18 research outputs found

    A New Bronze Age Axe Discovered in Northern Dobrudja

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    Noi date referitoare la sistemul de fortificare al asezarii hallstattiene de la Babadag (jud. Tulcea)

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    The hallstattian settlement from Babadag was fortified in the third phase of the Babadag culture (8th – beginning of the 7th century BC). Very important in this dating is the pottery discovered in the course of excavation. The fortification contains a trench and a vallum. The pits found in the vallum’s structure shows that the fortification was abandoned in the same phase of habitat, probably at the beginning of the 8th century BC. Through this pits, there is a very interesting situation in the case of pit number 3 from S VI, where we discovered three human skulls, which were dropped there. Similar situation are mentioned in the Babadag type settlements from Satu Nou “Valea lui Voicu”, Garvăn „Mlăjitul Florilor” and Niculiƣel „Cornet”

    Noi complexe cu oseminte umane in asezarea de tip Babadag de la Niculitel – Cornet

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    Dans la pĂ©riode juin – septembre l’Institut de Recherches Eco-MusĂ©elles Tulcea a rĂ©alise des fouilles de sauvetage dans l’habitat de type Babadag de NiculiĆŁel – Cornet. Cette Ă©tude propose de prĂ©senter deux fosses oĂč on a dĂ©couvert des vestiges ostĂ©ologiques humains. Des fosses de ce genre ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvertes aussi dans l’habitat du Cornet en nombre de quatre et aussi dans la rĂ©gion de la culture Babadag, oĂč ce phĂ©nomĂšne est bien documentĂ©. Jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent on n’a pas dĂ©couvert dans la culture Babadag des nĂ©cropoles Ă  proprement –parler, distinctes de l’habitat. Les fouilles contiennent des squelettes intacts ou incomplets qui se trouvent en connexion anatomique totale ou partielle ou qui sont dissipĂ©s au fond de la fouille. On n’a pas observĂ© quand mĂȘme une Ă©ventuelle intervention ultĂ©rieure dans la fouille, c’est pour ça qu’on suppose que les corps ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ©s en divers Ă©tats de dĂ©composions ou ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ©s successivement avant de combler les fosses

    Nouveaux établissements du premier Age du Fer découverts au nord-ouest de la Dobroudja

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    Noi descoperiri din prima epoca a fierului pe teritoriul localitatii Luncavita (jud. Tulcea)

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    International audienceRescue archaeological investigations in 2010 at Enisala-Palanca brought to light new data regarding the settlements ascribed to Gumelniƣa culture. The pottery found in the seven investigated pits and in secondary context indicate dating to A1 phase of Gumelniƣa culture.Cercetările arheologice preventive efectuate ün anul 2010 ün situl de la Enisala-Palanca au adus Ɵi noi date despre locuirea culturii Gumelniƣa. Materialul ceramic descoperit atñt ün cele Ɵapte gropi cercetate cñt Ɵi ün context secundar indică o datare ün faza A1 a culturii Gumelniƣa

    The deposition of dogs (Canis familiaris) at Satu Nou – Valea lui Voicu (Babadag culture)

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    Bălășescu Adrian, Ailincăi Sorin-Cristian. The deposition of dogs (Canis familiaris) at Satu Nou – Valea lui Voicu (Babadag culture). In: Materiale Ɵi cercetĂŁri arheologice (Serie nouĂŁ), N°16 2020. p. 1