8 research outputs found

    Koç spermasının çözüm sonu kalitesi üzerine farklı sulandırıcıların ve myo-inositolün etkileri

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    Bu çalışma koç spermasının çözüm sonu kalitesi, lipit peroksidasyonu ve antioksidan aktiviteleri üzerine farklı sulandırıcıların ve inositolün etkilerini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapıldı. Sperma 4 baş Karayaka koçundan suni vajen yardımıyla haftada üç kez alındı. Alınan sperma örneklerinden normospermi özellik gösterenler birleştirildi. Birleştirilen sperma örnekleri iki farklı dozda myo-inositol (5, 10 mM) içeren ve içermeyen (kontrol) üç farklı sulandırıcı (tris, yağsız süt tozu, sodyum sitrat) ile sulandırıldı. Örnekler dokuz ayrı çalışma grubuna ayrıldı: T-5I, T-10I, T (kontrol); M-5I, M-10I, M (kontrol); Na-5I, Na-10I, NaC (kontrol) sulandırılmış sperma içeren payetler 4°C’de 2 saat ekilibre edildi, sıvı azot buharında (-120°C’da 15 dakika) donduruldu ve sıvı azot (-196°C) içinde saklandı. Dondurulmuş spermalar su banyosunda 37°C’de 30 saniyede çözdürüldü. Sulandırıcılara eklenenen myo-inositol mikroskopik sperm ve oksidatif stres parametelerine önemli bir etkiye neden olmadı (P>0.05). T ve M sulandırıcıları, NaC sulandırıcısına göre donma-çözünme sonrası spermatozoon motilitesinde (%50.00±2.24% ve 55.00±3.42) ve HOS testte (%49.00±3.32% and 48.17±2.9) daha yüksek oranlar verdi (P0.05). MDA seviyesi T sulandırıcısında (1.22±0.07 nmol/ml), M ve NaC sulandırıcılarına göre daha düşük bulundu (P<0.05). GSH ve GSH-PX aktiviteleri için, T ve NaC sulandırıcıları M sulandırıcısına göre daha yüksek değerler verdi (P<0.01).The study was conducted to evaluate the eff ects of diff erent extenders and inositol additions on post-thaw semen quality, lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant activities. Semen was collected from four Karayaka rams from by artifi cial vagina three times a week. Semen samples showing normospermy quality were pooled. The pooled semen samples were extended in three extenders (Tris, T-, skimmed milk, M- and sodium citrate, NaC) with myo-inositol at two diff erent doses (5 mM, 10 mM) and no antioxidant (control). Nine experimental groups were assigned as follows: T-5I, T-10I, T (control); M-5I, M-10I, M (control); Na-5I, Na-10I, NaC (control). Straws containing extended semen were equilibrated at 4&deg;C for 2 h, frozen in vapor of (15 min at -120&deg;C) liquid nitrogen and stored in liquid nitrogen. Frozen semen was thawed in a water bath at 37&deg;C for 30 seconds. The use of all the extenders supplemented with diff erent doses of myo-inositol did not lead to any significant improvement in microscopic sperm and oxidative stress parameters (P&gt;0.05). Extenders of T and M resulted in higher sperm motility (50.00&plusmn;2.24% and 55.00&plusmn;0.42%) and HOST (49.00 3.32% and 48.17&plusmn;2.97%) rates, compared to NaC (37.00&plusmn;3.74% and 31.80&plusmn;2.96%, P&lt;0.01), following the freeze/thawing process. Extenders supplementated with myo-inositol not significantly aff ect malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in comparison to the control groups (P&gt;0.05), except for MDA level of T extender containing 10 mM inositol. MDA level was found lower (1.22&plusmn;0.07 nmol/ml) in T than those of the M and NaC (P&lt;0.05). For GSH and GSH-PX activities, T and NaC gave the higher values, compared to M, following the freeze/thawing process (P&lt;0.01)

    The use of infrared thermography to detect the stages of estrus cycle and ovulation time in anatolian shepherd dogs

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    Abstract Background The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of thermographic monitoring, using the temperature changes of perianal and perivulvar areas for the determination of estrus in Anatolian Shepherd bitches. Fifteen bitches were used in the study. Blood and vaginal smear samples were collected and thermographic monitoring of perianal and perivulvar areas were carried out starting from proestrus to early diestrus. Also, external signs of estrus were investigated. Smear samples were evaluated by light microscopy after Diff-Quik staining method and superficial and keratinized superficial cells were determined as percentage (S + KS%). Progesterone and luteinizing hormone measurements were done by radioimmunoassay. The difference in temperature between perianal and perivulvar areas was evaluated through thermographic images by FLIR ResearchIR Software. Results According to the results obtained from the study, differences between progesterone and S + KS% were statistically significant (P  0,05). Serum luteinizing hormone levels did not sign any difference (P > 0,05). Conclusions As a result, thermographic monitoring alone is not enough for estrus detection in Anatolian Shepherd bitches. However, it can be used to assist the actual estrus detection technique in terms of providing some foreknowledge by evaluating the differences in temperature

