6 research outputs found

    Acil Serviste Yatak Başı Ultrasonografi ile Vena Kava Inferior Çapı Ölçümü ve Santral Venöz Basınç Ölçümünün İlişkilendirilmesi

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    Sepsis syndromes are usually diagnosed in the Emergency Department. Early and effective treatment of these syndromes is extremely important, since they may result in significant rates of mortality. The main part of the treatment is fluid resuscitation. At this point the problem is monitorization intravascular volume status. Measurement of Inferior Vena Cava diameter is an alternative to invasive procedures that guidelines recommend for monitoring fluid resuscitation. The study was performed as a prospective and observational study between April 2014-October 2014. Emergency Department patients with sepsis diagnose and who had central venous catheter on internal jugular or subclavian vein as a part of treatment plan, were involved the study. The patients’ IVC diameters were measured with ultrasonography twice in 3 hours along with Central Venous Pressure (CVP). The measurements were performed with a convex transducer; the right atrial entry of IVC was spotted, and 2 cm distal to this point the IVC diameter was measured on M-mode. The vital signs, lactate and pH values were recorded simultaneously. We performed 44 Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index (IVC-CI)/CVP pairs from 22 patients. Mean age was 71.7 (42-92) and 59.1 % were female. 28 days mortality was 59.1% and total mortality was 68%. Mean CVP was 5.6 mmHg at zero hour, 6.8 mmHg at 3.hour and mean IVC-CI was calculated 0.31 at zero hour and 0.26 at 3.hour. We found 64 % correlation between ΔCVP and ΔIVC-CI (p<0.01); 58% correlation between ΔCVP and Δ IVC inspiratory (p<0.01); 92 % correlation between ΔIVC-CI and Δ IVC inspiratory (p<0.01) using Pearson correlation test.Sepsis sendromları ilk olarak acil serviste tanısı konan ciddi mortaliteyle giden durumlardandır. Bu sendromların tedavisinde en önemli kısım olan agresif sıvı tedavisinin erken ve hızlı yapılması hayati önem arz etmektedir. Tedavideki esas problemlerden biri sıvı tedavisinin takibidir. Ultrasonla vena kava inferior çapı ölçümü kılavuzlarda takip için önerilen invaziv yöntemlere alternatif olmaya başlamıştır. Çalışmamız prospektif olarak Nisan 2014 ile Ekim 2014 tarihleri arasında acil servise başvuran sepsis tanılı hastalarda yapıldı. Çalışmaya tedavi planı dahilinde internal juguler ya da subklavyen ven yoluyla santral venöz kateter açılan hastalar dahil edildi. Santral Venöz Basınç(CVP) ölçümü yapılan hastalarda ultrason kullanılarak Vena Kava İnferior(VKİ) çapı 3 saat arayla iki kez ölçüldü. Ölçümler curvilinier prob kullanılarak VKİ ile sağ atriyum birleşiminin yaklaşık 2 cm distalinden M-modda yapıldı. Eş zamanlı vital bulgular ile laktat ve pH değerleri kaydedildi. Yaş ortalaması 71,7(42-92) ve %59,1’ikadın olan toplam 22 hastada 44 VKİKİ/CVP ölçümü yapıldı. CVP ortalaması 0.saat 5,6 mmHg, 3.saat 6,8 mmHg olarak VKİKİ ortalaması 0.saatte 0,31 olarak 3.saatte 0,26 olarak hesaplandı. Pearson korelasyon testi kullanılarak bakıldığında CVP değişimi ve VKİKİ değişimi arasında %64 korelasyon (p<0,01), inspiryumda Vena Kava İnferior(VKİ) çapındaki değişim ile CVP değişimi arasında %58 korelasyon(p<0,01), VKİKİ değişimi ile inspiryum VKİ değişimi arasında da % 92 korelasyon(p<0,01) bulundu. Hastaların 28 günlük mortalitesi %59,1 toplam mortalite % 68 olarak hesaplandı

    Windowed Scalogram Entropy: Wavelet-Based Tool to Analyze the Temporal Change of Entropy of a Time Series

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    In this paper, we propose a new entropy calculation method to observe the temporal change of the entropy of dynamical systems. The proposed entropy calculation method is based on the windowed scalogram which has been introduced recently. Therefore, we name this new method "windowed scalogram entropy." With this method, we can show the evolution of the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy over time using the probability distribution obtained by the normalized windowed scalogram. Before applying the method to time series with complex dynamics, we test the reliability of the method on some well-defined signals. Then, we employ seismic signals and pneumocardiogram signals to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in the analysis of empirical data. We also compare the method with the windowed scale index and the sample entropy. It is observed that the windowed scalogram entropy is successful in analyzing the evolution of the entropy of seismic signals and pneumocardiogram signals over time. We understand that the windowed scalogram entropy can be used to observe the evolution of the entropy of nonlinear dynamical time series obtained in diverse fields