3,974 research outputs found

    Failure Analysis Of The Mechanical Seal Used In The Condensate Booster Pump At Onshore Slugcatcher (OSC)

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    Mechanical seals are engineered for most pumps, mixer and agitator applications in maintenance. In addition, mechanical seals deliver a full range or rotary configurations and component materials to handle virtually and fluid moved by any equipment. Mechanical seals are the most versatile type of seal for rotating shafts. Hence, there are various types of mechanical seal widely used in the pump, especially for centrifugal pump in the industries. The main objective for this project is to carry out failure analysis for the failed seal used at the condensate booster pump. Due to the unresolved failure of the pump seals that are frequently occurred, this failure analysis is important in identifying the failures and causes of the failure. The scope of studies and research are focusing on the design, operation, type of materials and maintenance-wise of the pumps and mechanical seal used at the OSC terminal

    Microstructure Characterization of Creep-Tested Reformer Tube Material

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    In this project, the main objective was to study the transformation of a reformer tube material during creep by comparing the microstructure in creep-tested samples with an as-cast sample. The comparison was made in terms of the shape, average particle size, percentage particle area and additional microstructural characteristics of the creep-tested samples. Some basic characterization of creep voids was also included to study the effect of creep


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    Often, machine members are found to have failed due to the action of repeated or fluctuating stresses; yet the most careful analysis revealed that the actual maximum stresses were well below the ultimate strength of the material, and quite @uently even below the yield strength. The most distinguish characteristic of this failures is that ttre stresses have b€en repeated a very large number of times. Hence, the failtre is called a fatigue failure. tn this study, crankshaft has been used as a component to analyze and evaluate its fatigue perfonnance. Fatigue is the primary cause of failurc in int€rnal combustion engines due to the cyclic loading conditions and the stress concentratiom in the crank pin fillet. There are a lot of methods used to predict the f*igrre life. However, for this projecL only the most common method to predict the fatigue life will be focuse{ namely Stress Life Method and Strain Life Method. These two methods will be compared and one method will be selected to be used in fatigue life estimation of the crankshaft. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) will be done using ANSYS to obtain variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. In addition, the effect of diffeleot manufacturing pnocess and material will be investigatd to determine the fatipe performance of the crankshaft


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    Pemahaman Nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) pada peserta didik kelas V di SDN 38 Mataram masih rendah, oleh karena itu perlu adanya solusi yang bisa meningkatkan Pemahaman Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan kegiatan literasi membaca tentang pemahaman nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PKn). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pemahaman nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan melalui kegiatan literasi membaca untuk meningkatkan karakter disiplin peserta didik kelas V SDN 38 Mataram. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi. Metode pengumpulan data dalam peneltian ini yaitu angket dan dokumentasi. Instrument dalam penelitian ini adalah. Variabel dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pemahaman nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan melalui kegiatan literasi membaca. Sedangkan variabel terikat adalah karakter disiplin peserta didik kelas V SDN 38 Mataram. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dalam penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Ada hubungan pemahaman nilai-nilai pancasila dan kewarganegaraan melalui kegiatan literasi membaca untuk meningkatkan karakter disiplin peserta didik kelas V SDN 38 Mataram”. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil uji hipotesis yang dilakukan peneliti berdasarkan dar hasil perbandingan thitung dengan ttabel yaitu 3,042 > ttabel 1,435 dengan taraf signifikan 5%, yang menyebabkan H_0 ditolak

    Design of Robot Gripper Mechanism for ROBOCON Robot Competition

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    The project is conducted by assumptions that are prototype built will consist of only lifter and gripper and cost for project research and prototype are neglected. Since there is no robot base and no movement of robot, the workpieces are feed into gripper jaw opening by external action. The outcome is development of an aluminum prototype model of a robot gripper

    Analyzing Tri-Ethylene Glycol (TEG) Gas Dehydration System Performance of a Gas Processing Plant (GPP) with HYSYS Modeling

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    Gas processing plant (GPP) converts gas reservoir’s raw natural gases to produce sales gas, which is high price commodity in the market. Sales gas specification from buyer typically required processed gas with small amount of water to avoid pipelines corrosion, avoid hydrates formation in the gas and for their immediate industry consumption. GPP is equips with gas dehydration system facilities to absorb water from raw gas and most of the gas dehydration processes are using tri-ethylene glycol (TEG) process unit. It is often unknown to operator the actual concentration of TEG used due to lack of equipment to analyze it. The operator’s priority is to simply meet sales gas specification in term of water content in dry gas without acknowledging the integration of essential variables such as water content in wet gas, TEG circulation rate, TEG concentration and performance of regeneration system. The project aims in developing performance analysis tool of TEG gas dehydration system to assist plant operations in understanding the current system operations and performance. The project aims in achieving two main objectives, which are developing accurate plant simulation model using Aspen HYSYS software and developing reasonable analysis of gas dehydration system. Accurate plant simulation is important as it is supplies necessary estimation values which are unavailable in plant to carry out the analysis calculation. The analysis should be reasonable to ensure it suits the plant operations and useful to operator. Objectives successfully achieved where, the simulation model is accurate and the analysis is able to deduce four analyses which are essential in TEG gas dehydration system. This project successfully discovered potential optimization to improve GPP plant performance

    An Analytical Study On Maintainability Of Academic Building Elevators

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    Maintainability is an inherent characteristic of system or product design. It pertains to the ease, accuracy, safety and economy in the performance of maintenance actions. A system should be designed such that it can be maintained without large investments of time, at the least cost, with a minimum expenditure of resources (personnel, materials, facilities and test equipment). One goal is to maintain a system effectively and efficiently in its intended environment, without adversely affecting the mission of the system

    Facebook impact on psychological and social adjustment on deaf high school students in Jordan

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    This study aimed to reveal the impact of Facebook on the psychological and social adjustment on deaf high school students in Jordan, where the study tried to answer the following questions : What is the level of psychological and social adjustment among a sample of public high school students who use Facebook and who do not use Facebook?, and if there were statistically significant differences in the level of social and psychological adjustment of deaf students who use Facebook and who do not use Facebook attributed to gender?  to answer the study questions and test its assumptions, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method, and the study sample consisted of (230) of deaf high school students who use Facebook and who do not use it evenly distributed (165) of those who use it ,and (165) of the students who doesn’t use Facebook, and to collect information a psychological and social adjustment questionnaire is used prepared by the researcher, and then the researcher conducted the statistical processors for the accumulated data of the study questionnaire using T test, Pearson and Alfa Cronbakh. Key words: deaf, Facebook, Psychological and social adjustmen

    A Pedagogical Application Framework for Synchronous Collaboration

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    Designing successful collaborative learning activities is a new focus of research within the E-Learning community. The social dimension inside the traditional face-to-face collaborative learning is important and must be included in the online learning designs. In this thesis, we introduce the concept of Pedagogical Application Frameworks, and describe Beehive, a pedagogical application framework for synchronous collaborative learning. Beehive guides teachers in reusing online collaborative learning activities based on well-known pedagogical designs, to accomplish their educational objectives within a certain educational setting, and also simplifies the development of new pedagogical collaboration designs. Beehive’s conceptual model has four abstraction layers: Pedagogical Techniques, Collaboration Task patterns, CSCL Components, and CSCL script. By following the framework’s guidelines and specifications, developers will place the control of designing pedagogical collaboration tools in the teacher’s hand rather than in the software designer’s
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