675 research outputs found

    Relationship Marketing and Customer Satisfaction: a Conceptual Perspective

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    This article examined the existing body of literature on transaction and relationship marketing. The specific objectives were to develop a conceptual framework to establish the relationship between relationship marketing and customer satisfaction and to examine the components of relationship marketing on the present ever dynamic world of business. The study identified relationship marketing variables and their impact on customer satisfaction. The framework aimed to provide insights into the studies on relationship marketing factors such as trust, commitment, communication, and service quality influence on customer satisfaction. The model provided a basis for empirical studies on the factors of relationship marketing and outcomes of customer satisfaction in developing nations. The study recommends that relationship marketing dimensions such as building customer\u27s trust, commitment to customers, communication, and service quality should be properly managed and maintained by service providers in Nigeria. This helps in building customer satisfaction and in the long-run customer loyalty

    Binary Mixtures of SH- and CH3-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers to Control the Average Spacing Between Aligned Gold Nanoparticles

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    This paper presents a method to control the average spacing between organometallic chemical vapor deposition (OMCVD) grown gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) in a line. Focused ion beam patterned CH3-terminated self-assembled monolayers are refilled systematically with different mixtures of SH- and CH3-terminated silanes. The average spacing between OMCVD Au NPs is demonstrated systematically to decrease by increasing the v/v% ratio of the thiols in the binary silane mixtures with SH- and CH3-terminated groups

    Conséquences démographiques du sida en Abidjan : 1986-1992

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    Les statistiques de l'état civil et des formations sanitaires sont notoirement peu utilisées en Afrique pour étudier les tendances de la mortalité. L'étude d'Abidjan montre que c'est une situation très regrettable, car ces statistiques peuvent fournir de précieux renseignements sur l'état sanitaire de la population. Dans le cas présent, l'analyse fine des tendances de la mortalité, couplée avec l'analyse des causes de décès dans les hôpitaux, révèle assez précisément les conséquences démographiques du sida dans la capitale de la Côte d'Ivoire, malgré l'imperfection des données. Les estimations indiquent que près de 25 000 personnes seraient décédées du sida entre 1986 et 1992, les sept premières années de l'épidémie, ce qui confirme qu'Abidjan est une des villes les plus touchées au monde par cette troublante épidémie. Ce sont surtout les jeunes de sexe masculin qui ont été les plus touchés, dans toutes les couches de la société. Un modèle a permis de reconstruire la dynamique de l'épidémie, qui montre que le premier pic des infections se serait produit vers 1987. On peut s'attendre à une moyenne d'environ 7 000 cas de sida par an dans la ville jusqu'à l'an 2000, ce qui aura des conséquences importantes sur l'utilisation des infrastructures hospitalières. L'importance numérique de ces estimations souligne l'urgence de renforcer la lutte contre l'épidémie de sida en Côte d'Ivoire et dans le monde. (Résumé d'auteur

    Mortality impact of AIDS in Abidjan, 1986-1992

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    To quantify the mortality impact of AIDS in the city of Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) by a full scale analysis of mortality trends before and after the onset of the epidemic. Data on deaths registered in the 10 vital registration centers of the city between 1973 and 1992, and data on causes of deaths in the four public hospitals were coded and investigated. Data on deaths were compared with census data in order to compute death rates. Life tables were computed for each of the 20 years of the study. The trends in death rates were analysed during the 10 years before the onset of the AIDS epidemic (1973-1982) and compared with the changing death rates in the following 10 years (1983-1992). Deaths attributable to AIDS were defined as those in excess of the original trends. The evolution in the number of deaths in the hospital allowed an analysis by cause of death. There was a marked increase in death rates starting in 1986, date of the first diagnosed AIDS cases in the city. This increase was significant for both sexes, but more pronounced among men. It was concentrated primarily among young adults (aged 25-44 years) and among older children (aged 5-14 years), and most of it was considered to be attributable to AIDS and related infections, tuberculosis in particular. When data were cumulated from 1986 to 1992, approximately 25000 persons were estimated to have died of AIDS. The high number of AIDS deaths estimated in Abidjan underlines the heavy toll already paid by african populations, and calls for intensive action. (Résumé d'auteur

