608 research outputs found

    Relationship between Internationalisation of Firms and Economic Performance: A Case Study Selected Banks in Nigeria.

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    Despite the growing internationalisation of firms from the developing economies, study examining the effect of internationalisation on their economic performance remain elusive, as evidence from prior studies are based on firms from the developed and the emerging economies. This study examines the relationship between the internationalisation, measured by percentage of foreign assets over total assets and performance, measured by return on assets of Nigerian banks. By using a cross sectional panel data covering the period of 2008 – 2010, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) result showed a positive relationship while the ANOVA result showed a significant relationship between internationalisation and the economic performance of the banks. The study concluded that international expansion can bring better economic performance to firms from developing economies. However, internationalising firms must be wary of the potential challenge of over-internationalisation which may negate the expected economic benefit. Keywords: Internationalisation; Firm; Economic performance; Developing economie

    Factors influencing the acceptance and awareness of permanent method of family planning

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    Background: Among developing countries, India holds the second place in being the most populated country accounting to 1.3 billion. This addresses the need for effective population control by implementing various family planning and contraceptive services thereby improving the quality of life. Our study aims at assessing the factors influencing the awareness and acceptance of permanent method of family planning.Methods: This is a questionnaire based cross sectional study carried out in A.J. institute of Medical Sciences on 300 postpartum women who have undergone two or more child births.Results: 77.3% of women were aware of family planning services out of which 64.3% had knowledge about permanent method of sterilization. 73% preferred to undergo tubectomy whereas only 13.7% were willing for vasectomy with the main reason for refusal being fear of surgery (25.9%). 32.6% of women wanted their husbands to undergo vasectomy rather than having a tubectomy themselves. Desire for more children (39%) was the main reason given by most women who refused to undergo tubectomy.Conclusions: Though women were aware of contraceptive practices, proper knowledge about permanent methods of family planning was still inadequate especially regarding vasectomy. Our study showed that lack of awareness and knowledge, fear of adverse effects, fear of sexual dysfunction, culture and religious beliefs, opposition from the male partner and health concerns were the factors influencing tubectomy acceptance over vasectomy as a permanent method of sterilization

    Maternal serum lactate dehydrogenase level and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with hypertensive disorder of pregnancy at a tertiary care centre: a retrospective study

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    Background: Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy affect 6-8% of all pregnancies, contributing immensely to maternal morbidity and mortality. Thus, presence of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) signifies tissue damage and haemolysis. The aim of the study was to correlate LDH levels with blood pressure ranges and maternal and foetal outcome in women with gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia.Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of AJ Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Mangalore for a period of 1 year (January 2020 to January 2021). Based on the eligibility criteria, 52 hypertensive pregnant women were enrolled as cases.Results: Mean±SD period of gestation at delivery was lowest (34.57±1.39 weeks) for pregnant women with S. LDH levels>800 IU/l, whereas with S. LDH800 IU/l, mean±SD Apgar scores at the end of 1 min, 5 minutes and 10 min were 4.42±0.79, 4.75±2.26 and 5.50±2.65 respectively.Conclusions: It can be concluded that S. LDH has the potential to be considered as a screening tool or predictor of the outcome of pregnancy in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. However, studies of larger magnitude may be required to confirm the presence and the strength of association of S. LDH levels with pregnancy outcome


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    The concept of managerial leadership permeates the theory and practice of work organizations. While most definitions of leadership reflect the assumption that leadership involves a process whereby an individual exerts influence upon others in an organizational context, leadership is by nature dialectical. It is socially constructed through the interaction of both leaders and followers. Strategic planning and management are more than a set of managerial tools. They constitute a mind-set, an approach that involves looking at the changes in the internal and external environment that confront the Chairman and other members of the executive council of a LGC. By a strategic approach to HRM, we are referring to a managerial process requiring human resource policies and practices to be linked with the strategic objectives of the organization. This paper critically examines the concept of managerial leadership and  Strategic Human Resource Management (SRHM). It appraises the strategic management process and factors affecting strategy in the Nigerian Local Government Councils. It concludes with a simple example of SHRM using SWOT analysis. Crafting, implementing and monitoring an effective strategy will assist LGCs to become very successful and stay successful. KEY WORDS: Leadership; Strategy; Human Resource Management; Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM); Local Government Councils; SWOT Analysis

    Social Support and Work-Family Balance of Manufacturing Companies’ Employee with Self-Efficacy as a Mediator

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    Past studies reported that social support correlated with work-family balance. However, the role of self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and work-family balance among the manufacturing sector employees is missing. Therefore, this study examined the indirect effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and work-family balance. A sample of 456 (F=26.8%; mean age=31.55) manufacturing sector employees that were selected through the stratified sampling technique responded to the Work-Family Balance Scale, Social Support Questionnaire, and Self-Efficacy Scale. Results of the correlation analysis revealed that social support from family and co-workers positively associated with work-family balance. Self-efficacy was also found to relate positively to social support and work-family balance. Mediation analysis, using Hayes Process Macro, showed that self-efficacy had an indirect effect on the relationship between social support and work-family balance among employees of food and beverage companies. Improved social support from co-workers and family can assist manufacturing sector employees to balance the demands from both domains.

    Prevalence and risk factor analysis for postpartum depression: a cross sectional study at tertiary care center, Mangalore

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    Background: The overall pooled estimate of the prevalence of Postpartum depression in Indian mothers is 22%. In India, women who deliver at a health facility often stays less than 48hrs after delivery and this leaves little opportunity for health personnel to counsel the mother and family members on the signs and symptoms of Postpartum depression (PPD) and when to seek care. So, it is important to screen the postpartum woman for depression. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is used as an effective tool to assess the level of postnatal depression. The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors associated with postpartum depression in the postnatal mothers using EDPS scale.Methods: This study was conducted at A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center from January 2019 to May 2020. A total of 950 postnatal mothers were interviewed using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.Results: A total of 950 cases were studied. Prevalence of Postpartum depression was 15.78%. Increased incidence was seen in the primigravida (12.2%) compared to multigravidas (3.57%). This study showed 1.89% mothers belonging to upper middle class, 5.05% belonging to lower middle class had PPD and 7.26% belonging to upper lower class and 1.57 % patients belonging to lower class had PPD. In our study, 9.26% patients who underwent normal vaginal delivery had PPD and 6.52% of patients who underwent lower segment caesarean section had PPD. In the present study, it was found that 1.05% mothers having IUD babies and 5.2% (96/950) mothers who required NICU admission developed PPD.Conclusions: In this study, the prevalence of postpartum depression was 15.78%. Risk of PPD is more with primigravida, belonging to lower middle class status, mothers who had NVD and mothers of IUD babies. Postpartum depression screening should be an integral part of postnatal care using EPDS scale. A multidisciplinary approach including obstetrician and psychiatrists and counsellor can jointly take care of the depressed mothers. Early screening of the women may reduce the adverse outcomes among both mother and child. Proper counselling should be done to all the pregnant women and the family members for the birth preparedness

    Locus of Control and Job Status as Mediators of Employees’ Perception of Downsizing and Organizational Commitment in Selected Ministries and Parastatals in Nigeria

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    The study assessed the mediating role of locus of control and job status on the relationship between employee’s perception of downsizing and their commitment to work in selected public sector establishments in Nigeria. The study employed descriptive survey design and a Multi- stage sampling technique was adopted. Purposive sampling technique was used to select six Federal Government establishments in Abuja and Lagos State. Using stratified random sampling, a total of 604 respondents comprising (58.9%) males and (41.1%) females were selected from these establishments. Data were collected through the administration of standardized psychological tests: General Perception of Downsizing (GPD), Locus of Control Scale (LCS), and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed a significant positive relationship between employee’s perception of downsizing and their work commitment (r = 0.17; p< 0.05). That is, employee’s perception of downsizing exercise influenced their commitment to work. The results also showed that employees’ perception of downsizing was significantly influenced by locus of control i.e. Locus of Control (r = 0.29; p<0.01). However, there was no significant relationship between downsizing and job status (r = -0.08; P>0.05). Furthermore, the results showed that locus of control significantly mediated the relationship between perception of downsizing and employees’ commitment to work (? = 0.40; t = 10.30; p<0.01), while the result reveals that job status did not significantly mediate the relationship between perception of downsizing and employees’ commitment to work (? = 0.02; t = 0.64; p>0.05).The study concluded that employees’ perception of downsizing related to their commitment to work, and this relationship was mediated by employees’ locus of control. Key Words: Downsizing; Commitment; Locus of Control; Job Statu

    Estrategias Competitivas en las Empresas Ecuatorianas exportadoras de Camarón hacia el Mercado Europeo

