41 research outputs found

    Moroccan traditional treatment for fever and influenza, similar to symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19 disease: Mini Review

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    Coronavirus disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and is the causative agent of a life-threatening disease that is of great concern to global public health. Currently, according to the definition given by Morocco's public health of this pandemic: "The symptoms described mainly evoke an acute respiratory infection (fever, cough, shortness of breath), but also breathing difficulties and pulmonary complications of pneumonia type are also described, as well as more severe forms. Digestive and ocular symptoms (conjunctivitis) have also been observed in some confirmed cases ". Human-to-human transmission of coronavirus infection has led to the isolation of patients who then received various drug treatments (chloroquine, lopinavir / ritonavir, teicoplanin, azithromycin, ...) who are likely to be administered are therefore those who allow to fight against its symptoms, on the other hand, the effectiveness of these drugs remains a big problem considering the large number of deaths mentioned in the totality. In the meantime, it's the global race to find a specific drug, stop this pandemic, we will present a traditional Moroccan treatment for fever and flu, the major symptoms similar to those of coronavirus disease, this treatment based on two (2) medicinal plants used in the countryside for several centuries (Since 19th century). May this minireview be helpful for conquering COVID-19 in the near future

    Essential oils rich in pulegone for insecticide purpose against legume bruchus species: Case of <i>Ziziphora hispanica</i> L. and <i>Mentha pulegium</i> L.

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    Ziziphora hispanica L. and Mentha pulegium L. are aromatic shrubs known to produce essential oils demanded by food industries. This study reports on the insecticidal activity of these two oils harvested in Khenifra (Morocco) and of its major compound (Pulegone) against the main legume bruchids. Chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of 33 compounds in the essential oil of Ziziphora hispanica (EOZH) and 24 compounds in the essential oil of Mentha pulegium (EOMP), with pulegone being the most dominant in both with percentages respectively of 79.1% and 63.8%. According to the insecticidal activities exerted, the two essential oils, as well as the pulegone, showed significant results against all the bruchids tested of legumes. Pulegone has shown good insecticidal activity, thus the lethal doses of 50% are between 61.6mg/g and 74.4mg/g, which explains the remarkable activity of the two essential oils which are rich in this molecule. moreover, the addition of essential oils in the storage of legumes does not have a significant effect on the legumes and does not diminish their nutritional qualities. This study indicates that essential oils and their main constituent have the potential to be developed into botanical insecticides

    Valorisation de la biomasse algale du Maroc : Potentialités pharmacologiques et Applications environnementales, cas des algues brunes Cystoseira tamariscifolia et Bifurcaria bifurcata

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    Morocco, with its double Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, spanning more than 3500 km, is a country deeply influenced by the sea, which implies the existence of thousands of marine species. This thesis is dedicated to the promotion of two brown algae Cystoseira tamariscifolia Bifurcaria bifurcata and the Moroccan Atlantic coast (region of Casablanca). Two applications were investigated: the potential pharmacological and environmental applications. The study of the pharmacological potential of these two algae was carried out through the study of antibacterial, antileishmanial, and anti-tumor cytotoxicity. Secondary metabolites were isolated in this study by analytical techniques biodirection, their identifications were made by spectroscopic techniques: UV - visible, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance. The other part of this thesis, focuses on environmental applications and the elimination of chromium in media prepared from these two marine algae. Kinetic studies and adsorption isotherms were performed according to theoretical models to explain and develop the adsorption process. All the results obtained in this section have shown the benefits of using these materials in the algal treatment of polluted water.Le Maroc, avec sa double façade Atlantique et Méditerranéenne, longue de plus de 3500 Km, est un pays profondément influencé par la mer, ce qui implique l'existence de milliers d'espèces marines. Ce mémoire est consacré à la valorisation de deux algues brunes Cystoseira tamariscifolia et Bifurcaria bifurcata de la côte atlantique marocaine (région du Casablanca). Deux applications ont été investiguées : les potentialités pharmacologiques et les applications environnementales. L'étude des potentialités pharmacologiques de ces deux algues marines a été effectuée par le biais de l'étude des activités antibactériennes, antileishmaniens, antitumorales et cytotoxicité. Des métabolites secondaires ont été isolés au cours de cette étude par des techniques analytiques de biodirection, leurs identifications ont été effectuées par les techniques spectroscopiques : UV - visible, Infrarouge et Résonnance Magnétique Nucléaire. L'autre partie de ce mémoire, s'intéresse aux applications environnementales et concerne l'élimination du chrome par des supports préparés à partir de ces deux algues marines. Des études cinétiques et des isothermes d'adsorption ont été réalisées selon des modèles théoriques pour expliquer et mettre au point les processus d'adsorption. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus au cours de cette partie ont montré l'intérêt de l'utilisation de ces supports algaux dans le traitement des eaux polluées