36 research outputs found

    مستقبل الدعوة إلى أسلمة النظام المصرفي بليبيا: الفكرة وتجربة التطبيق دراسة فقهيه وصفية تحليلية تقويمية

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    ABSTRAK Tema penilitian ini seputar ( seruan kedepan untuk islamisasi perbankan di Libya ).karena ini yang terjadi sekarang di Libya. Tema ini berangkat dari keinginan sebagian besar penduduk Libya untuk menjauhkan ummat islam dari peraktek system perbankan konvesnional yang penuh dengan riba, dan menggantikannya dengan sistem perbankan syariah, yang sesuai dengan hukum syariah Adapun problem yang di temui oleh peneliti selama penlitian adalah berpusat bagaimana menjawab atas pertanyaan utama dalam penelitian ini, yaitu bagaimana masa depan seruan islamisasi perbankan konvensional di Libya? dan untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, adalah harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan timbul dalam penelitian ini sendiri yaitu beberap point penting di antaranya : 1. Hal- hal apa saja yang mendorong di adakannya islamisasi perbankan di Libya dari system konvensional menuju perbankan berbasis syariah. 2. Tantangan – tantangan dan kesulitan-kesulitan apa saja yang di hadapi, dalam rangka peruses perubahan tersebut. 3. Langkah- langkah penting apa saja yang harus di tetapkan dalam rangka perubahan tersebut, 4. Apakah hukum seputar pengkonversian system perbankan konvensional menjadi system perbankan syariah ditinjau dari segi syariah? Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, Peneliti menggunakan metode teoritis kuwalitatif sangat tergantung kepada data-data valid serta dokumen-dokument penting lainya. di mulai dengan mengumpulkan data-data, keterangan-keterangan , kemudian di pelajari, di telaah kemudian meruumuskan hasilnya dan di sampaikan. Dalam rangka mengumpulkan bahan-bahan kajiannya peneliti menggunakan beberapa langkah-langkah sebagai berikut : 1. Menelaah 2. Questioner 3. Mempelajari sumber-sumber dan document Peneliti ingin agar sampai pada kebenaran yang sesungguhnya seputar perbankan syariah, dan membentuk suatu pemikiran yang teoritis serta berusaha menyebarkan kepada khayalak. Singkatnya terangkum dalam beberapa point berikut : 1. Keinginan dan harapan yang tinggi agar terealisasinya system perbankan syariah di Libya dan di hilangkanya system konvensional ribawi yang tidak sesuai dengan syariat islam. 2. Bertambahnya- dorongan-dorongan dan desakan-desakan akan perubahan dari system perbankan konvesnsional menuju perbankan islami 3. Keinginan Negara sebagai institusi seperti yang pernah di wacanakan dalam muktamar nasional demikian halnya keinginan dari yang mulia mufti Negara Libya akan perubahan dari sitem perbankan konvensional menuju sitem perbankan syariah. ABSTRACT The theme is about (Exclamation Onward For The Islamization of Banking System In Libya) because it is occurred in Libya recently. The theme departed from the will of most Libyan population to keep at a distance from the conventional banking that full of interest, and replace it with the sharia banking system, that suitable with the sharia law. While the faced problems in the research around how to answer the main questions in the research, how the future of the exclamation about islamization of conventional banking in Libya? And to answer the questions should answer the emerging questions in the research that is some important points: 1. What things that encourage the islamization of banking system in Libya from conventional banking system to the sharia based banking system. 2. What the faced challenges and difficulties in the change process. 3. What the important steps that should be taken in the change. 4. What is the law around the conversion of conventional bank to the sharia banking system if viewed from the sharia side? In the research, the researcher used qualitative theoretical method that depends on the valid data and other important documents, begun with collection of data, information, then be studied and formulated the results then the results were given. In efforts to collect the research materials, the researcher used steps as follow: 1. Study 2. Questionnaire 3. Study the sources and documents The researcher want to attaint the real truth around the sharia banking and form a theoretical thinking that try to spread it to the societies, and briefly summarized below: 1. The high will and expectation for the sharia banking system and the removal of the interest based conventional banking that is not suitable with the Islamic sharia. 2. The increasing encouragement for the system change from conventional banking to the Islamic banking. 3. The will of the state as institution as ever put in discourse in the national congress and also the will of the Libyan mufti for the change from the conventional system to the sharia system. ملخص جاء هذا البحث عن ما مستقبل الدعوة لأسلمة النظام المصرفي بليبيا، الحاصلة الآن بالشارع الليبي، ومن رغبة المجتمع في الابتعاد عن المعاملات المصرفية بالمصارف التقليدية العاملة بالفائدة الربوية، والتوجه للانتقال نحو الصيرفة الإسلامية والمعاملات الشرعية على وفق أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية. أما مشكلة هذا البحث فهي تتمحور حول الإجابة عن السؤال الرئيسي للبحث وهو ما مستقبل الدعوة لأسلمة النظام المصرفي بليبيا، وللإجابة عن هذا السؤال يجب الإجابة عن الأسئلة المستنتجة من خلال مشكلة البحث وهي: 1) ماهي الدوافع لأسلمة النظام المصرفي بليبيا لغرض التحول من المصارف التقليدية إلي الصيرفة الإسلامية؟ 2) ما العقبات والصعوبات التي تواجه أو تحول دون التحول إلي أسلمة النظام المصرفي في ليبيا؟ 3) ما الخطط اللازمة لتحويل المصارف التقليدية في ليبيا للعمل وفق الصيرفة الإسلامية؟ 4) ما الحكم الشرعي في تحول المصارف التقليدية، للمصارف الأسلامية، على وفق أحكام الشريعة الأسلامية؟. ومنهج هذا البحث من حيث طبيعة البحث ودوافعه "بحث أساسي"، أو بعبارة أخري "بحث نظري "، وهدف هذا النوع من البحوث هو التوصل للحقيقة وتكوين المفاهيم النظرية ومحاولة تعميم نتائجه، ويعتمد الباحث في هذا البحث على منهج البحث الكيفي، والأسلوب الوثائقي، ومن حيث مدخل أسلوب البحث سيستخدم الباحث "الأسلوب الكيفي"، فهو الأسلوب الذي يعتمد فيه بشكل أساسي على الكلمات والعبارات في جميع عمليات البحث، جمع المادة العلمية وتحليلها وعرض نتائج البحث، ومن أدوات جمع البيانات يستخدم الباحث: 1) الملاحظة، 2) الاستبانة، 3) تحليل الوثائق (المصادر والمراجع). أما نتائج هذا البحث فيمكن أن تتلخص فيما يأتي: 1) الرغبة الجامحة، والتأييد القوي، لتطبيق نظام مصرفي إسلامي في ليبيا، وإزاحة النظام التقليدي الربوي المخالف للشريعة الإسلامية. 2) تعدد دوافع اقدام المصارف التقليدية على التحول نحو العمل المصرفي الإسلامي، منها الاستجابة لرغبة شريحة من عملاء المصرف، ومنها دافع الأيمان بحرمة التعامل بالفائدة المصرفية. 3) رغبة الدولة بما فيها المؤتمر الوطني والحكومة ومفتي الديار الليبية، بالتحول إلى نظام الصيرفة الإسلامية في جميع المعاملات المصرفية وإلغاء وإيقاف جميع المعاملات الربوية

