12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of ‘English for Undergraduates’- a course-book for English Language Teaching at University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan from Teachers' Perspectives

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    English language course-books are inevitable in English language classes. Teachers often find English language course-books very helpful. The evaluation of English language course-books will make the course-books more effective. This study evaluates ‘English for Undergraduates’- a course-book prescribed for English language classes at University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan (UOSJP). The framework of Alan Cunningsworth (1995) is partially adapted to evaluate the book on the criteria of reading skill, writing skill, representation of culture and the organization of its contents.This research study is exploratory, based on survey research design using quantitative method. This study performs post-use evaluation of ‘English for Undergraduates’ using checklist method. Questionnaire based on adapted criteria checklist is used as a data-collecting instrument. Twenty-seven (27) English language teachers of University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan (UOSJP) are the sample of this study. Data obtained is analyzed through SPSS (version 23.0) and interpreted through descriptive statistics technique. The findings of this study reveal that ‘English for Undergraduate’ meets the low degree of evaluation on the criteria of reading, culture and organization; however, criteria of writing skill meets the moderate degree of evaluation. Keywords: Textbook Textbook Evaluation Criteria for Textbook Evaluation DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-08 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Association of Quantitative ST- Segment Depression with Early Mortality among Naive Patients of Non- ST- Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Objective: To determine the association of quantitative ST– segment depression with early mortality within 30 day in patients with first non-ST – segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). Methodology: This descriptive case series study was conducted at the cardiology department of LUMHS, from October 2016 to March 2017. Patients with NSTE-ACS and positive cardiac biomarkers, patients older than 25 years and both genders admitted to CCU were included. The ST-Segment depression was assessed on 12 lead electrocardiography. The ST segment is the line that starts from the end of the QRS complex (J wave) to the beginning of the T wave. Normally ST segment is straight line and, isoelectric to base line, ST segment depressed below isoelectric line is said ST depression, down sloping or flat depressed ST segments indicate coronary ischemia, more than 0.5 mm ST depression significant for ischemia. All patients were followed for 30-days for early mortality. All information obtained was recorded on the study Performa. Results: A total of 148 cases with acute myocardial infarction were integrated; the patient's average age was achieved as, 42.5±5.43 years, and males were in the majority 96(64%). On electrocardiography, ST-Segment depression was found in 60.13%, which is further divided into 0.5mm, >0.5-0.9 mm, >1-1.9 mm, and >2 mm with percentages of 12.83%, 22.29%, 16.89%, and 8.12%, respectively. Short term mortality was significantly associated with the severity of ST segment depression score (p-value 0.001). Conclusions: In the study conclusion, the severity of ST-Segment depression score was observed to be significantly correlated with short term mortality (30-day) in cases with early NSTE-ACS

    Comparison of Outcome of Bipolar Electrocautery versus Harmonic Scalpel in the Management of Third and Fourth Degree Hemorrhoids

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    Objective: To compare the outcome of bipolar electrocautery versus harmonic scalpel in the management of third degree hemorrhoids. Methodology: This is a comparative study performed at Different Private Clinics of Karachi from the duration of January 2020 to June 2020. Patients with symptomatic grade III hemorrhoids and grade IV hemorrhoids were randomly divided into two groups. . Either group had 64 patients. One group underwent hemorrhoidectomy using bipolar electrocautery (Group A), other group underwent hemorrhoidectomy using harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy (Group B). Results: The total number of patients was 128 with 64 in either group. The mean operating time in group A was 22 ± 4.7 minutes, while that in group B was 35 ± 2.2 minutes. The mean duration of hospital stay among group A was 1.7 ± 0.5 days while among group B patients was 2.1 ± 1.2 days. Mean VAS score for pain at first post-operative day in group A patients was 7 ± 0.6 days while mean VAS score for pain among group B patients was 8.5 ± .2 days. Conclusion: Our study concludes that harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy offers better post-operative patient satisfaction score as compared to bipolar diathermy. No significant difference in hospital stay was found. The number of patients with post-operative urinary retention were more in harmonic scalpel group while in diathermy group, more patients had post-operative hemorrhage


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    This paper discusses distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, their current threat level, and intrusion detection systems (IDS), which are one of the primary tools for mitigating them. It focuses on the difficulties and challenges that IDS systems face when detecting DDoS attacks, as well as the difficulties and challenges that they face today when integrating with artificial intelligence systems. Automatic and real-time detection of malicious threats is made possible by these ID systems. However, the network requires a highly sophisticated security solution due to the frequency with which malicious threats emerge and change. A significant amount of research is required to create an intelligent and trustworthy identification system for research purposes; numerous ID datasets are freely accessible. Due to the rapid evolution of attack detection mechanisms and the complexity of malicious attacks, publicly available ID datasets must be thoroughly modified on a regular basis. Due to the ever-evolving attack detection mechanism and the complexity of malicious attacks, publicly available ID datasets must frequently be modified. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) network was trained using four distinct training algorithms. The CICDDoS2019 dataset, which contains the most recent DDoS attack types created in CICDDoS2019, was tested, According to the analysis; the "Gradient Descent with Momentum Backpropagation" algorithm could be trained quickly. Network data attacks were correctly detected 93.1 percent of the time. The results indicate that The Convolutional Neural Network is able to successfully defend against DDoS attacks detection by using intrusion detection systems IDS, as evidenced by the high accuracy values obtained

    An Intercultural Investigation of Interactive Meta discourse Markers in Research Articles by Pakistani & British Engineers