    Mukopolisakaridozlar için muhtemel tanısal belirteçler; Katepsin-D, Galektin-3 ve Kitotriosidaz

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    Objective: Mucopolysaccharidoses is a group of inherited lysosomal storage diseases that are manifested by various clinical signs and symptoms (skeletal dysplasia, coarse face, progressive psychomotor retardation, cardiac and lung involvement) due to the deposition of glycosaminoglycans in tissues. Recently it has been shown that the inflammatory response to glycosaminoglycan deposition in leucocytes in animal models of mucopolysaccaridoses has increased. Here, we aimed to investigate some inflammatory markers (galectin-3, cathepsin-D and chitotriosidase) as diagnostic markers in different types of mucopolysaccharidosis and in patients with Gaucher disease and Niemann Pick A/B disease.Methods: Plasma samples were collected from patients with mucopolysaccharidosis (n=25), Gaucher Disease (n=16), Niemann Pick A/B (n=5) and 15 healthy controls. All subjects were under the age of 18 years. Chitotriosidase enzyme activities were determined fluorometrically, cathepsin-D and galectin-3 levels were determined by using the ELISA kit. Results: Chitotriosidase enzyme activities were statistically significantly higher in patients with MPS IV than the control group. Cathepsin-D levels were higher in patients with MPS I, MPS III and MPS IV, galectin-3 levels were higher in patients with MPS I, MPS IV and MPS VI when compared to healthy controls. All three parameters were higher in patients with Gaucher disease and Niemann Pick A/B disease. Conclusion: Elevated levels of galectin-3 in MPS I, MPS IV and MPS VI and elevated levels of cathepsin-D in MPS I, MPS III and MPS VI support the influence of inflammatory process in the pathophysiology of mucopolysaccharidosis and might be promising new biomarkers in the diagnosis with high sensitivity and specificity.Amaç: Mukopolisakkaridozlar dokulardaki glikozaminoglikanların birikimi nedeniyle çeşitli klinik belirti ve semptomlar (iskelet displazisi, seyir yüzü, ilerleyici psikomotor gerilik, kalp ve akciğer tutulumu) ile kendini gösteren kalıtsal lizozomal depolama hastalıkları grubudur. Son zamanlarda, mukopolisakaridoz hayvan modellerinde lökositlerdeki glikosaminoglikan birikimine verilen enflamatuvar yanıtın arttığı gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, çeşitli mukopolisakaridoz tipleri ile Gaucher ve Niemann Pick A/B hastalıklarında bazı inflamatuvar proteinleri (galektin-3, katepsin-D ve kitotriozidaz) tanısal belirteç olarak araştırmayı ve bu proteinlerin düzeylerini karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Mukopolisakaridozlu 25 mukopolisakkaridoz, 16 Gaucher, 5 Niemann Pick A/B hastası ve 15 sağlıklı kontrolten plazma örnekleri alındı. Tüm denekler 18 yaşın altındaydı. Tüm hastalarda kitotriyozidaz enzim aktiviteleri florometrik olarak belirlendi. Kandaki katepsin-D ve galektin-3 seviyeleri, ELISA kiti kullanılarak belirlendi. Bulgular: MPS IV hastalarında kitotriyozidaz enzim aktiviteleri, kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksekti. MPS I, MPS III ve MPS IV hastalarında katepsin-D düzeyleri ve MPS I, MPS IV ve MPS VI hastalarında galektin-3 düzeyleri sağlıklı kontrollerle karşılaştırıldı- ğında daha yüksekti. Gaucher hastalığı ve Niemann Pick A/B hastalarında üç parametrenin hepsi kontrollere göre anlamlı olarak artış göstermişti. Sonuç: MPS I, MPS IV ve MPS VI hastalarında yüksek seviyelerde galektin-3 seviyeleri ve MPS I, MPS III ve MPS VI hastalarında artmış kathepsin-D seviyeleri, mukopolisakaridoz patofizyolojisinde inflamatuvar sürecin etkisini desteklemekte, yüksek duyarlılık ve özgünlük ile tanıda yeni bir biyolojik belirteç olarak kullanılmayı vadetmektedir

    Evaluation of Spermatological Parameters of Frozen Bull Semen with Conventional and CASA (Computer-Aided Sperm Analysis) Method

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    The aim of this study was to compare the assessments made by the CASA system and subjective method (by using phase-contrast microscope) for spermatological examinations of imported and locally produced semen. Frozen semen (imported and local production) belonging to 20 different bulls was examined by phase contrast light microscope method (conventional method) and method supported by computer (CASA method) for evaluating the principle semen characteristics. For imported semen, considering the average values of samples examined by the two methods, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the values of motility and concentration as well as the rates of abnormal and dead spermatozoa. For domestic semen, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for the concentration of samples by the conventional evaluations and for the assessment of motility and concentration by the CASA method. It was observed that there were significantly (P<0.05) higher data only for the concentration assessed by both methods, while no such differences between the values of motility as well as the rates of abnormal and dead spermatozoa were found when considering the general average rates. By using the two methods, findings from the examination of pre-determined parameters were compared and their reliabilities were displayed herei