10 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Integrated Aquaculture of Catfish, Pig and Rice

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    Study was carried out on the performance of fish, pig and rice integration to assess the productivity of integrated fish farming system against conventional fish, pig and rice farming, carried out in 84 days, T-test was used to compare means of the growth performance of fish and pig and water use efficiency (WUE) of rice culture under conventional and integrated farming systems. The average weight gain (167g), specific growth rate (1.2) and the feed conversion ratio (1:1) in the integrated system were better and significantly different (p< 0.05) from those got from conventional systems. Water use efficiency of the integrated system in terms of rice production (3.566) was 16.99 times better than that conventional system that relied on irrigation. Physico-chemical parameters of the two system studied were within tolerable range and showed no significant difference. According to the results got, integration of fish, pig and rice reduces waste and input and thus increased productivity which in turn brings about wider profit margin and contributes to food security. In the face of the greatly dwindling freshwater reserve, integrated aquaculture holds the key to sustainable food security. This study has shown that integration of catfish, pig, and rice gave more yield and profits. Keywords: Integrated aquaculture, fish - pig –rice, performance, water use efficiency DOI: 10.7176/ALST/71-0

    Growth Performance of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles Fed Graded Levels of Roasted Tropical Almond (Terminalia catappa Linnaeus) Kernel Meal Based Diets

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    Feeding trial was conducted in experimental plastic tanks (50 x 35 x 33 cm) to assess the growth performance of Clarias gariepinus juveniles fed diets containing Roasted Tropical Almond Kernel Meal (ROAM) for 105 days. Five isonitrogenous diets composed of 0, 25, 50, 75  and 100% ROAM as a  replacement for Soybean Meal (SBM) were fed to the fish twice daily at 3% body weight. Each dietary treatment was replicated with 20 fish per replicate (initial mean weight 12.03±0.01 g). Mean Weight Gain (MWG), Specific Growth Rate (SGR) and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) were calculated. Economic benefit of replacing SBM with ROAM in C. gariepinus diet was evaluated using Profit Index (PI) and Incidence of cost (IC). Data were subjected to Descriptive statistics and ANOVA at p=0.05. Fish fed 75% ROAM diet had the highest MWG (69.03 g), SGR (1.68 %), and the least FCR (1.57), while 100% ROAM had the least values for MWG (27.02 g), SGR (0.66 %) and the highest FCR (3.30). Incidence of cost (0.36) was least in 75% ROAM and highest (0.70) in 100% ROAM diet. 75% ROAM had the highest Profit Index (1.40) while 100% ROAM had the least value (0.76). Roasted Almond kernel meal can economically replace soybean meal up to 75% in Clarias gariepinus diet. Substitution beyond this level caused growth and economic depression. Keywords: Catfish, feed conversion ratio, Indian almond, soybean meal, specific growth rate