    Flood Menace in Nigeria: Impacts, Remedial and Management Strategies

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    Flood menace in Nigeria have become a normal and re-occurring phenomenon which sometimes has devastating impacts on human livelihoods and infrastructural development. Causes of this problem such as rapid population growth, poor governance, poor drainage facilities and decaying infrastructures, lack of proper environmental planning and management strategies, poor practice of dumping waste/refuse and climate change coupled with inadequate preparedness have been traced and among others, human activities in terms of developmental involvements adjudged to be very important factors in accelerating the rate of this disaster which often leaves in its wake spread of diseases, loss of thousands of lives from various parts of the country and properties worth billions of naira being destroyed. The impacts of floods are more pronounced in low-lying areas. In more recent years, 2011 and 2012 appears to be the worst incidence of flooding in Nigeria with a lot of reported cases indicating how flood menace ravaged affected states of the country when water from the Lagdo Dam in Cameroon was released. Although the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) had alerted Nigeria that there would be an above normal rainfall in strategic parts of the country which might lead to flooding incidents in 12 states of the federation, yet nobody gave consent to that warning. This paper provides an overview of how Nigerian cities have been affected by flood menace incidences as it takes a look at the devastating impacts, remedial and management strategies at curbing flooding in Nigeria. A review of literature on flood menace was done. The articles were accessed from public libraries, as well as online through internet search engines and relevant information extracted. Onsite assessment of some areas affected by flood was done and pictures taken with the aid of a camera. Flooding in Nigeria is a serious issue requiring the attention of all stake holders aimed at preventing and remedying its adverse effects which threatens human existence. Keywords: Flood, Menace, Nigeria, Infrastructure, Impacts, Remedial and management strategies

    Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3 rd Generation Authentication

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    This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust’s Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of publication of this documen

    Effet antihypertensif d\'un extrait aqueux d\'écorce de tronc de Parkia biglobosa (mimosaceae) sur la pression artérielle de lapin.

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    Un extrait aqueux des écorces de tronc de Parkia biglobosa (EAPB), à des concentrations comprises entre 1,18 et 18, 93 mg/kg de poids corporel, induit une hypotension dose dépendante sur la pression artérielle de lapin. L'interaction Adrénaline - EAPB a révélé une réduction significative (

    Caractérisation des sables et morphologie du fond du lac du barrage hydroélectrique de Taabo (Côte d\'Ivoire)

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    Une analyse sĂ©dimentologique et minĂ©ralogique rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un cycle hydrologique entre octobre 2004 et aoĂ»t 2005 a permis d\'Ă©valuer les charges solides en suspension et de caractĂ©riser les sĂ©diments du lac du barrage de Taabo. La concentration moyenne en matières en suspension (12 mg.L-1) et la turbiditĂ© moyenne (20 NTU) montrent que les eaux du lac sont relativement peu chargĂ©es. Ces charges en suspension sont composĂ©es d\'une fraction inorganique et d\'une fraction organique. Les sables qui composent les sĂ©diments de ce lac sont majoritairement moyens Ă  grossiers et mĂ©diocrement classĂ©s avec une moyenne granulomĂ©trique de 451,48 μm et un indice de classement moyen de 1,13. Les vases et les sables fins occupent les zones profondes du lac et les zones envahies par les vĂ©gĂ©taux aquatiques. Les sables moyens sont localisĂ©s aux voisinages des berges tandis que les sables grossiers sont situĂ©s aux voisinages des Ă®les et de la digue. Le cortège minĂ©ralogique des sĂ©diments est caractĂ©risĂ© de minĂ©raux lourds (l\'amphibole, la tourmaline, le diopside et l\'Ă©pidote) et de minĂ©raux lĂ©gers (le quartz et les feldspaths). Par ailleurs, cette Ă©tude a permis de rĂ©aliser la première carte bathymĂ©trique du lac de Taabo 26 ans après sa mise en eau.A sedimentological and mineralogical study carried out on a hydrological cycle from October 2004 to August 2005 has permitted to assess the solid suspended matters and to characterize the sediments of the Taabo dam lake. The average of suspended matters concentration (12 mg.L -1) and the average of turbidity (20 NTU) reveal that the lake is relatively little loaded with suspended matters. These suspended matters are compound of an inorganic fraction and an organic fraction. Sands size in the sediments of this lake are from middle to coarse and badly classified. The grain size average is 451,48 μm; the standard deviation average is 1,13. Muds and fine sands are found in the deeper zones of the lake and also in the zones invaded by the aquatic plants. Middle sands are located near banks while coarse sands are located aside the islands and the dam. The minerals found in the sediments are characterized by heavy minerals (the amphibole, tourmaline, diopside and epidote) and light minerals (quartz and feldspars). Elsewhere, this study has permitted to carry out the first bathymetric Map of this lake 26 years after its setting in water. Keywords: keywordBarrage, lac, granulomĂ©trie, minĂ©ralogie, bathymĂ©trie, Taabo./Dam, lake, grain size, mineralogy, bathymetry, Taabo.Sciences & Nature Vol. 4 (1) 2007: pp. 93-10
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