediterranean regions) of Turkey, and to examine the genetic diversity of the pathogen populations by simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker analysis. The majority of the isolates collected were virulent at various frequencies on the resistance genes Yr1 (50%), Yr6 (100%), Yr7 (78%), Yr8 (50%), Yr9 (84%), Yr10 (25%), Yr17 (38%), Yr24 (22%), Yr27 (31%), Yr32 (22%), Yr43 (47%), Yr44 (6%), YrSp (41%), YrTr1 (6%), and avirulent on Yr5 and Yr15. Based on the analysis of virulence, all isolates were determined as 25 races and clustered into six virulence groups (VGs). In contrast, the isolates clustered into four molecular groups (MGs) based on genotypic data. All four MGs were found in Aegean region of Turkey, while only three MGs (MG1, MG2 and MG3) were found in the Mediterranean region of the country. Additionally, analysis of molecular variance indicated that 80.9% of genetic variation was found within regions and 19.1% was found between the regions. The results suggest that interregional migration of the pathogen was high. The data can be helpful for the management of stripe rust and understanding the population structure and migration of Pst in Turkey. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Evaluation of Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies; Perinatology Council Data of a Reference Center

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    INTRODUCTION: Central nervous system (CNS) anomalies are the second most common congenital malformations detected during antenatal period. Rates of prenatal diagnosis are aroung 96% in anencephaly, but drops down to approximately 14 % in migration anomalies.We aimed to determine the frequency and features of CNS anomalies evaluated in the perinatology council of our hospital where high-risk pregnancies were discussed and also to emphasize the importance of antenatal diagnosis. METHODS: Pregnant women, with a CNS anomaly detected in their fetus, who were evaluated between January 2019-December 2019 in the perinatology council of Tepecik Training and Research Hospital were included in the study. Retrospectively, the records of the cases were examined, prenatal, and maternal risk factors at the time of council session, the council decision and the results were recorded. Statistical analyzes were done using SPSS 20.0 program. RESULTS: Data of 1272 pregnant women were evaluated in the study, and 261 cases (20.5%) with CNS anomalies were detected. A total of 129 pregnant women were excluded from the study because follow-up of these patients were not realized in our center or they didn't give birth yet.. Totally, 132 pregnant women were included in the study. The mean maternal age was 26.99+-6.50 (14-42) years, the mean gestational age was 22.63+-7.08 (10.4-38.6) weeks. Most common CNS anomalies detected were neural tube defects (n=54; 40%), hydrocephalus/ventriculomegaly (n=36; 27%), migration defects (n=21; 15%) and cerebellar malformations (n=9; 6%). Termination of pregnancy was decided for 29.8% (n=78) of pregnant women, but realized only for 62 pregnancies. Among pregnancies which were decided to be continued due to the fact that gestational week was 22 weeks or more (n=51), had fetuses with neural tube defects (n=25; 50%) and hydrocephalus/ventriculomegaly (n=36; 27%) with poor prognosis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As the anomalies with high morbidity and mortality were referred to our hospital after the 22nd gestational week, termination option could not be offered to these pregnancies. High-risk pregnancies should be directed to perinatology centers in the early period so that this option can be presented to the family, appropriate follow-up and treatment of life-compatible ones

    Expression of related genes at apoptotic pathway in wound age estimation

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    Adli Tıpta yara yaşının saptanması ölüm nedeni ve yaralar arasındaki ilgiyi açıklamak için her zaman gereklidir. Birden fazla travmanın bulunduğu ölüm olgularında, ilk önce isabet eden travmanın belirlenmesi, ölüm öncesi ve sonrası travmatik değişikliklerin ayırt edilebilmesi çok önemlidir. Bu tez çalışmasında, değişik iyileşme evrelerinde ve farklı mekanizmalarla oluşturulan yara dokularında, apoptozun, apoptozda rol oynayan kaspaz 3, 8, 9, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL ve Bax mRNA ve protein düzeylerinin saptanması ve yara yaşı tayininde kullanılabilirliğinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızda 36 adet Wistar albino dişi ratın sırtında üç ayrı bölgede, bistüri, punch ve koter ile yara oluşturulduktan sonraki 24. saat, 3, 5, 7, 17 ve 21. günlerde yara bölgesinden alınan örneklerde, apoptotik hücre sayıları TUNEL yöntemi ile; Bax, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Casp 3, Casp 8 ve Casp 9 genlerinin mRNA ifadelenme düzeyleri Real-time PCR yöntemi ile, protein düzeyleri ise immünhistokimyasal yöntemler ile saptanmıştır. Çalışmamızın sonuçları, apoptozun yüksek olarak izlendiği, bistüri ile yara oluşumunu takip eden 3. günde, Bax, kaspaz 3 ve kaspaz 9 mRNA ifadelenme düzeylerinin anlamlı derecede yüksek olarak bulunduğunu, Bcl-2 mRNA ifadelenme düzeylerinde ise anlamlı bir artış bulunmadığını, yine apoptozun yüksek olarak izlendiği, koter ile yara oluşumunu takip eden 7. günde, Bax ve kaspaz 9 mRNA ifadelenme düzeylerinin anlamlı derecede yüksek olarak bulunduğunu, Bcl-2 mRNA ifadelenme düzeylerinde ise düşüş saptandığını, koter ile yara oluşumunu takip eden 7. günde, yara bölgesinde saptanan toplam PMNL ve IMC?lerin, proapoptotik özellikteki kaspaz 9 ve Bax antikorları ile immün histokimyasal olarak boyanan yüzdeleri arasında da anlamlı fark saptandığını göstermiştir. Sonuçlarımız, hekimlerin otopsi sırasında yara bölgelerinden aldıkları örnekleri, apoptotik yolaktaki ilgili genlerin ifadelenme sonuçları açısından değerlendirdikleri takdirde, yara yaşı tayinlerini ve yaranın antemortem-postmortem ayrımlarını doğru olarak yapabileceklerini göstermektedir.Wound age estimation becomes necessary for the explanation of relationship between the wounds and the cause of death. In the death cases with multipl trauma, determination of the first strike and differentiation of pre and postmortem traumatic changes are very important. The aim of this thesis is to determine the levels of apoptosis, caspase 3, 8, 9, Bax, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL mRNA and protein and to show the availability of this results for the wound age estimation in the wound tissues that have different mechanisms and at different healing stages. The results of this study indicate that, at the third day in the wound formed by scalpel, Bax, caspase 3 and 9 mRNA expression levels were found to be significantly high, but Bcl-2 mRNA expression levels were not. At the seventh day in the wound formed by kautery, Bax and caspase 9 mRNA expression levels were found to be significantly high, but Bcl-2 levels decreased. At the same day, Bax and caspase 9 protein levels were significantly high. Our results indicate that, the physicians would take samples from wounds in autopsy for the analysis of genes at the apoptotic pathway. As a consequence of this process, physicians could make a correct decision for wound age estimation and pre and postmortem differentiation of traumatic changes

