32 research outputs found

    The proinflammatory cytokine IL-36γ is a global discriminator of harmless microbes and invasive pathogens within epithelial tissues

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    Epithelial tissues represent vital interfaces between organisms and their environment. As they are constantly exposed to harmful pathogens, innocuous commensals, and environmental microbes, it is essential they sense and elicit appropriate responses toward these different types of microbes. Here, we demonstrate that the epithelial cytokine interleukin-36γ (IL-36γ) acts as a global discriminator of pathogenic and harmless microbes via cell damage and proteolytic activation. We show that intracellular pro-IL-36γ is upregulated by both fungal and bacterial epithelial microbes; yet, it is only liberated from cells, and subsequently processed to its mature, potent, proinflammatory form, by pathogen-mediated cell damage and pathogen-derived proteases. This work demonstrates that IL-36γ senses pathogen-induced cell damage and proteolytic activity and is a key initiator of immune responses and pathological inflammation within epithelial tissues. As an apically located epithelial proinflammatory cytokine, we therefore propose that IL-36γ is critical as the initial discriminator of harmless microbes and invasive pathogens within epithelial tissues

    Detection of IL-36γ through noninvasive tape stripping reliably discriminates psoriasis from atopic eczema

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    This report demonstrates that sampling and detection of IL-36γ protein by non-invasive tape stripping of skin lesion provides a highly sensitive and selective diagnostic for psoriatic inflammation

    Validation of Endogenous Control Genes for Gene Expression Studies on Human Ocular Surface Epithelium

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate a panel of ten known endogenous control genes (ECG) with quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qPCR), for identification of stably expressed endogenous control genes in the ocular surface (OS) epithelial regions including cornea, limbus, limbal epithelial crypt and conjunctiva to normalise the quantitative reverse transcription PCR data of genes of interest expressed in above-mentioned regions. METHOD: The lasermicrodissected (LMD) OS epithelial regions of cryosectioned corneoscleral buttons from the cadaver eyes were processed for RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis to detect genes of interest with qPCR. Gene expression of 10 known ECG--glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), beta actin (ACTB), peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIA), TATA-box binding protein (TBP1), hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT1), beta glucuronidase (GUSB), Eucaryotic 18S ribosomal RNA (18S), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK1), beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), ribosomal protein, large, P0 (RPLP0)--was measured in the OS epithelial regions by qPCR method and the data collected was further analysed using geNorm software. RESULTS: The expression stability of ecgs in the os epithelial regions in increasing order as determined with genorm software is as follows: ACTB<18S<TBP<B2M<PGK1<HPRT1<GUSB<GAPDH<PPIA-RPLP0. In this study, geNorm analysis has shown the following ECGs pairs to be most stably expressed in individual OS epithelial regions: HPRT1-TBP in cornea, GUSB-PPIA in limbus, B2M-PPIA and RPLP0-TBP in LEC and conjunctiva respectively. However, across the entire ocular surface including all the regions mentioned above, PPIA-RPLP0 pair was shown to be most stable. CONCLUSION: This study has identified stably expressed ECGs on the OS epithelial regions for effective qPCR results in genes of interest. The results from this study are broadly applicable to quantitative reverse transcription PCR studies on human OS epithelium and provide evidence for the use of PPIA-RPLP0 ECGs pair in quantitative reverse transcription PCR across the OS epithelium

    Cohesin is required for higher-order chromatin conformation at the imprinted IGF2-H19 locus

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    Cohesin is a chromatin-associated protein complex that mediates sister chromatid cohesion by connecting replicated DNA molecules. Cohesin also has important roles in gene regulation, but the mechanistic basis of this function is poorly understood. In mammalian genomes, cohesin co-localizes with CCCTC binding factor (CTCF), a zinc finger protein implicated in multiple gene regulatory events. At the imprinted IGF2-H19 locus, CTCF plays an important role in organizing allele-specific higher-order chromatin conformation and functions as an enhancer blocking transcriptional insulator. Here we have used chromosome conformation capture (3C) assays and RNAi-mediated depletion of cohesin to address whether cohesin affects higher order chromatin conformation at the IGF2-H19 locus in human cells. Our data show that cohesin has a critical role in maintaining CTCF-mediated chromatin conformation at the locus and that disruption of this conformation coincides with changes in IGF2 expression. We show that the cohesin-dependent, higher-order chromatin conformation of the locus exists in both G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle and is therefore independent of cohesin's function in sister chromatid cohesion. We propose that cohesin can mediate interactions between DNA molecules in cis to insulate genes through the formation of chromatin loops, analogous to the cohesin mediated interaction with sister chromatids in trans to establish cohesion

