398 research outputs found

    Wet oxidation of GeSi at (700)C

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    About 500-nm-thick films of Ge0.36Si0.64 and Ge0.28Si0.72 grown epitaxially on (100)Si have been oxidized at 700-degrees-C in wet ambient. A uniform GexSi1-xO2 oxide layer forms with a smooth interface between it and the unoxidized GexSi1-x layer below. The composition and structure of that layer remains unchanged as monitored by backscattering spectrometry or cross-sectional transmission electronic microscopy. The oxide of both samples grows as square root of oxidation duration. The parabolic rate constant increases with the Ge content and is larger than that for wet oxidation of pure Si at the same temperature. The absence of a regime of linear growth at this relatively low temperature indicates a much enhanced linear rate constant

    Efeitos do treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico sobre o parto e recém-nascido: estudo controlado randomizado

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    BACKGROUND: The use of the pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence treatment is well established but little is known about its effects in labor and newborn outcomes. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of antenatal pelvic floor muscle training and strength in labor and newborn outcomes in low-income pregnant women. METHODS: This is a randomized controlled trial that recruited forty-two nulliparous healthy pregnant women aged between 18-36 years old and able to contract the pelvic floor muscles. The participants were included in the study with 20 weeks of gestational age and had their pelvic floor muscles measured by vaginal squeeze pressure. They were randomly allocated into two groups: training group and a non-intervention control group. Then, all participants had their labor and newborn outcomes evaluated through consultation of medical records by a blinded researcher. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups regarding gestational age at birth, type of labor, duration of the second stage of labor, total time of labor, prevalence of laceration, weight and size of the baby, and Apgar score. No correlation was observed between pelvic floor muscle strength and the second stage or the total length of labor. CONCLUSIONS: This randomized controlled trial did not find any effect of pelvic floor muscle training or pelvic floor muscle strength on labor and newborn outcomes.CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico para tratamento da incontinência urinária é bem estabelecida, mas pouco se sabe sobre seus efeitos sobre o parto e o recém-nascido. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar se os desfechos do parto e os resultados dos recém-nascidos são influenciados pelo treinamento e força da musculatura do assoalho pélvico realizados por gestantes de baixa renda. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado que incluiu 42 gestantes nulíparas de baixo risco, com idade entre 18 e 36 anos, e que eram capazes de contrair a musculatura do assoalho pélvico. As gestantes foram incluídas no estudo com 20 semanas de idade gestacional, e realizava-se a avaliação da pressão de contração vaginal pela contração da musculatura do assoalho pélvico. Elas foram randomizadas em dois grupos: grupo de treinamento e grupo controle. Todas as voluntárias tiveram o trabalho de parto e os resultados dos recém-nascidos avaliados por meio de consulta ao prontuário por um pesquisador não envolvido com o grupo de treinamento. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto à idade gestacional no nascimento, tipo de parto, duração da segunda fase de trabalho de parto, tempo total de trabalho de parto, prevalência da laceração perineal, peso e tamanho do bebê e índice de Apgar. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada entre a força muscular do assoalho pélvico e a segunda fase ou a duração total do trabalho de parto. CONCLUSÕES: Este ensaio clínico randomizado não verificou qualquer influência do treinamento muscular do assoalho pélvico e da força dos músculos do assoalho pélvico sobre o trabalho de parto e os resultados do recém-nascido

    Contrações intestinais no cólon menor equino submetido a obstrução com ou sem distensão intraluminal

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    Evaluation of the carotenoid and fat-soluble vitamin profile of industrial hemp inflorescence by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and photodiode-array detection

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    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a plant matrix whose use is recently spreading for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical purposes. Detailed characterization of hemp composition is needed for future research that further exploits the beneficial effects of hemp compounds on human health. Among minor constituents, carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins have largely been neglected to date despite carrying out several biological activities and regulatory functions. In the present paper, 22 target carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins were analyzed in the inflorescences of seven Italian industrial hemp varieties cultivated outdoor. The analytes were extracted by cold saponification to avoid artifacts and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. Phytoene, phytofluene, and all-trans-β-carotene were the most abundant in all analyzed samples (31–55 μg g−1, 11.6–29 μg g−1, and 7.3–53 μg g−1, respectively). Besides the target analytes, liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode-array detection allowed us to tentatively identify several other carotenoids based on their retention behavior and UV–vis spectra with the support of theoretical rules and data in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive characterization of carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins in industrial hemp inflorescence

    Estoques de carbono e nitrogênio do solo após 17 anos sob preparo convencional e plantio direto em dois sistemas de rotação de culturas em Cruz Alta, RS.

