74 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency improvements in Chinese compressed air systems

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    Abstract Industrial compressed air systems use more than 9% of all electricity used in China. Experience in China and elsewhere has shown that these systems can be much more energy efficient when viewed as a whole system and rather than as isolated components. This paper presents a summary and analysis of several compressed air system assessments. Through these assessments, typical compressed air management practices in China are analyzed. Recommendations are made concerning immediate actions that China's enterprises can make to improve compressed air system efficiency using best available technology and management strategies. Current situation of industrial compressed air systems in China Compressed air is widely used in Chinese industry. In China, the electricity consumption of a compressed air system usually presents 10% to 40% [1] of the electricity use in an industrial facility or enterprise. With the increasing energy shortage and global warming effects, the Chinese government has emphasized the need to increase industrial energy efficiency. As a result, more attention is being paid to the energy savings potential from optimizing compressed air systems. A central focus of the UNIDO China Motor System Energy Conservation Program (2001Program ( -2005 included training motor system experts in the practice of conducting a compressed air system assessments and energy audits based on a system approach. For small-scale and middle-scale air compressor applications in Chinese industry, the share of reciprocating compressor is about 80%. For new compressed air systems, rotary screw compressor will typically be the first choice. But in an older factories, reciprocating compressors, often several decades old, are often still in use. Over time, energy efficiency decreases and the cost of maintaining these compressors increases as the valves and rings experience wear. In China, load/no load is the most common control method; with this type of control, it is very difficult to maintain a stable system pressure. Without adequate storage, variations in demand can lead to system pressure fluctuations and compressor cycling. If a compressor is unloaded time much of the time, the specific power consumption will high, resulting in wasted energy. China's economy is growing very rapidly, over 7% per annum. Because of the increase in economy, most enterprises in China are expanding their production and pursuing integrated economic benefits. To satisfy the increased compressed air demand brought about by increased productivity requirements, many enterprises have undertaken retrofits of their compressed air systems, such as increasing the compressors capacity, improving the system piping, etc. However, compressed air system management is largely confined to guaranteeing the compressed air supply for the production. In practice, system pressure is often higher than actually necessary, resulting in inefficient operations. While many enterprises understand that efficient operation of compressors requires avoiding "discharge, emissions

    Opportunities for Energy Efficiency and Demand Response in the California Cement Industry

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    This study examines the characteristics of cement plants and their ability to shed or shift load to participate in demand response (DR). Relevant factors investigated include the various equipment and processes used to make cement, the operational limitations cement plants are subject to, and the quantities and sources of energy used in the cement-making process. Opportunities for energy efficiency improvements are also reviewed. The results suggest that cement plants are good candidates for DR participation. The cement industry consumes over 400 trillion Btu of energy annually in the United States, and consumes over 150 MW of electricity in California alone. The chemical reactions required to make cement occur only in the cement kiln, and intermediate products are routinely stored between processing stages without negative effects. Cement plants also operate continuously for months at a time between shutdowns, allowing flexibility in operational scheduling. In addition, several examples of cement plants altering their electricity consumption based on utility incentives are discussed. Further study is needed to determine the practical potential for automated demand response (Auto-DR) and to investigate the magnitude and shape of achievable sheds and shifts

    Assessing the Control Systems Capacity for Demand Response in California Industries

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    California's electricity markets are moving toward dynamic pricing models, such as real-time pricing, within the next few years, which could have a significant impact on an industrial facility's cost of energy use during the times of peak use. Adequate controls and automated systems that provide industrial facility managers real-time energy use and cost information are necessary for successful implementation of a comprehensive electricity strategy; however, little is known about the current control capacity of California industries. To address this gap, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in close collaboration with California industrial trade associations, conducted a survey to determine the current state of controls technologies in California industries. This,study identifies sectors that have the technical capability to implement Demand Response (DR) and Automated Demand Response (Auto-DR). In an effort to assist policy makers and industry in meeting the challenges of real-time pricing, facility operational and organizational factors were taken into consideration to generate recommendations on which sectors Demand Response efforts should be focused. Analysis of the survey responses showed that while the vast majority of industrial facilities have semi- or fully automated control systems, participation in Demand Response programs is still low due to perceived barriers. The results also showed that the facilities that use continuous processes are good Demand Response candidates. When comparing facilities participating in Demand Response to those not participating, several similarities and differences emerged. Demand Response-participating facilities and non-participating facilities had similar timings of peak energy use, production processes, and participation in energy audits. Though the survey sample was smaller than anticipated, the results seemed to support our preliminary assumptions. Demonstrations of Auto-Demand Response in industrial facilities with good control capabilities are needed to dispel perceived barriers to participation and to investigate industrial subsectors suggested of having inherent Demand Response potential

    Opportunities for Open Automated Demand Response in Wastewater Treatment Facilities in California - Phase II Report. San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant Case Study

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    This case study enhances the understanding of open automated demand response opportunities in municipal wastewater treatment facilities. The report summarizes the findings of a 100 day submetering project at the San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant, a municipal wastewater treatment facility in Oceanside, California. The report reveals that key energy-intensive equipment such as pumps and centrifuges can be targeted for large load reductions. Demand response tests on the effluent pumps resulted a 300 kW load reduction and tests on centrifuges resulted in a 40 kW load reduction. Although tests on the facility?s blowers resulted in peak period load reductions of 78 kW sharp, short-lived increases in the turbidity of the wastewater effluent were experienced within 24 hours of the test. The results of these tests, which were conducted on blowers without variable speed drive capability, would not be acceptable and warrant further study. This study finds that wastewater treatment facilities have significant open automated demand response potential. However, limiting factors to implementing demand response are the reaction of effluent turbidity to reduced aeration load, along with the cogeneration capabilities of municipal facilities, including existing power purchase agreements and utility receptiveness to purchasing electricity from cogeneration facilities
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