17 research outputs found

    Análise comportamental de problemas de interação social de indivíduos com psoríase

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    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects individuals of both genders beginning from the second decade of life. Besides physical discomfort due the symptoms like itching and scaling, interpersonal difficulties are commonly reported by patients to their doctors. The unaesthetic aspect of psoriatic lesions usually affects the patients´ ability to deal with negative reactions from other people, in several contexts of social interactions. Therefore, individuals try to escape from situations where they are at risk of being physically exposed, in an attempt to avoid being stared at and comments on their appearance. They also tend to cover lesions, using cosmetic camouflage or protective clothes like long sleeves, skirts and caps, even on hot days. In this article, the authors evaluate how behavior analysis explains social behavior and they discuss, using this approach, how environmental variables can control social behavior, changing the probability of its occurrence in different social contexts.   Keywords: psoriasis; social interactions; behavior analysis. Psoríase é uma doença crônica que acomete a pele de indivíduos de ambos os sexos a partir da segunda década de vida. Além do desconforto físico decorrente de sintomas como descamação e prurido, queixas referentes a dificuldades interpessoais são relatadas com frequência por pacientes que buscam atendimento médico. O indivíduo com psoríase pode apresentar dificuldades de interação social em diversos contextos pela reação negativa dos outros à aparência inestética das lesões. Por esta razão, este indivíduo tenta fugir ou esquivar-se de situações em que exista a possibilidade de exposição física, com o intuito de escapar aos olhares constantes e comentários das outras pessoas em relação à sua aparência. Quando isto não é possível, procura ocultar as lesões por meio do uso de cosméticos (camuflagem) ou de roupas mais fechadas, mesmo em dias de clima quente. Neste artigo, os autores avaliam como a análise do comportamento entende comportamento social e discutem, segundo esse enfoque psicológico, como possíveis variáveis ambientais podem controlá-lo, alterando a probabilidade de sua ocorrência em diferentes contextos sociais.   Palavras-chave: psoríase; interação social; análise do comportamento

    Successful treatment of chromoblastomycosis using cryosurgery in association with low-dose itraconazole

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    Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by dematiaceous fungi with varied clinical presentations, which may represent a therapeutic challenge. In this report, we present a case of chromoblastomycosis in a localized form, with a long evolution, in an elderly patient, resistant to previous drug therapies, successfully treated by the association of a physical method with systemic pharmacological treatment, which allowed the use of a reduced dose of the drug

    Análise comportamental de problemas de interação social de indivíduos com psoríase

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    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects individuals of both genders beginning from the second decade of life. Besides physical discomfort due the symptoms like itching and scaling, interpersonal difficulties are commonly reported by patients to their doctors. The unaesthetic aspect of psoriatic lesions usually affects the patients´ ability to deal with negative reactions from other people, in several contexts of social interactions. Therefore, individuals try to escape from situations where they are at risk of being physically exposed, in an attempt to avoid being stared at and comments on their appearance. They also tend to cover lesions, using cosmetic camouflage or protective clothes like long sleeves, skirts and caps, even on hot days. In this article, the authors evaluate how behavior analysis explains social behavior and they discuss, using this approach, how environmental variables can control social behavior, changing the probability of its occurrence in different social contexts.   Keywords: psoriasis; social interactions; behavior analysis

    Caso para diagnóstico? Case for diagnosis?

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    Os autores relatam caso clínico de paciente do sexo masculino, diabético do tipo II insulinodependente, que apresentava lesões eritêmato-acastanhadas no abdômen e nas coxas, com ligeira atrofia assintomática. O exame histopatológico das lesões revelou a combinação de angiopatia e alterações leves do colágeno, compatíveis com o diagnóstico de dermopatia diabética.The authors report the case of a patient with insulin-dependent type II diabetes, who presented asymptomatic and atrophic reddish brown patches on his abdomen and thighs. The histopathological features of the lesions showed a combination of vascular disease and minor collagen changes, compatible with the diagnosis of diabetic dermopathy