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    U ovom istraživanju ispitan je učinak dodataka brašna od stabljiki gljive Pleurotus pulmonarius na rast, mikrofloru i morfologiju crijeva afričkog soma Clarias gariepinus. Brašno stabljike dodano je u količinama: 0,0 g / 100 g (kontrola); 2,5 g / 100 g (PSM 2), 5,0 g / 100 g (PSM 3), 7,5 g / 100 g (PSM 4) i 10,0 g / 100 g (PSM 5). Afrički somovi Clarias gariepinus (n = 375), s početnom masom od 10,84 ± 0,04 g, podijeljeni su sa po 25 riba u tankove od 60 litara u potpuno randomiziranom dizajnu za svaki hranidbeni tretman u tri ponavljanja. Hranidbeni pokus provodio se osam tjedana. Prirast, specifična stopa rasta, stopa preživljavanja, unos hrane i konverzija hrane se nisu značajno razlikovali između svih hranidbenih skupina. Međutim, indeks uspješnosti uzgoja ribe te indeks proteinske učinkovitosti bio je viši kod riba na PSM 3 dijeti u odnosu na druge tretmane. Ukupni broj održivih bakterija u crijevima kretao se u rasponu od 7,56 (PSM 2) do 8,34 log10 cfu / g (PSM 4), dok se broj bakterija mliječne kiseline kretao između 5,00 (kontrola) i 7,03 log10 cfu / g (PSM 3). Escherichia coli je identificirana u crijevima kontrolne skupine, ali nije pronađena kod skupina s dodatcima brašna stabljika gljiva. Pri usporedbi s ostalim hranidbenim skupinama, u kontrolnoj skupini opaženo je više kolonija vrsta Salmonela i Vibrio. Dužina proksimalnih, srednjih i distalnih crijevnih resica, proksimalna, srednja i distalna kriptalna dubina te proksimalno i distalno apsorpcijsko područje ribe hranjene suplementiranom hranom bili su veći od kontrole. Suprotno tome, proksimalna, srednja i distalna širina resica te srednja površina apsorpcije nisu se značajno razlikovali. Unatoč uočenoj povoljnoj mikroflori i histomorfologiji crijeva, kod ribe hranjene brašnom stabljike gljive P. pulmonarius, ovi se atributi nisu očitovali u indeksima rasta.Effects of dietary supplementation of Pleurotus pulmonarius stalk meal on growth, gut microflora and intestinal morphology of Clarias gariepinus were assessed in this study. The stalk meal was incorporated at 0.0 g/100 g (Control), 2.5 g/100 g (PSM 2), 5.0 g/100 g (PSM 3), 7.5 g/100 g (PSM 4) and 10.0 g/100 g (PSM 5). Clarias gariepinus (n=375), with an initial weight of 10.84±0.04 g, were allotted at 25 fish/60 litres of water in a completely randomised design for each diet treatment in triplicate. Feeding trial was conducted for eight weeks. Weight gain, specific growth rate, survival rate, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were not significantly different across all diet treatments. However, the production performance index of the fish and protein efficiency ratio were higher in fish fed PSM 3 diet than other treatments. Total viable bacteria count in the gut ranged from 7.56 (PSM 2) to 8.34 log10 cfu/g (PSM 4), while lactic acid bacteria count was between 5.00 (control) and 7.03 log10 cfu/g (PSM 3). Escherichia coli were identified in the gut of the control group but were not detected in those fed supplemented diets. More colonies of Salmonella and Vibrio species were observed in the control but fewer colonies in the diets supplemented groups. The proximal, middle and distal villus length, proximal, middle and distal cryptal depth, proximal and distal absorption area of fish fed supplemented diet were higher than those of the control. Conversely, proximal, middle and distal villus width and middle absorption area were not significantly different. In spite of observable favourable gut microflora and gut histomorphology of fish fed supplemental P. pulmonarius stalk meal diet, these attributes did not manifest in growth performance indices


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    U radu je istraživana ekologija crijeva i imunokompetencija nilske tilapije Oreochromis niloticus te njena otpornost na Aeromonas hydrophila nakon 12 tjedana hranidbe hranom koja sadrži kurkumu Curcumin longa. Smjese su formulirane da sadrže 30% sirovog proteina (TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4 i TC5) s 0% (kontrola), 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75% i1,0% praha kurkume. Hrana je ponuđena skupinama O. niloticus (prosječna masa 0,5 ± 0,15 g) u triplikatima kroz trajanje od 84 dana. Rezultati su ukazali da je skupina T3 imala najveću završnu masu (4,79 ± 0,04 g) i odgovara skupini s najvećim unosom hrane. Značajno viša (p0,05) u različitim tretmanima. Međutim, broj bijelih krvnih stanica (WBC) bio je značajno viši u TC1 (kontrola). Utvrđena je poboljšana imunokompetentnost kod skupina sa suplementiranom hranom. Slično tome, došlo je i do boljeg oksidativnog odgovora u skupinama tretiranim kurkumom i to u obliku smanjene hidrogen peroksidaze, povećanim ukupnim proteinima i glutation- peroksidazom. Smrtnost riba se kretala od 25% u TC4 do 95% u TC1 nakon ispitnog testa s A. hydrophila. Ovo istraživanje je ukazalo kako je uključivanje C. longa od 0,5% korisnije kada se uzmu u obzir rast i zdravstveno stanje mlađi O. niloticus.The growth, gut ecology and immunocompetence of Oreochromis niloticus and the resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila were investigated after been fed with diets containing dietary Curcumin longa for 12 weeks. Diets were formulated to contain 30% crude protein with diet TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4 and TC5 having 0% (control), 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% turmeric powder, respectively. Diets were allotted to groups of O. niloticus (mean weight of 1.29± 0.15 g) and replicated thrice for 84 days. Results showed that the highest mean final weight (4.79±0.04 g) was obtained in TC3 and corresponded to the treatment with the highest feed intake. A significantly high (p0.05) across treatments. However, white blood cell (WBC) count was significantly higher in TC1 (control). There was an improved immunocompetence, as aspartate aminotransferase (AST) progressively reduces in fish fed supplements. Similarly, there was a better oxidative response in the treated groups with reduced hydrogen peroxidase, increased total protein and glutathione peroxidase. Mortality ranged from 25% in TC4 to 95% in TC1 after the challenge test with A. hydrophila. This study showed that C. longa inclusion at 0.5% is more beneficial when growth and health status of O. niloticus juveniles are considered

