24 research outputs found

    Pembinaan individu berdasarkan falsafah rukun Islam

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    Falsafah Rukun Islam, berkait dengan Iman dan Ihsan sehingga memberikan kesan terhadap pembinaan individu kepada perubahan kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Kebejatan sosial yang berlaku pada hari ini berpunca daripada kurang penghayatan terhadap pengamalan rukun Islam. Rukun Islam hadir bertujuan memandu manusia dalam melaksanakan tujuan hidup sebagai Abid dan Khalifah di atas muka bumi ini dengan tersusun dan memberi kesan perubahan sekeliling. Kefahaman makna terhadap kesaksian syahadah, pengamalam Ibadah yang syumul pada solat, puasa, zakat dan mengerjakan haji memberikan dampak kepada perubahan individu muslim yang menyeluruh sehingga perubahan tersebut memberikan kesan kepada sebuah keluarga, masyarakat dan Negara seperti yang telah di tunjukkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Rujukan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini, sepenuhnya menggunakan kaedah kualitatif, bersumberkan pencarian keperpustakaan terhadap kitab-kitab dan bahan ilmiah. Justeru, kajian ini di harapkan dapat memberikan konsep dan falsafah rukun Islam secara mendalam berdasarkan perkaitannya terhadap Islam, Iman dan Ihsan

    The Role Of Teachers In Embedding Islamic Values And Ethics In Education: A Literature Review

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of teachers in embedding Islamic values and ethics in education. The rationale of this study is by understanding how Islamic Education teachers should play their roles in embedding Islamic values and ethics, could perhaps contribute to better ways of studentsā€™ behavior development. In this regard, the study has focused on exploring how the roles of Ā Islamic Education teachers, and the challenges that affect the teachers in promoting Islamic values and ethics in education. The study used a library research design. The data were collected from research articles published in either international or national accredited journals. The research findings show although the elements of Islamic values and ethics seem to be discussed in Islamic Education, students show low Islamic values and ethics in their behavior. The study recommends several approaches to improve the teaching of Islamic values and ethics in schools which include training for teachers to improve the methodology of teaching and providing teaching and learning facilities. It is also suggested that an open discussion is conducted between parents, teachers, students, policymakers, and religious leaders to develop a guideline on what should be included in the syllabus and how to cultivate Islamic values and ethics in education effectively. Ā  Keywords: Role Of Teacher, Islamic Values, Ethic

    Society Values Based On Islamic Education

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    Islam is a comprehensive religion, it contains strong principles and resources such as ā€˜aqidah, worship, shariā€˜a and morals that aim to regulate the life and journey of human beings in this world and in the afterlife in the aspects of individual management, household, education, economy, politics, social law, culture, etc. The Al-Quran and al-Sunnah, as well as the great heritage of Islamic scholars, contain all human life guides. The purpose of life and the human role in the world is to 'ubudiyyah (worship) Allah swt. Therefore, every act and movement of people in this world should be focused on the goal of carrying out their duties as khalifatullah, that is, the caliph of God on this earth. This concept paper aims to explore the practise of social life in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, explaining the basic concessions of social life and society based on Islamic education. This article uses library method and document analysis. This paper will help to provide some sources of information that can be used by people who would like to understand and study the social values based on Islamic education. As a conclusion, Islamic education takes over as the primary educational model and is no longer an option to be selected or rejected. The application of these values as a whole must be mobilized, starting with working on an educational philosophy based on monotheism, the preparation of teacher education curriculum, and the formation of a student education curriculum. Ā  Keywords: Society Values, Islamic Education, Social Life.

    Effective approaches of the education of children in forming a sustainable family according to Islamic references

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    Humans and education are two important issues in planning the growth, development and advancement of a country. The basic education for an individual starts with the teaching at home, school and the environment. Childrenā€™s education is important in Islam. The importance of emphasising the development of children is a practice pioneered by Islamic scholars since ancient times based on the teaching of Islam that used Qurā€™an and Sunnah as their references. Parents today face with challenges in educating their children. They are required to ensure that their children are raised and given the education that covers the development of intellect, physical, spiritual, morals and social. Education can nurture the current and future generations to grow and be responsible to God, themselves, other people and the country. The aim of the present research was to examine about the effective approaches of childrenā€™s education in shaping a sustainable family according to Islamic references. The research method is based on reading of articles, journals, newspapers, books and others as primary data. The learning process involves mental, physical, emotional and social aspects. This article in general discusses about teaching in the aspects of education, which is classified into four types namely Formal Teaching, Informal Teaching, Non-Formal Teaching and Rasulullah pbuh Teaching Method. Generally, the aspects of childrenā€™s education are divided into aspects of faith, morals, physical, mental, spiritual social, emotional and sexology. Therefore, there are three main things that need to be emphasised in shaping children and their souls in forming a sustainable family which include strengthening of spiritual and worship activities, knowledge and noble values

