665 research outputs found

    Multiparametric Whole Blood Dissection: A one-shot comprehensive picture of the human hematopoietic system

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    Human hematopoiesis is a complex and dynamic system where morphologically and functionally diverse mature cell types are generated and maintained throughout life by bone marrow (BM) Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells (HSPC). Congenital and acquired hematopoietic disorders are often diagnosed through the detection of aberrant frequency or composition of hematopoietic cell populations. We here describe a novel protocol, called “Whole Blood Dissection” (WBD), capable of analyzing in a single test‐tube, hematopoietic progenitors and all major mature cell lineages composing either BM or peripheral blood (PB) through a multiparametric flow‐cytometry analysis. WBD allows unambiguously identifying in the same tube up to 23 different blood cell types including HSPC subtypes and all the major myeloid and lymphoid lineage compartments at different stages of maturation, through a combination of 17 surface and 1 viability cell markers. We assessed the efficacy of WBD by analyzing BM and PB samples from adult (n = 8) and pediatric (n = 9) healthy donors highlighting age‐related shift in cell composition. We also tested the capability of WBD on detecting aberrant hematopoietic cell composition in clinical samples of patients with primary immunodeficiency or leukemia unveiling expected and novel hematopoietic unbalances. Overall, WBD allows unambiguously identifying >99% of the cell subpopulations composing a blood sample in a reproducible, standardized, cost‐, and time‐efficient manner. This tool has a wide range of potential pre‐clinical and clinical applications going from the characterization of hematopoietic disorders to the monitoring of hematopoietic reconstitution in patients after transplant or gene therapy

    Defective B-cell proliferation and maintenance of long-term memory in patients with chronic granulomatous disease

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    Background: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a primary immune deficiency characterized by a defect in reactive oxygen species production. Although the effect of CGD mainly reflects on the phagocytic compartment, B-cell responses are also impaired in patients with CGD. Objective: We sought to investigate how defective gp91phox expression in patients with CGD and CGD carriers might affect the B-cell compartment and maintenance of long-term memory. Methods: We studied the B-cell compartment of patients with CGD in terms of phenotype and ability to produce reactive oxygen species and proliferate on stimuli differently directed to the B-cell receptor and Toll-like receptor 9. We further studied their capacity to maintain long-term memory by measuring cellular and serologic responses to measles. Results: We show that the memory B-cell compartment is impaired among patients with CGD, as indicated by reduced total (CD191CD271) and resting (CD191CD271CD211) memory B cells in parallel to increased naive (CD191CD272IgD1) B-cell frequencies. Data on CGD carriers reveal that such alterations are related to gp91phox expression. Moreover, proliferative capabilities of B cells on selective in vitro stimulation of B-cell receptor or Toll-like receptor 9 pathways were reduced in patients with CGD compared with those seen in age-matched healthy control subjects. Significantly lower measles-specific antibody levels and antibody-secreting cell numbers were also observed, indicating a poor ability to maintain long-term memory in these patients. Conclusion: Altogether, our data suggest that patients with CGD present a defective B-cell compartment in terms of frequencies of memory B cells, response to in vitro stimulation, and maintenance of long-term antigen-specific memory

    Urogenital Abnormalities in Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Improved survival in ADA-SCID patients is revealing new aspects of the systemic disorder. Although increasing numbers of reports describe the systemic manifestations of adenosine deaminase deficiency, currently there are no studies in the literature evaluating genital development and pubertal progress in these patients. METHODS: We collected retrospective data on urogenital system and pubertal development of 86 ADA-SCID patients followed in the period 2000-2017 at the Great Ormond Street Hospital (UK) and 5 centers in Italy. In particular, we recorded clinical history and visits, and routine blood tests and ultrasound scans were performed as part of patients' follow-up. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We found a higher frequency of congenital and acquired undescended testes compared with healthy children (congenital, 22% in our sample, 0.5-4% described in healthy children; acquired, 16% in our sample, 1-3% in healthy children), mostly requiring orchidopexy. No urogenital abnormalities were noted in females. Spontaneous pubertal development occurred in the majority of female and male patients with a few cases of precocious or delayed puberty; no patient presented high FSH values. Neither ADA-SCID nor treatment performed (PEG-ADA, BMT, or GT) affected pubertal development or gonadic function. CONCLUSION: In summary, this report describes a high prevalence of cryptorchidism in a cohort of male ADA-SCID patients which could represent an additional systemic manifestation of ADA-SCID. Considering the impact urogenital and pubertal abnormalities can have on patients' quality of life, we feel it is essential to include urogenital evaluation in ADA-SCID patients to detect any abnormalities, initiate early treatment, and prevent long-term complications

