19 research outputs found

    A high performance hardware architecture for one bit transform based motion estimation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. One bit transform (IBT) based ME algorithms have low computational complexity. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a high performance systolic hardware architecture for IBT based ME. The proposed hardware performs full search ME for 4 Macroblocks in parallel and it is the fastest IBT based ME hardware reported in the literature. In addition, it uses less on-chip memory than the previous IBT based ME hardware by using a novel data reuse scheme and memory organization. The proposed hardware is implemented in Verilog HDL. It consumes %34 of the slices in a Xilinx XC2VP30-7 FPGA. It works at 115 MHz in the same FPGA and is capable of processing 50 1920x1080 full High Definition frames per second. Therefore, it can be used in consumer electronics products that require real-time video processing or compression

    Efficient hardware implementations of high throughput SHA-3 candidates keccak, luffa and blue midnight wish for single- and multi-message hashing

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    In November 2007 NIST announced that it would organize the SHA-3 competition to select a new cryptographic hash function family by 2012. In the selection process, hardware performances of the candidates will play an important role. Our analysis of previously proposed hardware implementations shows that three SHA-3 candidate algorithms can provide superior performance in hardware: Keccak, Luffa and Blue Midnight Wish (BMW). In this paper, we provide efficient and fast hardware implementations of these three algorithms. Considering both single- and multi-message hashing applications with an emphasis on both speed and efficiency, our work presents more comprehensive analysis of their hardware performances by providing different performance figures for different target devices. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that provides a comparative analysis of SHA-3 candidates in multi-message applications. We discover that BMW algorithm can provide much higher throughput than previously reported if used in multi-message hashing. We also show that better utilization of resources can increase speed via different configurations. We implement our designs using Verilog HDL, and map to both ASIC and FPGA devices (Spartan3, Virtex2, and Virtex 4) to give a better comparison with those in the literature. We report total area, maximum frequency, maximum throughput and throughput/area of the designs for all target devices. Given that the selection process for SHA3 is still open; our results will be instrumental to evaluate the hardware performance of the candidates

    High performance hardware architectures for one bit transform based motion estimation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive and most power consuming part of video compression and video enhancement systems. ME is used in video compression standards such as MPEG4, H.264 and it is used in video enhancement algorithms such as frame rate conversion and de-interlacing. One bit transform (1BT) based ME algorithms have low computational complexity. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose high performance hardware architectures for 1BT based fixed block size (FBS) single reference frame (SRF) ME, variable block size (VBS) SRF ME, and multiple reference frame (MRF) ME. Constraint One Bit Transform (C-1BT) ME algorithm improves the ME performance of 1BT ME, and the early terminated C-1BT ME algorithm reduces the computational complexity of C-1BT ME. Therefore, in this thesis, we also propose a high performance early terminated C-1BT ME hardware architecture. The proposed FBS SRF ME hardware architectures perform full search ME for 4 Macroblocks in parallel and they are faster than the 1BT based ME hardware reported in the literature. In addition, they use less on-chip memory than the previous 1BT based ME hardware by using a novel data reuse scheme and memory organization. The proposed VBS SRF ME and MRF ME hardware architectures are the first 1BT based VBS ME and MRF ME hardware architectures in the literature. The proposed MRF ME hardware is designed as reconfigurable in order to statically configure the number and selection of reference frames based on the application requirements. The proposed early terminated C-1BT ME hardware architecture is the first early terminated C-1BT ME hardware architecture in the literature. All of the proposed ME hardware architectures are implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to Xilinx FPGAs. All FPGA implementations are verified with post place & route simulations

    Dynamically variable step search motion estimation algorithm and a dynamically reconfigurable hardware for its implementation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. For the recently available High Definition (HD) video formats, the computational complexity of De full search (FS) ME algorithm is prohibitively high, whereas the PSNR obtained by fast search ME algorithms is low. Therefore, ill this paper, we present Dynamically Variable Step Search (DVSS) ME algorithm for Processing high definition video formats and a dynamically reconfigurable hardware efficiently implementing DVSS algorithm. The architecture for efficiently implementing DVSS algorithm. The simulation results showed that DVSS algorithm performs very close to FS algorithm by searching much fewer search locations than FS algorithm and it outperforms successful past search ME algorithms by searching more search locations than these algorithms. The proposed hardware is implemented in VHDL and is capable, of processing high definition video formats in real time. Therefore, it can be used in consumer electronics products for video compression, frame rate up-conversion and de-interlacing(1)

    A high performance hardware for early terminated C-1BT based motion estimation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression systems. In this paper, a high performance hardware for early terminated constrained one-bit transform (C-1BT) based low bit depth ME is proposed. The proposed early terminated C-1BT based ME hardware can process more than 30 quad full HD (3840×2160) video frames per second. The early termination algorithm reduced the energy consumption of the proposed ME hardware by 26%

    A reconfigurable hardware for one bit transform based multiple reference frame motion estimation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. One bit transform (1BT) based ME algorithms have low computational complexity. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a high performance reconfigurable hardware architecture of 1BT based multiple reference frame (MRF) ME. The proposed ME hardware architecture performs full search ME for 4 Macroblocks and 4 reference frames in parallel. The proposed hardware is faster than the 1BT based ME hardware reported in the literature even though it is capable of searching in 4 reference frames. MRF ME increases the ME performance at the expense of increased computational complexity. The reconfigurability of the proposed ME hardware is used to statically configure the number and selection of reference frames based on the application requirements in order to trade-off ME performance and computational complexity. The proposed hardware architecture is implemented in Verilog HDL. The MRF ME hardware consumes %65 of the slices in a Xilinx XC2VP30-7 FPGA. It can work at 191 MHz in the same FPGA and is capable of processing 83 1920 × 1080 full High Definition frames per second

    High performance hardware architectures for one bit transform based single and multiple reference frame motion estimation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. One bit transform (1BT) based ME algorithms have low computational complexity. Therefore, in this paper, we propose high performance systolic hardware architectures for 1BT based fixed block size (FBS) single reference frame (SRF) ME, variable block size (VBS) SRF ME, and multiple reference frame (MRF) ME. The proposed FBS-SRF ME hardware performs full search ME for 4 Macroblocks in parallel and it is faster than the 1BT based ME hardware reported in the literature. In addition, it uses less on-chip memory than the previous 1BT based ME hardware by using a novel data reuse scheme and memory organization. The proposed VBS-SRF ME hardware is also faster and uses less on-chip memory than previous 1BT based VBS-SRF ME hardware. The proposed MRF ME hardware is the first 1BT based MRF ME hardware in the literature. In order to trade-off ME performance and computational complexity, the proposed MRF ME hardware is designed as reconfigurable in order to statically configure the number and selection of reference frames based on the application requirements. The proposed hardware architectures are implemented in Verilog HDL. They are capable of processing 83 1920x1080 full High Definition frames per second. Therefore, they can be used in consumer electronics products that require real-time video processing or compression.(1

    Optimum conditions for steel fibers on the pumice concrete

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    The Taguchi Method was used to determine optimum conditions for fiber in natural lightweight concrete. The fiber in natural lightweight concrete was explored under different experimental parameters including pumice ratio (25%, 50% and 100%), fiber ratio (0.5%, 1% and 1.5%), slump (3, 4 and 5 cm), and age (7, 14 and 28 days). The optimum conditions were obtained for pumice ratio (25%), fiber ratio (1%), slump (3 cm), and age (28 days)