    Piezo1 integration of vascular architecture with physiological force

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    The mechanisms by which physical forces regulate endothelial cells to determine the complexities of vascular structure and function are enigmatic¹⁻⁵. Studies of sensory neurons have suggested Piezo proteins as subunits of Ca²⁺-permeable non-selective cationic channels for detection of noxious mechanical impact⁶⁻⁸. Here we show Piezo1 (Fam38a) channels as sensors of frictional force (shear stress) and determinants of vascular structure in both development and adult physiology. Global or endothelial-specific disruption of mouse Piezo1 profoundly disturbed the developing vasculature and was embryonic lethal within days of the heart beating. Haploinsufficiency was not lethal but endothelial abnormality was detected in mature vessels. The importance of Piezo1 channels as sensors of blood flow was shown by Piezo1 dependence of shear-stress-evoked ionic current and calcium influx in endothelial cells and the ability of exogenous Piezo1 to confer sensitivity to shear stress on otherwise resistant cells. Downstream of this calcium influx there was protease activation and spatial reorganization of endothelial cells to the polarity of the applied force. The data suggest that Piezo1 channels function as pivotal integrators in vascular biology

    Identification of DHX9 as a cell cycle regulated nucleolar recruitment factor for CIZ1

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    CIP1-interacting zinc finger protein 1 (CIZ1) is a nuclear matrix associated protein that facilitates a number of nuclear functions including initiation of DNA replication, epigenetic maintenance and associates with the inactive X-chromosome. Here, to gain more insight into the protein networks that underpin this diverse functionality, molecular panning and mass spectrometry are used to identify protein interaction partners of CIZ1, and CIZ1 replication domain (CIZ1-RD). STRING analysis of CIZ1 interaction partners identified 2 functional clusters: ribosomal subunits and nucleolar proteins including the DEAD box helicases, DHX9, DDX5 and DDX17. DHX9 shares common functions with CIZ1, including interaction with XIST long-non-coding RNA, epigenetic maintenance and regulation of DNA replication. Functional characterisation of the CIZ1-DHX9 complex showed that CIZ1-DHX9 interact in vitro and dynamically colocalise within the nucleolus from early to mid S-phase. CIZ1-DHX9 nucleolar colocalisation is dependent upon RNA polymerase I activity and is abolished by depletion of DHX9. In addition, depletion of DHX9 reduced cell cycle progression from G1 to S-phase in mouse fibroblasts. The data suggest that DHX9-CIZ1 are required for efficient cell cycle progression at the G1/S transition and that nucleolar recruitment is integral to their mechanism of action

    Chimeric Vitronectin : Insulin-like Growth Factor Proteins Enhance Cell Growth and Migration through Co-Activation of Receptors

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    Complexes comprised of IGF-I, IGF-binding proteins and the ECM protein vitronectin (VN) stimulate cell migration and growth and can replace the requirement for serum for the ex vivo expansion of cells, as well as promote wound healing in vivo. Moreover, the activity of the complexes is dependent on co-activation of the IGF-I receptor and VN-binding integrins. In view of this we sought to develop chimeric proteins able to recapitulate the action of the multiprotein complex within a single molecular species. We report here the production of two recombinant chimeric proteins, incorporating domains of VN linked to IGF-I, which mimic the functions of the complex. Further, the activity of the chimeric proteins is dependent on co-activation of the IGF-I- and VN-binding cell surface receptors. Clearly the use of chimeras that mimic the activity of growth factor:ECM complexes, such as these, offer manufacturing advantages that ultimately will facilitate translation to cost-effective therapies

    IL-36 and IL-1/IL-17 Drive Immunity to Oral Candidiasis via Parallel Mechanisms

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    Protection against microbial infection by the induction of inflammation is a key function of the IL-1 superfamily, including both classical IL-1 and the new IL-36 cytokine families. Candida albicans is a frequent human fungal pathogen causing mucosal infections. Although the initiators and effectors important in protective host responses to C. albicans are well described, the key players in driving these responses remain poorly defined. Recent work has identified a central role played by IL-1 in inducing innate Type-17 immune responses to clear C. albicans infections. Despite this, lack of IL-1 signaling does not result in complete loss of immunity, indicating that there are other factors involved in mediating protection to this fungus. In this study, we identify IL-36 cytokines as a new player in these responses. We show that C. albicans infection of the oral mucosa induces the production of IL-36. As with IL-1α/β, induction of epithelial IL-36 depends on the hypha-associated peptide toxin Candidalysin. Epithelial IL-36 gene expression requires p38-MAPK/c-Fos, NF-κB, and PI3K signaling and is regulated by the MAPK phosphatase MKP1. Oral candidiasis in IL-36R−/− mice shows increased fungal burdens and reduced IL-23 gene expression, indicating a key role played by IL-36 and IL-23 in innate protective responses to this fungus. Strikingly, we observed no impact on gene expression of IL-17 or IL-17–dependent genes, indicating that this protection occurs via an alternative pathway to IL-1–driven immunity. Thus, IL-1 and IL-36 represent parallel epithelial cell–driven protective pathways in immunity to oral C. albicans infection