    Anticancer Gene Transfer for Cancer Gene Therapy

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    Gene therapy vectors are among the treatments currently used to treat malignant tumors. Gene therapy vectors use a specific therapeutic transgene that causes death in cancer cells. In early attempts at gene therapy, therapeutic transgenes were driven by non-specific vectors which induced toxicity to normal cells in addition to the cancer cells. Recently, novel cancer specific viral vectors have been developed that target cancer cells leaving normal cells unharmed. Here we review such cancer specific gene therapy systems currently used in the treatment of cancer and discuss the major challenges and future directions in this field

    Estimated Comparative Integration Hotspots Identify Different Behaviors of Retroviral Gene Transfer Vectors

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    Integration of retroviral vectors in the human genome follows non random patterns that favor insertional deregulation of gene expression and may cause risks of insertional mutagenesis when used in clinical gene therapy. Understanding how viral vectors integrate into the human genome is a key issue in predicting these risks. We provide a new statistical method to compare retroviral integration patterns. We identified the positions where vectors derived from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) show different integration behaviors in human hematopoietic progenitor cells. Non-parametric density estimation was used to identify candidate comparative hotspots, which were then tested and ranked. We found 100 significative comparative hotspots, distributed throughout the chromosomes. HIV hotspots were wider and contained more genes than MLV ones. A Gene Ontology analysis of HIV targets showed enrichment of genes involved in antigen processing and presentation, reflecting the high HIV integration frequency observed at the MHC locus on chromosome 6. Four histone modifications/variants had a different mean density in comparative hotspots (H2AZ, H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K9me1), while gene expression within the comparative hotspots did not differ from background. These findings suggest the existence of epigenetic or nuclear three-dimensional topology contexts guiding retroviral integration to specific chromosome areas

    Dual-regulated lentiviral vector for gene therapy of X-linked chronic granulomatosis

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    Regulated transgene expression may improve the safety and efficacy of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy. Clinical trials for X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD) employing gammaretroviral vectors were limited by insertional oncogenesis or lack of persistent engraftment. Our novel strategy, based on regulated lentiviral vectors (LV), targets gp91(phox) expression to the differentiated myeloid compartment while sparing HSC, to reduce the risk of genotoxicity and potential perturbation of reactive oxygen species levels. Targeting was obtained by a myeloid-specific promoter (MSP) and posttranscriptional, microRNA-mediated regulation. We optimized both components in human bone marrow (BM) HSC and their differentiated progeny in vitro and in a xenotransplantation model, and generated therapeutic gp91(phox) expressing LVs for CGD gene therapy. All vectors restored gp91(phox) expression and function in human X-CGD myeloid cell lines, primary monocytes, and differentiated myeloid cells. While unregulated LVs ectopically expressed gp91(phox) in CD34(+) cells, transcriptionally and posttranscriptionally regulated LVs substantially reduced this off-target expression. X-CGD mice transplanted with transduced HSC restored gp91(phox) expression, and MSP-driven vectors maintained regulation during BM development. Combining transcriptional (SP146.gp91-driven) and posttranscriptional (miR-126-restricted) targeting, we achieved high levels of myeloid-specific transgene expression, entirely sparing the CD34(+) HSC compartment. This dual-targeted LV construct represents a promising candidate for further clinical development

