1,299 research outputs found

    Perilaku Non-voting dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kota Padang Periode 2008-2013 (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Koto Tangah)

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    The direct provincial and mayoral election often witnesses the tendency of low voter turnout, as happened in Padang city mayoral election in 2008. This research seeks to reveal the non-voting behavior and the causes of the behavior in Koto Tangah district, which has the lowest voter turnout; 42.51%. This research is a descriptive-qualitative where data is obtained by using in-depth interview technique and documentation study. Snowball sampling is used to select sample of voters who vote in Padang 2008 election. The data was then analyzed using qualitative method. The result shows that there were two types of non-voting behavior in Koto Tangah community in Padang 2008 mayoral election; (1) did not come to the ballot box; (2) did come to the ballot box but did not cast ballots properly. The behavior was caused by several factors; (1) psychological factor; (2) factor of political system; (3) factor of political trust; and (4) factor of socio-economic status. Psychological factor means non-voters\u27 characters tend to be apathetic and ignorant of politics. In terms of political system factor, non-voting behavior was driven by dissatisfaction with the government\u27s performance which showed no change. Political trust factor showed that most non-voters do not believe in the processes and results of the local elections. Meanwhile, in socio-economic status, most non-voters are educated. On the other hand, employment and income also contributed to the non-voting behavior

    Alternative Modes of Financing Higher Education in Nigeria and the Implications for University Governance

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    Under-funding has been identified as one of the major problems presently facing the university system in most of the African nations, Nigeria inclusive. The study documented both financing and expenditure patterns in the Nigerian universities, and found that most monies, which go on direct teaching, are in fact used for the payment of salaries and entitlements of staff

    A centralization and directional preference : a systematic review

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    Centralization is a symptom response to repeated movements that can be used to classify patients into sub-groups, determine appropriate management strategies, and prognosis. The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature relating to centralization and directional preference, and specifically report on prevalence, prognostic validity, reliability, loading strategies, and diagnostic implications. Search was conducted to June 2011; multiple study designs were considered. 62 studies were included in the review; 54 related to centralization and 8 to directional preference. The prevalence of centralization was 44.4% (range 11%-89%) in 4745 patients with back and neck pain in 29 studies; it was more prevalent in acute (74%) than sub-acute or chronic (42%) symptoms. The prevalence of directional preference was 70% (range 60%-78%) in 2368 patients with back or neck pain in 5 studies. Twenty-one of 23 studies supported the prognostic validity of centralization, including 3 high quality studies and 4 of moderate quality; whereas 2 moderate quality studies showed evidence that did not support the prognostic validity of centralization. Data on the prognostic validity of directional preference was limited to one study. Centralization and directional preference appear to be useful treatment effect modifiers in 7 out of 8 studies. Levels of reliability were very variable (kappa 0.15-0.9) in 5 studies. Findings of centralization or directional preference at baseline would appear to be useful indicators of management strategies and prognosis, and therefore warrant further investigation

    Health promotion beliefs and involvement among hospital pharmacists in Lagos State

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    Background: The number of chronically ill pa ents and pa ents with non-communicable diseases are increasing rapidly. This is partly due to unhealthy  lifestyle  prac  ces  (Geense  et  al,  2013).  The health promo  on  services expected from pharmacists include provision of advice on healthy living and self-care and involvement in health promo on campaigns (Eades, Ferguson & O'Carroll, 2011) There is limited data available regarding the  ac vi es of hospital pharmacists in health promo on. Purpose: The objec ves of this study were to determine the beliefs and how much importance is a ached to the promo on of certain health-related behaviors and extent of involvement in promo  ng it by hospital pharmacists prac  cing in Lagos State general hospitals

    What risky behaviour is prevalent among pharmacy students at the University of Lagos

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    Background: Risky behaviors can take years off a person's life and endanger those around that person. Effec ve health promo on ac on on healthy ea ng, physical ac vity and tobacco control will make the most important contribu ons to reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the global popula on (IUHPE, 2011). A significant propor on of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer would be prevented if the major common risk factors (tobacco, physical inac vity, unhealthy diet) were eliminated. This would save many millions of premature deaths. Pharmacy students are part of the future workforce of health promo on specialists, hence the need to determine their risky behaviors, if any. Purpose: The objec ve of this study was to assess the risky health behavior of pharmacy students of University of Lagos in the area of tobacco, physical ac vity and ea ng habits

    An Appraisal of Ozone Layer Depletion and Its Implication on the Human Environment

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    Ozone layer depletion is a reality which poses threat to human survival if not curtail. However, it has received international attention and cooperation in which nation states have come up with series of conventions and protocols. It is no more gainsaying that the protection of the environment is a duty of all as no one can be left behind.This paper examines the ozone depletion substance, the impacts and implications of ozone layer depletion on human health and environment, and possible suggestion out of the challenges. The methodology adopted is basically doctrinal with primary sources from various international instruments relating to ozone layer depletions. The secondary sources are mainly from articles in journals, commentaries and online publications.It is our humble conclusion that ozone layer protection is a global and continuous assignment in which all hands must be on deck in order to meet the desirable target. The international communities’ cooperation in this regard is commendable. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/83-02 Publication date:March 31st 201


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    Dom Jeurat ritual is a tradition performed by some Muslims in various regions in Indonesia, especially in Aceh. People finish reading the Qur'an by the grave for three days and three nights or seven days and seven nights according to the request of the family. This study aims to determine the process of the dom jeurat ritual, the response of religious leaders, the community, and the views of four imams of the school of thought regarding the ritual. In this study the authors used qualitative research methods. Collecting data in this study also through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the dom jeurat ritual had been traditionally performed by earlier generations of the people of Lueng Ie Village since the time of their ancestors. However, no clear evidence was found by whom and in what year this activity was originally performed. There has never been strong evidence or written records regarding dom jeurat activities. From the views of the four imams of the sect and the responses of Tengku (local ulama) and the community in Lueng Ie Village regarding the activity of reciting the Koran at the cemetery, some allow it and some consider it is makruh. The main debate is not about whether or not to recite the Koran in the cemetery, but whether or not the prayers are religiously acceptable and could reach the corpse in the grave


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    Fire disasters have become a common occurrence in Lagos metropolis and in Nigeria as a whole, resulting in the loss of lives and property. The performance of every structure against event of a fire is supposed to be considered during the preliminary phase of material selection and design. Concrete and structural steel are primary construction material in the World. Concrete is known to have good thermal resistive property when compared to steel. If concrete is subject to elevated temperatures, the separation of concrete masses occur, giving rise to a phenomenon known as “Spalling”. This research investigates the effects of fire on coconut husk fibre and polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete. Several samples of fibre reinforced concrete cubes were casted using 0.5% of coconut and polypropylene fibres and exposed to temperatures of 200oC, 400oC, 600oC, 800oC and 1000oC after 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of curing. Compressive tests on concrete cube samples were conducted according to standards. The percentage increases in compressive strength of the test specimen show that the coconut fibres produced a higher strength increase over polypropylene fibres and that the fire resistance of coconut fibre is greater than that of polypropylene fibre for the increasing rates of temperature exposure