33 research outputs found
Online authentication methods used in banks and attacks against these methods
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Growing threats and attacks to online banking security (e.g. phishing, identity theft) motivates most banks to look for and use stronger authentication methods instead of using a normal username and password authentication. The main objective of the research is to identify the most common online authentication methods used widely in international banks and compare it with the methods used in six banks operating in UAE. In addition, this research will cover the current authentication threats and attacks against these methods. Two well-defined comparison matrices [15], one based on characteristics and second one on attack vectors, will be used to examine and assess the authentication methods of those six banks. This paper is different than other studies and works since it will help to identify the common authentication methods used in banks operating in UAE. Moreover, the comparison matrices will help to examine those authentication methods, define their weaknesses, and evaluate them
Causes and Effects of Cyber-Crime Victimization among Educated Youth: A Study of BZU, Multan
As criminal activities are increasing in Pakistan, there are different types of crime that come into the mind. Cyber-crime is the most common among internet users, especially students who are connected online most of the time for different purposes. This study examined the nature of cyber-crime, causes of cyber-crime and its effects on victims. The sample for the study consists of 201 students from department of social sciences Bahauddin Zakirya University, Multan. The researcher used multi stage sampling and questionnaires as a tool for data collection. The results were analyzed by using SPSS. The results revealed that 86.5% of the respondents used internet every day, while 95(47.2%) of respondents used internet for study, other 30(14.9%) heard songs by using internet, 45(22.3%) youth played games and 41(20.3%) watched movies. University students become victimized due to fake online job 124(61.6%), while monetary reward 37(18.6%), chat in open room 20(9.9%) and downloaded games 20(9.95%). There are different effects like 80(39.8%) psychological losses which include mental effect of private information losing and risk of re-victimization. While 55(27.3%) respondents are harassed, on the other hand, 21(10.4%) respondents lost their financial data and 45(22.3%) students lost their personal information data. Future research will be needed to let the youth be fully aware of cyber-crime effects
Pelatihan produksi ekado ikan bandeng pada inkubator bisnis Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan
Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan bandeng cukup tinggi yang berasal dari hasil perikanan budidaya. Hasil budidaya perikanan bandeng ini masih rendah diversifikasi dalam bentuk produk olahan. Ikan bandeng di daerah ini lebih banyak dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar dan utuh. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pelatihan diversifikasi olahan ikan bandeng kepada UMKM dan Kelompok Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan yang berada di bawah binaan Inkubator Bisnis Balitbangda Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan dengan teknik pembelajaran partisipatif dan pendampingan. Proses pelatihan dan pendampingan dimulai dari tahap pemilihan bahan baku produk ekado ikan bandeng, penyusunan formulasi, pengolahan ekado, cara penyajian, serta pemberian informasi terkait gizi ikan bandeng. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam mengolah ikan bandeng adalah produk ekado ikan bandeng. Ekado ikan bandeng yang dihasilkan disajikan kepada para peserta dalam keadaan siap saji dilengkapi dengan sambel sebagai penambah nikmat produk ekado. Testimoni peserta pelatihan menyampaikan bahwa produk olahan ekado ikan bandeng rasanya sangat enak, kenampakan menarik, aroma khas gorengan, dan tekstur yang renya, cocok dijadikan sebagai makanan cemilan, dan bagus dikonsumsi saat kondisinya masih hangat. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta dapat memahami pentingnya menciptakan inovasi baru dalam mengolah makanan agar dapat merebut dan memenangkan persaingan bisnis kuliner dan memiliki keterampilan dalam mengolah olahan ikan hasil budi daya menjadi produk olahan kekinian
Prevalence of paternal postpartum depression
Background: Postpartum Depression is a type of mood disorder associated with childbirth, which can occur in both parents. It is a major public health concern because it produces insidious effects on the well-being of new born as well as on the whole family. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of postpartum depression among fathers in Karachi, Pakistan. Methods: This cross sectional survey was conducted among fathers, purposive convenient and snowball sampling was used to approach 120 participants after obtaining permission from Al-Khidmat Hospital and Combined Military Hospital (CMH).Participants were aged between 20-50 years, had a newly born child between the past 6 weeks to 1 year. Each participant was required to fill an informed consent, demographic form and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale’s (EPDS), translated Urdu version. The data was collected and statistically analyzed. Results: The study findings show that 28.3% fathers experienced depressive symptoms, out of which 25.8% experienced mild while 2.5% experienced severe depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Paternal postpartum depression is quite prevalent among new fathers in Karachi. Depression among fathers is an area of substantial significance as it may enhance the risk of mental health problems among children. Health services should support new fathers by providing information about this major transition. These results clearly show that there is a need to assess expectant and new fathers for depression. Prevention, early identification and intervention of paternal post- partum depression are immensely required
Fetomaternal Effects of Obesity in Postdate and Induced Pregnancies
Background : To study the fetomaternal effects of obesity in post date and induced pregnancies.