    ALPS-Like Phenotype Caused by ADA2 Deficiency Rescued by Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2) deficiency is an auto-inflammatory disease due to mutations in cat eye syndrome chromosome region candidate 1 (CECR1) gene, currently named ADA2. The disease has a wide clinical spectrum encompassing early-onset vasculopathy (targeting skin, gut and central nervous system), recurrent fever, immunodeficiency and bone marrow dysfunction. Different therapeutic options have been proposed in literature, but only steroids and anti-cytokine monoclonal antibodies (such as tumor necrosis factor inhibitor) proved to be effective. If a suitable donor is available, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) could be curative. Here we describe a case of ADA2 deficiency in a 4-year-old Caucasian girl. The patient was initially classified as autoimmune neutropenia and then she evolved toward an autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS)-like phenotype. The diagnosis of ALPS became uncertain due to atypical clinical features and normal FAS-induced apoptosis test. She was treated with G-CSF first and subsequently with immunosuppressive drugs without improvement. Only HSCT from a 9/10 HLA-matched unrelated donor, following myeloablative conditioning, completely solved the clinical signs related to ADA2 deficiency. Early diagnosis in cases presenting with hematological manifestations, rather than classical vasculopathy, allows the patients to promptly undergo HSCT and avoid more severe evolution. Finally, in similar cases highly suspicious for genetic disease, it is desirable to obtain molecular diagnosis before performing HSCT, since it can influence the transplant procedure. However, if HSCT has to be performed without delay for clinical indication, related donors should be excluded to avoid the risk of relapse or partial benefit due to a hereditary genetic defect

    ALPS-Like Phenotype Caused by ADA2 Deficiency Rescued by Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2) deficiency is an auto-inflammatory disease due to mutations in cat eye syndrome chromosome region candidate 1 (CECR1) gene, currently named ADA2. The disease has a wide clinical spectrum encompassing early-onset vasculopathy (targeting skin, gut and central nervous system), recurrent fever, immunodeficiency and bone marrow dysfunction. Different therapeutic options have been proposed in literature, but only steroids and anti-cytokine monoclonal antibodies (such as tumor necrosis factor inhibitor) proved to be effective. If a suitable donor is available, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) could be curative. Here we describe a case of ADA2 deficiency in a 4-year-old Caucasian girl. The patient was initially classified as autoimmune neutropenia and then she evolved toward an autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS)-like phenotype. The diagnosis of ALPS became uncertain due to atypical clinical features and normal FAS-induced apoptosis test. She was treated with G-CSF first and subsequently with immunosuppressive drugs without improvement. Only HSCT from a 9/10 HLA-matched unrelated donor, following myeloablative conditioning, completely solved the clinical signs related to ADA2 deficiency. Early diagnosis in cases presenting with hematological manifestations, rather than classical vasculopathy, allows the patients to promptly undergo HSCT and avoid more severe evolution. Finally, in similar cases highly suspicious for genetic disease, it is desirable to obtain molecular diagnosis before performing HSCT, since it can influence the transplant procedure. However, if HSCT has to be performed without delay for clinical indication, related donors should be excluded to avoid the risk of relapse or partial benefit due to a hereditary genetic defect

    B-cell reconstitution after lentiviral vector-mediated gene therapy in patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

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    Background Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a severe X-linked immunodeficiency characterized by microthrombocytopenia, eczema, recurrent infections, and susceptibility to autoimmunity and lymphomas. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the treatment of choice; however, administration of WAS gene-corrected autologous hematopoietic stem cells has been demonstrated as a feasible alternative therapeutic approach. Objective Because B-cell homeostasis is perturbed in patients with WAS and restoration of immune competence is one of the main therapeutic goals, we have evaluated reconstitution of the B-cell compartment in 4 patients who received autologous hematopoietic stem cells transduced with lentiviral vector after a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen combined with anti-CD20 administration. Methods We evaluated B-cell counts, B-cell subset distribution, B cell-activating factor and immunoglobulin levels, and autoantibody production before and after gene therapy (GT). WAS gene transfer in B cells was assessed by measuring vector copy numbers and expression of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein. Results After lentiviral vector-mediated GT, the number of transduced B cells progressively increased in the peripheral blood of all patients. Lentiviral vector-transduced progenitor cells were able to repopulate the B-cell compartment with a normal distribution of B-cell subsets both in bone marrow and the periphery, showing a WAS protein expression profile similar to that of healthy donors. In addition, after GT, we observed a normalized frequency of autoimmune-associated CD19+CD21-CD35- and CD21low
