301 research outputs found

    Polarity and cell division orientation in the cleavage embryo: from worm to human.

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    Cleavage is a period after fertilization, when a 1-cell embryo starts developing into a multicellular organism. Due to a series of mitotic divisions, the large volume of a fertilized egg is divided into numerous smaller, nucleated cells-blastomeres. Embryos of different phyla divide according to different patterns, but molecular mechanism of these early divisions remains surprisingly conserved. In the present paper, we describe how polarity cues, cytoskeleton and cell-to-cell communication interact with each other to regulate orientation of the early embryonic division planes in model animals such as Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and mouse. We focus particularly on the Par pathway and the actin-driven cytoplasmic flows that accompany it. We also describe a unique interplay between Par proteins and the Hippo pathway in cleavage mammalian embryos. Moreover, we discuss the potential meaning of polarity, cytoplasmic dynamics and cell-to-cell communication as quality biomarkers of human embryos.A.A. is a beneficent of the National Science Centre grant (UMO-2012/07/D/NZ5/04301). M.Z.-G. thanks the Wellcome Trust for supporting the work in her laboratory. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the Wellcome Trust.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/molehr/gav06

    Advances in embryo selection methods

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    Despite many recent advances in the field of reproductive biology and medicine, the efficiency of in vitro fertilization procedures remains relatively low. There is a need for a reliable and non-invasive method of embryo selection to ensure that only embryos with the highest developmental potential are chosen for transfer to mothers-to-be. Here, we compare various methods currently used for assessing embryonic viability, such as examination of embryonic morphology, quality of the genetic material, or metabolism. Additionally, we discuss novel procedures for embryonic assessment based on advanced time-lapse imaging techniques, which show great promise and may lead to increased in vitro fertilization efficiencies

    Sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo as first symptoms of Arnold-Chiari malformation

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    Introduction: Arnold-Chiari malformation is a congenital malformation of the skull in which the cerebellum and the medulla are pushed into the upper cervical canal outside the foramen magnum. Chiari malformation can manifest with headache, ataxia, tinnitus and audio-vestibular symptoms that generally worsen with time. A correct diagnosis leads to timely surgical intervention. Diagnosis of the Arnold-Chiari malformation is confirmed with MRI. Treatment generally involves surgical decompression of the surrounding spinal tissue. Case presentation: We present a 15-year-old boy, with sudden symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss in the right ear, brought on during exercise. Dizziness, tinnitus and vertigo disappeared after few days but a hearing loss remained. He denied having headaches. He has hypertension and that was considered as the cause of the new symptoms. Complete audio-vestibular examination was performed and sensorineural hearing loss on the right ear was revealed. MRI brain scan was made and caudal herniation of the medulla oblongata and cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum (by 16 mm) was discovered. Herniation was more pronounced on the right side, medulla oblongata was pushed forward, and the cerebrospinal fluid space in that level was reduced. Conclusion: Arnold-Chiari malformation can present itself with numerous symptoms. Hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo need to be considered as a possible sign of this disorder


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    The aim of this paper is to present Decision Support Concept (DSC) for management of construction projects. Focus of our research is in application of multicritera methods (MCM) to decision making in planning phase of construction projects (related to the problem of construction sites selection). The problem is identified as a significant one from many different aspects such as economic aspect, civil engineering aspect, etc. what indicates the necessity for evaluation of multiple sites by several different criteria. Therefore, DSC for construction site selection based on PROMETHEE method is designed. In order to define the appropriate criteria, their weights and preference functions for the concept, three groups of stakeholders are involved (investors, construction experts and experts for real estate market) in its design. AHP method has been used for determination of criteria weights. The model has been tested on the problem of site selection for construction of residential-commercial building in four largest cities in Croatia


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    The aim of this paper is to present Decision Support Concept (DSC) for management of construction projects. Focus of our research is in application of multicritera methods (MCM) to decision making in planning phase of construction projects (related to the problem of construction sites selection). The problem is identified as a significant one from many different aspects such as economic aspect, civil engineering aspect, etc. what indicates the necessity for evaluation of multiple sites by several different criteria. Therefore, DSC for construction site selection based on PROMETHEE method is designed. In order to define the appropriate criteria, their weights and preference functions for the concept, three groups of stakeholders are involved (investors, construction experts and experts for real estate market) in its design. AHP method has been used for determination of criteria weights. The model has been tested on the problem of site selection for construction of residential-commercial building in four largest cities in Croatia

    Sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo as first symptoms of Arnold-Chiari malformation