    Determination of some micronutrient and antioxidant components of Ipomaea digitata

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    No Abstract. Bio-Research Vol. 5 (2) 2007: pp. 254-25

    Evaluation of microcrystalline cellulose modifed from alpha-cellulose obtained from Costus afer

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    Alpha cellulose was obtained from Costus afer and part of it was modified to microcrystalline cellulose (CAMCC). The physicochemical properties of the microcrystalline cellulose were determined and compared with those of commercial microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel 101). The swelling capacity, hydration capacity, loss on drying, true, bulk and tapped densities were  36.0 %, 5.47 %, 1.00 %, 1.198 g/ml, 0.271 g/ml, and 0.342 g/ml for CAMCC and 25.0 %, 5.10 %, 0.80 %, 1.21 g/ml, 0.291 g/ml and 0.387 g/ml respectively for Avicel 101. The CAMCC had no  organic impurities, starch, and dextrins and was soluble in tetramine copper dihydroxide. It is an odourless, white, tasteless powder which conformed to the standard specification for microcrystalline cellulose. From the physicochemical properties CAMCC can act as a good disintegrant in tablet and granule formulations. Costus afer can be a good source of alpha-cellulose for pharmaceutical applicationsKeywords: Costus afer, alpha-cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, physicochemical properties, phytochemical analysisJournal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, Vol. 7 No. 5 (2010

    Communities and Habits of Citizenship : Everyday Participation in Kondoa, Tanzania

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    This chapter contributes to the debates concerning contextualized conceptualizations of citizenship. Based on the work of pragmatist philosopher John Dewey, it offers a definition of citizenship as constructed in everyday communities in the course of taking care of shared issues. Further, it examines the habits of citizenship that are both acquired and reformulated in the processes of participation in these communities. The empirical example of villages in Kondoa District, Tanzania illustrates the diverse communities in which inhabitants participate, and the kinds of habits acquired. Six types of communities, the village community, cultural groups, religious groups, self-help groups, economic groups and civil society organizations’ groups were identified. Further, six categories of citizenship habits emerged including political citizenship, engaging citizenship, economic citizenship, cultural citizenship, responsible citizenship and moral citizenship.peerReviewe

