8 research outputs found


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          Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  manajemen teknik olah kayu  konstruksi   dengan potensi ekonomi untuk pendapatan  petani hutan.  Lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Siais, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Provinsi Sumatera Utara.  Metode penelitian adalah survai deskriptif dengan  data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen teknik olah kayu konstruksi  masih sederhana dan tradisional dilakukan oleh respoden. Kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan kerawanan kerusakan fisik pada kayu olah konstruksi. Responden seringkali mengalami kerugian akibat penurunan harga kayu olah konstruksi  yang rusak. 


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    Pipe cleaner media creation training on fine motor skills of early childhood is the creation of media according to early childhood development aspects in the form of handicrafts and various games with pipe cleaner media. The novelty of this pipe cleaner media is one of the most popular craft materials. easy to form and create and its flexible nature makes it easier for children to be creative and can train children's fine motor skills. The existence of this PKM program aims to assist teachers in making APE or learning media in improving children's fine motor skills. This PKM activity has been successfully held twice, the first online to introduce pipe cleaner media on November 19, 2021 with a total of 130 participants consisting of PAUD teachers in the Karawang district and the second offline for training on making pipe cleaner media creations. for teachers RA Abata Mardhotilla karawang district

    Exploration of Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Organic Rice Field in Sleman Regency

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), consisting of genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis are biological agents proven effective in killing insect pests. Organic rice fields and sandy soil textures are potential areas for exploring the presence of EPNs. This research aims to determine the diversity of genera and populations of entomopathogenic nematodes in organic rice fields in Sleman Regency. The study was conducted on organic rice fields and the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Plant Protection Laboratory from July – August 2023. EPNs were obtained from Prambanan Sleman and Ngemplak Sleman, with six plots as sample units in every location. EPNs were isolated from soil samples by using Tenebri molitor larvae. The Whitehead tray method was used to isolate EPNs from the dead larvae, and the population of EPNs was counted. EPNs were identified based on the symptoms of color changes on the cuticle and morphological characters. The result showed that the cuticles of T. molitor larvae that died were blackish brown in Prambanan and Ngaliyan isolates, referred to Steinernema genera. EPNs were found in Prambanan_6, Ngaliyan_1, and Ngaliyan_2. The highest population of EPNs was on Ngaliyan_1 (38,00 EPNs/ml), and the lowest was on Prambanan_6 (2,13 EPNs/ml). Based on the morphological characters of EPNs, on the Prambanan_4, Ngaliyan_1, and Ngaliyan_2, EPNs were identified as Steinernema spp. The characteristics of Steinernema in the infective juvenile stage found are: slender body, anterior end slightly rounded and fused with the body, cylindrical stoma, no second cuticular sheath, not annulated, and conoid tail

    Commercialization of Work Relation Between Land Owner and Landless Peasant in Central Java

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    This research aims to explore the shifting of work relations between land owners and landless peasants in Central Java. Besides, it also proposed to find the trend of the impact of shifting work relations between them. The research is designed using the semi-grounded method and phenology based on qualitative approach. This research is intentionally conducted in Purbalingga and Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province. Based on the research results, farmers in rural areas that are relatively far from the city have working relationships that tend to be exploited and are asymmetrical. On the other hand, the relationship of farmers in rural areas near cities tends to be more rational and commercial and symmetrical. The suggestion that can be given is the working relationship between the land owner and the cultivator who is beneficial to both parties needs to be maintained, but for the exploitative nature of work relationship there needs to be continuously empowered so that it does not bring damage to each of the part

    Function of Social Cohesion Element in Participatory Empowerment towards Landless Peasants

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    Social cohesion is one of the essential elements in participatory empowerment of landless peasants. This study aims to examine the categorization function within elements of social cohesion in empowering landless peasants using a participatory manner. The research location was set intentionally in Baturaden District, Banyumas Regency and Purbalingga Wetan Subdistrict, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The research method is using an intrinsic case study approach. Based on the research result showed that the predominant function within elements of social cohesion at the individual level are enthusiasm, trust, quality and closeness of social relations, solidarity and social values, while some element of social cohesion at the community level has a function towards peasant participatory in the empowerment include motives, mentality, actions, behavior, awareness of self-identity and morality. Lastly, the quality of social relations and collaboration networks is a manifestation of social cohesion which has a dominant function at the institutional level. All elements of social cohesion function are reinforcing energy and driving the activeness of landless peasant in participatory empowerment

    Religiosity as Moderator of Stress and Well-being among Muslim Students During the Pandemic in Indonesia

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of stress and religiosity on well-being and the role of religiosity in moderating the relationship between stress and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study involved 1233 Indonesian Muslim students from whom data were collected through a survey by distributing questionnaires online. Data collection was made through surveys by distributing online questionnaires in Bahasa, including The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21), the Short Muslim Belief and Practice Scale (Short-MPBS), and The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS). The data analyses included bivariate correlation, multiple regression, and moderated regression analyses. The results showed: 1) There was a negative relationship between stress and religiosity and well-being; 2) There was an effect of stress and religiosity together on well-being; 3) Religiosity moderated the relationship between stress and well-being, which means that the hypotheses were supported by the data. The implication of this study is to strengthen positive psychological theory that various factors that previously could cause anxiety and stress in students do not have a bad impact on causing misery, because religiosity can provide reinforcement so that their welfare is maintained in the midst of difficult conditions