1,552 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to carry out characterization and intrinsic dissolution rate study of microwave assisted inclusion complex of poorly water soluble, lipid lowering agent gemfibrozil [5-(2,5-dimethylphenoxy)-2,2-dimethylpentanoic acid] with naturally occurring β-cyclodextrins (CDs) or cycloheptaamylase.Methods: In this work, the phase solubility study was performed to find the ratio of drug and cyclodextrin complexes. Inclusion complexes were prepared by kneading and the prepared complex was subjected to microwave drying and conventional drying techniques. The prepared complexes were evaluated by intrinsic dissolution rate studies and equilibrium solubility study. Further characterization was done by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray powder diffractometry (DSC).Results: The phase solubility studies showed a linear AL-type diagram indicating the formation of inclusion complexes in 1:1 molar ratio β-CD-gemfibrozil complex with maximum stability constant of 148.88 M-1was selected for preparation of inclusion complex. The microwave dried product was identified as the inclusion complex with maximum IDR when compared to the conventional dried product.Conclusion: This study was concluded that the microwave drying is the most suitable of the previously occurring drying techniques. Since it showed the highest solubility and IDR value

    Impact of Fermentation Duration to Pyrolysis Process

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    Diminishing of fossil fuels cause the price of it becomes highly expensive and due to that it becomes less attractive to be the source of fuels especially in transportation sector. Thus most study is focus on searching the alternatives as the demands of it is also increasing day by day. The second generation of fuels production is biomass. However, the cost of raw biomass is also expensive that make the products also expensive. Now most researcher moving to third generation of fuels production that is lignocellulosic biomass. It is non value materials which is the residue of forestry has possibility to be one of the alternatives to the diminishing of fossil fuels. In this study,it will be discussed the lignocellulosic biomass, the conversion process of lignocellulosic biomass, pre treatment process and the modification on the pre treatment in order to produce low cost pre treatment and less time consuming

    Effect of retardation on the dynamics of entanglement between atoms

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    The role of retardation in the entanglement dynamics of two distant atoms interacting with a multi-mode field of a ring cavity is discussed. The retardation is associated with a finite time required for light to travel between the atoms located at a finite distance and between the atoms and the cavity boundaries. We explore features in the concurrence indicative of retardation and show how these features evolve depending on the initial state of the system, distance between the atoms and the number of modes to which the atoms are coupled. In particular, we consider the short-time and the long time dynamics for both the multi- and sub-wavelength distances between the atoms. It is found that the retardation effects can qualitatively modify the entanglement dynamics of the atoms not only at multi- but also at sub-wavelength distances. We follow the temporal evolution of the concurrence and find that at short times of the evolution the retardation induces periodic sudden changes of entanglement. To analyze where the entanglement lies in the space spanned by the state vectors of the system, we introduce the collective Dicke states of the atomic system that explicitly account for the sudden changes as a periodic excitation of the atomic system to the maximally entangled symmetric state. At long times, the retardation gives rise to periodic beats in the concurrence that resemble the phenomenon of collapses and revivals in the Jaynes-Cummings model. In addition, we identify parameter values and initial conditions at which the atoms remain separable or are entangled without retardation during the entire evolution time, but exhibit the phenomena of sudden birth and sudden death of entanglement when the retardation is included.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Determination of Phosphorus Removal Mechanism in Aerated and Unaerated Steel Slag Filter System as Secondary Treatment System for Textile Industrial Wastewater

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    Phosphorus is the element that promotes growth in plant. However, over loading of phosphorus into surfaces water leads to severe environmental problems known as eutrophication. Improper treatments of phosphorus removal prior discharges from industrial effluent are one of the contributions to eutrophication. Textile effluent is one of the sources of phosphorus loading in surface water with concentration of 1-9 mg/L P. Since attentions are given in removing the color from the effluent, phosphorus are commonly ignored in wastewater treatment system. Thus, the study of phosphorus removal in textile wastewater is conducted using steel slag filter system under aerated (ASSF) and unaerated (USSF) condition. The filter was set up for influent pH range of 5.30-7.00 at primary treated wastewater for textile wastewater under aerated and unaerated condition. Sampling was done twice a week for 12 week and analyzed for Total phosphorus concentration. The Activated Carbon (ACF) filter in the existing treatment system is also sampled to compare the removal efficiency The USSF filter shows better removal than ASSF filter with 46% to 70% of efficiency removal. Meanwhile, the removal efficiency of ASSF is 37% to 66%. The adsorbate formed in ASSF is analyzed using SEM-EDX and the precipitation formed in USSF is analyzed using XRD. This shows that steel slag filter provides promising result in phosphorus removal