    Institutional Learning in North-South Partnerships : Critical Self-Reflection on Collaboration Between Finnish and Tanzanian Academics

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    Knowledge production and its possibilities and pitfalls in North-South research partnerships have gained increasing attention. The previous literature has identified certain pervasive challenges, and suggested a variety of ways to change partnerships, ranging from improvement of current collaboration activities to fundamental transformation of the hegemonic Eurocentric criteria for knowledge. Against this backdrop, we ask what kinds of learning can take place in research partnerships. We draw from two sources – an institutional approach and a classical categorization of learning proposed by Gregory Bateson – to develop a heuristic for analyzing institutional learning in North-South research partnerships. Moreover, based on previous empirical studies and our own experience with academic collaboration between Finnish and Tanzanian scholars, we reflect on the ways in which learning in its different forms shows in partnership practices that need to deal with different, intertwined institutional fields.peerReviewe

    “A good believer is a good citizen” : Connecting Islamic morals with civic virtues in rural Tanzania

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    Religious communities as arenas for public life are prevalent examples of social embeddedness that need not to be excluded from the design of citizenship initiatives. Across sub-Saharan Africa, religious practices provide some of the most important spaces of everyday identity, belonging and prevailing ways in which citizens participate in community life. While there is expansion in research on Islamic radicalization in East Africa, this chapter approaches religion and faith from the pragmatist point of view focusing on everyday Islam in non-radicalized rural contexts. Based on interviews with rural community members in Kondoa district, Tanzania, the chapter analyses how community members articulate what it means to be simultaneously a good believer and a good citizen.peerReviewe

    Negotiating CSO Legitimacy in Tanzanian Civic Space

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    This chapter argues that civil society organizations (CSOs) engage in continuous legitimacy negotiations that both shape and are shaped by civic space. It focuses on President John Magufuli’s term in Tanzania, which was labelled as an authoritarian turn characterized by shrinking civic space. The chapter employs broad definitions: of civic space as an arena for action by formal CSOs as well as groups and individuals; of legitimacy as a continuous negotiation of appropriateness; and of democracy as a dynamic form of governance with different manifestations. Drawing on interviews with both professional urban NGOs and rural self-help groups, the chapter investigates restrictions experienced by CSOs, analyses the central themes negotiation over CSO legitimacy, and reflects on these vis-á-vis the evolution of democracy in Tanzania over time.peerReviewe

    Analysis of Brain Computer Interface Using Deep and Machine Learning

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    Pattern recognition is becoming increasingly important topic in all sectors of society. From the optimization of processes in the industry to the detection and diagnosis of diseases in medicine. Brain-computer interfaces are introduced in this chapter. Systems capable of analyzing brain signal patterns, processing and interpreting them through machine and deep learning algorithms. In this chapter, a hybrid deep/machine learning ensemble system for brain pattern recognition is proposed. It is capable to recognize patterns and translate the decisions to BCI systems. For this, a public database (Physionet) with data of motor tasks and mental tasks is used. The development of this chapter consists of a brief summary of the state of the art, the presentation of the model together with some results and some promising conclusions

    Studies on wound healing properties of Crateva religiosa leaf extract

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    Dried leaves of Crateva religiosa were extracted with methanol using a soxhlet extractor. The classes of phytocompounds present in the extract were determined and the LD50  estimated in mice intraperitoneally. The extraction gave a yield of 14.6%. Alkaloids, carbohydrates, tannins, flavonoids, resins, proteins, oils, steroids and terpenoids were present. The extract had wound healing activity that was superior to that of penicillin. The faces of wound treated with the extract dried faster indicating that the extract had extrawound healing mechanism when compared to that of penicillin.Keywords: Creteva religiosa, wound healing, phytochemisty, LD50Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, Vol. 7 No. 4 (2010

    Social accountability monitoring as an approach to promoting active citizenship in Tanzania

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    Social accountability monitoring (SAM) is an approach widely employed by many civil society organizations to promote active participation of people in governance processes, especially in the context where government traditionally is dominant governance actor. This chapter scrutinizes certain attempts to promote change in current citizenship habits obtained through different forms of participation. It discusses how implementation of SAM initiatives encounters multiple context-based factors that affect the expected outcomes. The discussions draw illustrative experiences from local NGO working in Kondoa district to promote change of state-citizens relations in order to improve service delivery in the health sector. The chapter analyses the ways in which the implementation of SAM both promotes and hinders citizens’ active participation focusing on the balance between ideal model and reality during its implementation in Tanzania.peerReviewe