2,350 research outputs found

    Cyclotron Resonance Study of the Two-Dimensional Electron Layers and Double-Layers in Tilted Magnetic Fields

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    The far-infrared absorption in two-dimensional electron layers subject to magnetic field of general orientation was studied theoretically. The Kubo formula is employed to derive diagonal components of the magneto-conductivity tensor of two-dimensional electron single-layers and double-layers. The parabolic quantum well is used to model a simple single-layer system. Both single-layer and double-layer systems can be realized in a pair of tunnel-coupled, strictly two-dimensional quantum wells. Obtained results are compared to experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, elsart/PHYEAUTH macros; presented on the EP2DS-15 Conference in Nara, Japan. To be published in Physica

    Bose-Einstein Condensation of Erbium

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    We report on the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation of erbium atoms and on the observation of magnetic Feshbach resonances at low magnetic field. By means of evaporative cooling in an optical dipole trap, we produce pure condensates of 168^{168}Er, containing up to 7×1047 \times 10^{4} atoms. Feshbach spectroscopy reveals an extraordinary rich loss spectrum with six loss resonances already in a narrow magnetic-field range up to 3 G. Finally, we demonstrate the application of a low-field Feshbach resonance to produce a tunable dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate and we observe its characteristic d-wave collapse.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence for DCO+ as a probe of ionization in the warm disk surface

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    In this Letter we model the chemistry of DCO+^{+} in protoplanetary disks. We find that the overall distribution of the DCO+^{+} abundance is qualitatively similar to that of CO but is dominated by thin layer located at the inner disk surface. To understand its distribution, we investigate the different key gas-phase deuteration pathways that can lead to the formation of DCO+^{+}. Our analysis shows that the recent update in the exothermicity of the reaction involving CH2_2D+^{+} as a parent molecule of DCO+^{+} favors deuterium fractionation in warmer conditions. As a result the formation of DCO+^{+} is enhanced in the inner warm surface layers of the disk where X-ray ionization occurs. Our analysis points out that DCO+^{+} is not a reliable tracer of the CO snow line as previously suggested. We thus predict that DCO+^{+} is a tracer of active deuterium and in particular X-ray ionization of the inner disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL). 11 pages, 5 figure

    Resolving the chemistry in the disk of TW Hydrae I. Deuterated species

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    We present Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations of several deuterated species in the disk around the classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae at arcsecond scales, including detections of the DCN J=3-2 and DCO+ J=3-2 lines, and upper limits to the HDO 3(1,2)-2(2,1), ortho-H2D+ 1(1,0)-1(1,1) and para-D2H+ 1(1,0)-1(0,1) transitions. We also present observations of the HCN J=3-2, HCO+ J=3-2 and H13CO+ J=4-3 lines for comparison with their deuterated isotopologues. We constrain the radial and vertical distributions of various species in the disk by fitting the data using a model where the molecular emission from an irradiated accretion disk is sampled with a 2D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. We find that the distribution of DCO+ differs markedly from that of HCO+. The D/H ratios inferred change by at least one order of magnitude (0.01 to 0.1) for radii 70 AU and there is a rapid falloff of the abundance of DCO+ at radii larger than 90 AU. Using a simple analytical chemical model, we constrain the degree of ionization, x(e-)=n(e-)/n(H2), to be ~10^-7 in the disk layer(s) where these molecules are present. Provided the distribution of DCN follows that of HCN, the ratio of DCN to HCN is determined to be 1.7\pm0.5 \times 10^-2; however, this ratio is very sensitive to the poorly constrained vertical distribution of HCN. The resolved radial distribution of DCO+ indicates that {\it in situ} deuterium fractionation remains active within the TW Hydrae disk and must be considered in the molecular evolution of circumstellar accretion disks.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Ap

    Cold CO Gas in Protoplanetary Disks

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    In a disk around DM Tau, previous observation of 13CO (J=2-1 and 1-0 transitions) derived the 13CO gas temperature of \sim 13-20K, which is lower than the sublimation temperature of CO (20 K). We argue that the existence of such cold CO can be explained by a vertical mixing of disk material. As the gas is transported from a warm layer to a cold layer, CO is depleted onto dust grains with a timescale of \sim 10^3 yr. Because of the steep temperature gradient in the vertical direction, an observable amount of CO is still in the gas phase when the fluid parcel reaches the layer of \sim 13 K. Apparent temperature of CO decreases as the maximum grain size increases from micron-size to mm-size.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Fano Resonance in a Quantum Wire with a Side-coupled Quantum Dot

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    We report a transport experiment on the Fano effect in a quantum connecting wire (QW) with a side-coupled quantum dot (QD). The Fano resonance occurs between the QD and the "T-shaped" junction in the wire, and the transport detects anti-resonance or forward scattered part of the wavefunction. While in this geometry it is more difficult to tune the shape of the resonance than in the previously reported Aharonov-Bohm-ring type interferometer, the resonance purely consists of the coherent part of transport. By utilizing this advantage, we have qualitatively explained the temperature dependence of the Fano effect by including the thermal broadening and the decoherence. We have also proven that this geometry can be a useful interferometer to measure the phase evolution of electrons at a QD.Comment: REVTEX, 6 pages including 5 figures, final versio

    Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for erbium

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    We report on the experimental realization of a robust and efficient magneto-optical trap for erbium atoms, based on a narrow cooling transition at 583nm. We observe up to N=2×108N=2 \times 10^{8} atoms at a temperature of about T=15μKT=15 \mu K. This simple scheme provides better starting conditions for direct loading of dipole traps as compared to approaches based on the strong cooling transition alone, or on a combination of a strong and a narrow kHz transition. Our results on Er point to a general, simple and efficient approach to laser cool samples of other lanthanide atoms (Ho, Dy, and Tm) for the production of quantum-degenerate samples

    Breakdown of `phase rigidity' and variations of the Fano effect in closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometers

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    Although the conductance of a closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, with a quantum dot on one branch, obeys the Onsager symmetry under magnetic field reversal, it needs not be a periodic function of this field: the conductance maxima move with both the field and the gate voltage on the dot, in an apparent breakdown of `phase rigidity'. These experimental findings are explained theoretically as resulting from multiple electronic paths around the interferometer ring. Data containing several Coulomb blockade peaks, whose shapes change with the magnetic flux, are fitted to a simple model, in which each resonant level on the dot couples to a different path around the ring