    The Effects of ICT Towards Studentsā€™ Attitude

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    Advancement of Information and communication technology (ICT) rapidly transform many sectors and it does give and impact also to the educational field. Ministry of Education Malaysia starts to plan the curriculum to include ICT and teacher starts exploring different method and teaching style to develop students higher order thinking skills. Teacher plays an important role in designing lesson to integrate ICT as it will give effect to studentsā€™ attitude in learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of ICT towards studentsā€™ attitude. The methodology of study utilized a systematic document analysis technique where issues related to effect ICT towards student attitude which have given impact to the teachersā€™ and studentsā€™ behavior in the form of any reference are analyzed. SAMR model will show that there is different level of degree of ICT integration that teacher can use and implement in class. Results shows that when ICT is use in class it will give an advantage in terms of student performances, motivation and efficiency. The student and classroom environment itself will be dynamic, active listening, collaborative learning, interactivity and communication will take place. Maximizing ICT potential can create and enhance learning to take place more effectively and transforming from teacher-centered to student-centered learning which are in line with the 21st century goals

    Implementation of augmented reality (AR) in Malaysian education system

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    The post-globalization world is witnessing the rapid development of technology. Revolution of industry 4.0 that hit the world encourages the use of various technologies and gadgets by all sectors or industries including education. Education system all around the globe excited to implement new technologies with the aims of enhancing studentsā€™ focus, interest and comprehension throughout the teaching and learning sessions. Recently, the Augmented Reality (AR) technology attracts more intention and increasingly mastered by the educators to use the technology during teaching and learning sessions. AR innovation optimized the sophistication of social medias as an effective teaching medium. The use of this technology indicates great potential to produce more creative, innovative and competitive generation. Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), Industry 4.0, Innovation, Malaysian Education System


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    ABSTRACTEducation plays a significant part in developing a personā€™s personality and teaching ideals. Individuals shall be instilled with good ideals through Islamic education. Surprisingly, education that begins in school has a longer and more lasting effect. Unfortunately, many recent cases now report on issues of integrity that affect people from all walks of life. This is a clear indicator that the value of integrity is seen to be getting thinner among Malaysians. As a result, the research was conducted to assess the impact of Islamic education in instilling the concept of integrity in all communities, including individuals, society, and the country. This is a qualitative study that makes use of library and documentation resources. The study discovered that teachers play a significant role in Islamic education, and that teaching content is critical in creating a positive influence and raising student understanding of the principle of integrity. Al-Quran and Sunnah related to corruption and integrity disclosed in the syllabus of Islamic Education are regarded to be able to offer students a solid understanding as well as assist in the development of a good society in this scenario. Kata kunci: Education, Islam, corruption, integrity, syllabu

    Embedding higher order thinking skills in Islamic history (Sirah) education in Malaysia

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    The promotion of integrating higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in the Malaysian education system is pivotal to producing analytical thinkers to keep up with the rapid globalization of this era. Thus, the implementation of HOTS in learning and facilitation (PdPc) has been emphasized. However, little is known about the integration of HOTS in Islamic history and civilization (Sirah) lessons. Furthermore, teachers continue to use traditional methods and disregard incorporating HOTS in PdPc. Therefore, the current study conducted an in-depth investigation into the components of Sirah lessons to support the implementation of the Malaysian education development plan (PPPM) 2013-2015 by strengthening teaching techniques through the use of HOTS for a better understanding of Sirah lessons. Using an explanatory sequential mixed method design, the findings reveal that the teaching components of Sirah lessons with the integration of HOTS are at a moderate level in the conclusion stage of a lesson. Therefore, the current study proposes a model that integrates HOTS, i.e., the element of attitude, preparation and planning, teaching aids with relevant aspects of PAK21, knowledge of HOTS, mastery of the subject content, teaching techniques and approach, assessment, and evaluation

    Maqasid Keamanan dan Implikasinya dalam Pembinaan Sebuah Tamadun

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    Maqosid perdamaian lahir dari kebutuhan untuk menjaga Maqosid Syariah dan keamanan lingkungan. Negara Islam yang menghadapi berbagai agama, ras dan etnis di Malaysia sangat membutuhkan konsep Perdamaian. Fiqh Maqasid ini untuk diimplementasikan untuk melindungi maslahah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan "Tinjauan Pustaka" untuk merujuk ke perpustakaan lengkap. Studi ini melihat makna konsep Perdamaian Maqosid, pentingnya, argumennya dan dampak Maqosid pada pengembangan Peradaban. Penelitian ini menghasilkan Islam adalah agama yang didasarkan pada Al-Quran dan Sunnah. Tidak ada ajaran Islam yang menyerukan para pengikutnya untuk memancing permusuhan dan bahkan membawa kekacauan dan peran

    Behaviour and the role of family institutions in assisting the economy and sustainable society

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    Sustainability illustrates something with the tendency to maintain one's existing quality. To guarantee the sustainability of the world, nature, stays in a good condition, the attitude of the people of earth is very related. To achieve the sustainability of the earth and nation, positive and active engagement from the smallest community unit, which is family, is very important. Ideally, families are the first teachers for children. The family or parents are their role models. They give the greatest impact for the growth of personality, attitude, value, characteristic and skills for the young generation. The family unit are the main source in understanding and giving understandings one's meaning and philosophy. Then, this concept paper will highlight the concept of sustainability in general and the sustainability concept from the Islamic perspective as well as the relationship between the family unit behaviour in guaranteeing a life where a family with harmony and sustainability could give an impact to the universal well-being