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    Las empresas ecuatorianas del sector acuícola han cumplido con altura su rol en el mercado nacional e internacional, obteniendo una amplia apertura en la satisfacción de la demanda extranjera. Sin embargo, las empresas exportadoras han apuntado hacia el mercado europeo, como uno de los mayores importadores de camarón en el mundo, utilizando estrategias competitivas que han sido de gran ayuda para posicionarse en el mercado extranjero. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar las estrategias que han desarrollado las empresas ecuatorianas exportadoras de camarón para ser competitivas en el mercado europeo. Para ello se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo, de alcance descriptivo, utilizando el método analítico-sintético, lo cual permitió la revisión de artículos de revista consultados en la plataforma Google Académico, Dialnet, Eumed, Innova Research Journal, Revista científica Ciencia y Tecnología y Scielo. Además, se utilizaron libros dedicados a la gestión empresarial y el comercio internacional, adoptando la exclusión e inclusión de la información necesaria de la investigación. En cuanto a la revisión documental se la realizó mediante organismos oficiales como; Cámara Nacional de Acuacultura y PROECUADOR. Se concluye que las exportaciones de camarón en las empresas ecuatorianas, generan competitividad y permiten resaltar al país con mayor participación en el mercado europeo. Ecuadorian companies in the aquaculture sector have successfully achieved their role in the national and international market, achieving a wide opening in the satisfaction of foreign demand. However, exporting companies have targeted the European market, as one of the largest importers of shrimp around the world, using competitive strategies that have been of great help to position themselves in the foreign market. This research work aims to identify the strategies that Ecuadorian shrimp exporting companies have developed to be competitive in the European market. For this, a qualitative approach was obtained, with a descriptive scope, using the analytical-synthetic method, which allowed the review of journal articles consulted on the Google Scholar, Dialnet, Eumed and Scielo platforms. In addition, books dedicated to business management and international trade were used, adopting the exclusion and inclusion of the necessary information for the investigation. Regarding the documentary review, it was carried out by official organizations such as; National Chamber of Aquaculture and PROECUADOR. As a conclusion, shrimp exports in Ecuadorian companies generate competitiveness and allow the country to stand out with bigger participation in the European market.   &nbsp

    Estrategias Competitivas en las Empresas Ecuatorianas exportadoras de Camarón hacia el Mercado Europeo

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    Las empresas ecuatorianas del sector acuícola han cumplido con altura su rol en el mercado nacional e internacional, obteniendo una amplia apertura en la satisfacción de la demanda extranjera. Sin embargo, las empresas exportadoras han apuntado hacia el mercado europeo, como uno de los mayores importadores de camarón en el mundo, utilizando estrategias competitivas que han sido de gran ayuda para posicionarse en el mercado extranjero. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar las estrategias que han desarrollado las empresas ecuatorianas exportadoras de camarón para ser competitivas en el mercado europeo. Para ello se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo, de alcance descriptivo, utilizando el método analítico-sintético, lo cual permitió la revisión de artículos de revista consultados en la plataforma Google Académico, Dialnet, Eumed, Innova Research Journal, Revista científica Ciencia y Tecnología y Scielo. Además, se utilizaron libros dedicados a la gestión empresarial y el comercio internacional, adoptando la exclusión e inclusión de la información necesaria de la investigación. En cuanto a la revisión documental se la realizó mediante organismos oficiales como; Cámara Nacional de Acuacultura y PROECUADOR. Se concluye que las exportaciones de camarón en las empresas ecuatorianas, generan competitividad y permiten resaltar al país con mayor participación en el mercado europeo. Ecuadorian companies in the aquaculture sector have successfully achieved their role in the national and international market, achieving a wide opening in the satisfaction of foreign demand. However, exporting companies have targeted the European market, as one of the largest importers of shrimp around the world, using competitive strategies that have been of great help to position themselves in the foreign market. This research work aims to identify the strategies that Ecuadorian shrimp exporting companies have developed to be competitive in the European market. For this, a qualitative approach was obtained, with a descriptive scope, using the analytical-synthetic method, which allowed the review of journal articles consulted on the Google Scholar, Dialnet, Eumed and Scielo platforms. In addition, books dedicated to business management and international trade were used, adopting the exclusion and inclusion of the necessary information for the investigation. Regarding the documentary review, it was carried out by official organizations such as; National Chamber of Aquaculture and PROECUADOR. As a conclusion, shrimp exports in Ecuadorian companies generate competitiveness and allow the country to stand out with bigger participation in the European market.   &nbsp
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