    Harnessing Immunoinformatics for Precision Vaccines:Designing Epitope-Based Subunit Vaccines against Hepatitis E Virus

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    Background/Objectives: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an RNA virus recognized to be spread mainly by fecal-contaminated water. Its infection is known to be a serious threat to public health globally, mostly in developing countries, in which Africa is one of the regions sternly affected. An African-based vaccine is necessary to actively prevent HEV infection. Methods: This study developed an in silico epitope-based subunit vaccine, incorporating CTL, HTL, and BL epitopes with suitable linkers and adjuvants. Results: The in silico-designed vaccine construct proved immunogenic, non-allergenic, and non-toxic and displayed appropriate physicochemical properties with high solubility. The 3D structure was modeled and subjected to protein docking with Toll-like receptors 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9, which showed a stable binding efficacy, and the dynamics simulation indicated steady interaction. Furthermore, the immune simulation predicted that the designed vaccine would instigate immune responses when administered to humans. Lastly, using a codon adaptation for the E. coli K12 bacterium produced optimum GC content and a high CAI value, which was followed by in silico integration into a pET28 b (+) cloning vector. Conclusions: Generally, these results propose that the design of an epitope-based subunit vaccine can function as an outstanding preventive vaccine candidate against HEV, although validation techniques via in vitro and in vivo approaches are required to justify this statement

    Assessment of zooplankton community in an anthropogenic-disturbance coastal creek, southwest Nigeria

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    In order to assess the zooplankton community in an anthropogenic-disturbance Badagry creek, Zooplankton and water samples were collected and analyzed bi-monthly from November 2011 to September 2013 in nine stations representing its three different zones using standard methods. Zooplankton was identified to species-level using relevant texts and counted under a Microstar IV Carl Zeiss binocular microscope calibrated at different magnifications. Diversity was determined using Shannon-Weiner (H), Simpson (1-D) and Evenness (e^H/S) indices. Water samples were analysed for temperature, pH, salinity, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, water depth and nitrate. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, cluster and Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) at α = 0.05. A total of 56 species comprising 26 species of rotifers, 15 species of arthropoda, 4 species of ciliophora, 3 species of cnidaria, and 2 species of ctenophora, foraminifera, mollusca, protozoa each, with an array of meroplankton / juvenile stages of the order copepod of subphylum crustacea were recorded. Diversity indices were highest (H = 2.20; 1-D = 0.80; e^H/S = 0.27) at station 6 and lowest in station 8 (H = 1.20; 1-D = 0.56) and station 1(e^H/S = 0.14). Salinity/conductivity, nitrate and water depth were significantly different (p < 0.05) among the study stations. CCA revealed salinity/conductivity and nitrate were the most important abiotic factors co-related with the zooplankton abundance in Badagry creek. The moderately low zooplankton communities’ diversity and abundance in Badagry creek point at different natural and anthropogenic factor impacts

    Water soluble fractions of crude oil deteriorates water quality parameters and alters histopathological components of juvenile Clarias gariepinus

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    In this study, the water quality changes after the introduction of water soluble fractions of crude oil were monitored along-side the accompanying effects on histopathological changes in selected organs of juvenile Clarias gariepinus. After a preliminary short-term (96 hours) static toxicity tests, fish were exposed to four sub-lethal concentrations (30, 45, 60 and 75 % of the LC50 corresponding to 67, 101, 135 and 169 mg/l respectively) and a control group containing clean water using a semi-static renewal method for 90 days. Water quality parameters, heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) were determined using standard methods. After the exposure period, liver, brain and gill were harvested, labeled and prepared for photomicrography. Chloride, conductivity, salinity, magnesium, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total dissolve solids, turbidity and nitrate levels increased significantly (p<0.05) with increasing concentration of water soluble fractions (WSF) of the crude oil. Temperature readings and phosphate levels were however not affected (p>0.05). Values of TPH increased (p<0.05) with increasing concentrations of the crude oil. All analysed heavy metals followed a direct proportional trend as their values increased (p<0.05) alongside concentrations. Several histopathological alterations were found in the liver (sinusoidal congestion, atrophy of hepatocytes, hepatocellular degeneration and diffuse coagulation necrosis of hepatocytes), brain (vascular congestion and atrophy of neurons, neuronal necrosis, gliosis and loss of neurons) and gill (moderate loss of the secondary gill lamellae, moderate lamellae atrophy and moderate diffuse lamellae hyperplasia). The intensity of these lesions increased with increase in exposure dose.Keywords: Toxicity, Petroleum, Heavy metals, Water quality, Organs, Clarias gariepinus, LC5

