443 research outputs found

    Haruki Kandatsu, My Lectures and Seminars in Okayama University

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    Measurement and Evaluation of Brain Activity for Train Drivers Using Wearable NIRS

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    Human errors of train drivers may cause serious damage. Therefore, research on human error prevention has been conducted by many researchers. In this context, brain activity measurement of train drivers using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been conducted to monitor the condition of train drivers. In this study, we developed a compact wireless wearable NIRS that can be used in natural environments. The wearable NIRS has been used to measure train drivers’ brain function using a train driving simulator. Experimental results showed that brain activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) increased when the driver made braking operation. The experiment for train driving with an accidental event was carried out to evaluate the relation between drivers’ attention and the brain activity. As a result, there was a difference in brain activity between with and without prior notice. Results showed that the increased attention of the train driver can be shown in the NIRS signal from the outer part of the prefrontal cortex

    Lebesgue decomposition for positive operators revisited

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    We explain how Pusz--Woronowicz's idea of their functional calculus fits the theory of Lebesgue decomposition for positive operators on Hilbert spaces initially developed by Ando. In this way, we reconstruct the essential and fundamental part of the theory.Comment: 13page


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    The purpose of this presentation is to show three cases of standard test to evaluate running motion on a 400m track, presenting the relationship of 02 consumption with the running motion at a treadmill test, and running motion during a distance race, and to discuss the effectiveness of motion sensor as a tool for tralning and coachlng in runnlng. These studies show that it might be useful to evaluate running motion by comparing running parameters of standard test to real race. Furthermore, the evaluation has a possibility to give criteria for training and a prediction of the race performance to a runner and a coach

    Structure of an inactive RNA polymerase II dimer

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    Eukaryotic gene transcription is carried out by three RNA polymerases: Pol I, Pol II and Pol III. Although it has long been known that Pol I can form homodimers, it is unclear whether and how the two other RNA polymerases dimerize. Here we present the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of a mammalian Pol II dimer at 3.5 Å resolution. The structure differs from the Pol I dimer and reveals that one Pol II copy uses its RPB4-RPB7 stalk to penetrate the active centre cleft of the other copy, and vice versa, giving rise to a molecular handshake. The polymerase clamp domain is displaced and mobile, and the RPB7 oligonucleotide-binding fold mimics the DNA–RNA hybrid that occupies the cleft during active transcription. The Pol II dimer is incompatible with nucleic acid binding as required for transcription and may represent an inactive storage form of the polymerase

    Structures of mammalian RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complexes

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    The initiation of transcription is a focal point for the regulation of gene activity during mammalian cell differentiation and development. To initiate transcription, RNA polymerase II (Pol II) assembles with general transcription factors into a pre-initiation complex (PIC) that opens promoter DNA. Previous work provided the molecular architecture of the yeast1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and human10,11 PIC and a topological model for DNA opening by the general transcription factor TFIIH12,13,14. Here we report the high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of PIC comprising human general factors and Sus scrofa domesticus Pol II, which is 99.9% identical to human Pol II. We determine the structures of PIC with closed and opened promoter DNA at 2.5–2.8 Å resolution, and resolve the structure of TFIIH at 2.9–4.0 Å resolution. We capture the TFIIH translocase XPB in the pre- and post-translocation states, and show that XPB induces and propagates a DNA twist to initiate the opening of DNA approximately 30 base pairs downstream of the TATA box. We also provide evidence that DNA opening occurs in two steps and leads to the detachment of TFIIH from the core PIC, which may stop DNA twisting and enable RNA chain initiation

