52 research outputs found

    Myosin as cofactor and substrate in fibrinolysis

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    AbstractMyosin accelerates plasminogen activation by tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), and is degraded extensively by plasmin. Myosin binds both tPA and plasminogen, and enhances activation of des1-77-plasminogen by tPA but not by urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). Myosin decreases KM and increases kcat for des1-77-plasminogen activation by tPA, to yield catalytic efficiencies in excess of 8000 M−1 s−1. The effect of myosin is attributed to its C-terminal portion, the myosin rod. With a KM of 3 μM, myosin is a high-affinity substrate for plasmin. The findings indicate that myosin is a cofactor for plasminogen activation and a substrate for plasmin

    Conformation of xanthene dyes in the sulfhydryl 1 binding site of myosin

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    Auxotonic to isometric contraction transitioning in a beating heart causes myosin step-size to down shift.

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    Myosin motors in cardiac ventriculum convert ATP free energy to the work of moving blood volume under pressure. The actin bound motor cyclically rotates its lever-arm/light-chain complex linking motor generated torque to the myosin filament backbone and translating actin against resisting force. Previous research showed that the unloaded in vitro motor is described with high precision by single molecule mechanical characteristics including unitary step-sizes of approximately 3, 5, and 8 nm and their relative step-frequencies of approximately 13, 50, and 37%. The 3 and 8 nm unitary step-sizes are dependent on myosin essential light chain (ELC) N-terminus actin binding. Step-size and step-frequency quantitation specifies in vitro motor function including duty-ratio, power, and strain sensitivity metrics. In vivo, motors integrated into the muscle sarcomere form the more complex and hierarchically functioning muscle machine. The goal of the research reported here is to measure single myosin step-size and step-frequency in vivo to assess how tissue integration impacts motor function. A photoactivatable GFP tags the ventriculum myosin lever-arm/light-chain complex in the beating heart of a live zebrafish embryo. Detected single GFP emission reports time-resolved myosin lever-arm orientation interpreted as step-size and step-frequency providing single myosin mechanical characteristics over the active cycle. Following step-frequency of cardiac ventriculum myosin transitioning from low to high force in relaxed to auxotonic to isometric contraction phases indicates that the imposition of resisting force during contraction causes the motor to down-shift to the 3 nm step-size accounting for >80% of all the steps in the near-isometric phase. At peak force, the ATP initiated actomyosin dissociation is the predominant strain inhibited transition in the native myosin contraction cycle. The proposed model for motor down-shifting and strain sensing involves ELC N-terminus actin binding. Overall, the approach is a unique bottom-up single molecule mechanical characterization of a hierarchically functional native muscle myosin

    Analytical Comparison of Natural and Pharmaceutical Ventricular Myosin Activators

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    Ventricular myosin (βMys) is the motor protein in cardiac muscle generating force using ATP hydrolysis free energy to translate actin. In the cardiac muscle sarcomere, myosin and actin filaments interact cyclically and undergo rapid relative translation facilitated by the low duty cycle motor. It contrasts with high duty cycle processive myosins for which persistent actin association is the priority. The only pharmaceutical βMys activator, omecamtive mecarbil (OM), upregulates cardiac contractility <i>in vivo</i> and is undergoing testing for heart failure therapy. <i>In vitro</i> βMys step-size, motility velocity, and actin-activated myosin ATPase were measured to determine duty cycle in the absence and presence of OM. A new parameter, the relative step-frequency, was introduced and measured to characterize βMys motility due to the involvement of its three unitary step-sizes. Step-size and relative step-frequency were measured using the Qdot assay. OM decreases motility velocity 10-fold without affecting step-size, indicating a large increase in duty cycle converting βMys to a near processive myosin. The OM conversion dramatically increases force and modestly increases power over the native βMys. Contrasting motility modification due to OM with that from the natural myosin activator, specific βMys phosphorylation, provides insight into their respective activation mechanisms and indicates the boilerplate screening characteristics desired for pharmaceutical βMys activators. New analytics introduced here for the fast and efficient Qdot motility assay create a promising method for high-throughput screening of motor proteins and their modulators

    The Qdot-Labeled Actin Super-Resolution Motility Assay Measures Low-Duty Cycle Muscle Myosin Step Size

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    Myosin powers contraction in heart and skeletal muscle and is a leading target for mutations implicated in inheritable muscle diseases. During contraction, myosin transduces ATP free energy into the work of muscle shortening against resisting force. Muscle shortening involves relative sliding of myosin and actin filaments. Skeletal actin filaments were fluorescently labeled with a streptavidin conjugate quantum dot (Qdot) binding biotin-phalloidin on actin. Single Qdots were imaged in time with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and then spatially localized to 1–3 nm using a super-resolution algorithm as they translated with actin over a surface coated with skeletal heavy meromyosin (sHMM) or full-length β-cardiac myosin (MYH7). The average Qdot-actin velocity matches measurements with rhodamine-phalloidin-labeled actin. The sHMM Qdot-actin velocity histogram contains low-velocity events corresponding to actin translation in quantized steps of ∼5 nm. The MYH7 velocity histogram has quantized steps at 3 and 8 nm in addition to 5 nm and larger compliance compared to that of sHMM depending on the MYH7 surface concentration. Low-duty cycle skeletal and cardiac myosin present challenges for a single-molecule assay because actomyosin dissociates quickly and the freely moving element diffuses away. The in vitro motility assay has modestly more actomyosin interactions, and methylcellulose inhibited diffusion to sustain the complex while preserving a subset of encounters that do not overlap in time on a single actin filament. A single myosin step is isolated in time and space and then characterized using super-resolution. The approach provides a quick, quantitative, and inexpensive step size measurement for low-duty cycle muscle myosin

    Supplementary data: Cardiac and Skeletal Actin Substrates Uniquely Tune Cardiac Myosin Strain-Dependent Mechanics

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    <p>Supplementary data for the paper 'Cardiac and Skeletal Actin Substrates Uniquely Tune Cardiac Myosin Strain-Dependent Mechanics'.</p
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