7 research outputs found

    Properties of Zirconia Nanoceramics under High-Energy Electrons Irradiation

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    Formation of radioactive isotopes is investigated under irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy up to 100 MeV. Radioactive isotopes 87,88Y, 88,89,95Zr, 95Nb, 175Hf are registered after irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy 47.2 MeV. The present data are necessary for the choice of a material for a dielectric wakefield accelerator. The greatest danger at operation of accelerators represents 88Y. Formation of radiation defects in nanoceramics is investigated. The various types of radiation defects are found out at an irradiation by relativistic electrons with energy 47 MeV and 86 MeV. In UV VIS spectra the absorption lines of radiation are registered at 402.2 nm and 635 nm, which correspond to the F and F' centers of monocline lattices of zirconia. It is revealed, that krypton atoms are the centers of segregation of point defects. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3562

    99Mo and 67Cu isotope yields under production conditions of NSC KIPT electron accelerator KUT-30

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    Computer simulation has been used to determine the 99Mo and 67Cu isotope yields, as well as the radiation power absorbed in technological natural Mo- and Zn-based targets of different mass and geometry, and also, the power absorbed in a tantalum converter versus the converter thickness and spatial-energy characteristics of the electron beam from the accelerator KUT-30 (energy up to 45 MeV, average beam current up to 300 μA). The results of experimental studies are in good agreement with the simulation data.Методом компьютерного моделирования определены выход изотопов 99Мо, 67Сu и поглощенная мощность излучения в технологических мишенях различной массы и геометрии на основе природных Мо и Zn, а также поглощенная мощность в конвертере из тантала в зависимости от толщины конвертера и пространственно-энергетических характеристик пучка электронов ускорителя КУТ-30 (энергия – до 45 МэВ, средний ток – до 300 мкА). Результаты экспериментального исследования находятся в удовлетворительном соответствии с данными моделирования.Методом комп'ютерного моделювання визначено вихід ізотопів 99Мо, 67Сu і поглинута потужність випромінення в технологічних мішенях різної маси і геометрії на основі природних Мо і Zn, а також поглинута потужність у конвертері з танталу в залежності від товщини конвертера і просторово-енергетичних характеристик пучка електронів прискорювача КУТ-30 (енергія – до 45 МеВ, середній струм – до 300 мкА). Результати експериментального дослідження знаходяться в задовільній відповідності з даними моделювання

    The Kharkov X-ray Generator Facility NESTOR

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    WEPWA060 - ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9International audienceThe last few years the sources of the X-rays NESTOR based on a storage ring with low beam energy and Compton scattering of intense laser beam are under design and development in NSC KIPT. The main task of the project is to develop compact intense X-ray generator on the base of relatively cheap accelerator equipment and up-to-date laser technologies. The paper is devoted to description of the last results on construction and commissioning of the facility

    Disk-Loaded Waveguides for Acceleration High Intensity Short Pulse Electon Beams

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    INTRODUCTION A most widely used technique for energy loss reduction is enlargement of the structure geometric sizes with an ensuing decrease of the accelerator operating frequency. For similar geometry structures the accelerating field amplitude in a certain cross-section at a fixed total rf-flow value depends in direct proportion on the operating frequency Ef a 0 , while radiation fields for similar geometry bunches vary according to the law E f r 0 . After decreasing the operating frequency by the factor of n the ratio of the energy loss to the energy gain decreases by this value. Note that this inference is valid only for similar geometry bunches. In a number of cases the radiation loss reduction by the way of operating frequency decrease is undesirable, because it entails making larger accelerating structure sizes, decreases the breakdown limit, etc. It is of considerable interest to seek out other ways of diminishing the slow-wave structure electrodynamic inhomogeneity for

    Simulation of electron bunch shaping and accelerating in two-section technological linac

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    The paper presents the results of electron dynamics computing in the powerful resonance electron accelerator. The accelerator consists of two accelerating structures with a variable geometry and an injector including a diode electron gun, klystron type buncher and accelerating cavity. The wave phase velocity in structures is equal to the light velocity. The electron motion in the accelerator was simulated using the PARMELA code. With the 11 MW RF power supplying accelerating structures and the 1 A current at the accelerator exit the beam energy is up to 20 MeV

    The Kharkov X-ray Generator Facility NESTOR

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    WEPWA060 - ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9International audienceThe last few years the sources of the X-rays NESTOR based on a storage ring with low beam energy and Compton scattering of intense laser beam are under design and development in NSC KIPT. The main task of the project is to develop compact intense X-ray generator on the base of relatively cheap accelerator equipment and up-to-date laser technologies. The paper is devoted to description of the last results on construction and commissioning of the facility