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    Descrição e caracterização da área experimental. Amostragem e preparo das amostras de solo. Cálculos do estoque de carbono e nitrogênio no perfil do solo sob os tratamentos. Estimativa da proporção de carbono do solo derivado da vegetação nativa original. Análise estatística. Fertilidade e densidade do solo na área sob vegetação nativa e sob os tratamentos de manejo do solo e rotação de culturas. Teores de carbono orgânico total e nitrogênio total do solo. Estoques de carbono e nitrogênio no solo sob diferentes tratamentos de preparo e rotação de culturas. Abundância natural de 13C no perfil do solo. Estimativa da proporção de carbono da matéria orgânica do solo derivada da vegetação nativa. O sistema plantio direto (PD), utilizado inicialmente para minimizar a erosão do solo provocada pelo preparo convencional (PC), revela-se como de grande potencial para incrementar a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS), principalmente quando praticado com plantas para adubação verde em rotação de culturas. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o efeito de duas seqüências de culturas, sob PD e PC, no estoque de C e N de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. A área experimental se encontrava em Cruz Alta, RS, e existia havia 17 anos. As amostras de solo foram retiradas de várias camadas do solo até 100 cm de profundidade. Além dos estoques de C e N, a origem do C da MOS foi determinada através de técnicas baseadas na abundância natural de õ13C. Na sucessão trigo/soja foram observados os menores estoques de C e N do solo em relação a rotação (trigo/soja - aveia/soja- ervilhaca+aveia/milho). Na sucessão não houve diferenças entre o PD e PC nos estoques de C e N do solo de 0-10Ocm. As técnicas utilizadas para estimar o C derivado da MOS original apresentaram resultados similares na avaliação dos efeitos dos diferentes tratamentos. A decomposição da MOS original na camada de 0-3Ocm de profundidade foi semelhante entre os tratamentos. A incorporação de C derivado dos resíduos na MOS foi maior na rotação de culturas. The zero tillage system (ZT) was used initially to reduce soil erosion promoted by conventional tillage (CT), and together with other advantages, this soil tillage system contributed to increase the soil organic matter (SOM), mainly when the crop rotations includes green manure plants. The objective of this study was to determine in a long term experiment (17 yr) the effect of two crop sequences under ZT and CT, on the soil C and N stocks in an Oxissol to a depth of 0-100cm, at Cruz Alta, RS. Also, the proportions of the soil C derived from the original SOM using two techniques based on ~13C natural abundance were estimated. The soil C and N stocks in 0-10Ocm were significantly lower in the succession wheat/soybean in relation to the rotation vetch+oat/maize - wheat/soybean - oat/soybean. In the succession the soil C and N stock under ZT and CT was not significantly different. Similar estimates of treatments effects on the original soil organic carbon were obtained using the two ~13C methods. The evaluation of the effects of the treatments in the changes in soil C derived of original SOM was determined by the two techniques applied. The decomposition of the C original SOM was similar among the treatments to a depth of 0-3Ocm. The incorporation of C derived from the residues in the SOM was larger in the crop rotation.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/33515/1/bot013.pd

    Short-term carbon dioxide emission under contrasting soil disturbance levels and organic amendments.

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    Agriculture can be either a source or sink of atmospheric CO2 depending on soil management. The application of swine slurry in conventional tilled soils could enhance soil CO2 emission depleting soil organic C stocks. However, the use of recalcitrant C-rich organic fertilizers in no-till soils can offset soil CO2 emission promoting soil C sequestration. This hypothesis was tested by evaluating short-term CO2-C emissions from a Rhodic Nitisol under contrasting soil disturbance levels (disturbed (DS) and undisturbed soil (US)) top-dressed with mineral or organic fertilizers (urea (UR), raw swine slurry (RS),anaerobically digested swine slurry (ADS), and composted swine slurry (CS)). Soil CO2 emission was evaluated for 64 days using static chambers where gas samples were collected and analysed by photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy. Soil water-filled pore space (WFPS), temperature and meteorologi-cal data were concomitantly registered and a first-order exponential decay model was used to assess the decomposition of organic fertilizers and CO2 emissions induced by soil disturbance. Soil CO2-C emission was correlated with soil temperature, while limiting soil aeration impaired CO2-C efflux when WFPS >0.6 cm3cm3. Disturbance increased soil CO2-C efflux (36.3 2.2 kg CO2-C ha1 day1) in relation to US (33.3 1.6 kg CO2-C ha1 day1). Extra labile C input through RS amendment induced an increased soil CO2-C efflux for a longer period (t1/2 = 16.9 and 9.6 days in DS and US treatments, respectively), resulting in higher CO2-C emissions than soil amended with other fertilizers. The recalcitrant C input by ADS and CS had limited effect on soil CO2-C emissions. CS presented a genuine potential for substantial soil organic C accumulation while offsetting increased CO2-C emissions in comparison to RS amended soils