    Natural occurrence of Diplostomum spp. in farm-raised African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from Oyo state, Nigeria

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    Diplostomum species are the parasites responsible for diplostomiasis in fish which may cause blindness, eyefluke, severe ocular disease, opacity of the lens and many other affections. The parasites use many organisms including fish as a host. African catfish is one of the widely distributed fish species in tropical Africa and has become one of the most important culturable fish species in Africa especially in Nigeria. This study examined the occurrence of Diplostomum species in farm raised African catfish in Oyo state. A total of two hundred and sixteen eye samples were collected from 108 fishes in 36 farms. The eye lens and vitreous body were examined for the presence of Diplostomum species. The data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis to the relationship between the eye size and parasite occurrence. The result shows that 33.18% of the samples had Diplostomum species. Males had higher occurrence (23.53%) than the females (9.65%). There were statistically significant differences in the percentage, intensity and index of infection between males and females (p = 0.010, p = 0.003, and p = 0.012 respectively) while the density of infection between both sexes was not statistically significant (p = 0.063). The relationship between eye diameter and occurrence of the parasites shows positive relationship Pearson correlation (R2 = 0.125). In conclusion, Diplostomum species are present in farm raised African catfish in Oyo state-Nigeria with a positive relationship between the eye diameter and occurrence of the parasites

    Psychodermatological Disorders in Patients With Primary Psychiatric Conditions: Cross-Sectional Study

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    BackgroundPsychodermatological disorders (PDs) and their associations with mental health problems are one of the most frequent research themes in dermatology outpatient settings. Surprisingly, very few studies have been conducted to evaluate PDs among patients with primary psychiatric conditions. As such, the relationship between preexisting psychiatric conditions and comorbid PDs is underrepresented in the literature. ObjectiveThis study examined the prevalence and distribution of PDs among adults with primary psychiatric conditions and determined their association with underlying psychiatric diagnoses. MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional analysis at a tertiary health care facility in southwestern Nigeria. Comorbid PDs were identified and classified using preexisting classification systems. A bivariate analysis was conducted to determine the association between PDs and underlying psychiatric conditions. The level of statistical significance was set at P<.05. ResultsThe study included 107 patients with mental health disorders, of whom 64 (59.8%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 40.73 (SD 13.08) years. A total of 75 (75/107, 70%) patients had at least one comorbid PD. The prevalence of PDs was highest in patients with affective disorders (15/20, 75%) and least in those with schizophrenia (45/66, 68%). PDs associated with delusions or hallucinations and somatoform symptoms were 9 and 13 times more frequent in patients with anxiety disorders compared to those with other psychiatric conditions (P=.01; odds ratio [OR] 9.88, 95% CI 1.67-58.34 and P=.003; OR 13.13, 95% CI 2.34-73.65), respectively. In contrast, patients with schizophrenia were significantly less likely to be diagnosed with dermatoses resulting from delusions or hallucinations (P=.002; OR 0.04, 95% CI 0.00-0.75). A weak but significant negative association was also found between psychophysiological PDs and anxiety disorders (ϕ=–0.236; P=.02). ConclusionsThis study provides important insights into the overwhelming burden of psychodermatological conditions in patients with mental health disorders and specific associations with underlying psychiatric diagnosis

    Growth Performance, Gut Ecology, Immunocompetence and Resistance of Oreochromis niloticus Juveniles Fed Dietary Curcumin longa

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    The growth, gut ecology and immunocompetence of Oreochromis niloticus and the resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila were investigated after been fed with diets containing dietary Curcumin longa for 12 weeks. Diets were formulated to contain 30% crude protein with diet TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4 and TC5 having 0% (control), 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% turmeric powder, respectively. Diets were allotted to groups of O. niloticus (mean weight of 1.29± 0.15 g) and replicated thrice for 84 days. Results showed that the highest mean final weight (4.79±0.04 g) was obtained in TC3 and corresponded to the treatment with the highest feed intake. A significantly high (p0.05) across treatments. However, white blood cell (WBC) count was significantly higher in TC1 (control). There was an improved immunocompetence, as aspartate aminotransferase (AST) progressively reduces in fish fed supplements. Similarly, there was a better oxidative response in the treated groups with reduced hydrogen peroxidase, increased total protein and glutathione peroxidase. Mortality ranged from 25% in TC4 to 95% in TC1 after the challenge test with A. hydrophila. This study showed that C. longa inclusion at 0.5% is more beneficial when growth and health status of O. niloticus juveniles are considered