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    This study aims to investigate the use of Interactive metadiscourse markers in engineering and technological research articles written by Pakistani and British engineers. The objectives of the study were to investigate and to compare the use of interactive Metadiscourse markers between the two sub-corpora. This study has followed Hyland & Tse’s (2004) “Interpersonal model” of metadiscourse. For this purpose, we built a specialized corpus of engineering research articles contained with two sub-corpora of British and Pakistani RA’s, 100 in each. Pakistani research articles were selected from X category research journals recognized by HEC (Higher Education Commission) and Britain papers were selected and downloaded from research repositories published between 2010 to 2016. The corpus consists of 1087091 words.A mixed methods research (qualitative and quantitative) was employed. Before analyzing the frequency of data, the extracted markers (according to Hyland’s (2005) taxonomy of metadiscourse markers) were checked and filtered carefully through the manual examination of the markers into the source texts and the frequencies of occurrences were updated accordingly. The statistical analysis of the data was done using the chi-square test by SPSS v.20. The result of the test indicated that there is a significant difference between both sub-corpora (χ2 = 10.478, df = 4, p = .033 < 0.05.). Taken together, the results indicated that British writers used interactive markers more than Pakistani writers. Pakistani writers used more frequently endophoric markers, code glosses, and frame markers. However, British writers used less endophoric markers, code glosses, and frame markers than Pakistani writers. The only two sub-categories of interactive were used by Pakistani writers with a slightly higher rate than British writers are code glosses and frame markers. On the other hand, British writers used more frequently transition markers and evidential. The result of the analysis shows cultural differences, and it is fascinating that Pakistani engineers used frequently sub-categories of interactive markers in their research articles. Finally, it was also disclosed that British research articles have relatively clear usage of all sub-categories properly as compared to Pakistani engineers. The study has implications for ESL teachers, novice researchers, curriculum designers, and textbook developers

    Quality Attributes of Immature Fruit of Different Mango Varieties

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    The study was carried out to evaluate quality attributes of immature fruits of four commercially grown varieties of mango namely Sindhri, Chaunsa, Langra and Desi. The immature mango fruits were collected from basin of mango tree in the end of April followed by washing, surface drying and extraction of fruit pulp. The extracted fruit pulp was assessed for pH, TSS, moisture and ash percentage, acidity, vitamin C, fat, protein and sugars. Besides, minerals including sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, chromium, and manganese were also determined. On the basis of varietal comparison Sindhri had more moisture (88.60%), ash and fat (0.60%) each, total sugars (6.99%) and reducing sugars (2.78%) as compared to rest of the varieties. However TSS (9.35%), protein (0.71%), and non reducing sugars (4.86%) were recorded the highest in Langra variety. Only the Chaunsa variety had maximum pH of 3.01 and vitamin-C (27.16 mg 100g-1). Regarding mineral elements, Desi was found potential in terms of sodium (453.93 mg kg-1), calcium (403.79 mg kg-1), Zinc (3.47 mg kg-1) and iron (5.95 mg kg-1). The zinc and iron was at par with the results obtained from Langra. However, potassium (904.58 mg kg-1) and copper (2.58 mg kg-1) were observed the highest in Langra, magnesium (78.09 mg kg-1) in Chaunsa and manganese (2.43 mg kg-1) in Sindhri

    Turkey’s first lady and her foreign policies

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    Ankara : Ä°hsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi Ä°ktisadi, Ä°dari ve Sosyal Bilimler FakĂŒltesi, Tarih BölĂŒmĂŒ, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Ä°hsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Pamuk, Fatih

    Facile fabrication of a free-standing magnesium oxide-graphene oxide functionalized membrane: a robust and efficient material for the removal of pollutants from aqueous matrices

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    Environmental pollution significantly challenges human health, ecosystems, and the planet’s sustainability. Widespread air, water, and soil contamination from various pollutants requires effective and sustainable solutions to reduce or eliminate pollution and its impacts. In this work, we designed novel magnesium oxide and graphene oxide (MgO@GO) composite free-standing membranes for nanofiltration. The membranes were characterized with the help of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Further, free-standing MgO@GO composite membranes with different thicknesses were used to measure the water permeance. 410 nm-thick membranes showed high water permeance up to 480 ± 5 Lm−2 h−1bar−1. Further, the rejection efficiency of the membrane was measured against NaCl, CaCl2, Pb(NO3)2, CdCl2, and amoxicillin. The MgO@GO membrane (410 ± 10 nm) showed 100% rejection for amoxicillin and 99% for Pb(NO3)2, respectively. Additionally, the membranes were stable under acidic and neutral conditions for approximately ∌80 days and may used on an industrial scale to ensure water is clean and free from harmful substances

    Facile Fabrication of a Free-Standing Magnesium Oxide-Graphene Oxide Functionalized Membrane: A Robust and Efficient Material for the Removal of Pollutants from Aqueous Matrices

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    Environmental pollution significantly challenges human health, ecosystems, and the planet’s sustainability. Widespread air, water, and soil contamination from various pollutants requires effective and sustainable solutions to reduce or eliminate pollution and its impacts. In this work, we designed novel magnesium oxide and graphene oxide (MgO@GO) composite free-standing membranes for nanofiltration. The membranes were characterized with the help of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Further, free-standing MgO@GO composite membranes with different thicknesses were used to measure the water permeance. 410 nm-thick membranes showed high water permeance up to 480 ± 5 Lm−2 h−1 bar−1. Further, the rejection efficiency of the membrane was measured against NaCl, CaCl2, Pb(NO3)2, CdCl2, and amoxicillin. The MgO@GO membrane (410 ± 10 nm) showed 100% rejection for amoxicillin and 99% for Pb(NO3)2, respectively. Additionally, the membranes were stable under acidic and neutral conditions for approximately ∌80 days and may used on an industrial scale to ensure water is clean and free from harmful substances.</p