Methods: In this case control study 210 postdate patients were included. They were divided into obese and non-obese groups according to BMI. Patient’s age, parity, and duration of gestation was recorded. Induction was done, mode of delivery, PPH, perinatal outcome i.e. macrosomia, birth outcome, and shoulder dystocia was noted.
Results;The mean age was 23.05±3.61 years. All patients were postdate and underwent induction. BMI showed an increase with increase in age.Fifty seven percent of obese compared to 32% of non-obese needed low segment caesarean section (LCSC). Shoulder dystocia occurred in 2% of obese and 1% in non-obese while PPH occurred in 23% and 9.6% in obese and non-obese females respectively. Macrocosmia was encountered in 25% of obese versus 5% non-obese while stillbirth was observed in 3% of obese group. Clavicle fracture 1% was noticed only in obese females.
Conclusion: Maternal obesity is associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnancy including operative deliveries, PPH with fetal macrosomia, birth anoxia, and stillbirth. So these women should be treated as high risk pregnancie
Comparison of Outcome of one Versus two Drains Insertion for Seroma Formation Following Modified Radical Mastectomy in Breast Carcinoma
Objective: Comparative outcome of one versus two drains insertion for in the term of seroma formation following modified radical mastectomy in breast carcinoma.
Methodology: This Prospective Interventional trial was conducted at Department of General Surgery, Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad from February 2018 to January 2019. Females with breast carcinoma admitted for modified radical mastectomy were included. Patients were divided into two groups. Groups I underwent one drain placement and group II underwent two drains placement. All patients were observed to measure and record the volume of the fluid. Patients were discharged from Hospital in stable condition and after removal of drains, and followed up weekly for one month. Data was recorded on self-made proforma and analyzed by using SPSS-20.
Results: Total of 80 patients were selected, 38 in group A and 42 in group B. Mean age of patients of group A was 49.08 ± 9.89 years and group B was 51.40 ± 13.59 years. , Excised Mass weight was lesser in group A as compared to group B. Mean volume of drain discharge was significantly higher in Group B 323.43 ± 158.88 ml, while it was in group A 230.29± 200.98, findings were statistically significant 0.013. Seroma formation was statistically insignificant among both groups as 8(21.1%) in group A and 10(23.8%) in group B, p-value 0.768.
Conclusion: One-drain and two-drain insertion are equally effective to reduce the seroma formation after modified radical mastectomy; however, one drain insertion leads to more patient compliance and comfort with probably less morbidity and cost
Oxide-Based Nanocomposites for Food Packaging Application: A Review
Silver nanoparticles and/or nanoclay [particularly montmorillonite] are used in the majority of nanotechnology applications for food packaging. Other nanomaterials, on the other hand, can also be integrated into packaging. Metal oxide nanoparticles have been added to petroleum-based and biopolymers to produce nanocomposites with improved mechanical, barrier, antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. Nanoparticles migration from packaging, on the other hand, is a source of concern due to their potential toxicity in the human body and the environment. The purpose of this article therefore, was to review the available literature on the utilization of metal oxide-based nanoparticles to produce nanocomposites for food packaging application. Advantages of incorporating metal oxide-based nanoparticles into polymers, as well as migration of these nanomaterials from packaging into foods are discussed. Incorporation of metal oxide nanoparticles into polymers allows for the production of nanocomposites with increased mechanical strength, water and oxygen barrier properties, and can also confer other additional functional properties, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and light-blocking properties. According to migration studies, only a small quantity of nanomaterial migrates from packaging into food simulants or foods, implying that consumer exposure to these nanomaterials and the health concerns associated with them are low. Nonetheless, there is a scarcity of information on the migration of nanomaterials from packaging into actual foods, and more research is desperately needed in this area. This manuscript is useful in the food industries as it indicate the applicability and potential of the oxide-based nanocomposites as a promising approach for use in food packaging applications
Economical Electricity Home System using Solar