    Determination of Phosphorus Removal Mechanism in Aerated and Unaerated Steel Slag Filter System as Secondary Treatment System for Textile Industrial Wastewater

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    Phosphorus is the element that promotes growth in plant. However, over loading of phosphorus into surfaces water leads to severe environmental problems known as eutrophication. Improper treatments of phosphorus removal prior discharges from industrial effluent are one of the contributions to eutrophication. Textile effluent is one of the sources of phosphorus loading in surface water with concentration of 1-9 mg/L P. Since attentions are given in removing the color from the effluent, phosphorus are commonly ignored in wastewater treatment system. Thus, the study of phosphorus removal in textile wastewater is conducted using steel slag filter system under aerated (ASSF) and unaerated (USSF) condition. The filter was set up for influent pH range of 5.30-7.00 at primary treated wastewater for textile wastewater under aerated and unaerated condition. Sampling was done twice a week for 12 week and analyzed for Total phosphorus concentration. The Activated Carbon (ACF) filter in the existing treatment system is also sampled to compare the removal efficiency The USSF filter shows better removal than ASSF filter with 46% to 70% of efficiency removal. Meanwhile, the removal efficiency of ASSF is 37% to 66%. The adsorbate formed in ASSF is analyzed using SEM-EDX and the precipitation formed in USSF is analyzed using XRD. This shows that steel slag filter provides promising result in phosphorus removal

    Study of Steel Slag Filter Unit as a Secondary Treatment System for Removing Total Phosphorus from Textile Industry Wastewater

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    Eutrophication is one of the global concerned due to algae bloom in the natural surface water such as lakes and swamp area. Industrial effluent with incomplete treatment discharged has become one of the main culprits to this phenomenon. Approximately, 0.3 – 13 mg/L of total phosphorus can be found in the final discharge of industrial effluent showing that the existing treatment including an activated carbon filter (ACF) has limitation in polishing the phosphorus.  Therefore, this 16 week of study has been designed to study the alternative treatment phosphorus removal at secondary stage to replace the tertiary treatment by using steel manufacturing by-product as filter media for effective phosphorus removal from the textile industry wastewater. Two units of lab-scale vertical steel slag filter (SSF) systems under aerated and unaerated conditions have been developed for this study. The samples were collected and analysed biweekly for selected parameters including pH, alkalinity, DO and TP. The results obtained from this study show that the unaerated steel slag filter has a high efficiency of TP removal which ranged from 46% to 70% compared to the aerated SSF with removal efficiency ranged from 37% to 66%. Besides, the existing ACF removal efficiency was ranged from 36% to 54%. Thus, the use of steel slag in removing phosphorus from textile wastewater is possible with the used of both aerated and unaerated steel slag filter systems. Furthermore, the removal mechanism involved was likely to be precipitation and adsorption

    Hubungan Kerapatan Rumput Laut Dengan Substrat Dasar Berbeda Di Perairan Pantai Bandengan, Jepara

