3 research outputs found

    Comparison of Tonovet® and Tonovet plus® tonometers for measuring intraocular pressure in dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and sheep

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    Background and Aim: Reference ranges for intraocular pressure (IOP) in healthy animals are device-specific; therefore, it is strongly recommended to use appropriate reference values according to the device. Therefore, our aim was to compare IOP readings made by TonoVet® and TonoVet Plus® in healthy dogs, cats, sheep, cattle, and horses. We compared IOP values measured by TonoVet® and TonoVet Plus® tonometers in clinically normal eyes of dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and sheep. Materials and Methods: Five groups comprising 20 animals each of dogs (various breeds, 9 months–10 years old, 14 females, 6 males), cats (various breeds, 6 months–12 years old, 8 females, 12 males), horses (various breeds, 5–12 years old, 12 females, 8 males), cattle (Holstein, 1–7 lactation, female), and sheep (Latvian Darkhead ewes, 1–8 years old) were included in the study. Both eyes of all animals were subjected to ophthalmic examination, including evaluation of IOP by rebound tonometry using TonoVet® and TonoVet Plus® devices. Normality was determined using the Shapiro–Wilk test. The independent t-test was used to determine differences between IOP values in the right and left eyes and between both tonometers. This study was approved by the Ethical Commission of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Nr. LLU_Dzaep_2022-2-4). Results: No differences in IOP between the right and left eyes were found in all cases (p > 0.05). The mean IOP ± standard deviation values in both eyes for TonoVet® and TonoVet Plus® tonometers were as follows: for dogs, 15.25 ± 2.73 mmHg and 19.65 ± 3.46 mmHg; and in cats, 18.88 ± 3.98 mmHg and 18.78 ± 4.26 mmHg, respectively. In horses, mean IOP was 22.15 ± 3.74 mmHg and 24.28 ± 3.00 mmHg; in cattle, 24.73 ± 2.89 mmHg and 23.28 ± 2.97 mmHg; and in sheep, 18.05 ± 3.54 mmHg and 22.49 ± 4.66 mmHg, respectively. Significant differences in IOP values were observed between the tonometers in sheep, dog, and horse groups (mean difference –4.40, –4.48, and 2.13, respectively). Conclusion: This study showed significantly higher IOP values measured by the TonoVet Plus® tonometer in dogs and sheep

    Brand „Labo logu aģentūra” development.

