15 research outputs found

    Haematological changes of Clarias gariepinus juveniles fed different dietary lipid

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    Twelve weeks feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of different dietary lipid sources on the hematological changes in Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Six (6) iso-nitroginous diets were formulated at 45% CP and fed to triplicate groups of 15 juveniles. The feed contained (Palm Seed Oil (PSO), Ugwu Seed (USO), Soya Bean Oil (SBO), Almond Seed Oil (ASO), Mixture Of All the vegetable oil + the fish oil (MOA) and Cod Liver Oil (CLO) which is the control. The oils were added at 5% inclusion level respectively. Fish of mean weight 22.83 ~c 0.30g were fed these experimental diets in triplicate groups. The hematological analyses of fish showed that red blood cell, white blood cell, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR), Mean cell volume (MCV), Mean cell Haemoglobin (MCH) and packed cell volume were not significantly different (p0.05). The present study showed that PSO, USO, ASO, SBO and MOA can effectively replace cod liver oil without compromising the health of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus

    Antispermatogenic Activity Of Morinda Morindoides Root Bark Extract In Male Wistar Rats

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    To investigate the effect of the aqueous extract of the root bark of Morinda morindoides (Rubiaceae) on the reproductive activity of male Wistar rats, three groups (A, B and C) of six rats each were treated with 400,800 and 1600 mg/kg/day of Morinda morindoides root bark extract respectively for 28 days while 5mls/kg of distilled water was given to the control group D. At the end of the experimental period, animals were sacrificed and sperm characteristics, histology of the testes and epididymis were assessed. Morinda morindoides root bark extract caused a significant reduction (p<0.05) in sperm motility, a significant dose dependent reduction in the sperm count and a significant (p<0.05) dose dependent increase in morphological abnormalities of the spermatozoa of the treated rats. Histopathological evaluation of the testis and epididymis revealed varying degrees of degeneration and necrosis of the germinal epithelia cell of the seminiferous tubules and spermiostasis. Morinda morindoides root bark extract has significant anti-spermatogenic effects on adult male Wistar rats which could impair reproductive activities in these male Wistar rats. &nbsp

    Effeet of Whole Allium cepa Linn. on haematological and biochemical components of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles

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    Toxicity of onion (Allium cepa) bulb though documented for man and some livestock but few studies in fish. Onion bulb slurry was administered to Clarias gariepinus juveniles at 200,100,25g/kg and 5, 1.5, 0.4g/l through diets and bath. Cellular immune response, humoral changes, liver and kidney function and histopathology of some visceral organs were examined. Proximate composition of the bulb was determined. Onion bulb revealed presence of carbohydrate (7.82%), protein (4.48%), crude fiber (1.68%), iron (0.5mg/l), magnesium (210mg/l), flavonoids (0.46%), saponins (0.28%), tannins (0.95%). PCV, Hb, RBC and WBC were increased in all treatments but values were higher in bath treatment for RBC (3.0Ă—1012/L), PCV (32.7%), Hb (10.7%). MCV, MCH and MCHC showed similar trend. Similar trends as in RBC and WBC were observed in total proteins. Liver and kidney functionality as expressed by ALT, AST, ALP, creatinine and BUN exhibited no damaging effect on organs. Degenerations were observed in the hepatocytes and epithelia cells in the kidney in some treatments especially in bath treatments. In conclusion, onion bulb showed no toxicity in the blood parameters but dose should be considered to avoid harmful effect on liver and kidneys

    Mycoplasma haemocanis: Sub-clinical and haematological findings in a mongrel dog, Nigeria

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    We report the appearance of Mycoplasma haemocanis in a mongrel dog, which has been documented previously in different parts of the world, yet never in Nigeria. An apparently and clinically healthy mongrel was presented for Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvoviral enteritis, Parainfluenza (DHLPP) vaccination in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria, when pyrexia (40.30C) of unknown origin was discovered. Heamatological profile revealed marked responsive macrocytic, hypochromic anaemia and presence of erythrocytic abnormal morphologies such as anisocytosis, schistocytosis, polychromasia and spherocytosis, which suggest autoimmune haemolytic anemia. There was no leukocytosisdespite the presence of band neutrophils, although there was monocytosis with thrombocytopenia. In conclusion this report appears to be the first reported case of Mycoplasma haemocanis in dog in Nigeria. This will help clinicians in the management of haemoparasitic diseases and researchers will not find M. haemocanis as a confounding factor in experimental setup

    Determination of cyanide concentration in blood and histopathological effect of cassava waste-based feeding on goats

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a major staple food for both humans and animals and feeding goats with its waste is common practice in southwest Nigeria. However, it contains endogenous cyanogenic glycosides that are readily hydrolyzed to liberate hydrogen cyanide that is poisonous. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of cassava waste (peels and leaves) on the kidney and liver of goats fed different inclusion level and determine the cyanide concentration in the blood of the goats. Ten West African dwarf male goats were divided into five groups and fed four diets of cassava waste ad-libitum for 16 weeks. Diet 1; 70% peels and 10% leaves, Diet 2; 50% peels and 20% leaves, Diet 3; 30% peels and 30% leaves, Diet 4; 10% peels and 40% leaves while the control were fed grass only. Blood samples were collected before the onset of the feeding, at the 8th week and 16th week. There were no clinical manifestation of cyanide poisoning in the animals and the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) shows that haematological and biochemical parameters were not significantly different (p<0.05) across the 4 diets. High concentration of cyanide (80 ppm) was observed in the blood of animals fed Diet 4. Also the histopathological lesions of liver and kidney were more severe in animals fed Diet 4. The study therefore concludes that the high  concentration of cyanide and the severity of the histopathology finding in Diet 4 can be attributed to the higher level of cassava leaves in the diet and hence, the leaves should be further processed before been feeding to goats.Keywords: Cassava waste, Cyanide, Histopathology, Liver, Kidney, Goats. Determination du taux de cyanure dans le sang et effet histopathologique de l’alimentation a base de dechets de manioc sur les caprinsLe manioc (Manihot esculenta) est un aliment de base à la fois pour les humains et les animaux, et l’alimentation des chèvres avec les déchets de cette plante est une pratique courante dans le sud-ouest du Nigeria.  Cependant, le manioc contient des glycosides cyanogénétiquess  endogènes qui sont facilement hydrolysés pour libérer du cyanure d’hydrogène qui est toxique. Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet des déchets de manioc (pelures et feuilles) sur les reins et le foie des chèvres nourries à différents niveaux d’inclusion et de déterminer le taux de cyanure dans le sang des chèvres. Dix chèvres naines d’Afrique de l’Ouest ont été divisées en cinq groupes et nourries ad libitum pendant 16 semaines avec quatre régimes contenant des déchets de manioc. Le Régime 1 comportait 70% de pelures et 10% de feuilles ; le Régime 2 était constitué de 50% de pelures et 20% de feuilles ; le Régime 3 était composé de 30% de pelures et 30% de feuilles ; le Régime 4 comportait 10% de pelures et 40% de feuilles ; tandis que le régime témoin n’était constitué que d’herbe. Des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés avant le début de l’administration des régimes, à la 8ème semaine et à la 16ème semaine. On n’a noté aucune manifestation clinique d’intoxication au cyanure chez les animaux et l’Analyse de Variance (ANOVA) a montré que les paramètres hématologiques et biochimiques n’étaient pas  significativement différents (p <0,05) dans les 4 régimes. Un taux élevé de cyanure (80 ppm) a été détecté dans le sang des animaux soumis au Régime 4. Les lésions histopathologiques du foie et des reins étaient plus sévères chez les animaux nourris au Régime 4. L’étude conclut donc que le taux élevé de cyanure et la sévérité du résultat histopathologique dans le régime 4 peut être attribué à une importante inclusion de feuilles de manioc dans le régime et, par conséquent, les feuilles doivent être traitées avant d’être données aux chèvres comme aliments.Mots-clés : déchets de manioc, Cyanure, Histopathologie, foie, rein, caprin

    Evaluation of the toxic effect of aqueous extract of the bark of Morinda morindoides root in male Wistar rats

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    The toxic effect of the aqueous extract of the bark of the root of Morinda morindoides was studied in 24 sexually matured, male Wistar rats weighing between 150-200g. The rats were randomly divided into four groups (I-IV). Rats in groups I, II and III received 400 mg/kg, 800 mg/kg and I,600 mg/kg of 50mg/ml of the aqueous extract respectively once daily for 28 days while the control group (Group IV) was given distilled water (5ml/kg) once daily for 28 days after which the rats were euthanized. Following euthanasia, about 3 ml of blood was collected and was divided into 1.5ml each for haematology and serum chemistry. In addition, samples of the kidney, liver, heart, lungs and spleen were also harvested for histopathology. Haematological and serum biochemical values were expressed as mean ± standard error of mean and were analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s multiple range test. Lesions observed in histopathology were scored as mild, moderate or severe. Results were considered statistically significant at 95% confidence interval (P<0.05). In this study, there was no significant difference in the haematological parameters, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase between the treated groups and the control. Histopathologically, the extract caused mild, diffuse degeneration of the liver, mild tubular nephrosis; mononuclear cellular infiltration in the heart and mild hypoplasia of the lymphoid nodules in the spleen of rats to which 1,600 mg/kg of the extract was administered. It was therefore concluded that aqueous extract of the root of Morinda morindoides may produce subchronic toxicity at the dosage of 1600mg/kg.Keywords: Toxicity, Haematology, Serum, Biochemistry, Histopathology, Morinda morindoides

    Correlation between molar concentration and properties of sprayed copper oxide thin films

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    Copper oxide precursor solutions containing 0.10 M, 0.15 M, 0.20 M and 0.25 M concentration of copper were deposited on a glass substrate using the spray pyrolysis method. The structural, optical and surface properties of the resulting copper oxide thin films were studied using x-ray diffraction, UV–visible spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Structural studies indicate the absence of secondary phases of copper oxide in the spraydeposited copper oxide thin film with 0.10 M concentration. Optical characterization reveals highest absorbance and lowest transmittance at 0.10 M concentration with an estimated optical bandgap of 1.2 eV. The SEM micrographs reveals a non-porous and comparatively more homogenous surface at 0.10 M concentration. The results show that molar concentration of copper plays a vital role in the development of copper oxide (CuO) thin film for solar cell application. The results have further validated the theoretical predictions of the GW approximations on phases of copper oxide thin films

    Influence of Solvents on Properties of ZnS Thin Films Synthesized by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Technique

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    In this paper, the influence of solvents on the structural, optical, surface and electrical properties of spray-deposited ZnS thin films has been studied. Different precursor mixtures were prepared from ethylene glycol, deionized water and alcohol solvents and sprayed on heated glasses via a simple and cost-effective technique known as spray pyrolysis. XRD patterns confirmed cubic and tetragonal phases of synthesized ZnS material. The optical analysis of the synthesized ZnS films showed that films prepared using ethylene glycol solvent have the highest transmittance and the best bandgap (3.61 eV). Surface morphology showed the absence of voids and pinholes in the Scanning Electron Micrograph of ZnS film prepared from ethylene glycol and electrical studies showed that ZnS films prepared using the same solvent have the lowest resistivity