1,074 research outputs found

    Automatic mesh generation

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    The objective of this thesis project is a study of Pre-Processors and development of an Automatic Mesh Generator for Finite Element Analysis. The Mesh Generator developed in this thesis project can create triangular finite elements from the geometric database of Macintosh Applications. The user is required to give the density parameter to the program for mesh generation. The research is limited to Mesh Generators of planar surfaces. Delauny Triangulation method maximizes the minimum angles of a triangle. Watson\u27s Delauny Triangulation method can mesh only the \u27convex hull\u27 of a set of nodes. This algorithm has been modified to create triangular elements in convex and non-convex surfaces. The surfaces can have holes also. A node generation algorithm to place nodes on and inside a geometry has been developed in this thesis project. The mesh generation is very efficient and flexible. Geometric modeling methods have been studied to understand and integrate the Geometric Modeler with the Finite Element Mesh Generator. Expert Systems can be integrated with Finite Element Analysis. This will make Finite Element Method fully automatic. In this thesis project, Expert Systems in Finite Element Analysis are reviewed. Proposals are made for future approach for the integration of the two fields

    Paroxysmal Visual Phenomenon: A Rare and Confusing Manifestation of Occipital Neurocysticercosis in Children

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    We report a child with occipital inflammatory granuloma of neurocysticercosis who presented with paroxysmal visual phenomenon and discuss its differentiation from migraine aura. Occipital seizures due to neurocysticercosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis of visual hallucinations in children in endemic areas

    Study and Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms

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    Cryptography has a long and fascinating history. Over the centuries, an elaborate set of protocols and mechanisms has been created to deal with information security issues when the information is conveyed by physical documents. Often the objectives of information security cannot solely be achieved through mathematical algorithms and protocols alone, but require procedural techniques and abidance of laws to achieve the desired result. For example, privacy of letters is provided by sealed envelopes delivered by an accepted mail service. The physical security of the envelope is, for practical necessity, limited and so laws are enacted which make it a criminal offense to open mail for which one is not authorized. It is sometimes the case that security is achieved not through the information itself but through the physical document recording it. For example, paper currency requires special inks and material to prevent counterfeiting

    Gender, Risk-Taking Propensity and Culture of Entrepreneurs at Small and Medium Enterprises in Gauteng

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    This study analyzed the risk-taking propensity amongst the four cultural groups and its impact on the business performance, from a sample of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within the Gauteng Province of South Africa. The data was collected using two sets of questionnaire measuring risk taking propensity and perceived business performance. 83 responses were returned from 400 respondents. The results indicate that male on average show higher risk taking, while difference in risk taking propensity between male and female was not statistically significant. A very weak or no correlation between risk taking and business performance scores for both the genders were found, indicating that gender and culture does not play a role in the relationship between risk taking and business performance. However study found that there was significant difference in risk taking behavior by different culture groups, Zimbabweans were the highest risk takers, while Chinese, Pakistanis and South Africans differed in their risk taking behavior

    The Relationship Between Leadership Styles And Employee Commitment At A Parastatal Company In South Africa

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    The influence of leadership style on employee commitment for the organisation has not been adequately addressed in the Parastatal companies in South Africa. A need therefore exists for greater understanding of the relationship between the leadership style and work-related attitudes (such as employee commitment) in order to develop a leadership style that will encourage organisational commitment. This study examined the relationship between leadership style, and employee commitment. Managers and their subordinates participated in the study. 348 questionnaires were distributed, 58 to managers and 290 to their subordinates. Final data for analysis included responses from 197 participants (34 managers, and 163 subordinates). 163 respondents rated their manager’s leadership behaviour on Bass and Avolio’s (1997) multi-factor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) and Meyer and Allen’s (1997) organisational commitment questionnaire (OCQ). A series of statistical procedures were followed to analyse the data. Hypotheses were tested on two levels. First, correlations among managers and subordinates with regard to the MLQ, and then the MLQ versus the OCQ. Results revealed a weak positive yet significant relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment. Transactional leadership had a weak but significant positive correlation with normative commitment, and Laissez-faire results indicated a weak negative yet significant correlation to affective commitment and normative commitment. Overall findings from this study suggest that leadership styles do play important roles in determining levels of affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. This study contributes to the bank of findings relating to the development of leadership and organisational commitment, not only in South Africa, but within the Parastatal organisations in particular

    Modelling of a High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

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    Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has been considered as one of the most efficient power generation devices for the coming decades. There are various physical phenomena appearing in SOFC in multi-length and -time scales, such as multi-component gas-phase species/charge flow, thermal energy and mass transfer. Meanwhile, generation and consumption of gas and surface phase species together with electric current production are involved at various active sites of different components of SOFC.In this paper, a numerical study of the thermal and electrochemical performance of a single Integrated Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IP-SOFC) has been performed. The numerical modelling considers internal reforming through the methane reforming and water gas shift reactions in a Ni-YSZ anode. Next to the description of the electrochemical reactions, the methane/steam reforming and shift reactions, the heat-transfer and the mass-transfer processes have also been included in the model. Keywords: Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), Integrated Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IP-SOFC), internal reforming, methane reforming, water gas shift

    Factors Affecting the Business Performance of Small Businesses in Sekhukhune

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     This study identifies the factors that affect the business performance of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) in the Sekhukhune District of the Limpopo Province in South Africa. The study collected data from a randomly selected sample of 200 SMMEs and used WARP PLS software to analyse data. The results indicated that five factors, namely “financeâ€, “characteristics of entrepreneursâ€, “location of businessâ€, “government supportâ€, as well as “products and services†were positively related to business performance. In contrast to other studies, this study found that owners’ personal funds and their proper management played a key role in the performance of businesses. This has a major implication for government support agencies that provide funding opportunities.&nbsp

    Study on Availability of Various Macro and Micro-Minerals in Lactating Buffaloes under Field Conditions of Sabarkantha District of Gujarat

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    Abstract: A study was conducted in the Sabarkantha district of Gujarat to assess the status of some macro and micro-minerals in lactating buffaloes. Feeds and fodder samples were collected from 17 representative villages of the district for analysis of macro and micro-minerals. Calcium content in cottonseed cake (0.17%), crushed maize (0.03%) and maize cake (0.22%) was found to be below the critical level (0.30%). The phosphorus content in concentrate ingredients was high (0.32-0.67%) but low in dry roughages (0.06-0.20%). Feeds and fodder were found to be adequate in magnesium (0.40%), sodium (0.29%) and potassium (1.15%). Straws were found to be deficient in sulphur (0.16%). Green roughages were good source of copper (12.31 ppm). Wheat straw was found to be low in zinc (19.71 ppm) but comparatively high in manganese (47.88 ppm) and iron (630.24 ppm). Lucerne and chikori green were found to be rich source of cobalt (>0.35 ppm). Selenium (0.68 ppm) was present in appreciable quantities in most of the feedstuffs. Lactating buffaloes were also found to be excess in energy and crude protein (70%), whereas, calcium and phosphorus were deficient in the ration (65%). Ration of lactating buffaloes was found to be deficient in Ca, P, S, Cu, Zn and Co. Supplementing the deficient minerals through area specific mineral mixture could alleviate the deficiency and improve productivity and reproduction efficiency of lactating buffaloes