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    Maģistra darba tēma: „Zīmola „Labo logu aģentūra” attīstīšana”. Plastikāta logu izgatavošanas un montāžas nozarē Latvijā ir sīva konkurence – konkurentu ir daudz, taču ne katra kompānija aizdomājas par zīmola nozīmi biznesa attīstībā. Lai uzņēmuma tēls ieņemtu vietu patērētāju prātos, kompānijai ir nepieciešams spēcīgs ārējais un iekšējais zīmols, tāpēc autore maģistra darbā strādā pie vietējā zīmola „Labo logu aģentūra” attīstīšanas. Maģistra darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijas atziņām, izpētīt uzņēmuma pašreizējo pieeju zīmola attīstīšanā un vadīšanā un, vadoties no teorētisko aspektu analīzes un empīriskajos pētījumos iegūtajiem rezultātiem, sadarbībā ar uzņēmuma „Labo logu aģentūra” vadību, izstrādāt attiecīgā zīmola attīstības perspektīvas. Rezultātā tika izsecināts, ka zīmolam „Labo logu aģentūra” tiešām ir izstrādāti kvalitatīvi un klientam saprotami pamatkomponenti, tomēr autore uzskata, ka būtu jāpiedomā pie saukļa labskanīguma un mājas lapas komponentu izkārtojuma. Maģistra darba izstrādes laikā kopā ar uzņēmuma vadību tika definētas vērtības, uz kurām balstīt uzņēmuma iekšējā un ārējā zīmola komunikāciju. Šīs vērtības būtu jāiznes ārpus uzņēmuma vadītāja redzesloka un jāiemieso uzņēmuma darbiniekos, kuri veido uzņēmuma iekšējo zīmolu un komunicē ar patērētāju, tādā veidā palīdzot radīt un nostiprināt „Labo logu aģentūras” ārējo zīmolu. Balstoties uz klientu apmierinātības aptaujas rezultātiem, daļēji pierādās tā hipotēzes daļa, kura apgalvo, ka uzņēmuma klienti ir apmierināti ar uzņēmuma darbinieku sniegumu, klientu apkalpošanas un piedāvāto preču kvalitāti. Lielākā daļa respondentu šo apgalvojumu apstiprina, tomēr ir nianses, kuras darbinieku sniegumā būtu jāpilnveido. Pētījuma periods – no 2007. līdz 2012. gadam. Darba apjoms ir 104 lpp., tajā ir 20 attēli, 3 tabulas un 6 pielikumi. Izmantotās literatūras sarakstā ir 41 nosaukums. Atslēgvārdi: zīmols, stratēģija, attīstīšana, logi, analīzeTheme of master's diploma paper: "Brand „Labo logu aģentūra” development". In Latvian plastic window manufacturing and installation industry is fierce competition – there is a lot of competitors, but not every company thinks about brand importance of business development. In order to fill place of the company’s image in the minds of consumers, company needs a powerful external and internal brand, therefore the author of master’s diploma paper works on local brand „Labo logu aģentūra” development. Diploma paper will research the company's current approach to brand development and management, based on the theoretical aspects of analysis and empirical research results, will be developed the company's brand development perspective. These will be developed in cooperation with the company „Labo logu aģentūra” management. As a result, it was concluded, that brand „Labo logu aģentūra” is really designed for quality and customer to understand basics, however the author considers it faces the slogan soundness and the components layout of webpage. In time of research diploma paper together with company management was defined by the values on which to base the company’s internal and external brand communications. This values should be taken out of companies manager sight and embody its employees, who forms companies internal and external brand and communicates with consumer by helping to create and strengthen „Labo logu aģentūras” external brand. Based on costumer satisfaction surveys results limited evidence part of the hypothesis , that part of the claim, that companies clients is satisfied the company’s employee performance, customer service and quality of goods offered. The majority of respondents to this statement is supported by, but there is details, which should improve the performance of employees. The study period is from 2007 till 2012. Workload consists of 104 pages, 20 pictures, 3 tables and 6 attachements. In references is 41 names. Keywords: brand, strategy, development, windows, analysis

    Schirmer tear test and strip meniscometry in healthy cats

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    Background: The surface of the eye is covered by the preocular tear film, which is critical for maintaining a normal, healthy, visual, and comfortable vision. The Schirmer tear test (STT) and, more recently, strip meniscometry (SM) are used to evaluate tear production. Aim: To establish the normal values for STT and SM in healthy cats and to discover the correlation between these tests. Methods: A total of 25 mixed breed cats, aging from 8 months to 13 years of both genders (10 females and 15 males) were included in the study. All the cats were assigned to the study as being both clinically and ophthalmologically healthy. For the SM test, the tip of the strip was used to evaluate the meniscus without touching the eyelid or the cornea for 5 seconds. After a full tear washout period of 10 minutes, the STT was performed using a standard STT strip. Results: In the right eyes, the mean ± standard deviation (SD) of SM was 4.32 ± 2.27 mm/5 seconds, and in the left eyes it was 5.04 ± 2.24 mm/5 seconds (for both eyes combined: 4.68 ± 2.26 mm/5 seconds), with a median of 4 in both eyes; the reference values ranged from 4.04 to 5.32 mm/5 seconds. No significant differences were recorded in the SM between the right and left eyes of the cats when using the SM (p > 0.05). When the STT was used, the mean ± SD for the cats’ right eyes was 12.16 ± 4.04 mm/minute, and for the left eyes, it was 12.76 ± 4.1 mm/minute (for both eyes combined: 12.46 ± 4.20 mm/minute), with a median of 13.50 for both eyes. Reference values were calculated and ranged from 11.27 to 13.65 mm/minute. No significant differences were recorded between the STT for the right and left eyes (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Both tests can, therefore, be used to assess tear production in cats. For more precise results, SM should be evaluated according to the cat’s eye position—whether it is a brachiocephalic cat or a normaloid cat—and according to the age. In all cases, STT and SM should be evaluated according to the animal’s clinical status and the results of other diagnostic tools