11 research outputs found

    Riskikäitumine ja HIV-nakkuse levimus süstivate narkomaanide seas

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    2007. aastal korraldati kaks uurimust, et saada ülevaade nakkuste ja riskikäitumise levikust HIV-ennetustöö prioriteetses sihtrühmas. Andmeid koguti uuritava poolt juhitud kaasamise meetodil Tallinna ja Kohtla-Järve süstivatelt narkomaanidelt (SN) ning kõikse (esmakliendid) või kvootvalimi (korduvkliendid) alusel süstlavahetusteenuse (SV) kasutajatelt. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(5):311−31

    Eestikeelne aineõpe vene õppekeelega koolide gümnaasiumiastmes: mitte-eestlaste teadlikkus ja suhtumine

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    Uuringu eesmärgiks oli kaardistada Eesti elavate mitte-eestlaste teadlikkust, arvamusi ja suhtumist seoses eestikeelsele aineõppele üleminekuga vene õppekeelega koolide gümnaasiumiastmes. 2011. aastal teostatud andmekogumine oli kordusuuring. Esimene uuring toimus 2008. aastal. Seetõttu vaadatakse andmete analüüsis ka ajalist trendi ning tehakse järeldusi vahepeal toimunud muutuste kohta

    Ohtlike kemikaalide kasutamine töökohal

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    Tervishoiu- ja sotsiaalteenused HIVsse nakatunud inimestele ning süstivatele narkomaanidele

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    Üheks Eesti riikliku HIV ja AIDSi strateegia 2006–2015 eesmärgiks on parandada HIVga inimeste elukvaliteeti. HIVsse nakatunute tervishoiuteenuseid osutavad infektsionistid. Riigieelarvest kaetakse kulutused antiretroviirusravimitele ja ravikindlustamata HIV-nakatunute tervishoiuteenustele; patsientidele on nii ravimid kui ka teenused tasuta. Riikliku strateegia raames arendatakse juhtumikorraldussüsteemi HIVga inimestele. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(4):278−28

    HIV-nakkuse ennetamine Eestis

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    HIV-nakkuse ennetamisega on Eestis tegeletud üle 15 aasta. Probleemi mittetunnistamine ning ennetustöö alarahastamine kestis kuni epideemia puhkemiseni 2000. aastal. Tänu välisrahastusele on viimastel aastatel ennetustegevuse maht mitmekordistunud. Käivitunud on ennetavate tegevuste ja nende mõju regulaarne hindamine. Siiski pole HIV-nakkuse levik Eestis veel peatatud. Muret teeb ka järjest suurenev vajadus anti-retroviiruslike ravimite järele. Üha olulisemaks muutub tervishoiutöötajate roll nakkuse diagnoosimisel, ravil, aga ka ennetamisel. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (4): 255-26

    Effectiveness of a universal classroom-based preventive intervention (PAX GBG): A research protocol for a matched-pair cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: The PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG) is a universal classroom-based program that promotes children's mental health. In Estonia, the intervention is delivered to first grade students (aged seven to eight) within the regular school curriculum. The current work describes a protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the PAX GBG conducted in Estonia. Design and methods: This is an ongoing, pragmatic, two-year, matched-pair, cluster-RCT conducted in Estonian elementary schools. Schools were matched to pairs based on their geographical location and number of students per classroom. One school in each pair was randomly selected to receive the intervention and the other placed on a wait-list as a control. 42 schools provided baseline data during the autumn of 2016. Data is collected at two more points in time – seven months and 19 months post-baseline. Outcomes of children's mental health and behavior are measured by the teacher- and parent-rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, parent-rated Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham – IV Questionnaire and the Go/No-Go task completed by children. Teachers also rate their self-efficacy and overall classroom behavior. Discussion: This study aims to test the effectiveness of the intervention in Estonian classrooms with a newer version of the rigorously tested GBG program. To our knowledge, this study is the first to measure the effects of the intervention on children's inhibitory control, which has been associated with externalizing problems in the literature. The results from this trial will provide further understanding into how the program influences children's well-being and self-control. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov registry (NCT02865603)

    Evaluating Recruitment among Female Sex Workers and Injecting Drug Users at Risk for HIV Using Respondent-driven Sampling in Estonia

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    Few recent publications have highlighted theoretical and methodological challenges using respondent-driven sampling (RDS). To explore why recruitment with RDS may work in some populations and not in others, we assess the implementation of RDS to recruit female sex workers (FSWs) and injection drug users (IDUs) into a human immunodeficiency virus biological and risk behavior survey in Tallinn, Estonia. Recruitment of FSWs was slower and more challenging than that of IDUs. The IDU study recruited 350 participants within 7 weeks, while the FSW study recruited 227 participants over 28 weeks. Implementation modifications that did not negatively impact key RDS theoretical and methodological requirements were used to improve recruitment during the FSW study. We recommend that all RDS studies include a formative research process to involve the participation of target populations and key persons associated with these populations in the study planning and throughout the implementation processes to improve recruitment from the outset and to respond to poor recruitment during data collection