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    Introduction: Arnold-Chiari malformation is a congenital malformation of the skull in which the cerebellum and the medulla are pushed into the upper cervical canal outside the foramen magnum. Chiari malformation can manifest with headache, ataxia, tinnitus and audio-vestibular symptoms that generally worsen with time. A correct diagnosis leads to timely surgical intervention. Diagnosis of the Arnold-Chiari malformation is confirmed with MRI. Treatment generally involves surgical decompression of the surrounding spinal tissue. Case presentation: We present a 15-year-old boy, with sudden symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss in the right ear, brought on during exercise. Dizziness, tinnitus and vertigo disappeared after few days but a hearing loss remained. He denied having headaches. He has hypertension and that was considered as the cause of the new symptoms. Complete audio-vestibular examination was performed and sensorineural hearing loss on the right ear was revealed. MRI brain scan was made and caudal herniation of the medulla oblongata and cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum (by 16 mm) was discovered. Herniation was more pronounced on the right side, medulla oblongata was pushed forward, and the cerebrospinal fluid space in that level was reduced. Conclusion: Arnold-Chiari malformation can present itself with numerous symptoms. Hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo need to be considered as a possible sign of this disorder

    Reprezentacija jugoslovenskog novog talasa u dokumentarnom filmu “Novi talas u SFRJ kao društveni pokret”

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    U radu se istražuje reprezentacija jugoslovenskog novog talasa na osnovu analize dokumentarnog filma “Novi talas u SFRJ kao društveni pokret”. Iako je novi talas obuhvatan pojam koji se odnosi na različite sfere umetnosti, u ovoj analizi se razmatra kao muzički i kulturni fenomen. Teorijski okvir unutar kojeg se odvija istraživanje zasniva se na ideji da dokumentarni film može da nam pomogne da razumemo određeni period, da ga preispitamo i iznova (re)konstruišemo. Rezultati analize bi trebalo da pokažu na koji način narativ o novom talasu nastavlja da živi i trideset, četrdeset godina kasnije, te kako se (re)kreira i utvrđuje svakim novim snimljenim filmom

    (Re)définition de la tradition à l'exemple du phénomène de la musique du monde

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    U radu se problematizuje razumevanje pojma tradicije u kontekstu world music fenomena. Na tržištu plasiran kao hibridni muzirki žanr, world music iz perspektive antropološke teorije predstavlja kompleksan kulturni fenomen, rezultat prožimanja globalnih i lokalnih uticaja koji se reflektuju ne samo u pogledu stvaranja specifirnog zvuka već i kroz različite percepcije same muzike (publika, muzičari, producenti, kreatori kulturnih politika itd.). Analizom srpske world music scene na primeru rada World Music asocijacije Srbije, kao i održavanja domaćeg Serbia World Music festivala u Takovu, nastojim da utvrdim na koji način je koncept muzike sveta percipiran u lokalnim narativima, da li se doživljava kao vid muzičke tradicije, te šta se u tom smislu označava i reprezentuje kao tradicija.The paper problematizes the understanding of the concept of tradition in the context of the world music phenomenon. Marketed as a hybrid music genre, from the perspective of anthropological theory, the world music genre is a complex cultural phenomenon, the result of mixing global and local influen-ces which are reflected not only in the creation of a specific sound, but thro-ugh different perceptions of music itself (the audience, musicians, producers, creators of cultural policies etc.) By analyzing the Serbian world music scene as exemplified by the work of the World Music association of Serbia, as well as the Serbia World Music Festival in Takovo, I will attempt to determine the way in which the concept of world music is perceived in local narratives, whether it is experienced as a form of musical tradition and if so, what is sig-nified and represented as tradition in this context.Dans cette étude je procède à une problématisation de la notion de la tradi-tion dans le contexte du phénomène de la musique du monde. Lancé sur le marché comme un genre musical hybride, comme le résultat de l’interpénétra-tion des influences globales et locales, manifestes non seulement dans la créa-tion d’un son particulier, mais aussi dans les différentes perceptions de la mu-sique elle-même (par le public, les musiciens, les producteurs, les créateurs des politiques culturelles etc.). A l’aide de l'analyse du travail de l’Association serbe de World Music, ainsi que de l’organisation du World Music festival àTakovo, je m’efforce de déterminer de quelle manière le concept de la musi-que du monde est perçu dans les récits locaux, puis s’il est appréhendé comme un aspect de la tradition musicale, et enfin ce qui est désigné et représenté comme tradition
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