Economical home system can be defined as one realization of home that have a cost-effective ideal by using specific set of technologies combined with the renewable energy as a power supply. This system has a highly advance for lighting, temperature control, socket and own power supply by using solar panel. This system is developed in this project and focused on B40 community that represents the bottom 40% of income earners and also this project becomes suitable for this community for getting an energy efficiency system. Due to the COVID-19, B40 households were reported to have lost their jobs causing financial hardship and had to face the issue of high electricity bills which are very burdensome for them at all in order to pay the cost electricity for monthly. The aim of the article is to design and simulate the solar power system including battery storage in suitable software for a residential house especially in B40 community home and also to analyze the potential of battery storage in order to store the energy from solar panel. Therefore, the economical electricity home system using solar energy for B40 community is proposed in this project for producing an energy efficient system at home. In addition, an electrical floor plan and floor plan of B40 community home is designed in the SketchUp software that using basic electrical equipment such as lighting, ceiling fan and socket. The system is developed by using the MATLAB software in order to produce the result of energy efficiency by using the renewable energy which is solar system and also battery storage. According to the data produced from the calculation of old bills and new bills, the energy consumptions are calculated and also be compared before and after using the renewable energy which is using solar system. The data obtained through calculation of maximum demand in new bill is used in the simulation of solar system in MATLAB software. The results obtained show that after using an energy-efficient load, the monthly new bill is around RM 27.79 which is around RM 10.75 less than the monthly old bill before using an energy-efficient load. It can be concluded that the use of renewable energy in B40 community home can save the energy and also money
Aldersundersøkelse av enslige mindreårige asylsøkere
Aldersundersøkelsen har vært mye omtalt og som kjent fått mye kritikk siden den ble tatt i bruk i 2013. Stemmene til de mindreårige asylsøkerne har manglet i denne debatten, til tross for at det er dem som må gjennom den omstridte undersøkelsen. Denne oppgaven forsøker å gi stemme til de enslige mindreårige asylsøkerne. Gjennom feltarbeid prøver jeg å finne ut hvordan aldersundersøkelsen påvirker de enslige mindreårige barna, og hvilke konsekvenser dette har for dem. Hensikten med oppgaven er å vise individene bak det generaliserte bildet av enslige mindreårige asylsøkerbarn i Norge. Med teorien til Lund (2001) viser jeg hvordan bevegelsen og observasjonen gjennom det byråkratiske landskapet gjør barna om til fysiske objekter. Gjennom barnas egne stemmer har jeg beskrevet hvordan de opplever å være underordnet norske myndigheter. Med utgangspunkt i Scheper-Hughes & Locks artikkel The Mindful Body (1987) analyserer jeg barnas forhold til sin egen kropp. Jeg belyser hvordan fokuset på barnas alder former og påvirker dem i sosiale sammenhenger. Informantene i feltarbeidet besto hovedsakelig av tilfeldig utvalgte enslige mindreårige asylsøkere, men også tolker, saksbehandlere, mottaksansatte, verger og representanter. Det å kunne snakke med asylbarna før, underveis og etter utførelsen av aldersundersøkelsen gjorde at jeg kunne utforske hvordan barna blir påvirket i de ulike fasene. Barna så på meg som en mulighet til å fortelle om den urettferdigheten og frustrasjonen de har opplevd gjennom asylprosedyren. Jeg ble ansett som en kanal til en verden utenfor, da de ønsket å bli hørt og forstått. Som resultat av feltarbeidet, forsto jeg at de mindreårige søker anerkjennelse og tilhørighet ved ankomst i Norge, men blir i stedet utsatt for nye kritiske blikk. De kjemper for et verdig liv, men havner i en håpløs kamp med norske myndigheter. Informantene forklarte at det skaper en følelse av maktesløshet og ydmykelse i å ikke kunne oppgi ID-dokumenter, og heller ikke vite sin nøyaktige fødselsdato. Dermed blir fokuset på aldersfastsettingen for mange opplevd som en forlenget emosjonell tortur. Det vises også til at prosessen av aldersvurderingen i realiteten blir en utsilingsprosess som inkluderer noen og dytter andre ut. Aldersvurderingen skal i utgangspunktet være objektiv, men ender opp med å produsere tilfeldige resultater som forvirrer og fortviler dem som faller på feil side
Assessing the Attacks Against the Online Authentication Methods Using a Comparison Matrix: A Case of Online Banking
This paper aims to examine commonly existing online authentication methods, review the current authentication threats and attacks against these methods, and discuss and analyze the methods used in banks operating in several countries. The paper established a new comparison matrix with 11 characteristics of authentication methods. The discussion and analysis section are based on the data collected by sending a questionnaire to more than 25 people in several countries. The data is captured through observation while navigating the targeted banks\u27 internet banking services from the user\u27s perspective who has the privilege (credentials) to access banks\u27 online services. A total of 16 international banks were analyzed in this research. This research shows that authentication methods such as security questions, smart cards, PINs, and virtual keyboards will provide strong authentication to protect customers\u27 data confidentiality and integrity. The results contribute to the practice by confirming the importance of having strong authentication methods to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the customer\u27s data. The particularity of our study helps to identify the common authentication methods used in banks operating in different countries