27 research outputs found

    GRB 081024B and GRB 140402A: two additional short GRBs from binary neutron star mergers

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    Theoretical and observational evidences have been recently gained for a two-fold classification of short bursts: 1) short gamma-ray flashes (S-GRFs), with isotropic energy Eiso<1052E_{iso}<10^{52}~erg and no BH formation, and 2) the authentic short gamma-ray bursts (S-GRBs), with isotropic energy Eiso>1052E_{iso}>10^{52}~erg evidencing a BH formation in the binary neutron star merging process. The signature for the BH formation consists in the on-set of the high energy (0.10.1--100100~GeV) emission, coeval to the prompt emission, in all S-GRBs. No GeV emission is expected nor observed in the S-GRFs. In this paper we present two additional S-GRBs, GRB 081024B and GRB 140402A, following the already identified S-GRBs, i.e., GRB 090227B, GRB 090510 and GRB 140619B. We also return on the absence of the GeV emission of the S-GRB 090227B, at an angle of 71o71^{\rm{o}} from the \textit{Fermi}-LAT boresight. All the correctly identified S-GRBs correlate to the high energy emission, implying no significant presence of beaming in the GeV emission. The existence of a common power-law behavior in the GeV luminosities, following the BH formation, when measured in the source rest-frame, points to a commonality in the mass and spin of the newly-formed BH in all S-GRBs.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to ApJ, second version addressing the comments by the refere

    GRB 190829A -- A Showcase of Binary Late Evolution

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    GRB 190829A is the fourth closest gamma-ray burst (GRB) to date (z=0.0785z=0.0785). Owing to its wide range of radio, optical, X-ray, and the very-high-energy (VHE) observations by H.E.S.S., it has become an essential new source examined by various models with complementary approaches. We here show in GRB 190829A the double-prompt pulses and the three-multiwavelength afterglows are consistent with the type II binary-driven hypernova (BdHN II) model. The progenitor is a binary composed of a carbon-oxygen (CO) star and a neutron star (NS) companion. The gravitational collapse of the iron core of the CO star produces a supernova (SN) explosion and leaves behind a new neutron star (ν\nuNS) at its center. The accretion of the SN ejecta onto the NS companion and onto the ν\nuNS via matter fallback spins up the NSs and produces the double-peak prompt emission. The synchrotron emission from the expanding SN ejecta with the energy injection from the rapidly spinning ν\nuNS and its subsequently spin-down leads to the afterglow in the radio, optical, and X-ray. We model the sequence of physical and related radiation processes in BdHNe and focus on individuating the binary properties that play the relevant roles.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The binary progenitors of short and long GRBs and their gravitational-wave emission

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    We have sub-classified short and long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) into seven families according to the binary nature of their progenitors. Short GRBs are produced in mergers of neutron-star binaries (NS-NS) or neutron star-black hole binaries (NS-BH). Long GRBs are produced via the induced gravitational collapse (IGC) scenario occurring in a tight binary system composed of a carbon-oxygen core (COcore) and a NS companion. The COcore explodes as type Ic supernova (SN) leading to a hypercritical accretion process onto the NS: if the accretion is sufficiently high the NS reaches the critical mass and collapses forming a BH, otherwise a massive NS is formed. Therefore long GRBs can lead either to NS-BH or to NS-NS binaries depending on the entity of the accretion. We discuss for the above compact-object binaries: 1) the role of the NS structure and the nuclear equation of state; 2) the occurrence rates obtained from X and gamma-rays observations; 3) the predicted annual number of detections by the Advanced LIGO interferometer of their gravitational-wave emission

    GRB-SN Association within the Binary-Driven Hypernova Model

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    The observations of supernovae (SNe) Ic occurring after the prompt emission of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are addressed within the binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model where GRBs originate from a binary composed of a 10M\sim10M_\odot carbon-oxygen (CO) star and a neutron star (NS). The CO core collapse gives the trigger, leading to a hypernova with a fast-spinning newborn NS (ν\nuNS) at its center. The evolution depends strongly on the binary period, PbinP_{\rm bin}. For Pbin5P_{\rm bin}\sim5min, BdHNe I occur with energies 105210^{52}--105410^{54}erg. The accretion of SN ejecta onto the NS leads to its collapse, forming a black hole (BH) originating the MeV/GeV radiation. For Pbin10P_{\rm bin}\sim 10min, BdHNe II occur with energies 105010^{50}--105210^{52}erg and for PbinP_{\rm bin}\simhours, BdHN III occurs with energies below 105010^{50}erg. {In BdHNe II and III,} no BH is formed. The 11--10001000ms ν\nuNS originates, in all BdHNe, the X-ray-optical-radio afterglows by synchrotron emission. The hypernova follows an independent evolution, becoming an SN Ic, powered by nickel decay, observable after the GRB prompt emission. We report 2424 SNe Ic associated with BdHNe. Their optical peak luminosity and time of occurrence are similar and independent of the associated GRBs. {From previously identified 380380 BdHN I comprising redshifts up to z=8.2z=8.2, we analyze} four examples with their associated hypernovae. By multiwavelength extragalactic observations, we identify seven new Episodes, theoretically explained, fortunately not yet detected in galactic sources, opening new research areas. Refinement of population synthesis simulations is needed to map the progenitors of such short-lived binary systems inside our galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa