4 research outputs found

    Geospatial technologies for physical planning: Bridging the gap between earth science and planning

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    The application of geospatial information technologies has increased recently due to increase in data sources from the earth sciences. The systematic data collection, storage and processing together with data transformation require geospatial information technologies. Rapidly developing computer technology has become an effective tool in design and physical planning in international platforms. Especially, the availability of geospatial information technologies (remote sensing, GIS, spatial models and GPS) for diverse disciplines and the capability of these technologies in data conversion from two dimensions to the three dimensions provide great efficiency. Thus, this study explores how digital technologies are reshaping physical planning and design. While the potential of digital technologies is well documented within physical planning and visualization, its application within practice is far less understood. This paper highlights the role of the geospatial information technologies in encouraging a new planning and design logic that moves from the privileging of the visual to a focus on processes of formation, bridging the interface of the earth science and physical planning

    Institute of natural and applied sciences department of landscape architecture.

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    TEZ8626Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2011.Kaynakça (s. 187-202) var.xv, 203 : rnk. res., hrt. ; 29 cm.The objective of this study was to suggest a predictive modelling system, capable of depicting the impacts of different land use or land management policies for the future urban growth of Adana City considering the three different development policies including; (1) current trends, (2) anaged trends, (3) ecologically sustainable growth. Cellular automata (CA) has gained attention from researchers attempting to simulate and predict spatial patterns of urban development. These odels require that space should be represented as a grid of cells that can change state as the model iterates. Given its success with regional scale modelling, CA based modelling approaches such as, SLEUTH (slope, land use, exclusion, urban extent, transportation, hillshade), multiple regression, decision tree (regression and classification tree), artificial neural network and Markov chain models were adopted to achieve the modelling process for the year 2023 of Adana. 1967-1977 CORONA airphotos, 1987-1998 SPOT and 2007 ALOS AVNIR-2 satellite images were used for this study. The model was calibrated using historic time series of remotely sensed data and future growth was projected out to 2023 assuming three different policy scenarios. The SLEUTH model and Markov Chain were resulted in the largest overall accuracy of 75 % and 72 % respectively. LR and YSA yielded the least accurate results with an overall accuracy of 66 %. Different modeling approaches have their own merits and advantages. However, the SLEUTH model was the most accurate for handling the variability present in urban development in Adana City.Bu çalışmanın amacı; (1) mevcut eğilimler, (2) ekolojik uygunluk gelişimi, (3) yönetim eğilimleri'ni dikkate alan üç farklı politika altında, Adana Kenti'nde büyüme politikalarının potansiyel etkilerini değerlendirebilmek için farklı alan kullanımı ve arazi yönetim kararlarını betimleyebilme yeteneğinde olan bir model önermektir. Cellular Automata (CA), şehir gelişiminin yersel örneklerini simule ve tahmin etmekte araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmektedir. Bölgesel ölçekte modelleme başarısı nedeniyle, farklı alanlarda farklı koruma katmanlarını entegre edebilme özelliği olan CA tabanlı Markov Chain, yapay sinir ağları (YSA), SLEUTH (slope, land use, exclusion, urban extent, transportation, hillshade), lojistik regresyon ve regresyon ağacı modelleri çalışma kapsamında Adana Kenti gelişiminin 2023 yılı modellenmesinde tercih edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, 1967-1977 CORONA hava fotoğrafları, 1987-1998 SPOT ve 2007 ALOS AVNIR-2 uydu verileri kullanılmıştır. Model, geçmiş zaman serilerine ait uzaktan algılanmış veri seti kullanılarak kalibre edilmiş ve kentsel gelişim 2023 yılı dikkate alınarak modellenmiştir. SLEUTH ve Markov Chain sırasıyla % 75 ve % 72 Kappa değerleri ile en doğru sonucu üreten modeller olmuştur. Lojistik regresyon ve YSA % 66 Kappa değeri ile en az doğrulukta sonuç üretmiştir. Faklı modellerin kendine özgü metrikleri ve avantajları vardır. Bununla birlikte SLEUTH yöntemi Adana Kenti kentsel gelişimdeki değişkenliği en doğru şekilde yakalayan model olarak tespit edilmiştir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2009D13

    Nature tourism potential of the flora of Bursa

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    The routine lifestyle of the urban environment that are stuck in the traffic, stress, noise and built environment directs people towards the nature and natural life. Nesting life with nature and recreation in the natural environment has become the dream of everyone living in the city. The efforts of the living nature by protecting, discovering, understanding different cultures, to share local resources and returns with local people, sustainable use of local and natural resources has brought up nature tourism activities. These activities have included common objectives with the general social goals like acquisition of natural resources into the economy, raising living standards of rural people, tourism areas, activities and revenues diversification and boosting. The majority of nature tourism activities are related with the natural flora. Marmara Region and especially Bursa, with its biodiversity and intensive flora, are the most important areas of our country after the Black Sea Region in terms of nature tourism. Botanical tourism, photo safari, hiking, nature watching, health tourism related to medical plants, adventure games tourism is flora connected nature tourism activities. Geographical location, rich and dense forest areas and the Uludag National Park put Bursa in a position to be the center of nature tourism. In this study, the potential of Bursa in terms of nature tourism related to flora has revealed

    Geospatial technologies for physical planning: Bridging the gap between earth science and planning

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    The application of geospatial information technologies has increased recently due to increase in data sources from the earth sciences. The systematic data collection, storage and processing together with data transformation require geospatial information technologies. Rapidly developing computer technology has become an effective tool in design and physical planning in international platforms. Especially, the availability of geospatial information technologies (remote sensing, GIS, spatial models and GPS) for diverse disciplines and the capability of these technologies in data conversion from two dimensions to the three dimensions provide great efficiency. Thus, this study explores how digital technologies are reshaping physical planning and design. While the potential of digital technologies is well documented within physical planning and visualization, its application within practice is far less understood. This paper highlights the role of the geospatial information technologies in encouraging a new planning and design logic that moves from the privileging of the visual to a focus on processes of formation, bridging the interface of the earth science and physical planning