    Animal Bites Cases Presented to a University Hospital Pediatric Emergency Room

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    Introduction: Rabies is still one of the important public health problems both in the world and in our country. The highest risk of rabies comes from contact with pets, especially dogs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment steps that are used in the management of cases presenting to the pediatric emergency department in a university hospital with a risk of rabies contact. Methods: Data including age, gender, site of bites, kind of animals, tetanus/rabies prophylaxis, antibiotic treatments and forensic case reports were recorded for the animal bite cases between 2009 and 2016. Results: A total of 94 patients [58 males (61.7%)] with a mean age of 11.06±4.77 years (range: 2-18) were included in the study. 43.6% of the cases presented to the pediatric emergency department within eight hours after the contact. 73.4% of patients presented due to dog bites, 25.5% for cat bite and one patient was with mice bite. In 34% of cases, the bite was on the hand. 50% of the bites were on torso in the 0-5 age group, 41.7% on upper extremities in the 6-10 age group, 50% on feet in the 11-15 age group, and 53.8% on lower extremities in the 16-18 age group (p<0.05). 56.4% of cases were reported as forensic cases. In 91.5% of cases, the wounds were cleaned and dressed while in the rest, the wounds were cleaned and sutured. 17% of patients were discharged on antibiotherapy. In only one of the cases, the patient was hospitalized for parenteral antibiotherapy. All the other patients were discharged. Conclusion: Although animal bites are very common cases for both adult emergency departments and pediatric emergency department, still many mistakes can be made in the treatment of these cases. In order to prevent these mistakes, the knowledge and skills of the healthcare professionals should be enhanced

    Ecological production of dryland hairy vetch by mechanical control

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    Winter hairy vetch, Vicia villosa Roth, gives high grain and hay yields. Mechanical control of weeds is an ecological alternative to the use of herbicides. Among the various mechanical methods, interrow weeding is cheap and practical. Nonetheless, wider row spacing than common practice is needed to ease the operation. We optimized row spacing and seed rates for high grain yield and to ease interrow cultivation. We used two row spacings of 45 and 60 cm as main plots and five seeding rates of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 seed per square meter as subplots. Experiments were conducted in rotation with winter wheat in 2001, 2002 and 2003. The results showed that narrow spacing and high seed rates increased the grain yields of winter hairy vetch. In contrast, wide row spacing reduced the grain yield by 56%. More plants per square meter were obtained with 60-cm row spacing and high seed rates. Row spacing of 60 cm increased the branch number per plant in the dry year and decreased it in the wet year


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    The aim of the study was to investigate effects of different irrigation levels and nitrogen doses to chemical composition, in vitro gas and methane production of maize kernel for animal feeding. Three different nitrogen doses such as 100, 200 and 300 kg ha(-1) N and irrigation levels such as 50%, 75% and 100% of depleted water were applied. The study was carried out under split plot for randomized complete block experimental design with three replicates during 2013-2014 seasons and irrigation levels were allocated in to main plots while nitrogen doses in to sub plots. The two-year results of the study showed that crude protein, crude ash and crude oil ratios and gas and methane production, metabolic energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were positively affected by increased level of water levels and nitrogen doses while acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and dry matter contents were negatively affected. It is clear that increased level of water and nitrogen positively contributed to quality of maize kernel for animal production but more researches are needed to explain how increased level of water and nitrogen result in higher level of gas and methane production