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    Pantai Bandengan adalah salah satu pantai pesisir utara Jawa yang terletak di Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten Jepara memiliki potensi sumberdaya pesisir yang besar ditinjau dari keberadaan garis pantainya lebih dari 72 Km. Pantai Bandengan ini juga sebagai habitat rumput lautyang merupakan tumbuhan laut dasar perairan (fitobentos), makroalga, dan termasuk Thallophyta. Rumput laut tergolong tanaman yang hidupnya melekat pada substrat, seperti karang, lumpur, pasir, batu, dan benda keras lainnya atau bahkan melekat pada tumbuhan lain secara epifitik.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan kerapatan rumput laut dengan substrat dasar berbeda di perairan Pantai Bandengan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini deskriptif menggunakan line transek sepanjang 100 meter dan kuadran transek 1x1 meter dengan tiga kali pengambilan. Setiap kuadran transek dilakukan pengukuran parameter fisika dan kimia meliputi kedalaman, kecerahan, kecepatan arus, suhu air, dan pH (untuk mendukung hasil data sampling).Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah sembilan jenis rumput laut yaitu Halimeda opuntia; Halimeda descoides; Halimeda macroloba; Chordoria flagelliformis; Padina crassa; Sargassum yendoi; Sargassum piluliferum; Sargassum confusum; dan Sargassum duplicatum. Kerapatan tertinggi ditemukan pada Halimeda opuntia (18,19%) atau total 103 individu dengan penutupan substrat (12,54 m2, terbanyak pada substrat pecahan karang). Sedangkan penutupan tertinggi terdapat pada jenis Sargassum duplicatum yaitu 15 m2. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data Chi Kuadrat didapatkan nilai X2 hitung sebesar 72,00 dan nilai X2 tabel sebesar 21,026. Hal tersebut dapat dinyatakan ada hubungan kerapatan rumput laut terhadap substrat dasar karena X2 hitung ≥ X2 tabel yang menyatakan terima H1 tolak H0

    Identification and Antibiotic Resistance of Streptococcus agalactiae from Red Hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Local Wet Markets

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    The existence of ethiology disease like Streptococcus agalactiae could be major problems in aquaculture field. In this study, investigations of red tilapia sold around local wet market were recorded. To detect the S. agalactiae in wet markets from disease potential and measure the antibiotic susceptibility test. Selected organs such as eyes, gills, heart and intestine were inoculated onto blood agar and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Morphology of S. agalactiae were Gram-positive, translucent pin point colony, and has oxidase and catalase negative. Eight isolates of S. agalactiae were confirmed using PCR. The isolates samples were susceptible to imipenem (10 µg), gentamicin (10 µg), ciprofloxacin (5 µg) and nalidixic acid (30 µg). In contrast, they were resistance to ampicillin (10 µg), amoxicillin-clavulanic (20/10 µg), erythromycin (5 µg), neomycin (30 µg), norflaxacin (10 µg), streptomycin (10 µg) and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (1.25/23.5 µg). Furthermore, the occurrence of resistant isolates is a matter of public health concern

    Kelimpahan Bulu Babi (Sea Urchin) Pada Karang Massive Dan Branching Di Daerah Rataan Dan Tubir Di Legon Boyo, Pulau Karimunjawa, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

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    Bulu babi (sea urchin) merupakan spesies kunci bagi ekosistem terumbu karang. Menurunnya populasi bulu babi diduga akan menyebabkan matinya terumbu karang karena populasi mikroalga akan meningkat dengan drastis sehingga mikroalga akan mendominasi menutupi karang. Oleh sebab itu, dengan mengamati kelimpahan bulu babi, persentase penutupan karang, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kehidupan bulu babi dapat diketahui apakah perairan tersebut masih stabil atau telah rusak sehingga keseimbangan ekosistem di wilayah perairan tersebut dapat terjaga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan bulu babi (sea urchin) pada karang massive dan branching di daerah rataan terumbu karang dan tubir di Legon Boyo, Pulau Karimunjawa, Balai Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Metode sampling yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data penutupan karang adalah line transek. Adapun pengambilan data kelimpahan bulu babi menggunakan kuadran transek yang berukuran 1 x 1 m. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada dua lokasi yaitu stasiun A (rataan terumbu) dan stasiun B (tubir). Panjang line transek adalah 50 meter yang di letakkan sejajar garis pantai, transek yang digunakan di daerah rataan terumbu sebanyak 3 line dan daerah tubir sebanyak 3 line. Jarak antara line di masing-masing lokasi sampling 5 m. Nilai persentase penutupan karang hidup di daerah rataan terumbu sebesar 66,36 %. Sedangkan nilai persentase penutupan karang hidup di tubir sebesar 73,00 %. Nilai tersebut termasuk dalam kategori baik. Pada rataan terumbu didapatkan kelimpahan individu bulu babi sebanyak 426 ind/150 m2, Sedangkan untuk kelimpahan individu bulu babi pada tubir yaitu sebanyak 193 ind/150 m2. Nilai signifikasi uji Independent T Test yang didapat adalah 0,008 sehingga 0,008 ≤ 0,05. Ini berarti H1 diterima yang berarti terdapat perbedaan pada jumlah bulu babi pada karang massive dan karang branching
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