    Experimental Studies on the Regenerative Process of Rabbit-caecum

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    After the experimental removal of the most part of caecum of rabbit, when it is bred over 100 days, the remained portion of the caecum is enlarged distinctly and not only the spiral plicae increases its number but it is partly formed a peculiar caecal-dilatation, projecting against the colon-side. The muscular layer of caecum-wall is generally thickened, especially the epithelium is markedly proliferated. This is a regenerative phenomenon on the caecum of which damaged portion is to be filled and partly regains the characteristic shape of caecum and at the same time shows the systematical changes on the whole caecum-tissue. Consequently it may be admitted that these changes are not merely the regeneration of tissue of caecum but it is a regenerative process as an organ. However, literature on this subject hold the same view that each tissue of intestinal canals of mammalia is independently regenerated but the regeneration of an organ is not acknowledged. Korschelt states in his book that &#34; Die ausgebildeten Wirbeltiere zeigen keine eigentliche Regeneration der einzelnen Abschnitte des Darmkanals. Wenn von einer solchen die Rede ist, handelt es sich nur um den Ersatz von Teilen der Schleimhaut, die sowohl im Magen, wie in den darauffolgenden Darmpartien stattfindet . . . &#34;. On the other hand, the fact shown by my experimental results on mammalia such as rabbit, proved the regenerative process of intestinal canals, and I believe that it is a new information which overthrows the old established view. On the subject of caecumregeneration, Schmalhausen and others have alreacly pointed out that the morphotgenesis of the regenerated organ or tissue is closely connected with the function or its mechanical element, and in case of the regenerative process of rabbit-caecum, its functional relation is undoubtedly the important factor. There are many theories on the caecum-function and caecum of herbivorous animal such as rabbit plays an important role on the digestion and resorption of cellulose as it has been hitherto marked by Tullberg Ustjnzezw Elllenberger and others. Any herbivorcus animal which takes food which is rich with cellulose, posseses the large caecum, and it is a well known fact that Such food taken is stored in the caecum for a long while and sufficient liquid and putrefactive action decompose the cellulose and completely digests. The remained portion of the excised caecum of rabbit partly regains its peculiar cul-de-sac which is physiologically formed as above described, and at least it may be said that the anatomical structure of caecum in which the intestinal contents isolated from the main intestinal canals is stored for a long while which signifies an importance of its function and again a part of the morphological changes in caecum-regeneration is probably a functional adaptation concerning the digestion and resorption of cellulose. Among the intestinal-tissues, the mucous membrane manifests most distinctly its regenerative activity and also the epithelium of mucous membrane on the originally remained portion of caecum is remarkably proliferated. Thus the defect of the caecum-tisseue is compensated by the hypertrophy. Such proliferation is not observed in all the intestinal canals except the caecum alone. Therefore, the epithelium of the caecum appears to monopolize this special function which the small intestines and colon are unable to compensate. </p

    Pathologisch-histologische Studien uber das Verhalten der Epithelköorperchen bei Lebererkrankungen

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    Verfasser stellte pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen der Epithelkörperchen (Epk.) an 35 menschlichen Leichen bei Lebererkrankungen, namlich bei 18 Fällen von Leberzirrhose, 11 Fällen von Lebergeschwulsten, 4 Fällen von Leberabszess und 2 Fallen von Lebernekrose an und untersuchte ferner noch die Epk. bei 62 Fälen von Nichtlebererkrankungen zum Vergleich. Zur Untersuchung der Grössen-und Gewichtsverhältnisse der Epk. wurden davon nur solche Fälle, bei welchen alle 4 Epk. vollkommen gefunden wurden, gewählt. Die Epk. übertrafen durchschnittlich auffallend bei Lebererkrankungen sowohl an Gewicht als auch an Grösse die bei Nichtlebererkrankungen. Histologisch zeigten die Epk. bei Lebererkrankungen einen kompakten Ban und meist ein spärliches Interstitium. Was das Auftreten oxyphiler Zellen sowie des Kolloides anbetrifft, so konnte keine bestimmten Mengenverhältnisse konstatiert werden. Unter den Hauptzellen waren aber die hellen Zellen bei Lebererkrankungen in der Mehrzahl der Fälle reichlicher vorhanden als die dunklen, während bei Nichtleber erkrankungen in den meisten Fällen ein Überwiegen der dunklen Zellen festgestellt wurde. Da bei den Lebererkrankungen in einzelnen Fallen sogar Wucherungsherde der Hauptzellen nachgewiesen wurden, scheint es sich hier bei der Vergrosserung der Epk. im wesentlichen um eine Hyperplasie zu handeln. Auf Grund obiger Untersuchungen kommt Verf. zu dem Schluss, dass bei einer Reihe von Lebererkrankungen, bei welchen das Leberparenchym in grossem Umfang geschädigt wird, in den Epithelkörperchen Wucherungserscheinungen vorkommen. Verf. fasst ferner die Hyperplasie der Epithelkorperchen wie das Überwiegen der hellen Hauptzellen als Ausdruck einer vermehrten Arbeitsleistung auf
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