643 research outputs found

    Accurate inspiral-merger-ringdown gravitational waveforms for non-spinning black-hole binaries including the effect of subdominant modes

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    We present an analytical waveform family describing gravitational waves (GWs) from the inspiral, merger and ringdown of non-spinning black-hole binaries including the effect of several non-quadrupole modes [(ℓ=2,m=±1),(ℓ=3,m=±3),(ℓ=4,m=±4)\ell = 2, m = \pm 1), (\ell = 3, m = \pm 3), (\ell = 4, m = \pm 4) apart from (ℓ=2,m=±2)(\ell = 2, m=\pm2)]. We first construct spin-weighted spherical harmonics modes of hybrid waveforms by matching numerical-relativity simulations (with mass ratio 1−101-10) describing the late inspiral, merger and ringdown of the binary with post-Newtonian/effective-one-body waveforms describing the early inspiral. An analytical waveform family is constructed in frequency domain by modeling the Fourier transform of the hybrid waveforms making use of analytical functions inspired by perturbative calculations. The resulting highly accurate, ready-to-use waveforms are highly faithful (unfaithfulness ≃10−4−10−2\simeq 10^{-4} - 10^{-2}) for observation of GWs from non-spinning black hole binaries and are extremely inexpensive to generate.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Advancements in understanding and addressing Alzheimer's disease: a comprehensive review

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) presents a multifaceted challenge in the realm of neurodegenerative disorders, affecting millions globally and posing significant burdens on patients, caregivers, and healthcare systems alike. Over a century of research has illuminated various facets of AD pathophysiology, highlighting the intricate interplay between genetic, molecular, and environmental factors in disease progression. This comprehensive review synthesized key findings from recent literature, encompassing diverse topics ranging from diagnostic challenges and emerging therapeutic approaches to caregiver support and evolving research strategies. Furthermore, it explored the complexities of AD pathogenesis, elucidating the role of amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques, tau protein pathology, neuroinflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction in neuronal degeneration. Therapeutic interventions for AD, both current and emerging, are critically evaluated, with a focus on pharmacological agents targeting Aβ aggregation, tau pathology, and synaptic dysfunction. Non-pharmacological strategies, including lifestyle modifications and cognitive interventions, are also explored for their potential in disease management. Finally, the review examined the landscape of AD research, highlighting ongoing efforts to elucidate disease mechanisms, identify novel therapeutic targets, and address existing gaps in prevention and treatment strategies. It emphasizes the need for collaborative endeavours among stakeholders to accelerate progress towards effective AD management and ultimately, improve outcomes for affected individuals and their families. Through its comprehensive synthesis of current knowledge and future directions, this review aims to inform clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and advocates involved in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, offering insights that may catalyse advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and care

    Exploring the connection: endocrine disruptors and polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is heterogeneous endocrine disorder in females manifesting reproductive dysfunction and metabolic abnormalities. Endocrinopathy in the form of hyperandrogenism leading to alteration in clinical phenotype and fertility seen. Atherogenic dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance as a result of metabolic disturbance also encountered. Recent years, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are widely studied and linked for their alleged role in the development of PCOS. EDCs like bisphenol A (BPA), Phthalate, methoxychlor and chlorpyrifos which are present in many industrial as well as daily use products poses risk of development of various diseases. This review discusses the role of EDCS specially BPA in the pathogenesis of PCOS with study of interest identified and extracted from databases like Pub Med and Google scholars using MeSH keywords. BPA has estrogenic property and binds to oestrogen receptors α and β. Stimulation of ovarian theca cells and dysregulation of steroid biosynthesis leads to androgen overproduction. It stimulates GnRH Pulse generator, decreasing the level of LH hence fertility is affected. BPA also interact with adipose tissue receptors and causes differentiation, lipid deposition and inhibition of adiponectin. Its serum and urinary levels are found to be elevated in PCOS patient. In animal studies, it is found that BPA exposure causes impaired folliculogenesis, insulin resistance and DNA methylation. EDC exposure, especially BPA which is an integral constituent of many industrial and daily use items may cause PCOS possibly by altering androgen synthesis, adipocyte stimulation and epigenetic modification

    Halotolerant Plant Growth Promoting Bacilli from Sundarban Mangrove Mitigate the Effects of Salinity Stress on Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Growth

