11 research outputs found

    Sociocultural determinants of infant and child mortality in Turkey

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    This paper is an attempt to review and integrate international and Turkish research on infant and child mortality. Recent research and multivariate analyses in African, Latin American and Asian countries have revealed that in many countries mother's education is a powerful predictor of child survival. The present review of research in Turkey has indicated that urban/rural and regional differentials in infant mortality have been clearly established as by-products of fertility, contraception, and health surveys covering nationally representative samples. However, there are only a few multivariate explanatory models of infant/child mortality in Turkey to isolate and measure the effects of mother's education in relation to other variables. Nevertheless, existing studies in Turkey seem to suggest that mother's and father's education might link socio-economic, psychocultural, and biomedical variables with each other at community, household, and individual levels, providing clues for the formulation of future research designs and policy decision

    Studies in rural transformation in Turkey 1950-1990.

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from : Paul Stirling. Culture and Economy: Changes in Turkish Villages --Huntingdon: The Eothen Press, 1993

    Islamic education in Turkey:bmedrese reform in late Ottoman times and imam-hatip schools in the republic.

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from : Richard Tapper (ed.). Islam in Modern Turkey

    Fingerprint of magma mixture in the leucogranites: Spectroscopic and petrochemical approach, Kalebalta-Central Anatolia, Türkiye

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    Leucogranites of Kalebalta in Central Anatolia are composed of plagioclase, quartz, orthoclase, and biotite and contains mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) in sizes ranging from few cm to 70 cm. In the total alkali-silica diagram, they fall typically in the granite field and show a calc-alkaline nature in the alkalis-iron-magnesium diagram whereas enclaves are Medium K series calc-alkaline, which represents the transition from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline. Leucogranites which have A/CNK(mol%) > 1 are strong peraluminous and seen as the products of magma derived from a metasedimentary source. Signs of magma mixing expressing the mantle inputs are also observed in many bivariation diagrams. Zircon and apatite saturation temperatures calculated on the basis of whole rock chemistry are 744–829°C for leucogranites and 761–832°C for their enclaves. According to the Raman spectra, biotite and plagioclase minerals in leucogranites and their enclaves show similar Raman spectrums. The biotite minerals have Mg–O and/or Fe–O translational (transformation) bonds between 182 and 552 cm−1, Si–O–Si bending between 552 and 1,100 cm−1 and Si–O–Si vibrational bonds between 1,100 and 1,200 cm−1. The results of this study suggest that the leucogranites and enclaves are most probably derived from different magmas. In addition, according to geochemical and spectroscopic data, they may also have fractional crystallization, which is effective after the mixing process

    Tarımsal Yapı

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    Sivil toplumun ve katılımın güçlendirilmesinde sivil toplum kuruluşlarının rolü

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    Bu çalışma Türkiye\'deki sivil toplum oluşumunu sivil toplum kuruluşları (STK) deneyimi üzerinden anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Türkiye\'nin önde gelen STK\'ları arasından seçilen bir örneklem çerçevesinde, anket ve derinlemesine görüşme teknikleri kullanılarak Türkiye\'de sivil toplumun ve STK\'ların temel sorunları, avantajları, devletle olan ilişkileri, STK\'ların kendilerini ve devleti nasıl algıladıkları, tanımladıkları, 1999 Marmara Depremi deneyiminin STK\'lar bakımından sonuçları, STK\'ların kendi aralarındaki bölünmeler ve benzeri temel konular analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır