964 research outputs found

    Haematological and serum biochemical indices of pre-pubertal male rabbits fed with graded level of blood-wild sunflower forage meal mixture

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    The effects of feeding graded levels of blood wild sunflower forage meal mixture (BWSFM) on haematological and serum biochemical parameters in rabbit were studied. Thirty-two (32) cross-bred (New Zealand-white X Chinchilla) male weaner rabbits aged between 6 and 9 weeks were randomly divided after weight balancing into four groups of eight rabbits per group and each rabbit served as replicate in a complete randomized design. Four diets were formulated in which diet 1 the control, was containing no BWSFM mixture, while diets 2, 3 and 4 had graded levels of 5, 10 and 15% BWSFM mixture respectively. The rabbits were fed with the experimental diets for 12 weeks. The results showed that though the final weight of the rabbits in the different groups were not significantly affected by the inclusion of the test ingredient, the packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin content (Hb), red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, as well as the lymphocytes and serum alanine aminotransaminase (ALT) were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the treatments. It was concluded that inclusion of blood/wild sunflower forage meal mixture up to 15% was well tolerated by pre-pubertal male rabbits without any adverse health condition.Keyword: Pre-pubertal, rabbits, packed cell volume, alanine aminotransaminase, blood/wild sunflower forage meal mixtur

    Evaluation of the toxicological status of Balanite aegyptiaca seed oil

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    A total of fourteen rats were fed with diets containing either 10 % groundnut oil (control group) or 10 % Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil (experimental group) for six weeks. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed and blood samples and some organs of the rats in both groups were collected for analysis. The albino rats appeared to suffer no toxicological effect and weekly monitoring of the rats showed good physical appearance. The rats in the experimental groups displayed fairly similar body weight gain when compared with those from the control group. There was no significant difference between the haematological and histopathological results obtained for both the experimental and control groups except for the liver of two of the rats in the experimental that showed some lesion. There might be need for refining of the seed oil before it can be safe for animal/human consumption. Key words: Balanites aegyptiaca; feed; haematological analysis; seed oi

    Revisiting Family Values: A Pathway towards Societal Stability

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    The family can be regarded as society's oldest and most important social institution. Family responsibilities may include providing guidance, support and a sense of belonging to its members. This was basically the case with the traditional family where children learnt the values of discipline, hardwork, respect for elders and constitpted authority, responsibility, integrity and credibility. Indeed, a good family guarantees a good society and a good society would guarantee a good and stable nation. With modemity and industrialisation the role of the family seemed to have waned considerably as majority of parents have had less time for their children and seemed to have delegated most of their responsibilities to nannies and househelps due to work commitment. The end result have been an increase in juvenile delinquency, high levels of criminality, drug abuse and addiction, high rate of promiscuity, disregard for elders and constituted authority, the get rich quick syndrome, disregard for hardwork, corruption and a lack of responsibility, integrity and credibility. This paper therefore examines the situation critically and proffers solutions on how best to revert the situation before the society derails completely

    Assessment of Heavy Metals Level in Soil and Vegetables Grown in Peri-Urban Farms around Osun State and the Associated Human Health Risk

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    Farming around urban centres (peri-urban farming) is a major source of fresh crop produce, notably vegetables. However, the limitation of land resources and the associated high level of soil contamination from domestic and industrial pollutants are major concerns for the safety of food materials from peri-urban farms. Thus, this study investigated heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) concentration in soil and vegetable samples (Amaranthus hybridus and Corchorus olitorius) collected from selected peri-urban farms with a view to providing information on the human health risks associated with consumption of peri-urban vegetables.This study showed that the concentration of investigated heavy metals in the soils of peri-urban farms were within the background range for farming set by FAO/WHO (2002) and EU (2006) while appreciable level of these metals were observed in vegetable samples. Arsenic concentration was below detection limit in all samples. Amaranthus showed higher retention capacity for the assayed heavy metals except Cu. Transfer Factor values showed metal uptake by vegetables in the order Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu. The estimated daily intake showed that the highest consumption of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were from Amaranthus. The Health risk index showed high values for Cd and Pb but low values for Cu and Zn for both Amaranthus and Corchorus. The results obtained in this study regarding the hazard index indicate that vegetables grown in selected peri-urban farms are not safe for consumption

    Response of Maize to Soil Amended with Oil Palm Effluent, Fibre and N.P.K Fertilizer

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    Palm oil mill effluent (POME), the liquid waste from oil palm processing industries was collected and filtered through the soil, the filtered effluent, waste fibre and N.P.K were used to amend soil at the rate of 0, (control), 10Kgha-1, and 20Kgha-l, with the possibility of using them as supplement to inorganic fertilizer. The results of the soil analysis shows a considerable increased in available Nitrogen, Phosphorus, organic carbon and organic matter, potassium and other essential nutrient. Performance characteristics of the maize used as biomonitor shows that there is an increased in stem girth, leaf length and yield per hectare, therefore result of the study shows that POME and oil palm fibre could be used to improve productivity of soil and create alternative waste management in oil palm processing industries. Keywords: palm oil mill effluent, soil fertility, waste management


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    There is a need for locally produced xylanase because of its vast importance and high cost of importation. Xylanase is used for many industrial processes such as for baking, bleaching paper pulp, bioethanol production and juice clarification. This study was therefore carried out to examine the potentials of tomato pomace as part of the growth medium for xylanase production. The objectives are to identify the specific activities of xylanase from the basal salt medium and the tomato pomace medium and to determine the Partial Purification of xylanase obtained from tomato pomace medium inoculated with A.niger This study isolated xylanase from A. niger on tomato pomace medium. The xylanase was partially purified and characterized. A. niger was obtained from deteriorated banana (Musa acuminata) fruit. A 72-h-old culture of A. niger was employed as the inoculum. It was inoculated onto Tomato pomace medium and a basal salt. Xylanase production was carried out after four days at room temperature (27 oC). Xylanase activity was determined by measuring the released reducing sugar (xylose). The specific activities of xylanase from the basal salt medium and the tomato pomace medium were 3.6 U/mg and 2.0 U/mg respectively. Partial purification of xylanase was by Ammonium sulphate precipitation. Optimum substrate concentration of 0.5mg/ml and a purification fold of 4.3 were obtained. The Michael is Menten constant (Km) from the Line-weaver burk plot was approximately 0.50mg/ml. This study established appreciable activity of xylanase from the A. niger used. It is therefore a potential organism for the utilization of tomato waste for xylanase production

    Spatial Distribution of Abattoir, Operators’ Health Status, Waste Management and Perceived Health Implication on the Consumed Meat

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    This study investigated spatial distribution of abattoirs, operators’ health status, waste management and perceived health implication on the consumed meat in two towns in Osun State Nigeria. It precisely examined the abattoirs’ spatial distribution, environmental health officers’ inspection, the medical checkup of the Abattoirs’ operators, type and adequacy of facilities and equipment for use and the health implication on the consumed meat. Survey research design was embraced for the study. Eighty respondents consisting of 60 abattoir operators and 20 consumers from each town making a total of 160 respondents were drawn for the study. Random sampling technique was used for selection.  Interview guide and self-constructed questionnaire validated by experts was used to collect the data, test retest method was also used for the reliability and was found reliable at 0.88 significant levels. The collected data were analyzed with percentages and inferential statistics of chi-square. A verbal interview with 20 consumers from each town was also used to investigate the health implication on the consumed meat. The findings showed that the abattoirs in the study areas were not evenly distributed, the environmental health officers’ inspection to the abattoir were very rare, the abattoirs’ operators rarely went for medical checkup, and the types of facilities and equipment used in the Abattoir were not adequate. The results also showed that diseases such as cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea and stomach pain were perceived health implications on the consumed meat. The findings further showed that poor sanitation and the abattoirs’ health status will significantly influence the health of the consumers negatively in ile-ife and Modakeke town. The study recommends that enlightenment programmes by the 3 tiers of government should be mounted for the abattoir operators and environmental health officers’ should inspect the Abattoir regularly. Key Words: Spatial Distribution, Abattoir, Operators’ Health Status, Waste Management, Health   Implication, Consumed Mea

    Rethinking Nigeria’s Strategic Relationship with its Immediate Neighbours

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    This paper strengthens the perspective that the national security and development of a state are predicated upon the good and strategic relationship of countries with their immediate neighbours. It centres its argument around the fact that the global system in the 21st century has been characterized by ups and downs that have shaken the grounds of global peace and security and that growing diminution of the “global village”, due to increasing interdependence of states and non-state actors,has necessitated an ever-rising need for collective security on global and regional scale. Nigeria’s foreign policy has often been said to be characterized by the principle of good neighbourliness for the purpose of secure neighbourhood and national security. Indeed, the numerous security challenges of the country at present, such as ethnic conflicts,religious fundamentalism, power tussle and insurgency, require shared security intelligence, regional military cooperation and of course, good neighbourliness. This enterprise constitutes a search for a deeper understanding of ‘good neighbourliness’ and suggests a redefinition of that stance to reflect realpolitik. The paper seeks to critically identify the new ways in which Nigeria can strategically relate with its immediate neighbours, including Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Equatorial Guinea and nearby countries that do not share boundaries with it. Emphasis is made on the need for the government to pursue dynamic, tactical and strategic defence policy, which will include ensuring the impenetrability and prevention of infiltration of its boundaries, in view of the fact most of the national security problems testing the corporate existence of Nigeria todayare from its borders