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) is one of the major crops in dry and saline areas across the globe. During salinity stress, plants encounter significant changes in their physio and biochemical activities, leading to decreased growth and yield. Bacillus species are used as biofertilizers and biopesticides for pearl millet and other crops to promote growth and yield. The use of Bacillus in saline soils has been beneficial to combat the negative effect of salinity on plant growth and yield. In this context, the present study emphasizes the use of two Bacillus species, i.e. Bacillus megaterium JR-12 and B. pumilus GN-5, which helped in alleviating the impact of salinity stress on the growth activities in salt-stressed pearl millet. Pearl millet seeds were treated with two strains, B. megaterium JR-12 and B.pumilus GN-5, individually and in combination under 50, 100 and 150 mM of sodium chloride stress. The treated plants showed higher plant height, biomass accumulation, and photosynthetic apparatus than the non-treated plants. Additionally, the treated plants showed increased osmoprotectant levels under salinity stress compared to control plants. The antioxidant enzyme content was improved post-inoculation, indicating the efficient stress-alleviating potential of both strains of Bacillus species. Moreover, inoculation of these microbes significantly increased plant growth attributes in plants treated with a combination of Bp-GN-5 + Bm-JR-12 and the reduction rates of plant growth were found to be alleviated to 9.12%, 20.30% and 33%, respectively. Overall, the results of the present study suggested that these microbes could have a higher potential to improve the productivity of pearl millet under salinity stress

    Physico-Chemical Properties and Deposition Potential of PM2.5 during Severe Smog Event in Delhi, India

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    The present work studies a severe smog event that occurred in Delhi (India) in 2017, targeting the characterization of PM2.5 and its deposition potential in human respiratory tract of different population groups in which the PM2.5 levels raised from 124.0 µg/m3 (pre-smog period) to 717.2 µg/m3 (during smog period). Higher concentration of elements such as C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Fe, Cl, Ca, Ti, Cr, Pb, Fe, K, Cu, Cl, P, and F were observed during the smog along with dominant organic functional groups (aldehyde, ketones, alkyl halides (R-F; R-Br; R-Cl), ether, etc.), which supported potential contribution from transboundary biomass-burning activities along with local pollution sources and favorable meteorological conditions. The morphology of individual particles were found mostly as non-spherical, including carbon fractals, aggregates, sharp-edged, rod-shaped, and flaky structures. A multiple path particle dosimetry (MPPD) model showed significant deposition potential of PM2.5 in terms of deposition fraction, mass rate, and mass flux during smog conditions in all age groups. The highest PM2.5 deposition fraction and mass rate were found for the head region followed by the alveolar region of the human respiratory tract. The highest mass flux was reported for 21-month-old (4.7 × 102 µg/min/m2), followed by 3-month-old (49.2 µg/min/m2) children, whereas it was lowest for 21-year-old adults (6.8 µg/min/m2), indicating babies and children were more vulnerable to PM2.5 pollution than adults during smog. Deposition doses of toxic elements such as Cr, Fe, Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Ni were also found to be higher (up to 1 × 10−7 µg/kg/day) for children than adults

    Current therapeutic status of corticosteroid in human immunodeficiency virus patients with tuberculous meningitis

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) poses risk for severe manifestation of TB. These may be in the form of pulmonary or extra pulmonary. According to the level of immunosupression there is risk of developing tuberculous meningitis (TBM). HIV alters pathogenesis, clinical features and prognosis throwing diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.

    Quest of dynamic linkages between monetary factors and food inflation in India

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    This study attempts to investigate the dynamic linkages between the monetary factor and food inflation from an Indian macroeconomic perspective, based on time series data from 1991 to 2022. The outcome of the present investigation reveals that a narrow and broad money supply have a significant impact on food inflation. Furthermore, the result of causality analysis in current research reveals that a narrow money supply does not cause food prices to rise in the short run. However, the broad money does. Finally, the relevant outcome reveals that both narrow and broad money supplies jointly cause food inflation in India. In terms of policy implications, current research emphasises the role of monetary factors in controlling food inflation in the context of India

    An experimental investigation on metallurgical and corrosion behavior of atmospheric plasma sprayed Stellite 6 powder on AISI 304 stainless steel

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    An experimental investigation was undertaken to study the Cobalt-based Stellite 6, powder deposited on SS 304 stainless steel substrate without any intermittent layer using an atmospheric plasma spray deposition process by varying the thickness of coating in the range of 74 µm, 128 µm, and 215 µm. The effect of coating thickness on metallurgical properties and corrosion resistance behavior was investigated. Optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were employed to study the morphology of Stellite 6 coating. X-Ray Diffraction was used for structural analysis and to identify the phase formation. It was observed that the sample with 128 µm coating thickness provides the best result concerning microhardness and microstructure characteristics whereas the sample with 215 µm coating thickness provides the best corrosion resistance property. The reasons for the deviation were investigated and the factors responsible for the deviation were assigned in this investigation
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